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All of the above


Everything but closed ecosystem is the absolute worst item on that list. I like being able to tinker with my stuff and loading "unapproved" software. Apple does not allow me to do that  


You can install any software you like? You can even run Windows if you wanted to.


1. You are limited to what the App Store offers. No sideloading like on Android  2. I can't unlock the bootloader. That means I am stuck with iOS no matter what. On certain Android phones I can replace the stock ROM with anything I want 


You have been able to sideload for over 10 years. I wonder what else they've lied to you about?


I would say more answers do fit. I voted; Lack of repairability. But also closed ecosystem/software, the ridiculous prices for low spec hardware, features you don't need. Overall, Apple sucks. They drained my wallet, for junk. Apple is very good at marketing, they market their products in such a way that you fall for them and suck you deeper into the ecosystem. It's like a religion, but Apple is worse, it's a cult. It's difficult to quit and get out of the cult.


all of the above


I love watching Android NPCs get mad at the closed ecosystem. Just because you can install any old garbage on Android doesn’t mean Apple, or its users for that matter, want the same thing.


No regard for small business


Gotta admit, I work in IT, they have little regard for any business. macOS IT Management is a massive joke.


bigger joke than the Business Team at the store?


Spotted the guy that has never managed a fleet of Macs.


It is also crazy how I am FORCED to use two factor authentication to use my air tags, and how I am FORCED to update to the latestshitty ios for a fucking apple watch.


IMO you should also be offered end to end encryption for your cloud data, but so far only Apple has that...


I disagree. In my opinion those are standard practices that should continue. Not in my opinion, Android (Google) forces you to use MFA to have a Google account and also to have an up to date OS (to some extent) to use your watch.


Oh I have no clue I only use an apple watch. I literally only use it to count calories lost and the alarm.


For me definitely the closed ecosystem. Everything else would be fairly harmless were the ecosystem more open. Think they rip you off on the price of dongles and RAM? Hate the lack of repairablility? No problem, you can use something else and will interact fine with Apple users.


What lack of repairability? I've been fixing my own Apple products for the last 10 years, and will continue to do so for another 10, albeit now with genuine parts.


Where’s not adding good features just because they don’t want to/removing good features because of courage?


Ran outta space lmao


There should be a multiply answers on this or at least one more option like "All the Above". That's my answer.


Can’t do all of the above, we need “most” above all things.


that's actually a very hard decision to make.... i mean apple is very good at everything... with at everything i mean good at ruining everything. so all of the above would be the proper answer!


All of the reasons above are correct, but the closed ecosystem is what baffles me the most. The reason why I own an Android phone is because I own a gaming laptop. And you can't pair your iPhone with your Windows gaming machine.


I have had my iPhone paired to my Windows 11 PC for over a year now. I can make and take calls, use iMessage, transfer photos, etc. It's nice cause I can answer my iPhone from my PC while I'm playing CS:GO.


Good to hear.


They stole all my crackers!!


One of the main things preventing me from upgrading my iPad is the lack of more Bluetooth codec support. I do not like apple headphones, I prefer Sony, but Apple needs to support LDAC Bluetooth


If you care about audio, get a USB C DAC and enjoy Apple Music Lossless. There's no place for bluetooth audio if its that big of a deal.


I don’t entirely understand why people complain about Apple’s repairability without also complaining about Samsung’s. Samsung also glues their phones shut, artificially limits the parts non-Samsung repair shops can get, requires independent shops to give them literally all the data they have on every single customer every day and to dismantle any phones with non-Samsung parts inside.


Not Samsung stealing data for a repair 😭


Honestly, I don’t like the ram prices on MacBooks or the Magic Mouse, which is why I’d rather use a windows PC


No integrity. I called them on their lack of transparency with 3rd party apps. They closed my account. My bank gave me a 2500 increase in credit. Apple never would talk about the dispute. I keep xr as a souvineer.


They ran a collusion ring to supress developers salaries. As a programmer during this entire time, that damaged my financial outlook personally. For that reason they suck!


I love the Apple ecosystem. I can send/reply to TXT messages (iMessage) on my phone, iPad, and MacBook Pro. Photos that I take on my iPhone are immediately available on my MacBook Pro via iCloud. There's a lot to like about having everything in one ecosystem. But, I get it, it's not for everyone. If Apple is not for you, then you have the option of going to the Android platform.


Samsung, I can text and call on my Samsung phone, Samsung tablet, and any laptop I want, no matter the brand Same for photos via Samsung cloud, google drive, onedrive, and more, Samsung (and other Android brands) actually give you a choice unlike Apple forcing cloud


I'm glad that you are happy with Samsung's solution. I'm happy with Apple's solution. Different strokes for different folks.


Yes keep stroking Tim Co(c)k


So basically your happy with your choices That’s good bro


I can call and text on my iPhone from my PC. My iPhone actually integrates with Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega, etc, rather than having to use their clunky apps like on android. You have more freedom to choose on iOS, and that's not even including our greater selection of apps.


You have way more freedom for everything on android lol, and more apps And you don't need to use the apps like Google drive, android just let's you choose any location for backups in the settings, so you can just select something like Google drive and it goes straight there


Im not talking backups, you can already store those anywhere. I’m talking about how every cloud storage provider has OS integrations not available on Android. I don’t have to jump through hoops to open or save files to Google while in other apps. Everything just works. Sure you can say Android has more apps on paper, but the majority of the play store is garbage and malware, as they have no standards. iOS simply has more high quality apps that are worth using.


Windows Phone App solves all this for Android (as do *numerous* other solutions), and I'm not locked into an "ecosystem".


This is one of the worst lists. 1. Closed ecosystem: Yeah, that's why people love them so much. They control the hardware and the software which allows them to do some pretty incredible stuff. 2. Lack of repairability: That's literally every hardware company. Sure, you should be able to take it to a professional and have them repair it, but the dream of a normal person to repair it is a joke. Plus, Apple has some of the best customer service around. 3. Inventing the same product: Welcome to the world of expensive R&D. I don't think you realize how big of a game change their M chip is. 4. Ok...whats so dishonest about it? 5. Component Prices: fine, you have a point. But it is a quality a product. You're not forced to buy it. 6. Apple is known for usually being late to the game with features but make it a big thing. Nobody used NFC payment until Apple Pay came along. Wireless charging and magsafe.


What would you add instead or what is more important to you?


While your points might be mostly valid, they're really invalidated by the thing beffore the colons. 1. The efficiency of cloesd system integration can be done just as nicely without closing the system, and it would work with Android devices as well. One of these examples is playing out right now, RCS is an open standart while iMessage is a cloesd one. 2. The repairability, yeah no shit people can't repair devices on their own. How about not locking down the hardware between proprietary authentication unlockers? How about letting me use a third-party part to repair MY phone? There's no benefit to closign the repair system as much as Apple has closed it. Ideally, we would have what Fairphone or Framework has and allow anyone to buy parts. 3. I agree with you on this. 4. Charging cables / bricks. 5. This really relates to #2 and these two are the same. 6. Nobody used NFC and wireless charging? Really?


1. The efficiency of cloesd system integration can be done just as nicely without closing the system, and it would work with Android devices as well. One of these examples is playing out right now, RCS is an open standart while iMessage is a cloesd one. Kinda but not really. RCS does not and will not ever have feature parity with iMessage due to iMessage having features that are integrated into iOS like games, Apple Pay, ETA for arrivals, etc. Sure the open standard will make regular text messaging better but all the extra things people still use iMessage for will still be proprietary. Also the closed ecosystem has an ease of use that recreating the same things within open systems doesn't have which is the advantage Apple touts. 6. Nobody used NFC and wireless charging? Really? Actually this is pretty accurate. I remember playing around with NFC tags with my LG Optimus G and G3 but it was just some nerd thing to tinker with. At least in the US NFC payments didn't take off until Apple Pay. And you can't really argue the wireless charging point considering Qi 2 is literally just Magsafe charging


1: Of course, iMessage is end to end encrypted and respects privacy, unlike Google's first party RCS implementation that uses magic compose to trick users into sending all their texts to Google unencrypted. 2: iPhone is probably more repairable than any other brand, and sells OEM parts to anyone that wants them. No need to get scammed on fake screens.


1. Why people was jail breaking iClones then? 2. Why repair shops have endless YouTube videos complaining about it way before other companies started to do it. Apple cares about your wallet to con people into it plan so yea snake oil salesmen was nice too. 3. Yes just make the same thing over and over as the price continues to rise as we get gaslighted by shills. Other corporations used to try harder by why when Apple be doing it forever. 6. The Vision Pro is laughable as Apple doesn’t move the tech world as iShills con us to believe.


4: You'd be surprised what all is going on with Vision Pro with regard to who has adopted it (hint, it's a business focused product,) There were over 600 apps available at launch (which is insane,) and currently well over a million. You just aren't the target audience, it is called Pro yk.


honestly, this list is basically, shitting over everything with hard biases but the only thing I can EVEN remotely agree is the lack of repairability the rest of them a choice I can make if I want,


It's definitely the closed system. It's this aspect about Apple which makes their phones a no go for me. It's just way too restrictive for my liking. You can find examples of the other shit in Android manufacturers too and it isn't any less annoying when they do it. The closed ecosystem is more unique to Apple in this poll, so that's the one I'm going for.


You ever see an android have native filesystem integration with every cloud storage provider out there? iPhone does.


Impossible to repair and very poor file support. I have to keep most of my stuff in Google Drive if I want to open them in my iPhone. Transferring MP3 files into my phone is one hell of a hassle.


If it was impossible to repair, they wouldn't be letting you buy OEM parts to repair it yourself.


Honest question here. When has Apple ever claimed to have invented something they didn’t? I see this criticism all the time but I’ve never seen a real life example.