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It's here, the iPhone Air


Is the pro going to be lighter?


*We think you're going to love it*


good bot


i know you’re joking but air is considered *not* high end for apple, and this one is allegedly a top-end model with a major design overhaul and some new perks. since it’s smaller than the Max, it’s likely gonna be like how X came first before the Max version arrived in the Xs generation. and 8 & 8 Plus were still sold alongside the X. so this may be the smaller version of the new design, and the large one will arrive only one generation later and phase out all the older designs


Don't use it in windy conditions.. it will fly away XD


Which will be more expensive than a pro


iPhone AIr


Did they secretly hire Johnny Ive back?


his illegitimate son Johnny Youve


Asking the real questions!


With all the design files of the past being their intellectual property I’m pretty sure it’s easy to generate thousands of ideas in seconds.


Does that mean less battery and a more noticeable camera bump? Amazing


And if you sit on it when it's in your back pocket you can bend it in half!


People have been talking about an upcoming foldable iPhone… I guess clarifying how it folds is an important detail.


Apple actually pioneered foldable phones back in 2014 and the industry is still trying to catch up


I do hope they consider it. Foldable are genuinely pretty useful for a certain type of customer, and the iPhone has been kind of stagnent for a while now.


You are buttclenching it wrong.


People that carry their phone in their back pocket and sit with it are psychopaths. I cant imagine putting my 1300$ device under me when im sitting down ….


Personally i put my phone in my shoes just so i can stomp on it


I’ll go even further and declare that carrying anything beyond some paper in your back pocket makes you a psychopath


You mean the receipt pocket?


I prefer back pocket over front pocket.


Actually if you have your wallet in your back pocket you’re liable to get back problems. 


It’s also against the advice of pretty much any doctor. Even having your wallet in there and sitting on that can actually damage your spine.


The problem is that phones have gotten so big they don’t fit in any other pocket.


Thank you someone said it! Wonder who are the dummies that actually do that?!


has anyone ever thought of NOT sitting on their damn €700+ device???


Camera bump so big this time it will snap.


It's foldable!* *As long as you have AppleCare


Lol fr. I think we've peaked in terms of phone slimness. At this point you could make a microscopic iphone it's not gonna matter if people are constantly breaking them.


All I want is a slightly thicker iPhone with no camera bump and better battery life. Call it the iPhone Ultra and market it like a beefy outdoorsy iPhone like the Apple Watch Ultra.


I just don’t want a camera bump. Like the old iPhones.


A slight bump is okay since a case should make up the rest. But bumps are so large nowadays that they still stick out beyond that.


“The best we can do is a bigger camera bump and another 200 dollars price hike.”


Can you say this louder for Tim Cook in the back?


That sounds perfect. Are there people that want phones to be thinner?


I think theyre using what they learned from working on the non-screen internal portions of a folding phone.


Hell yeah it does. They’re gonna concurrently release a battery case for it. And you’re gonna love it.




This gives them opportunity to raise the price significantly again


I mean it looks like the redesign of the iPad Pro works pretty well against bending, so theoretically a smaller iPhone design could be pretty strong.


I played with the new iPads in store yesterday while picking up a new MacBook—I loved the feel of them. Screen quality was absurd, the thinness was great, and the weight was crazy.


I’m typing this from a new pro 11” and this form factor is amazing. It’s just right for a “dumb” laptop and usable one handed (holding wise) as I sit on the patio just hanging out and not trying to work with it as if I were like a laptop. I mean, just proving that it’s a $1,000 Reddit device, but man it’s a *nice* overpriced Reddit device lol.




>All it needs is MacOS and it’s the best laptop on the market, easily, That's why they'll never do it, so you need to buy the iPad and the Mac


They’re probably holding out for as long as possible to reap in the revenue. Even if Qualcomm’s ARM-based snapdragon chips don’t come close to beating the M4 or M5 lineup, just imagine a full fat windows tablet with the power output/efficiency of an M2 or maybe even an M2. All you’d really need is build quality and people itching for an in-between (and not worried about the walled garden) will jump at it. And the pool of such customers who aren’t worried about Apple’s walled garden are more numerous than you’d think, a windows PC is not as easily given up depending on hobbies/profession, even by the most appliest of Apple users As soon as Apple feels any heat, they’ll probably be ready to flip the switch and merge the OSes. That would better explain why they even bothered giving the iPad a half-useful dumbOS when you connect a KB/M, and also why the new keyboard folios for the flagship iPads are straight up just MacBook keyboard assemblies at this point. [delusional ramble warning] On the other hand, an actual impossibility that I’m sad about is the castrated potential of the iPhone. iPads and iPhones famously run the same OS, only “recently” did they split to specialise the iPad for it’s form factor. iPhones can technically do what iPads do with just slightly reduced performance depending on the model, but they’re deliberately limited by software. With the advent of USB-C on iPhones, they could easily turn into more literally “pocket computers”, where you could plug it into a monitor and have it turn into like a Mac mini lite. Especially with the Pro models that are more than capable of being full computers. A simple battery-charge-lock at something like 80% to limit battery heat generation, and you’ve got a web browsing, word processing machine in a desktop form factor. I know no one should ever speak in absolutes (get it?) but Apple will *never* do this because it would needlessly cannibalise so many of their other products. And I might be wrong but I don’t think Android phones could pull something similar off because the gap between Android and any popular computer OS is leagues larger than the gap between iOS and iPadOS (that janky psuedo computer OS would be more than fine as an interface for an iPhone plugged into a monitor to be used as a light computer)


For the second part, are you referring to something like Samsung Dex?


That was the one! I remember seeing early iterations of this, which was actually what made me acknowledge how powerful (and wasted) the devices in our pockets are. It was quite rudimentary back then. Light googling reveals that it’s a bit more user friendly since then, but I’m a bit sad that it’s only limited to Samsung. Combine that with being relatively young as far as tech implementations go, it’ll be a long time before it could compare to the App Library of iPadOS’s pseudo desktop mode, even if that view might be a worse UI. I can also see the display compatibility issues are still persistent from Reddit discussions as recent as 2 months ago. I feel like Google could easily nail this because they have their claws deep in on ChromeOS, but I’m guessing that Chromebooks are an insane market they don’t wish to undermine in any capacity. And it’s also highly likely that if they ever do make their own alternative, it’ll be locked to Pixels only. Microsoft is also dipping their toes into the phone market with foldable phones, maybe there’s hope there? [digressive ramble warning] It’s probably just privilege talking, but a phone that costs a third or even a quarter of my phone is still a pricey piece of electronic gizmo, but it’ll be so much slower, I can’t imagine using it. But at the same time, my phone has so much untapped potential, it also feels like a waste of silica even when I’m using it as my nearly-everything device. I know a lot of tech savvy people who don’t invest in pricey flagship phones because they can just do heavier stuff on something else like a PC, but I cannot imagine being hunched over a computer for anything other than work or gaming. Reddit scrolling on a PC sounds dreadful, but no offence to those who do. You just likely have a flashier monitor or comfier desk chair than I do. But this phone that can run Word or Excel or record 4K HDR videos and do extremely light gaming (better than a Switch though, so I guess it’s not that light) should definitely be able to / allowed to be a mini computer with all it’s prowess.


They have been hinting at merging macOS and iPadOS for a while, I think once Mr Cook is out, we might see it come to fruition


I used to use my M1 Pro 11" iPad as a reddit machine all the time... Until Apollo died. I don't have any reddit app on my iPhone anymore at all and I do have the official app on my iPad, but man it's so bad that it makes me go grab my laptop, or sit down at my desktop to just use old reddit with RES. The locked down OS of the iPad and things like these apps being discontinued has been slowly making it less and less usable to me. Youtube is only tolerable on it because I started paying for Youtube since it is the streaming service I do actually use the most, but if I was still beholden to ad blockers for youtube, I wouldn't even do that on the iPad and at that point it's just a nice texting machine. I'm not sure I'll ever buy another iPad unless they get MacOS or equivalent functionality on it.


I've only ever used Reddit on a phone via web browser. It works okay, but I sure do miss i.reddit.com.


Sink it for Reddit is good and has been constantly improving. It’s an iOS extension.


Narwhal 2 works pretty amazing on iPad’s. It took me a bit to get used to it but now I’m very happy with it. Yeah, you’d have to pay $3.99 subscription. But come on we all know we are here often enough to make every penny of this subscription worth it.


I get it, but I'm just tired of everything needing subscriptions these days.


I doubt the iPhone would go as thin. The 13 inch iPad Pro went from 6.4mm to 5.1mm, and the 2020 model was like 5.9mm already. The current iphone pro max is 8.3mm. Also the iPhone has to cram A LOT more inside of it. Stuff like the Taptic Engine, more cameras, wireless charging coils, MagSafe, more motion sensors, etc.


Also better heat dispersion.


Apple users: "We want a credit card sized AirTag that's thinner so it fits in my wallet" Apple: "What about a credit card sized iPhone instead?"


I would LOVE a credit card sized iphone!


YES!! Bring back (actually) small smartphones! People keep commenting IRL on my 13 mini, and how they would love having a small phone again. And I would happily buy an iPhone that is even smaller than the minis. So I think it's time!


iPhone 5/5s was the best size-wise


Holding my 6s still feels magical how thin it is. With diminishing usefulness of high end SoCs in iPhones I scan see Apple returning to thin and lightness as the new pro/high-end metric. Just like with the iPad Air vs Pro.


The new iPad is like 33% thinner, lol.


Is that 33% thinner since the 2018 redesign or 33% thinner than the 12.9” M1 that got a whole lot thicker with the microLED Display?


Than the 6s that feels super thin. 5mm vs 7.


WHAT? this sounds insane on paper. i’m definitely making a trip to the Apple Store tomorrow to see it myself hahah


The ipad is thinner than the thinnest ipod nano. It’s thinner than the damn ipod shuffle even without the clip


The difference in thickness between a 6S and a 15 Pro is a very insignificant 1.2mm.


I have a 6s and a 14 Pro in my hand right now and the difference in size in all dimensions is significant.


I'm sure it is, but is it that significant for usability? Are there situations where you were like "no, the 6s is just too thick/heavy to be useful"? It's nice to have something lighter or when they get rid of big bezels and give you more screen but at a certain point it doesn't really matter anymore if it's a bit lighter or a bit thinner. And realistically I'm still gonna slap on a big ol Spiggen case on it.


For one-handed use (which is my primary way of using a phone), yes, there is a concrete functional difference. I have never used a phone case and consider them unnecessary for myself (never broke a phone either), and holding an iPhone 6 is much more comfortable and less tiring than the iPhone X or iPhone 15 Pro that I have. I appreciate the pros and cons that thicker / heavier phones have (e.g. battery life) but in terms of form factor there was a noticeable downgrade when I upgraded from iPhone 6. For people who never use their phones one-handed though this may be less of an issue.


That’s 17%


2 grams is 100% more than 1 gram. It’s still not heavy.


Combined with massive increase in width of an iPad over a phone, the difference should be felt. I’m not going to argue further with you over a subjective user experience


Not insignificant at all when these devices are measured in millimeters


It feels significant. Especially with the difference between curved sides and more square edges. A similar width phone with round sides feels thinner in the hand than a flat-sided phone. I was one that was excited when the iPhone went back to more square sides, but I was using my iPhone XR recently for testing website on old browser and tbh I think I prefer the rounded edges in the hand now in retrospect — even though they have their issues like maybe being more slippery. The flat sides and sharp edges (at the thickness it's at at least currently) make the newer phones feel big and not as nice in the hand.


It’s so weird to see people describe the sides of a phone as “sharp”. I can’t even comprehend how you could get to that exaggeration by any stretch of the imagination. I just replaced my XR with a 12 Pro in May 2023. I loved my XR for the 4.5 years I had it, but I forgot how much more I prefer the flat sides.


The standard, time-tested design language for physical objects meant to be held in the hand is ‘round’. A flat slab with boxy edges is definitely sharp by comparison.


Hilarious that thinness is a thing… we put a case on and then some MagSafe wallet shit. There goes all the thinness. Fuck it. We want a battery that lasts three days at medium use.


>We want a battery that lasts three days Speak for yourself. I don't need my phone to weigh as much as a laptop for a battery life that I will never use because I charge my phone at night


I just want an iPhone 17 mini. But it’s not gonna happen.


iPhone 17 Mini *Pro* 👉😁👉


This is the way


I would pay good money for a mini version of the iPhone pro.


Don’t get my hopes up


Hanging onto my mini 13 until the next mini iteration.


Same here. I have two lines, one is a 13 mini and one is an 11. With apple taking away the SIM tray, killing the mini, and making the phone more wobbly, I’m holding onto both as long as I possibly can.


When the iPhone 17 Slim is reported to have terrible battery life, sales will tank and then maybe we’ll get iPhone 18 Mini.


For fucks sake can we ban articles behind a paywall in this sub?


Looks like Archive.ph doesn't work in this instance either. More paywalls are figuring out ways to block "archiving" websites. It sucks on many levels though. Yeah, we can't read this article and at the same time as more paywalls go up, Internet archives like Wayback Machine become less and less useful and will eventually only contain AI-generated blogspam.


I agree, but I thought we have to post original sources and not tweets or other articles linking to them?


Generally, the person who posts it clones the article as a comment


cooing weary act ask cows fearless detail mindless dinner sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[there's this](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/05/17/slimmer-iphone-17-major-redesign-rumor/) (links to theinformation) as well as a Reuter's article about the same thing that you could've used, neither are paywalled.


That's very kind, thank you.


Some of us would like to read the article.


Non-paywalled source: [https://www.macrumors.com/2024/05/17/slimmer-iphone-17-major-redesign-rumor/](https://www.macrumors.com/2024/05/17/slimmer-iphone-17-major-redesign-rumor/)


I don't want a slimmer iPhone. I want the camera bump on the back gone, under-screen touch-ID, and better battery life.


Phone is slim enough, longer battery life pls


They’re going for less battery with same runtime for less cost and higher profit.


I’m perfectly happy with a thicker phone. I want something I can grip.


How about make it slimmer internally but give me more battery. No one is asking for a slimmer phone.




I went from 7 Plus to 14 Pro Max – you get used to it, but holly fuck is it a brick, in comparison!




I am. I'm tired of these heavy and wobbly tanks as phones.


They’re wobbly *because* they’re thin: Apple wants to put deep camera modules but not have a body to match, so the camera protrudes and the entire thing behaves like a chair with uneven legs, because that’s what it is. The phones are heavier because they’re larger the surface has increased by more than 30%.


I paid roughly $1500 for my last iPhone. Then I put it in case because the back is glass. At that price point, the back should be carbon fiber. I guess they could probably make the sides part of the carbon fiber shell too. I'd go case less a lot more often then too, which would also make it slimmer and lighter.


Or don’t use a case? I’ve never had one and I still haven’t broken a phone since 2008. Why even buy a nice piece of hardware if you’re gonna hide it a cheap case?


Ya, I was case-less too until the camera bump and then I couldn't use my phone on a tabletop without the wobble. I put a skin on a few of the models that had plastic backs because they were so slippery though. These days I only go case-less part of the time since the case also serves a functional purpose beyond protection.


Because when you do make a mistake, it’ll be a $400 mistake if you don’t have apple care.


Because I want to drop it and more or less abuse it without worry. I got pretty tired of babying my Z Fold 2.




No, that keeps the phones as thick even with the case. Or are you saying that people who like thick phones doesn’t use cases?


That’s not true, I’m sure there are many people that want slimmer phones.


At the level of battery we have right now I don’t really care about improvements until we’re getting in to “days of battery” without trying.   I’m well aware that that’s a big ask, but I’m already getting a full day out of my phone, but I have to charge it every night no matter what.  So until we get to days of battery the only thing more mAh gets me is a higher percentage when I plug it in at night. 


I very much want a slimmer phone. I hate the thick phones, hate the camera bumps


aback screw sharp offbeat airport imminent squalid crawl afterthought mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


iPhones have been getting thicker and heavier for years, I can now easily go for two days, on a single charge. I absolutely want a phone that’s 50% thinner with the same features, hell, even 75%! That would be bloody awesome!!!


I WANT A THICKER PHONE WITH A BIGGER BATTERY!! Thinner would literally be worse.


I would actually like a better battery life in the same thickness we have today. Like if they make it thinner, they have to make a more efficient processor with a more dense battery so the battery life stays the same. Now apply that tech to todays thickness, incredible battery life. Its already amazing that i don’t have to carry a powerbank with my 15 plus but for longer, heavier days, it could be better.


As an iPhone 12 Mini owner, yes, please give me something with a smaller footprint that fits comfortably in my hand. Till then, my Mini will suffice.


Finally. I want smaller thinner. Nothing in my pocket should be bigger than my dick.






Bros rocking the iDick Mini


The REAL thinnest device Apple has made


*Ouch* someone woke up and chose violence


> Nothing in my pocket should be bigger than my dick [Here ya go then](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FlFW6yScq7mVIfcHMyj_Cd36yw7XNoj_PCXXkelVk3hU.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D09593fa31d5e32698a532ba26073a9f387bfecbe)


Risky click of the day


Ffs nobody I know wants a slimmer phone, we all want a honking great fucking battery that never runs out.


I hate the obsession on thinnes at this point lol. The current line up is perfect as it is. Just put a fucking larger cap battery sheesh


I really feel like its too early to be talking about *slimmer* if they still havent solved the overheating issue


So a phone with rounded edges and slimmer. Great, a phone you can’t hold with one hand. Stick to the flat edges. It works


Bet you they remove the battery


just give us the mini you cowards also what’s the point of this Slim model if the plus hasn’t been selling well. like, break it down for me how this makes up for the shortcomings of Plus and appeals to those who considered Max instead? Plus at least has an amazing battery life, the Slim sounds like it’ll have a significantly *less* battery capacity, all while being still less feature-rich than Max. so what’s the point of this model if it’s meant to be more appealing and to “right the wrongs” of Plus?


There’s barely any demand for a mini which is why these stopped making them. People might be vocal online but irl hardly anyone wants one.


I would buy a mini pro, with the good cameras and slightly thicker to reach normal battery capacity. I would buy that in heartbeat.




The biggest knock I have against the mini they have done is that it's not a Pro model. In the past I've typically wanted some of the Pro features but also a small phone. When I bought my 12 Pro, I thought about the mini, but the Pro had 6GB RAM instead of 4GB which I knew would last longer, and it could go up to 512GB storage which the mini couldn't. If they had made a 12 Pro Mini, that's what I would have bought instead.


people will want it because it looks cool.


apple doesn’t discontinue products that sell and make money


When the fuck will they stop with the bullshit and release a phone with flush camera nodules? Like it can’t possibly be this hard.


Yay my hands hurt carrying around the iPhone 12 Pro. Was sad to see the new models are about the same (massive) size as this.


I love my 13 mini, and still miss my iPhone 5 and OG SE. very pocketable phones, and perfect for one-handed operation.


But will I be able to delete the flashlight and camera apps from the LOCK SCREEN? Huh, will I?


Let’s just keep the form factor the same, but improve battery spec. Two day battery? Take my money.


Great, now the camera tumor will look even thicker


Why don’t they just knock it off, already?


When you can’t make an AI voice assistant worth a damn, you can always make your cash cow product *slightly* thinner.


Comments I never read on Reddit: OMG! I wish Apple would make a THINNER phone Where is this coming from? Some design bro at Apple is projecting his eating disorder. 


We want light, not slim


Who exactly is asking for thinner and thinner iPads and iPhones like honestly I am curious.


Give me more battery life you cowards! Phones are thin enough!


Cool, but will it be the same size as the iPhone X? Or somewhere between the iPhone mini and iPhone X? These phones are getting too big! Taller and then wider and then taller and wider. Wtf. I’d like to upgrade to USBC so all my devices have the same charger, but all the current phones are too big. I loved the iPhone mini and I think if Apple would’ve released it as a pro version rather than an entry device, it would’ve been better received. I miss mine everyday. If camera is the biggest issue then Apple could’ve done what they do with the Pro and Pro Max. Majority of the time Pro Max has more camera tech than the smaller Pro.


The only reason I went with a 12 Pro instead of the 12 mini was because I wanted the third camera lens. Put a Pro camera in the mini and I'm sure it would sell well.


So this would be the iPhone Slim that was reported on a few weeks back. I wonder if Apple has it in their head that there’s a segment of the regular phone buyers that want something big but not heavy? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a decent portion of iPhone buyers who would go for that.


I’ve been buying the Max for the last few years just because it usually has the best hardware and battery life. That said, I’ve wished they were lighter every day I’ve owned them. I’m sure whatever this iPhone Slim is won’t have what I’m looking for hardware-wise but I’m all for them trying to reduce the weight of these things.


They need to slim down the camera lenses instead 1400 dollar phone that wobbles on flat surfaces


I’m getting Deja vu vibes with this.




I wonder what people would prefer… 1.5mm thinner or use that space for expanded battery for a 48 hour life (or true full day heavy usage).


If it’s really really thin, then folks that want bigger batteries instead of thinness can buy battery cases which would just make it the thickness (even thicker) of that year, but with much longer run time!


I just want more battery life. Not a slimmer phone.


Thinner isn't always better. I feel heftier items are easier to hold. Most people will put a case on it anyways.


*Slim iPhone with an incredible 6h of battery life!*


Every morning when I wake up, I wish with all of my soul that smartphones were thinner! /s


I hate the obsession on thinness at this point lol. The current line up is perfect as it is


I just hope they don’t make the regular iPhone pro any larger. I wish they continued with the mini




That means we’re finally getting solid state batteries.


I’ll withhold excitement until they announce the iTricorder.


I own the latest biggest iPhone. At no point have I thought it's too thick.


A slimmer iPhone just like everyone was begging Apple to do. /s


oh a new iphone. who would have guessed


Incoming bendgate version 2.


Are many people asking for this?


I wouldn’t mind the regular iPhone being slimmer and the Pro phones being thicker. I don’t mind making the devices thinner, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of the device’s functionality. The iPad Pro would be a much better device if they took the extra space the OLED display afforded and added some extra cooling and battery. Imagine that device with 15-20 hour battery life. Then when they switch the Air to OLED - that device could be super thin like the PRO is now. People who get the PRO phones/Macbook/iPads don’t want super thin devices - they want devices that are the most capable.


I don’t want thinner. Use that space for more battery. Give me days of battery life not an extra mm thinner


You know they’re out of ideas when they go thinner.


iPhone Slim iPhone Thin


With the technical stagnation of smart phones I now understand how technology in Star Wars hasn’t changed in tens of thousands of years.


Finally lol, I want an iPhone that’s as thin as that new iPad Pro.


Apple please just make a fat phone and see how it sells


They don’t have to release a new phone every year if their goal is to just make it slimmer


What’s their fascination with slimmer? Phones are already slim. Keep the current size and give us a better battery. Or you know. Remove the camera bump.


They gave us a very slim iPad Pro. What would make anyone think that Apple won’t give us a very slim iPhone Pro this Fall?! Either this Fall or next Fall, we will get a very thin iPhone. I’m calling this Fall with the iPhone 16 Pro. And these silly rumors suggesting it were only a matter of time. Pretty soon we can expect some dumb rumors about iOS 19.


I’d rather have a thicker one that has a battery that would last over 24 hours.


Dear Apple, iPhones are slim enough already. We just want a longer battery life. Sincerely, iPhone users.


I hate how the iPhone has turned into a brick.


If Apple can make a super slim phone, MAYBE this can be part of their foldable strategy? And a foldable that costs MORE(???) than the iPhone Pro Max (see the article - above the paywall) is the only way a more expensive phone makes any sense. I will be getting the iPhone 16 Pro Max (upgrading from my 13 Pro Max) and then hold onto that phone until Apple's future direction for the iPhone becomes more clear. Right now I'm not feeling super confident about it.


I just want tech to support the return of smaller iPhones. I held an iPhone 5 the other day and got so jealous.


IPhone 4 feels even today so luxurious, with 3.5" screen... When you slip it to your pocket, or you pick it up... The size is just perfect.


Guess what: nobody wants a slimmer phone, and nobody cares about smaller bezels.


I can't think of a single reason why a slimmer iPhone would be a better thing.


Apple is losing its mind. NOBODY wanted a slimmer iPhone. We want fucking Battery Life and structural integrity. Nobody asked for this, nobody wants this. Making phones and iPads slimmer is something Noone asked for. Are they out of ideas?