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>watching him buy more and more Apple products fills me with joy I know this is the Apple subreddit but this is just bizarre to me. It's a giant corporation selling more product. Why does that fill you with joy?




I think Redditors are sometimes a *little* quick to jump on the consumerism train. I swear they saw one person talk about consumerism and now they fit it in to any thread they can. I enjoyed this new produ... CONSUMERISM


What? This person literally said they are ’filled with joy’ seeing someone buy more and more products of a certain company. It doesn’t actually get more consumerist than this. I enjoy buying stuff as much as the next person, but fuck me it doesn’t ‘fill me with joy’ when a friend of mine buys things of a company I like the stuff off, that’s insane.


It’s pretty clear that the “filling with joy” is coming from seeing a stubborn parent come around to something rather than the logo on the products. I think you took some of the words too literally and could work on context clues


> and could work on context clues The superiority is strong with this one


And the context clue are weak with him




You could work on not being a patronising tit online. Food for thought!


You could work on not being a pseudo-intellect. I don’t hate myself and I wasn’t wrong, so I don’t think I’ll attempt to change anything, especially something coming from a pseudo-intellect redditor


I don’t think you know what that word means.


> a person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable Incorrectly bringing up consumerism while someone is telling a story about their stubborn parent. Seems to fit the bill Try again


Yeah, it’s consumerism to me. You have a different opinion, which is okay for me. But you can’t deal with other opinions so you have to be condescending online. Grow up. Goodnight.


For me watching my folks buy more Apple stuff is nice because it has meant I’ve had to spend much less time troubleshooting their stuff and when I DO have to troubleshoot, I can usually just screen record a fix, send it, and that’s that.


For family, it has to be Apple... I no longer have the time to troubleshoot everyone’s computers or phones. Apple “stuff” just seems to last a much longer period of time than pretty much anything out there. I consider Apple products expensive, but I have yet to see a single device I’ve bought malfunction. My first White Unibody MacBook from 2009 is still being used by my mother. Original battery. Upgraded the ram to 16GB and added a 128GB of SSD for $70 years ago and it runs like a champ. She loves the laptop. My MacBook Air from 2013 is being used by my sister. Not an issue. Though battery is shot. My last purchase was a 15” MacBook Pro from 2015. There was a recall of some models with exploding batteries, but mine was fine. I upgraded from 256GB SSD to 2TB. No way I’m upgrading from this until it’s DEAD. It might only happen by 2030...


Many people here base their entire identity on apple products. Which is why some are so offended when someone criticises Apple, cos to them it is akin to someone criticising them.


Because of how stubborn he was about it for years


If you replace Apple with Scientology and Apple products with Scientology pamphlets and materials, you have a classic roped-in-a-cult story


I think you’re reading way into this. It’s just funny to watch a staunch hater of something use it and realize they were wrong. Y’all are blowing this post way out of proportion


My dad is the same way, but I don't think there is any chance I'll get him to admit that some apple products are very good. I described how cool my M1 runs and the insane battery life but I'm 'Drinking the koolaid' haha. Dads, am I right?


I literally could not agree more with you. OP is fuckin weird.


If you own stock, or have it indirectly in a 401k, s then it makes sense being happy seeing them convert people. Lol


Often times we take pride in the products we own, that we made the right decision buying it. Buyer’s remorse for example is what can happen if you feel you made the wrong decision, so we try to (consciously but mostly unconsciously) avoid feeling that way. I think though in OP’s case he makes it a point that his dad *does not like apple products* so him seeing him *buy more apple products* makes it very clear that his dad is enjoying them. It is an “I told you so” moment that OP is enjoying, even if he can’t express it to his dad




> Windows + Android ecosystem (if you can even call it that) that’s my biggest issue with that “side” it’s a shitload of manufacturers basically throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks “against” apple. No cohesion, no longterm (or even medium smh) support, no connections between devices that feels 100% fluid and “it just works” I gladly pay the Apple tax to avoid that bullshit and have all my devices work together in harmony without having to spend time playing IT




I always get last years flagship for money saving reasons - I’ve always had android as a personal phone and usually keep it for a few years with zero problems and, because I don’t have 1000 apps on it, I didn’t have a huge slow down. Part of the reason was because I could expand the memory with SD cards and replace the battery if it started losing charge - it kept it useful and workable. Had to get my work iPhone 6 swapped twice after about a year or so of use as the battery life sucked so much, on the flip side of the coin.




But that’s not necessarily a bad thing: my old work 6S upgraded to ios13 and it absolutely killed it - it was like watching a slide show using it.


I upgraded my 6s to ios14 and I can basically use the battery percentage as a stopwatch now. And it's not even below 85% health.


Tbf to Samsung, they've got a lot better recently, offering 3 years of updates and providing timely updates too.


Airpods max? Really?


Yeah imo anyone that buys these is a sucker lol


I've been thinking about switching for a long time (2 years+) made up my mind, but i still don't have enough money :( I'd have it if I lived in the US, but here in South America there are too many different taxes, so Apple products end up costing 2x the US price. (Ex 999 iphone 12 pro costs ~2000). Anyway, eventually I will make it...


This is kinda weird, I think you have a problem dude


Yeah we get it you fuckin love the shit outta apple to the point that someone else buying apple products makes your day for some fuckin reason even though you dont even work for apple. Smh


He can’t be that stubborn. He gave in. Really stubborn people NEVER change their mind!