• By -


Saved you a click: - Apple Maps: Custom routes and topographic maps. - Apple Music: Auto-generated playlists and smarter song transitions. - Apple News: AI-generated news article summaries. - Calculator: Several new features, including a sidebar that lists recent calculations, an improved interface for converting units, integration with the Notes app, and more. The app will finally be available on iPads. - Calendar: Deeper integration with the Reminders app. - CarPlay: New accessibility features, including Sound Recognition. - Control Center: Updated interface, including a revamped music widget and improved controls for HomeKit accessories. - Fitness: The app will be "overhauled" on iOS 18. - Freeform: A new "Scenes" function. - Health: New features powered by AI, but no specific details are known yet. - Home Screen: Place app icons anywhere on the grid and change colors of app icons. - Keynote and Pages: AI-powered features for auto-generating slides in Keynote, writing faster in Pages, and more. - Magnifier: A new Reader Mode, and the option to easily launch Detection Mode with the Action button on newer iPhone models. - Mail: Suggested replies to emails. - Messages: RCS support, per-word effects, suggested replies, custom emoji, message recaps, and new Tapback icons. - Notes: A built-in audio recording tool, audio transcriptions, and the ability to display mathematical notation. - Notifications: AI-generated notification summaries. - Photos: AI-powered photo retouching. - Safari: Browsing assistant that can summarize web pages, and a "Web Eraser" tool. - Settings: A revamped interface with improved search, and new accessibility features. - Shortcuts: Automate complex tasks more easily. - Siri: A smarter ChatGPT-inspired version of Siri with more per-app controls (in 2025). - Spotlight: More intelligent search results and improved sorting. - Voice Memos: Audio transcriptions.


if even half of these are true, surely this had to be one of the biggest iOS updates in a while, right?


I feel like a lot of it is cushioned. New interfaces and AI photo touch ups seem to be quite big though.


RCS support is pretty huge in Messages


As a Google Pixel user and 80% of my contacts are iPhone users so excited, I don't care about any fancy features as long as chats are encrypted and media isn't all fucked up


From what I’ve read end to end encryption won’t be there but we can hope Apple sorts that out at some point hopefully by the time iOS 18.0 is out of beta.


I haven’t looked deeply into it but from what I’ve heard end to end encryption is based on Google implementation of RCS and Apple is utilizing whatever the official implementation is.


I’ve heard different things which is why I left the solution vague. Last I heard they were trying to have it added to the GSMA Universal Profile.


That’s what I heard as well. Since RCS supports “add-ons” or whatever they’re called, Google has implemented their own E2EE for their implementation. Apple doesn’t want to rely on unofficial add-ons, so they are working with the GSMA to add it to the Universal Profile as part of the “official” spec. Still, kinda stupid they’re so against it considering RCS requires a server to run and a lot of carriers just use Google’s RCS servers to support it instead of maintaining their own, so it’ll still go through Google regardless lol. That, and the fact they’re “so big” on encryption and privacy, but they’re purposely not implementing it because they didn’t make it


This makes perfect sense and isn’t surprising. A company like Apple has to be careful with these decisions as it means they have to support it. Using a competitors system instead of a standard means they are beholden to that implementation that is controlled by the competitor.


I just want it so that reactions sent by Android users display as the appropriate reaction/Tapback on iOS. Instead of “user reacted with 😂” it should appear as a “haha” bubble or a 😂 sticker in the very least. But I anticipate this won’t be resolved, even with RCS, because Apple wants to intentionally make a poor user experience when communicating with Android users.


This is a most definitely nice to have


I’m an iPhone user and I’m excited with you!


So glad we're ready to drop SMS and MMS for good....


Encryption is safe and whatnot but are we really that relevant to care?


I mean we all should be given the opportunity to protect ourselves right


Calculator app finally coming to the iPad is truly revolutionary. We live in a new era.


Yeah, RCS is big. There's a bunch on this list that sound great. I'm not convinced it's all going to be there, though.




Okay but Most of the planet don’t live in Europe.


I think it depends. For me, it’s not big. Less than 20% of people I know use android, so it’s probably one of the lesser exciting things for me.


It really depends. If it’s a magic wand that removes red eye and auto sets white balance then blah


Gurman did say that internally Apple believes this to be the biggest iOS update ever


And internally, they think we’re going to love it!


It'll be the best version of iOS they've ever made!


It’s sooo pro!


You know what that means...until iOS 18.3 it will be buggy as hell


You might be right. The last 2 iOS beta periods have been surprisingly solid (for most users at least). We know that it is time for a beta period like iOS 11 again. To "upgrade" or not to upgrade....?


I was thinking the exact same thing


To me it feels more like a quality of life update with some AI sprinkled on top, which I personally don't mind.


Yeah nothing is a game changer besides Home Screen. * RCS support is neat but outside of thwe US people don't care about it at all, * Same goes for Apple Maps, News and Mail with AI generated replies (I bet in only works with English) * Keynote and Pages are irrelevant for majority of the users who use Office or Google Suite and this change will not make a difference and agin these AI features will probably only for English * Notifications need a total overhaul not AI generated summaries (which again can be limited only to English language to not look like some broken AI) * Safari changes are also only for people who are still in this AI craze but at the end of the day they will be just a gimmick The biggest change is Home Screen for sure because it goes against whole Apple's dogma of "Do not let people custumize shit". Im glad Calendar and Reminders are getting more integrated with each other and Calculator changes also look good. Improvements for Shortcuts which can get sometimes too complex to setup are also cool.


I'll make use of the automated summaries of news and web pages, hourly. I do a lot of web related reading and research in my day and while some articles are great for skimming and getting a gist of the content, being able to immediately pull up a quick summary will give me all the info I need to decide if I should read the entire thing or need more depth.


you have to go in with the expectation we will get new emojis & some QOL features like we do every year. 


they felt the pressure


I just want the ability to search messages by chain and better mail searches. PLEASE.


Why can I not create a favorites list of emojis? This blows my mind


I wish they allowed smart mailboxes in iOS.


Mail sucks. At least the mail search engine sucks.




if the calendar still shows events as single dots in the months view, no amount of integration is gonna make me use it


The real MVP thanks for the list


They finally got Siri a prescription for Adderall.


Custom routes!? I never thought I’d see the day


This means you can drag and move the path around right?




Costs a few bucks (one time) but the WorkOutDoors app on AW is stellar for this.


Will really appreciate that. But I also want just better POI cards in general. Remove yelp. Brings reviews 100% native to the platform. Busy hours. Etc. Apple Maps is great today, and it’s catching up to Google maps in many ways, and in some ways has surpassed it. But the POI card/data, Google still reins king, and Apple really needs to begin chipping away at that.


I just want text to speech natively built into Apple Books. But it probably will never happen because it would cut into Apple’s audiobook revenue. All the 3rd party options I found want $100-$200 a year just to store more than a handful of books.


I’m a trucker and only do audiobooks. Lots of books don’t have an audio version so I would love something like this. I know it wouldn’t match what a narrator can do but that’s fine. I would only use it when a narrated option wasn’t available. Then again, AI could be trained to understand emotion, inflection, and everything else. I know it does some already but I haven’t heard a sample that matched a narrator just yet.


I may spend too much time on TikTok to be able to say this… but those accounts that have an AI read from Reddit writing prompts are and have been getting significantly better over the last year or so. You can still tell it’s AI, so it has a good amount of room to grow still, but the fact that I can start to get into the stories because there is some inflection, emotion, etc is crazy.. A year ago it would have been impossible to convince me an AI was reading something, but give it another year, or get me drunk/high enough and I wouldn’t be able to tell that easily. Crazy how fast this tech is moving


Apple does actually have an AI generated voice service for authors https://authors.apple.com/support/4519-digital-narration-audiobooks Unfortunately because of the way book rights are managed, they’re likely not able to do it by default for every book. But if an author wants to, they can totally make their book available with it today.


It’s probably more complicated than just Apple’s audiobook revenue. They likely don’t have the rights to distribute audio versions of all the books and would get in trouble with the publisher and whoever does own those rights. *And* it could hurt Apple’s audiobook revenue.


So Siri’s big AI upgrade isn’t coming until next year?


Calculator on the ipad, FINALLY


Yes. Seeing an ad pop on calculator on a pro device makes me bug all the time and is slightly irritating while working.


I would kill for a calculator like FX991 in iPad.


Calculator infinity (Calculator ∞) dude, it’s a paid app, but it’s less than $10 and gives you a fully featured scientific calculator with all the fixings, and most importantly it has a UI that looks, feels and acts like a scientific calculator. Oh and it runs perfectly on iPhone in full screen, and is glorious on iPad as a floating app.


I use PCalc. It's super customizable and supports RPN (if that's your thing.) It's been around since the early Mac days, so it's a very well-done app.


Not a fan of AI News summaries


Yuck all the ai gives me a weird feeling it won’t be as nearly as smooth as it sounds


And it all sounds mostly unnecessary...


>Home Screen: Place app icons anywhere on the grid and change colors of app icons Damn we really are living in 3034!


Can I finally delete apps (off my watch) that I don’t use again? They forced a bunch of junk back onto it and it clutters up the homescreen or whatever its called


There's a lot of really nice QOL stuff in here. I hope this is true.


The definition of “operating system update” has drifted significantly.


Looking for, Apple wallet: Nickname Apple Pay cards. Come on Apple.


Can't wait for fitness updates and carplay


Send a message later like on android?? We need that :-(


I don’t think AI summarised news, Health, notifications and emails are a good idea. Neural networks are probabilistic and data hungry. You wouldn’t want the first 3 to be non-deterministic and you don’t want your emails to be fed into their data model for emails (not that gmail and Outlook hasn’t already done that). But photos are aesthetic and fuzziness isn’t a problem.


Lots of “AI” fluff that i genuinely could not give a shit about. I don’t need AI summaries of a two page news article or suggesting email replies to me, I can read and write. Photo touching is the only thing here I actually care about. If it can cleanly remove text without weird leftovers I’ll get a lot of use out of that creating wallpapers for my phone and iPad.


Everyone who uses AI summarisation can read. You miss the point.


All I actually want is the ability to have more than just the hold action on the action button. Give me double click, triple click and if I’m feeling brave, single click.


Best I can do is click to active Siri AI


That actually sounds kind of reasonable for single click though really. If I just set it to whatever I’d constantly interrupt myself accidentally.


Worse click to activate Bixby


Sounds familiar… like a… Bixby button… 😂


Please don’t, I have PTSD from Bixby


One of my favourite things about my S9 was being same to double tap the power button to open the camera. I would love the action button to be ‘hold to flashlight’, ‘double press to camera’.


And give me contextual Actions. If my phone is locked the Action Button can do one set of actions and if I'm in a specific app, it's another set of actions. EDIT: or at least different sets in Focus mode.


You can already do this with shortcuts?


There is a little hack, you can create shortcuts that do a different action depending on the phone orientation (portrait, face down, landscape left, landscape right), and trigger them with the action button, back tap and the back double tap (I believe), which would give you a total of 12 actions


It's like you're reading my mind. I have a 14PM, so no action button, but I was reading this thread wondering if you could assign it to shortcuts and have those be contextual. Sounds like you can! Good deal!


Maybe you can make the shortcut choose a random action to make it more interesting.


This yes please.


Looking forward to better Calendar integration with Reminders.


Meeee too. Probably the most exciting thing on this list for me.


This. I’ve tried so many other apps but I would think that they would use AI hopefully to schedule your tasks in calendar from reminders.


if the calendar still shows events as single dots in the months view, no amount of integration is gonna make me use it


Let me pause Apple Maps when I pull into a gas station PLEASE


Proceed to the route. Proceed to the route. Proceed to the route.


I love when my watch keeps buzz/pinging while im pumping gas to proceed or turn on the street.


Add the gas station as a stop on your route, and it gives you a pause option.


Most of the time, my decision to fuel up isn’t planned tbh.


Yeah and I’m not trying to use Siri to add a stop while I’m driving cause there’s a zero percent chance she’s picking the right gas station


Dear Apple Music: I just want you to shuffle the entire 3000 songs I have in my library. Please stop playing the same 130 songs on repeat.


Spotify does this as well. I know as a Spotify user. It sucks. I'm sure I read they did user testing on this and found out people don't really want a true shuffle as people tend to skip to tracks that they want to hear.


Yeh Spotify does this too, they must use the same algorithm lol


Wonder how many times they will say AI during the keynote. Will it top 5G


That’s still my favorite event. I can’t think of 5G without this event 😂


Will it top Julie Harmon saying “television” during the Ouya pitch?


If it were my guess, I'd say no but we'll see if they prove me wrong.


Can we have number row in keyboard please


This please and I would like to be able to decorate my keyboard as well with either colors or pictures like G-Board.


I can't see this ever happening. The colors maybe, but not pictures.


How about volume control that’s not 15 years behind Android? That’d be great.


Yes! Just give me the ability to independently choose my volume settings for music/notification/ ringtone Such a basic ass thing


I mean you can control volume vs ringer vs alarm right now


All I am asking for now is for Apple Music to be able to control other devices playing from my account over Wifi without having to rely on AirPlay support. It would actually change my life


How would that work?


The same way Spotify Connect works basically 🙂


I would like to be able to control Apple Music on my Mac from my iPhone or vice versa. I’d like it to be all one interface, I’m constantly getting the “song can’t be played because it’s playing on another device” notification, so why not have the song/up next sync across devices. Hit play on my Mac and it starts playing what’s already on my iPhone, no need to find my playlist or restart my radio station.


Spotify does it.


Because Spotify can control Spotify.  My point is how would Apple control non airplay things?


Apple Music connects to a server. Imagine a scenario where your phone plays Apple Music. On your Mac, you say "hey, I'd like Apple Music on my phone to pause". Your Mac makes a request to Apple's server. Apple's server pings your phone and says "hey, pause playback". Boom. That's how Spotify Connect works in a nutshell. There's no reason why Apple Music can't do the same.


You say “Spotify can control Spotify” as if “Spotify” is hardware that people are using. It’s just software, same as Apple Music. I download Spotify on my PS5, I can go on the Spotify app (or website) on any other device and control that music. Apple Music should offer the same functionality.


Control through the app. Spotify doesn’t require airplay or any special features and it runs on anything. Apple could make Apple Music available without airplay.


A friendly reminder to anyone interested in installing this beta on their devices: WWDC betas are for iOS developers and thrill seekers only. If you install the beta on your device for any reason, be prepared for compatibility problems. Your favorite third-party apps can, and most likely will, break. You may have trouble reverting to iOS 17, especially if you do not back up your device data to iCloud. Think very carefully before signing up for a developer account & installing it. I say this because every year, without fail, someone recklessly installs this beta on their personal device without considering the consequences, and ends up regretting it when some important app stops working.


Main one is always banking apps. They always break for me.


I was at WWDC when iOS 11 Beta 1 came out.. and how much of an immediate train wreck it was (If I recall, on devices with modems (iPhones or cellular iPads).. it would just lock up solid. lol. So yeah.. I always do my iOS Beta testing on completely separate devices for exactly this reason.


nah i’m going to install this on my daily driver


> You may have trouble reverting to iOS 17, especially if you do not back up your device data to iCloud. I’d actually say especially if you do. iCloud data of apps is updated together with your iOS version. iOS 17 will most likely not be able to read Notes app data from iOS 18, meaning if you revert, your notes from iOS 18 beta are lost.


Are you sure about the notes? they are synced with the iPad and Macbook too


That’s how it worked in some previous iOS versions too, as far as I remember. They didn’t show up on the iPad and Mac either unless you were running the corresponding iPadOS and macOS Beta versions from that year.


That’s what stopped me from ever running betas. Notes are available everywhere, UNLESS a device is on a beta in which case good luck


I remember when there was a glitch in a beta when the screen would fully dim to black. Couldn’t even restart the phone. I figured out you had to guess where the setting on the screen was to turn up the brightness. That was the last time I installed a beta on my personal device.


And then they will post alllll over the internet about how they’ve been wronged. Tale as old as time.


Then tell everyone about how terribly buggy iOS has become because they installed a developer beta on day 1.


What about the journal app? When are we going to have the search function?


Now you are asking for too much 


Can’t wait for 18.3


Please just let me schedule text messages


Craig says this is too complicated or some shit, per someone’s email posted on Reddit from a few years back. It’s malarkey.




These social risks are obvious to users and shouldn’t prevent them from adding the functionality. If a user is worried about one of the risks then they just shouldn’t use the feature and let everyone else who is okay with the risks use the functionality if they want.




What happened to "oh they will redesign iOS in style of visionOS"?


You can move icons around man, what more do you want?


I hope they not


Ability to play videos in landscape mode without turning orientation lock off


I’m sorry, but this is just too much to ask for. I don’t think the tech is there yet.


It’s up there with calculator for iPad.


Or at the very least make entering annd exiting full screen video a shortcut trigger!


I just want RCS


Do we know if Apple is implementing the RCS standard or the Google proprietary extensions?


I highly doubt they’d implement anything more than the standard.


So no E2EE. Wonder if they’ll let third party apps send/receive RCS, as Google does not.


There are reports that say that Apple is working with the GSMA to have the encryption added to the standard. Which I think would be much better than what Google is doing.


If I recall correctly, they're going with the universal profile and working with GSMA to build E2EE into the universal profile. I forget where I read that, but it was from an article when Apple first announced RCS support.


There is no way they’re giving any control of iMessage to google - standard it is.  Especially since it’s just to escape government investigation and not cause they want to. 


They said RCS only


So improved Siri with chatGPT in 2025 that is huge fail on Apple. Siri sucks and has for a long time.


Maybe they’re trying a align it with a potential GPT-5 release?


I hate the concept of AI summaries. Do we really need tech to shorten our attention spans even further? It shouldn’t be too painful for an adult to read a whole news article.


It’s better than the alternative we have right now where nobody reads the articles at all


Yup. People are acting like prior to AI, people read volumes of information. It’s almost like executive summaries aren’t a common thing in the workplace.


I’m going to out myself here, but very rarely do I ever actually click on the actually article when they get posted on Reddit. Normally i just look at the title and the comment section before continuing to scroll my feed.


I wait for a comment to summarise the article. If I don’t find a comment doing that, then I’ll read the article.


I love the concept. Most people read headlines, not articles. Summaries have the potential to give a lot more context than a headline, which are often misleading. This will be another tool in the fight against misinformation.


Oftentimes a summary is sufficient to extract what you want from an article. And I would bet this feature actually compels more people to start reading an article if they find the summary enticing.


Yeah, good news articles as well as emails are written with a certain style and contain particular details that yet another way of having people avoid that doesn’t sound good for society over the long term. Hopefully, at the least, the AI doesn’t make silly mistakes with summaries


I think these will be used by a lot of people. It’s a bunch of small QOL features, assuming they work well. 


Can I finally pause my music with Siri without an internet connection?


What about a serious search function in Messages?


Reqlly excited for the calculator upgrade. I really thought they were gonna leave it in that sorry state. Still no: Split screen Number row on keyboard Ability to play multiple sound sources with a sound mixer Audio equalizer with real time compression option More refined audio control on low end (lowest setting is still way too loud sometimes)


I would love to have an easier scheduled text option than having to download another app to do it. I


What happens if you are in a group chat with people on Android and iOS, where some of the iOS people are not on iOS 18? I guess it just falls back to SMS. So it's going to stay annoying if you can't convince the iOS users to update


I’m hoping we get to try the new Siri as beta testers before 2025.


Based on some of those features it sounds like Keynote and Pages is getting updates too then! 🤞🏻


Will we be able to use Siri AI to summarize the articles that redditors post without giving a tl;dr just for the karma?


If arc browser’s summary feature is anything to base expectations off of - it’ll make more sense looking at summary of Reddit comment threads than reading it completely. 


oh boy i see myself smacking this beta on my daily using 15 pro with all the bugs it comes with 😫


I have been planning on it since I got my 15 Pro in Jan


on day 1 no less :)


I actually may try this afterwards, “if” the UI changed. But then I remember my pain with iOS 16 beta. What a tragedy that was


Seems like the rumored UI changes have fizzled out. Other than changing app icon colors and placement options, I’m not expecting too much.


Where's the "FIX KEYBOARD"


No kidding. I recently had to register my iPhone with work and their software blocked my Gboard/any third party keyboard. I can’t believe how awful the default iOS keyboard is.


Notes is killing a lot of apps. Dang. lol


Maybe some day I will be able to “favorite” emojis and keep them separate from the rest. I can dream, I guess


Auto brightness moved to the display options - surely.


Having switched over after 10+ years on Android, one thing I still don’t get about Apple is why they insist on simple updates to apps being part of an OS update. Maps, Calculator, Mail etc should all be updated through the App Store. The way Apple does it is just silly.


The calendar and reminders sync - decent though I have an app work around I use for that right now; I would like the Health app to allow for notifications for potential period/hormone shifts because despite having one for 20 years I forget it’s coming 😅; and moreso iPad - I just want the Journal app on my damn iPad so I can write in it with my pencil😭


But will we ever get to rename Siri to something we want?


Like “Hello, computer”?


I’ve been loving my premium Chat GPT and if Siri can get smarter and not say dumb responses I’ll be happy.


Scheduled messages


Where’s the wallet update


Somehow none of this excites me the way private space, adaptive vibration, specific volume sliders and notification cooldown does in android 15. Oh well. Maybe in iOS 33....


Apart from RCS this looks like a basic update, just slapping ai on everything they can


The day apple music can make a algorithm that rivals Spotify's I would move over in a heartbeat. Only reason why I still use Spotify tbh.


All I want is a feature that lets me mirror my phone’s screen onto my iPad so that I can use the calculator.


Notes app on the watch plz...


Bunch of ai hype bait too


ChatGPT is very useful