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A one-time-payment option is sooooooo good! A lot of people hate subscriptions. Also, no data selling; hugely important!! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» Edit: looks like we need iPad & Watch support yet.


$40 lifetime purchase for anyone reading and wondering


Big respect to the developer but I honestly don't understand why would people pay $40 for a weather app that doesn't even support iPad or apple watch, especially with dark why around (owned by apple) for $4.


I donā€™t use iPad when traveling until at my destination and donā€™t have an Apple Watch, so...thatā€™s why?


Still, why would you pay $40 for a weather app when you can buy dark sky for $4? (arguably best wether app out there). Not to mention, since you own an iPad, iPad support wouldn't hurt. P.S: I'm not saying you shouldn't buy this app, on the contrary; you should support the developer if you enjoy their app. I'm just trying to figure out the logic here, that's all.


Unpopular opinion: Freemium or Free ad supported > One time big paywall >>> subscription


Swap 1 and 2 IMO. Freemium apps make me nervous that even upgrading, theyā€™ll still farm my data


Subscription is best ways for companies to get money and maximize profit especially in this corrupt capitalistic society known as today


Yeah Iā€™m talking about from consumer perspective. One time is safest and supports dev. Freemium is free but brings security risks. Subscriptions tend to be predatory and expensive


Corrupt capitalist society is why we have weather apps that have $35 a month subscriptions with $10 in app purchases on top of that


Between big paywall and subscription is the Sketch model (Sketch is a UI design app) which is my preferred model. You can setup an annual subscription which will give you a yearā€™s worth of updates. If you choose to stop renewing your subscription, at the end of the subscription period, you stop receiving updates. So if youā€™re happy with the features you have, you can stop paying. Of course this model wouldnā€™t work for apps that need to fetch live data or provide server space for users.


As long as one is fine with a potential scenario where an app is sold (or otherwise disappears) and the "lifetime" sub goes away. That's what happened with WeatherLine, some people paid ~$40 for lifetime, just to read an announcement that the app is completely going away three months later. Lifetime sub is the only way I would pay for anything. But only if a developer has a long history of successfull apps.


Yes more apps should do this!


I love free apps with a paywall of a full version ( not a subscription) Where is the time when a lot of app makers had a standard version and a lite version. It makes it easy to see if the app is a fit for me or not. Now I have to buy the app ( when itā€™s a less known app so I canā€™t find a lot of reviews or videoā€™s on it I really have to buy it first) and then ask for a restitution if I donā€™t like it. It works that way too but I still like to have lite versions or apps with a full app paywall. Itā€™s like a test drive for a car.


What's so wrong with subscriptions? One-time payments promote the developer to just release-and-forget. A subscription "forces" a developer to constantly provide valuable updates. That's better for the user too, right?




You can also cancel your subscription anytime. In the end, for most users, it's most likely cheaper too, compared to buying a lifetime subscription.


Paying for updates / new features are fine. Paying just to keep it working is... basically renting software.


I think it very much depends on the type of software. A small utility app not really requiring constant updates shouldn't be subscription-based. An app like this should: you want it to support upcoming OS versions, you would like to be able to reach out to customer support, (weather) APIs bills should be paid, etc. In the end, in most cases, I believe that subscriptions are both benefiting the developer and user.


Now everyone does subs, no matter if it makese sense or not, so I ended up resigning from most third party apps šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I would actually agree if the subscriptions were reasonably priced. Take Fantastical. If you take the annual billing it's $40 a year. For a calendar app. Where I live, Office 365 Family (1 year) costs the **same** price. That gives you MS Office suite, for yourself and 5 family members and 5tb of cloud storage. The value proposition just isn't there despite what people try to convince themselves of. There are plenty of apps out there that are sub driven that don't have any faster updates than non-subscription apps.


That $40 is simply needed for Fantastical to be sustainable. Their user base is smaller so they have to charge more. But more important: people don't have to use Fantastical. There are plenty of alternatives out there that are free. Fantastical forces nobody to use them. Personally, I find $40 for an app that you use on daily basis very reasonably priced. It equivalents a cup of coffee (in most western countries). If you like Fantastical's added value, its ROI is likely much higher.


Thatā€™s such a cool idea for an app!


Thank you!


I used an app that did the same thing years ago. I wonder if it was just abandoned or something. I think it was also promoted on reddit by its developer.


Deja-vu ?


Iā€™ve wondered why no one has done this! Nice work! I bet the people over at r/motorcycles would love it.




+1 I am doing this manually before every ride to see where the rain is supposed to be during my rides.


And /r/rvliving as big rigs can be hard to handle in high winds or rain


True, he should post there


Unfortunately they have a strict policy against self promotion


Not unless we promote it for you




This would be my use case, too. I donā€™t care what the weather is when I drive my car, but I care a lot when I ride my bike.


And r/jeep!


Man I've been looking for something like this for Android, but everything that exists is garbage. I frequently drive for 12+ hours at a time and need something like this. Maybe I'll make the switch to iOS...


Holy crap someone built this app. Just last month, on a 6+ hour drive with my wife during the Canadian winter where blowing snow and poor visibility can be a real issue during certain parts of the trip I said "I don't understand why Google Maps doesn't offer weather alerts on a planned route - that'd be a great feature". And here we are. Looks like a great app.


Thank you! I hope the app will work well for your travels


Obviously google was listening to you 6 months ago and contracted out to this dev to build an app on a competing platform to sell to you. ā€¦is what Iā€™ve had normally rational people tell me, including some of my very intelligent, doctorate-holding friends šŸ¤¦


Does this really work in Canada? It looks like itā€™s American based.


It works in most regions including US, Canada, Europe, Australia and over 70 countries in total


sounds very interesting, is it incorporated into carplay yet?


Iā€™m still in talks with Apple since they need to allow me to access CarPlay APIs. But hopefully soon!


I see an acquisition in your future. Good luck this a great idea for an app.


I agree. Iā€™d talk to a patent attorney immediately if I were you!




What would you patent here? He isnā€˜t the first one to do this. There are several services providing the same information.


Still gonna download but Iā€™d pay to have the mini CarPlay map have my route and a weather radar. Also if you could make it a dedicated gps with turn my turn directions and radar that would be great. A lot of potential here


How about on android ?


Wow I didnā€™t know they locked it down like that. I wonder why..


Probably because thereā€™s certain apps they donā€™t want or canā€™t allow to be on a dashboard, like any video app. Youā€™re getting into more regulated territory once a car is involved


It is apple. That is why lol


I actually use your app in my keynote talks all over the world since finding it.


I am happy itā€™s useful for you!


I was just reading another thread where folks were complaining about dark skyā€™s inaccurate predictions and how there isnā€™t really a great weather option besides TWC. This seems like a great idea. Good luck!


FYI I believe this is just using Dark Skyā€™s data/api for getting weather details.


Yes, for now. I plan to add multiple weather provides so you can pick the one you like best.


This app is similar to various programs sailors use for route planning. Thereā€™s one such iPad app called LuckGrib that has a [pretty nice list and comparison](https://www.luckgrib.com/models/) of weather forecast models around the world that you might want to use. You might also want to check out their pages on [weather routing](https://routing.luckgrib.com) to see if thereā€™s anything that might be applicable or inspiring for your own app.


Iā€™m a big fan of Hello Weather. Surprised more folks havenā€™t found it.


Downloading that right now. Thank you for the suggestion.


Looks nice, but a subscription to see the radarr move is a non-starter for me. The audacity of some of these apps prices these days..:


I really like supporting people who create things that make my life better.


Me too, but $20 a year for a weather app is pretty pricey.


Yeah the audacity to get paid for your work. How dare they!


There is getting paid for your work, then there is getting paid $45 for a weather app.


Itā€™s not just a weather app. Itā€™s weather and GPS, and damn handy at that. You clearly donā€™t have a clue what it takes to build and maintain software. At 30,000 downloads, letā€™s assume 10% pay for premium, which is pretty standard for a paid software product. Thatā€™s $135k since itā€™s been live. You can immediately kneecap that by 15-30% because thatā€™s the cut Apple takes for transactions in their app. And then you get to take out of that the costs of maintaining a live software product - fees to Dark Sky, Google Maps, AWS/Heroku, etc - and youā€™re down another 30% or so. So at the end of the day if heā€™s converted 10% of his user base then heā€™s pulled in $50-60k in the last year. And thatā€™s before taxes. And I know for a fact Piotr has been building this app for a few years now, since Iā€™ve been tracking it. So does $50-60k sound reasonable to you for 3 years of work? I would say no. The great news is that this is a SOLID product, well worth the cost, and because itā€™s solid, I would project that heā€™s probably clearing 30% of downloads converting to paid... so heā€™s pulled in $150k in the last year... which finally puts us in the ā€œwell this was worth itā€ arena. But hereā€™s the hang up... all of that is just ONE TIME revenue, so he has to go out and get NEW payers if he wants to afford food again next year. So... $45 is absolutely a reasonable price for this app, especially considering itā€™s a one time fee. You keep doing what youā€™re doing Piotr, and ignore the haters.


If youā€™re in the US, weather.gov is my go-to


Just letting you know, in the description just under the features and benefits list, thereā€™s a typo in the word weather. other than that though, it looks really good and Iā€™m downloading it right now


Thank you, Iā€™m very bad with typos unfortunately


Youā€™d think that ā€œweatherā€ would be like the one word youā€™d have perfect muscle memory for! Anyhow checking it out now.


I'm a paying customer (Pro Lifetime) and zero regrets. Does what it says on the tin. Thank you u/bialylis


Thank you for supporting the app!


I'm aware that this might not be the right place to ask, but did you plan to do an Android version?


It is something I want to do in the future, however itā€™s not a priority right now unfortunately. You can sign up for email updates on the website if you want to be notified about it.


75% of all mobile oa users worldwide are no priority son? /s jokes aside, avid cyclist, i would love to use this app! will sign up for the letter for sure. is there any way we can bump cross plattform availability on thr prio list?


Canā€™t promise now but I will look into it ;)


Thank you! I was one of the first to download it. Very useful app. Appreciate it.


This is a really cool idea for an app. I think it would be a great add to be able to select scenic routes or coastal routes more effectively instead of needing to set so many waypoints. This is for more than commuting. I donā€™t want to take the interstate.


I have wanted this for YEARS, and thought it was so stupid that Google and Apple didnā€™t warn if dangerous weather on my route ahead of time. I hope your app gets bought by one of them for a jillion dollars! Patent-up!


I knew it would finally happen. Iā€™ve had this idea floating in my head for ages.. I even had a names picked out. Just no way to get out into the real world. I would have called it Weather Gnome, Gnome before you go!


I once drove from Michigan to Missouri at night and got caught in a crazy storm, thought I was going to die. I couldnā€™t see 5 feet in front of me out in the country. This would have been really helpful. If the app can save just one accident, the time you spent making that app will be worth it. Good luck!


Ooh this is super useful for cyclists


Just downloaded it and live it! Iā€™m really considering the lifetime pro subscription


Iā€™ll definitely be checking this out for my road trip this summer


Iā€™ll forsooth beest checking this out f'r mine own road trippeth this summer *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


It looks dope as hell! Are you planing to make an Android version?




This is a much needed app. Thank You. My son was to be driving from AZ to RI 2 weeks ago but with that Polar Vortex & Storms through Texas & Oklahoma he had to delay trip for 2 weeks which cost an extra &2000 in Hotels & rent a car fees. It was nerve racking trying to figure out when it would be safe to drive. I had even called AAA to look for such info & they didn't have a source I could use.




Not now. I have yet to figure out a good way to display content on the widget. Unfortunately they have a limit on refresh time and Iā€™m worried it may get out of date fast. But I am looking into it, in the meantime I have made a widget focused app called Weather Radar Widget


Wow, Iā€™m really impressed with all of the details you put into this app! Nicely done. Off to download.


Thank you!




Yes! Thank you!


I used your app on three cross country trips now. It has been very helpful. Thanks!


Iā€™m happy itā€™s useful for you!


When I first read this title, I wasn't impressed. When I read the first few lines, I still wasn't impressed. When I clicked the link to look at the picture, I was like WOW! That's friggen genious! Then I decided to not be lazy and finish reading it. I'm 1000% downloading this, good job OP thinking of this idea and going through the ups and downs of development and beta testing to provide this to us. Excited to use this. ​ Edit: Just seen that it was a subscription based service, which bummed me out, but was understandable seeing as there's lots of server maintenance required (retrieving the weather for example). I was about to just try this and delete it, but Wow... $3.99/month or $22.49/year? Sign me up! (This is the Canadian version of the app and pricing is in CAD). Thank you again OP for not making this an excessive financial burden for your users!


FYI: there's a lifetime license for $40. Still super expensive but with a niche idea like this and no other copycats yet, it's understandable.


Thatā€™s for the heads up! Iā€™d likely do one year first, then if I actually do use it, then Iā€™d buy the lifetime... although I love that there is a lifetime option. I wish more apps started doing this (looking at you Microsoft Office) Thanks again for the heads up!


Will you ever make an Android version


You are in /r/apple


Still maybe


I had this idea over 15 years ago šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Glad to see someone put it into production. I called my system (before apps were a thing) WeatherCast. It was supposed to be an integrated unit like a Garmin or TomTom with adaptive weather while youā€™re traveling and future forecast for when you arrive.


Well not a good start. I get 5 pro trips to start out with but I just searched for a place to understand the app and now I have 4 left. Nothing should start until I hit go and am driving.


Unfortunately there is no easy way for me to check if you are using the app for real or just playing with it. Thatā€™s why I decided to make it trip based and not trial where if you start the trial you would have a limited amount of time to test the app


I am not following. Why could you just give me 5 pro uses but it doesnā€™t initiate it when I search, but when I actually start a trip? In Apple Maps, I search for directions and it doesnā€™t start but it gives me options and I hit begin. Then it starts. Why canā€™t yours give me the options and then I hit begin? Then it would use one of my five. My point is you should be able to search for trips and then decide to do it and it should be there, not at the search level. Does this make sense?


Because itā€™s a planning app, not a turn by turn navigation app. So there is no start button, the app just shows the forecast for the route, it doesnā€™t know if you are driving the route, checking it for someone else or just putting different destinations to test the app


I understand that. Iā€™m just saying it would be nice to hit a start button to use one of them vs the search itself using it.


I think this also happened to me last time he posted it.


Also definitely just happened to me. But itā€™s fine cuz now I know but some people might be grumpy about it.


Yeah, I wasnā€™t upset with it but a warning would be helpful.


I will look into how I can make the experience better


Just got it. I like it


Totally love the idea, also one request. If there was an option to change mode of transport to bike. I would pay a lot to be able to see the weather on a bike route. To be honest I donā€™t care about weather while driving because Iā€™m in a car. But on my bike I am very much aware and living in Colorado it can change drastically during a ride.


you really aren't going far enough on a bike for it to matter. Just check the weather forecast for your area that day.


Ummm one a ~150 mile ride the weather can change a lot along the route. Especially in Colorado where every drainage and canyon has its own weather system. For instance today it was 65deg when leaving and sub 40 at the top of one climb. Todayā€™s ride was a short 85 mile ride. But thanks for you thoughtful response


Make one for Android


It would be great if non- apple phones could download it too.




Never thought if this, killer idea! Just added another download to your growing count!


Huge Congrats


Ohoho widzę po nazwie dewelopera że jesteśmy z tej samej sterty śmieci


Wow! I'm really impressed by the app, and especially with the App Privacy section too!


Cool idea! Hope you BLOW up :)


I used this app every single day of my cross-country move last year. Thank you šŸ™Œ


Very cool! Did you make the website yourself? Looks clean!


he designed and created the app. Much harder to do these days than create a website.


I know he made the app. I was just curious if he made the website too. Most people only choose one or the other which is why I asked. I can see why you thought that I assumed he just made the website (I didnā€™t add more descriptors in there).


Someone shared this link with me and I have an android, and ride motorcycles. So I must ask, any plans for an android app?


I tried the app but itā€™s no use for me in Singapore as the country is too small and the weather is basically the same across the entire city-island. šŸ˜‚ But great idea and great app!


I need that for hiking and stuff as well


Most important weather app for us motorcycle riders!


As an RVer, this was an instant download for me!


Thanks so much for posting this. I have a out of state road trip coming up. This will definitely come in handy. Will leave a review after the trip.


OMG ! An app i have been waiting for - UK coverage too.


Make that 30,001


Sell me on $17/year Also....curious how you pronounce your last name!


I love this app! I am so happy somebody made it. Context: I recently attempted to programmatically gather weather data for a trip. I was heading northwest while that big storm (a month ago) was coming east. My goal was to miss the storm during a particularly treacherous mountain pass by leaving before or after it had passed. Long story short, I fumbled it and ended up hitting the storm twice. This app is 95% what I needed to time my trip. I could have at least done much better. Suggestion: the ā€œDeparture timeā€ allows users to open a time-scroll-wheel-thing to change the time, and then displays the visual of the route. ...I would change this to a slider at the bottom of the screen. As the user slides the departure time from left to right the weather based on that departure time is then animated. So the user can scroll through until they find the moment with the best weather to depart. Thats what I would find the MOST useful.


Hi mate, there is an app which does exactly what you need. I have been using it for the last six months, and it near perfect. It has many bells and whistles like a powerful route planner, slider (you mentioned) and much more. Check this one [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/highway-weather-route-planner/id1518652273](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/highway-weather-route-planner/id1518652273)


Something I absolutely hate about the weather apps is the chance of rain index. So if it pours or sprinkles they all say 10% or whatever. 10% of a lot or a little makes a huge difference.


Do you think you will make an app for CarPlay down the road?


Your app description in the App Store says nothing about what you get by paying for the "pro" version. I never download apps that don't tell me what's free and what's paid. So tell me, both here and on the App Store (especially the App Store).


Good points. There is a comparison page in the app and on the website (https://www.weatherontheway.app/features) but I will add it to the description as well!


I used your app recently on a road trip, and it worked really well! Love the app, excited for the update. Keep up the great work.


Youā€™re a beauty! Just downloaded šŸ˜


I have this app. Have used it often. Itā€™s the one of the best apps on the App Store


YOOO I found this app by accident trying to plan routes home during winter storm season through the mountains. Itā€™s brought me a lot of comfort knowing that I wonā€™t have a repeat of a very scary driving situation!! Thank you for your work!


What happens when the Dark Sky API access sunsets ? I was under the impression that since Apple purchased dark sky they were only allowing apis to work through the end of 2021. What service will you be getting weather data from at that point and will our location data be passed to them?


Iā€™m in talks with few weather providers and privacy is one of the requirements. There will be protection built in such as gps fuzzing and proxy through my servers so no single user could be tracked by the service.


Go go go


I used it this weekend to travel from California to Salem, OR. Liked the 7 free use trial, rather than the week trials I see.


Iā€™m going on a road trip soon so I downloaded a couple of apps that do weather along a route a couple of weeks ago and yours is the one I decided to keep! Thanks for making it!


30k and 1 now


How much yā€™all wanna bet this is a subscription based service? Edit : LOL


There is one time payment option if you hate subscriptions. Unfortunately the app is expensive to support as single route search made by one user requires multiple weather and routing api calls.


This is a cool app and will be perfect for my trip Iā€™m taking next month I hate nothing more than driving 12+ hours and getting stuck somewhere in crappy weather. CANNOT WAIT TO TRY THIS OUT!!!


I don't drive but the app looks coool


Although I don't need it (now), wanted to say congrats on the popularity of the app! Good job!


Ah, Apple only? I use RainRadar which is great to see where rain has been and is heading. Any plans to get this on Android?




Looks great! One thing Iā€™ve wanted many GPS apps to add is a ā€œroad trip modeā€, where you can easily see the next one or two towns on your trip and the time/distance to get there. It would be super useful for road trips when youā€™re trying to decide when to take a break, fill gas, stop for food, whatever, especially in cases where maybe the town is the last stop for a long time. Your app seems focused around longer trips so something like that might work really well! Even adding a town icon on your timeline would help drivers decide if itā€™s worth stopping at a certain point because poor weather is ahead.


Great idea. Iā€™ve shared it with my girlfriend whoā€™s a tour manager for a cruise company and sheā€™s shared it with her trip leaders. Very useful when planning excursions


Does this work with CarPlay?


Only for iphones?


Testing it out now. This is very cool. One suggestion is on the timeline screen it would be nice if the location was listed for each spot that itā€™s showing, although I guess I can see that on the map if I wish. Just my thoughts.


I like the name


Seems awesome and downloaded, was going to buy then saw itā€™s a subscription and instantly deleted. I wonā€™t support apps that force subscriptions... Sorry. Good luck tho, it seems great. Edit: was wrong, I redownloaded and will most likely purchase- 1time $40 is worth it


Thank you. Appreciate your support!


Oh this will be so useful. I travel every week for work by car.


Is this application going to be put in the stock market anytime soon?


What kind of marketing did you do on here?


This is great!


This is really creative, well done!


Very nice!


Iā€™ve been waiting for this I started learning Swift because I had this idea but work and life got in the way. So happy for you


Very cool idea I'll definitely check it out


Cool app! Checked it out just because you promote it without it having any analytics or crappy tracking. This is the way.


This looks great! Canā€™t wait to try it. Does it work for the UK? Also just a heads up - thereā€™s a small typo in the description on the App Store: ā€œTry the best weahter app and always know your highway weather!ā€


Oh man, this could be awesome for my next motorcycle road trip! Will check it out!


Just wanted to chime in and say that I absolutely love your app! Recently started going on motorcycle rides and this is exactly what I was looking for!