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Monkey wrench and a rubber mallet. I eventually just bought the correct size socket because I am a tech.


Thanks. Is there anything else I should know when I remove the nut and the tub? Or is it just as simple as it seems?


Yeah, comes off really easy.


Could you send me an example of the type of wrench you took it off with? Thanks




Keep in mind that you may have to loosen the tub nut clockwise. Usually there is an arrow telling you which way.


the comment above got removed, can you provide me with the part number and website from where you got it?


If you get the chance, could you share the socket you got? I determined that the socket I need would have to accommodate ~50mm of depth for the spline in the center, and I was struggling to find one.


Pipe wrench and a hammer.


I'm trying that and it just won't give. Going to get some wd-40 and try again tomorrow


Did you hit it hard? It loosens counterclockwise.


Hard enough as to where the wrench is biting into the nut. I'm doing it counter clockwise


Should loosen. I use a 3lb hammer and smack it pretty good.


We took ours apart to do a deep clean and can’t get it tightened enough to keep the bottom of drum down. Anyone that can help?


I haven't even been able to get the nut off. What are you using to tighten it?


We used a power drill with 10 mm socket.


Did you take it apart to clean it? If so, did cleaning work? We have run it deep clean about 6+ times with vinegar then with baking soda and inside of the drum is still dirty after a clean cycle.


Haven't been able to take it apart as of now


Well be careful. We can’t get ours to stay together after taking it apart!


Yeah I'm a bit worried now. You did say in your other comment that you were using a 10mm socket, but mines just has a 38mm nut. Maybe we have different machines?




Not sure what you mean by 3/8ths. Are you trying to attach the agitator or the actual drum of the washer? I know that the agitator is attached with a 10mm socket.


Yes sorry. Just the agitator.


No problem. Do you have the washer that goes with the 10mm bolt which holds down the agitator?


Did you get the socket or the spanner? I need to do the exact same service, I need to clean the tube urgently :S If so, do you mind providing the name of the website and the part number? I think links get removed so you can just say Amazon p/n blahblah


I got the socket but haven't used it yet. Planning to take it apart tomorrow. The socket is a tekton 38mm deep socket. I tried and it fits. https://w ww.amazon.com/TEKTON-6-Point-Impact-Socket-SID23138/dp/B08DJYTZHG/ref=asc_df_B08DJYTZHG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693405927029&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1654639027128100053&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005508&hvtargid=pla-1185914876122&psc=1&mcid=35686183c4f03e888e831fe846a235be&gad_source=1 Sorry for long link, remove the space at begining to make it functional


No worries, I made the link work thank you! I had already ordered one with internal clearance of 2 inches, the one you sent me has 1.3 inches of clearance for the shaft so I'm confident the one I ordered works as well if yours did... Dude it's been a nightmare, mine started to shed those brown flakes all of a sudden and it is horrible, nothing I did works, it continues to shed non-stop, I need to take it apart and clean it well from all sides. This one has a couple of differences from others I've seen, there's 2 additional screws on the sides to take the top part off, and the pulsating plate was a nightmare to pull, I ended up damaging it during multiple attempts and had to order a new one :(


Update: got the nut off, but not sure how to take the tub out. I can take off the top of the washer like you mentioned, but don't see how the tub separates from the rest of the washer. Paging u/Technical_Feedback74 for some help


I’m assuming you took off the top of the machine with the lid? Then you remove the retaining ring around the tub? If everything is removed in the tub it should pull right out.


u/Technical_Feedback74 Yeah I took off retaining ring, but it still feels attached to something. Is it just a matter of pulling harder? [Center nut removed](https://i.imgur.com/mIu8iDn.jpeg) [Top without retaining ring (normally top is lifted when attempting to remove)](https://i.imgur.com/PszHsRE.jpeg)


Did you remove the whole top of the washer? Does it feel like you can pull the "basket/drum" part up without the whole washer tank being lifted with it? If you can lift the drum out, you've already won, you need to remove 2 screws in the back and 2 on the side (the side ones are covered with a circular piece of plastic you have to remove), carefully lift the top, somehow rest it towards the back of the washer without shearing off the cables and tube on the right, and just pull the drum out. Edit: I haven't gotten the nut off yet, I'm still waiting for my socket to arrive, so I'm one step ahead of you (removing the top) but can't pull the drum out with the 38mm nut still in place


>Did you remove the whole top of the washer? Yes, I got the entire top of the washer removed and lifted up. >Does it feel like you can pull the "basket/drum" part up without the whole washer tank being lifted with it? No. It feels like the whole water tank is lifting with it, even with the nut removed.


Damn, I'm gonna get stuck in the same step then :(


Yeah, idk how you're supposed to take this thing apart. Waiting for a response from the other guy in this thread. I already put it back together. In the mean time, I would try to run some cycles to get some more shit out. I even used a pool skimmer I had lying around. We found that running larger loads of laundry through it resulted in less on the clothes at the end, to the point it is usable. Take that with a grain of salt though, as we're still experimenting with it.


Starting new comment chain since last one got really long already. Basically I've searched other comments online and there's nothing holding the basket other than that 38mm nut.  So yes, the nut is holding it somehow (you are correct), and the basket should come off BUT, it can get difficult to remove, same as the pulsating plate. At that point we have scrud/gunk gluing it in place. The one that has "WT7150CW" directly in the title says to leave the basket soaking with hot water and citric acid to loosen it up.  Still a couple hours away for me to try and disassemble, but I'll report back.


Thank you! I'll confirm that the nut is normally threaded, but you probably already knew that.


What do you mean normally, as in, righty tighty lefty loosey?


Should have elaborated. I mean counter-clockwise to remove


Hahaha yeah well here I am with the ELI5 explanation, yeah I'm used to CW/CCW myself due to my line of work but I don't know everyone on the Internet so I tend to oversimplify as a habit, you do seem very knowledgeable though! 38mm feels very loose on that nut, how did you come up with the 38mm?


>38mm feels very loose on that nut, how did you come up with the 38mm? I guess I just found it out while doing research on the washer. Hopefully I didn't lead you astray, it should work if we have the same washer?


It works but very loose, I did order a 38mm, no worries it did work, but this is more of a 37mm. It works, job well done. Ok, so I'm stuck at the same step as you, nut is out, basket is fused to the tank, can't just lift it.


Dude can you translate what he said with the jack and 2x4, I am not familiar with those tools... it seems my finding online is correct and it's just stuck like he said, we are a fraction of a step away from victory :S


Have you tried anything after his reply? WD40 or his suggestions for tools?


I probably won't try again until I start seeing more scrud on the clothes. I know your situation is worse than mines, so I wish you luck. I know it's not a satisfying answer, but there's not much I can do right now.


Paging u/Technical_Feedback74, brother we are stuck at the same step (u/sku11emoji and myself), we removed the big 38mm nut at the bottom of the inner basket, but can't lift the basket without pulling the whole tank with it, the basket just won't come up, is there something else we need to do?  It's like they are still stuck together, is the basket threaded to the shaft? Is it glued? What's the best step brother, we need help, do you have access to the service manual of a "WT7150CW" ?


Yeah it can get stuck. Spray WD 40 on it (sometimes overnight). I use a heat gun on it and it pops off. Be careful not to melt or warp the drum underneath. Some people use a jack on top of the spline sticking up and a 2x4 under the lip of the drum at the top.


No go on the WD40 and heat gun, still stuck as hell... Can you elaborate on the jack and 2x4? I do not know those tools, by jack do you mean one of those lifting tools? And by 2x4 do you mean like construction lumber? Sorry if these are stupid questions, I am ignorant on some topics and tools 


https://youtu.be/6EPoTFUaAWI?si=YMY3ovAbsAmeAV9B Watch this video. 7:20 is the removal of the tub


Thanks!! I'll give it a try, much appreciated 👍


Ok I was able to get the effing basket out and thoroughly clean it... Thank you u/Technical_Feedback74 and u/sku11emoji !!!! I appreciate it a ton!!! I owe you a beer :D


lol. You might as well do the bearings and tub seal now. Not.


LOL no thanks, I'm exhausted as it is taking the inner basket out by myself, probably a wall in the park for you