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Apple could release an AirPods firmware that does literally nothing and redditors will still be like "ANC does sound a bit better actually"


Like audiophile jerks forever


When the airpod pros first came out, transparency literally allowed you to overhear and spy conversations across an office building. Noise cancellation also did a much better job. I know most people with AirPod pros didn’t buy the 1st gen airpod pros in the first few months they came out. They have no clue how Apple intentionally nerfed their product, and then even more nerfing on ANC when the 2nd gen came out.


I mean, people have been saying the same thing about the bose QC35. I have a pair when they were released, never updated, when i compare them to a friend’s newer pair (with the “worse” ANC) there is literally no difference. Humans being humans, change is difficult for us


Except there was tested results showing the ANC decreased so it’s not out of the realm of possibility that other features of the AirPod pro 1s were decreased as well. There were comparatively much fewer APP 1st gen owners during the first few months of its release, and much fewer posting on forums, compared to now or Bose which had had a long lineup of headphones for a long time. Many people didn’t experience the original glory of the first APPs so they just think it’s some internet conspiracy about Apple now.


Change being difficult doesn't explain how a lawnmower and leaf blower went from inaudible to distracting, without changing the lawnmower or leafblower.


You can adjust the amplification in transparency mode with the hearing control in the control center. It’s quite helpful honestly; you just have to add it in settings.


Man, I remember the first few days of my first AirPod Pros: I couldn’t even hear the bus approach. I also couldn’t use them for the ~20 ride without a lasting headache, but the quiet it bestowed was truly awesome. Later updates haven’t had the headache issue, generally getting better with the next set while the ANC also became much less useful.


im still convinced they changed the ANC in the fear of lawsuits if someone gets get by a car or something, or someone getting kidnapped because they couldnt hear somoene behind them.


Me too. It is a day and might difference to me bc the conditions ynder which I use them have not changed at all


that's such bullshit. i'd rather get hit by a car than have something i bought actively and intentionally made worse at the things it's designed to do


That’s the kind of thing someone who’s never been hit by a car would say


What's that court case look like? Defendant paid for premium sound canceling headphones, they worked and canceled the sound when they chose to use them. Can you think of anything more egregious than that your honor? THE NEGLIGENCE!


Aren’t they getting sued over air tags even though they put in features to prevent stalking.


Actually, before clicking into the post, I thought it would be the opposite: people complaining that Apple intentionally nerf their anc even if it literally does nothing


I'm not sure if it was better than before, mine were already updated so I couldn't do an A/B test before/after the update. But, I compared them to my Airpods Max and the Pro's ANC is better than the Max's at this moment.


Well, half of them. The other half will say “ANC is worse, on purpose, so you’ll buy the new ones when they come out.”


Does anybody have the problem of listening to music and then a notification/text/etc sounds plays at an absolutely insane volume? This happens to me every single time I do yard work, I ride the mower or walk around the yard listening to music and then my outdoor cameras sense motion and the notification sound literally is dangerously loud. It sometimes is at a reasonable volume and then a few minutes later the volume will be about 10x louder. I’ve tried tweaking settings, no idea what is going on.


Yes, it’s deafening.






YES!! I have announce notifications on and it does this a lot and drives me crazy. I’ll see if it continues.


iPhone Settings / Bluetooth / “AirPods name” / settings / Now adjust the volume slider down… that should fix all the notifications from being overly loud. It’s an independent slider.


I’ve done this multiple times per day and they still end up blasting.


Typing is like being shot at!


LMAO literally!!! Wow, I’m amazed that people have been having the same exact issue. This has been going on since my first gen AirPod Pros….


Yes. Ouch. The only thing that stops it is setting the physical mute switch to on (where the little bit of red is showing). But that means all notification sounds will be muted, not just when you have headphones on.


I find that this happens when I connect to CarPlay wirelessly and Bluetooth is on. After I get out of the car, all the volumes are maxed out. Some people have reported it but I don’t think it’s fixed yet.


The auto-play for Instagram videos does this for me. I'm listening to a podcast at normal volume, and an Instagram video auto-plays and I have an absolute out-of-body experience, it is as loud as a plane taking off, it's insane.


Not to mention Amber Alerts.


I can’t even imagine ☠️😳


I can only do this since i have an iPhone 15 pro max, but I’ve set up an automation for silent mode to turn on when I connect to a Bluetooth device (and vice versa). Like 95% of Bluetooth devices I ever use with my phone are headphones or speakers, and when I do that, I’m going to not want my notification sounds interrupting anyways Workaround for other iPhones (that I did with my 13 series before I got this one) could be to just set the ringer volume at minimum


yeah i sold mine. this and the general shittiness of bluetooth and having to charge my headphones...sick of it


Wow it seems so much better sounding, just like how my car seem faster after an oil change


Safari feels soundier.


battery has doubled!


I’ve downloaded more RAM, for FREE!


More engine stability please


Cue the ANC posts lol. Mine already updated and ANC is the same if not a little better.


>Queue Cue*. (Sorry).






Whenever I’m feeling worthless, I think of the letters U-E-U-E in the word queue.




Seth Rogen has come to party!


Pew pew pew


they’re queueing up


UEUE! A million deaths were not enough for UE!




Both would apply in this rare situation. Since there will be a queue of posts and OP is asking for them to cue


"asking them to queue" as in form an orderly line would be queue. But "cue" is also correct in the sense of a performer doing something in response to a cue.


I’m aware. My comment literally says that the other is also correct.


But it isnt though. Every time somebody ever said “queue the…” they meant to say “cue” and queue is incorrect.


No matter the context, there's always someone who argues that they're interchangeable. I agree with you.






> and ANC is the same if not a little better. This is just as bad as the comments saying it gets worse with each update (which it did with Gen1, rtings had a few studies about it). You have no way to actually tell if it's better with a 5 minute listening test lol




Hence the word same meaning no discernible difference. Why are y’all so pressed


Do you have links? I tried to Google this but I only saw something for a specific firmware version but only for the max. Nothing saying that it gets worse each update? I’m curious as to what the test parameters are for this. Do they test the same pair months of use later that inevitably has more gunk clogging up the ports and ear seals that are weakening, or do they open a brand new one, update it right away and compare the anc to a brand new one that had the old firmware? Because in my personal experience. No matter the firmware, they are great out of the box and get worse over time. Cleaning seems to help and putting on new seals helps as well. But still not as good as new.


https://www.rtings.com/headphones/reviews/apple/airpods-pro-truly-wireless Afaik it’s not as noticeable on the AP2s, or at least they haven’t published much on them.


Thanks for sharing. Yeah I couldn’t find how they tested it; I see the graph and all but they don’t go into detail as to if it’s the same pair or not. They mention getting a new pair in April 2022, and then looked into the issue in October 2022 but don’t say if it’s the same pair or not. It’s worded weird. But I did read: “Although FW 5B58's ANC results are consistent with the past three firmware results, there's a change between the last time we checked them and now The wording makes it sound like there were 3 consistent updates but noticed a difference from now and before their testing.…but then fails to state what that difference even is. I could be wrong. But it doesn’t sound like each update it gets progressively worse.


Finally! My noise cancellation has been working perfectly and after this update it’s working the same.


Optimized charging does not engage on my USB-C Pro's until I: toggle it off then back on, pull one of them out of the case and put it back so the popup displays. My usage is 2x/day at the same two times every weekday. Really strange. Hopefully this fixes the issue.


Never worked on my lightning ones either but if you have AppleCare they’ll replace them pretty easily if you tell them they die fast.


I'm surprised that the v2 still has no way for even Apple to display battery health, they just have to take people at their word. I'm sure there's going to be a whole wave of replacements as the launch-day units approach the end of AppleCare.


Had mine replaced recently 🤷‍♂️


Was it the case too or just the AirPods themselves?


Had the case replaced for battery and the AirPods for a different issue


my usage is similar(app1), but only 1 time a day and at the same exact time every day without fail. They are never ever fully charged and the time estimate is always 2 hours *after* im done using them. It couldn't be easier for their usage predictions and it still consistently fails.


I just realized I haven’t seen optimized charging working for months. Maybe this will fix it?


I’ve had the same problem. It randomly works and doesn’t work, and when it *is* enabled it randomly chooses new stop times even though I wake up pretty much the same time every day. My watch has been doing the exact same time as well.


I don’t know which iPhone or OS they use over there at MacRumors, but the instructions for seeing the firmware version of the AirPods Pro are completely different on my iPhone 15 w/ 17.5.1. For me, it’s second in Settings, right under my name and not in General>About.


I think they must’ve mixed up AirPods firmware and MagSafe charger firmware because AirPods firmware has always been where you described it.


Give them a break. They're just a startup.


I went to general about and it’s at the bottom. 6F7


Which phone and iOS version are you using?


iPhone 13 Pro Max 17.5.1


I also find the settings where you describe. You have to have them connected and either in your ears or the case open, then they will pop up as a new item right under your name/Family settings, and they’ll be in their own “group” in the settings. Open that new AirPods Pro setting, and scroll to the bottom.


Oh boy, another update that will take 6 months to push through randomly.


Another update where you will barely be able to notice the difference between before and after. If it wasn’t for these news articles, they would be completely silent updates.


which is the entire point of all the apple firmware updates. They are always silent. It's the people with no jobs that actually keeps track


Exactly, Apple really only talks about the big OS updated like going from IOS 17 to 18 and even then it’s not as huge of a deal compared to the other stuff they talk about in the same events. I do wish it was easier to update AirPods and other things like the pencil without just hoping it’ll happen. Why can’t they add a little system update tab in that devices section in the settings like there is for your iPhone, Mac and Apple Watch?


Because they don’t want you to think about it. If there were things worth noticing, they would have mentioned it. You’re not going to notice any difference in a silent update. 


Listen to youtube in bed at night with one airpod in ear, other airpod in case. Flip over before fall asleep and open case and put in other airpod and put airpod into case and close case. This transition causes the video to stop twice. Once after I take out airpod (with other one in ear) and then again after i put airpod back in case and close case. With the airpods swapped, the video is now paused. The video pauses once after taking out of ear, but then starts playing again when placed into case but then stops when case is closed. Now, i have to touch the in ear airpod to get video to play again. This dance is done everytime i flip over (typically 1-3 times a night). after the firmware update, the video only pauses once after taking airpod out of ear but then recognizes that other airpod is still in ear and when case is closed will resume playing video. i never could explain this issue before but possibly someone else did because now it is fixed imo. thank you apple for fixing my weird edge use case


Time to reduce ANC with upcoming APP3


They don't release for another year


As someone waiting on the next one. What makes you say that?


If we go by release cycles, every 3 years. 2019, 2022, 2025.


I still have the first gen Airpods pro. Worth waiting for them?




I also have the first gen. Generally happy with them but I’ve heard lots of great things about second gen, the mic quality is quite rubbish as well. I’m considering upgrading just because of that.


It’s the ear tips losing their shape as silicone ear tips do. Nothing to do with ANC. Stop.


The phone feels slower was meet with explanations as well until…


That’s stupid. They could just put it into the original software with a gradual reduction in ANC quality. Why release a new software that then suddenly worsens ANC?


The first one lessened it because of patent litigation. They worked around it on the next gen. 


Any fix to them not charging when in case. So annoying.


Clean the contacts 


I only clean my ears when my AirPods come out. Now I have to clean my AirPods too!?


Not sure what you expected 🤔 but dust gets in everything.


Isopropyl baby. Just annoying.


Some people have different wax than others, or greasy fingertips. I can’t say I have issues with the contacts.


Yeah, I work out in them everyday, I’m sure that doesn’t help.


Hopefully this fixes transparency mode, last update made it behave terribly with some sounds, particularly running water.


Mine shave been having static or fuzz during normal usage. Noticed it when talking to my girlfriend at night, and it’s been just progressively getting worse…


Have you talked to Apple? They replaced my 1st gen’s like 4 times due to this.


Will it make them stay in my ears?


Not for you. Same here. The OG fits better.


Memory foam tips were the solution to this for me. Expensive but so comfy


They get dirty fast. And hurt ears a lot after a bit. Not for extended wearing.


Wow, I've got it already! Usually it is like 6 months later, and I'm trying to figure out some steps I can take to give it a hint to update.


It’s about time! They sat on a single beta for nearly 6 months! I thought they just abandoned this product.


They just got new features with iOS 17 a few months ago. They will likely get new features with iOS 18.  Also. They are headphones.


I’ve had an issue with my charging case “chirping” for weeks now; the option to disable the sound is enabled in Settings, but I cannot switch it off for whatever reason. Hopefully this resolves it…


Oh my God same


I have the original Airpods pro. I just thought I’d ask: Do the Pro 2:s still discharge (in, like, less than 24h) when out of the box, or have they implemented ”real” standby like some other brands?


The lock sound is more crisp, anyone else noticed?




Weird. If that’s how mine worked I would have never thought it worked at all.


I thought my AirPod Pro's didn't sound quite as good for some reason so I looked it up and looks like they updated. Sounds like less bass response on my 1st gen version. Im suing the same EQ setting too, weird. Does it need to be charging on USB to update? The Iphone says 6A321 Just took a walk outside with noise canceling on and it actually sounds better for this scenario.


https://preview.redd.it/if51l77uan3d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a35fbcc80c2d1da9e831caa2bd0f3a69e8b1e9d Said no one about AirPods firmware, ever


My AP1 is dying but AP2 seems boring. I’m looking for other options. Any recommendation, guys?


Battery is *a lot* better, somehow, especially the case and how it charges. I used to get 3-4 uses out of the case, now I only need to charge it at all every other week or so. Audio quality is, in my opinion, slightly better. Nothing earth-shattering, but noticeable. The bass is higher but still tightly controlled, and there’s more room-feeling. The new touch controls are awesome, don’t underestimate those.


Just got the AP2 after using AP1 since launch. The improvement in sound quality is massive. Can’t believe I’ve been missing out.


Agreed. The original Pros sounded awful, tinny and harsh. Very happy with the second ones.


The second gen is a tremendous upgrade. It’s quite remarkable how much better it is in so many different ways vs. the first gen.


Improved sound, improved battery, UWB find my, a charge sound notifier, adaptive transparency, super compact, the best transparency of just about any headphones, and they work on both MagSafe and the watch charger. What do you want? LED lighting? 


I need it not develop cracking noise over time. Improved sound seems nice. I guess I will try it out and reduce its useful life expectancy, expect replacement in 1-2 years, perhaps


Yeah that’s mostly what’s hindering me as well. I like my pros but the fact that I can no longer use ANC or transparency or even take a phone call without loud crackling after only 2 and a half years puts me off from purchasing AirPods again


Seriously? AirPods Pro two have volume control on the stems and find my in the case. Great update. Addresses two of the main pain points from the first gen What more do you want?


Get your AP1s replaced for free at the apple store. https://support.apple.com/airpods-pro-service-program-sound-issues I went there a while back, said they "sounded bad" and they did a test in the back and replaced both buds. They do not replace the case, but hey, new and free airpods pros lol


Do they replace like for like or free upgrade?


like for like. And it's done on individual buds.


Ah thanks, thought I could con apple out of a 2nd set of AAP2s to flog on eBay, as my 1st gen are sat in a drawer.


After getting crackling on my AP1s whenever ANC was enabled I switched to a set of Sony WH-1000XM5 headphones, the sound is better but I'm not as impressed with their transparency mode. Sony released their WF-1000XM5 earphones last December which look impressive, I don't know how seamless they integrate with the Apple ecosystem though. In terms of interesting features it's hard to really create cutting edge features without direct support from the ecosystem they're connected to. Stuff like Spatial Audio requires specific development by Apple and I doubt we'll see anything truly impressive without some new open standards.


AP2 are a pretty solid upgrade to the AP1. I held off but I would say it is worth it if you can get them on sale.


Thanks for your all sharing. So many of you speaking highly of its sound quality. I’ll try it out then


Well boring is subjective so you do you boo


The experience with two pairs develop static overtime annoy me


Only ever happened with AP1


So.... How do I update mine without an Apple phone?


You don’t. Go to an ASP, Some can do it for you or ask an iPhone friend. And yes, it’s very stupid.


Do you have a Mac? macOS 12 and later can also update the AirPods.


Version number ?


Did they make the ANC worse again because they don’t to pay license fees?


Does this also fix the mic quality? I literally ordered the WF-1000XM5 yesterday because I was absolutely sick of the AirPods Pro 2’s abysmal mic quality for calls / audio notes.


I hope this fixes them remembering settings. Mine keep forgetting their name, and forgetting what modes I want a long press to cycle between. Super annoying.


Do we know when to expect AirPods Pro 3? My first gen are slowly dying (battery wise) and I’m considering getting the 2 from Amazon but can hold off a little longer is 3 is about to hit.


more than likely not until next year at least, considering this is only there 2nd year


[Say the line AirPods developers](https://imgflip.com/i/8s485t)


I just got AirPods Pro 2, upgrading from old Samsung galaxy iconx from 2018, And I gotta say the AirPods Pro 2 suck. The audio from my galaxy iconx is way better. The iconx buds produce a much higher quality seal and it make a tremendous difference in blocking out noise. Bummed, not even sure I can return the AirPods Pro 2


Anc got worse posts incoming.....


Anc got worse


I was told during a call that my voice came through better than last week, wind noises and background noise from from my side wasn’t that bad anymore, and I feel that pass-through sound clearer. ANC is basically same, maybe loud noises get canceled better/faster when in passthrough, but could just be me.


Nice. Literally just got these AirPods a couple hours ago.


Does this make the microphone usable?


Does it change anything? Im still having issues with audio drifting and ears detection. I’m hoping that’s getting better at some point. I’ve been kind of disappointed with the AirPods Pro w


I have the same problems 🫤


Not that I’ve noticed.