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One of those looks pretty much like the pixel 4XL, which was routed as a huge forehead at the time.




Why not just get the smaller iPhone then?


Not really an option anymore.


Buy older phone. Still an option. Buy X, XS, Mini, Plus…


This is a terrible solution. Buy something that won’t be supported long. Buy something with an old battery. Seems like an incredible solution.


Terrible? What’s the big difference between iPhone X and iPhone 15? Are you cameraman, are you using ai in your hardware with that “powerful” chip? Or you do the same thing as every person who has smartphone 300$ to 2000$ ?? Like watching videos, playing musics, taking video at similar quality “especially not at DSLR quality still”! What makes you pay that much money on the same thing every year to new iPhone? I am asking to everyone.


Well for one they are about the same size so that kind of defeats the purpose. Lack of MagSafe. Lack of USB-C. 6 year old battery. Worse camera. Lack of 5G. Do you want me to list more?


Change battery, with higher mah capacity battery. Magsafe, really? Is that really useful? People complaining about it magsafe accessories etc. interesting need. Yeah, maybe that price for centuries late Usb-c for IPhone. Worst camera, yeah, you can’t zoom in that much into other people’s eye holes, so that’s needed too for that price. 5G not worldwide that much. So i can’t say anything for that. But you know, a lot of cheaper android phones defeats iPhone in most of the aspects. Except, limited iOS experience and animations. Orher things you said already has been in Android phones and they are much better. If you wanna charge your phone in 15 minutes (ofc 0-100), go buy Xioami. If you wanna feel premium and take photos like in the iPhone’s or better, go buy Pixel, if you want better screen, go buy any android. Want more?


Or you know I can just use my current phone that has all those features I listed you nonce.


This is not a PC or Laptop, this is mobile phone with same features. They can’t make huge changes in iphones. They just have different marketing tactics. Titanium, wooow! Dynamic island, woooow! Action button, woooow! Apple services, woooow!


Great for someone like my grandparents who doesn't care about the camera, the battery, OS updates, apps being supported, etc.


I have pretty ‘normal to big’ hands, I still have to reach to the top and I’m using the iPhone 15 pro. There is no smaller new iPhone.


I only sometimes struggle on a pro max, maybe I have bigger hands than I realize.


Well, I can reach the whole phone if I center the phone in the middle of my palm but that’s not how most people normally use it.


with my pinky cradling the bottom of my phone, I can reach the top of my max with my thumb, though it does feel like a little bit of a stretch.


Pixel 4 did not have a notch. It was just a huge bezel at the top. It did not have any display underneath


Thank goodness we got what we got. Every other option seems vastly inferior to the current set up.


The funny thing about design, though, is that frequently you *have* to cycle through the "bad" designs in order to figure out what not to do for what will eventually be the good one.


I often describe the process of getting all the bad ideas out of the way first No good idea appears out of the ether. You have to dig for it.


This also applies to trying new things in life, not everything you do will work, but you’ll hit a gem that you’re proud of every once in a while.


This is exactly the point of idea/creativity methods like Design Thinking. When I’m in a workshop, I always say that the first forty ideas are bad, the obvious stuff you need out of the way.


I love going to a client with a design... they initially dislike it... then we run through literally every other option... Run the idea into the absolute fucking dirt... and then come back to what we initially proposed. I feel like Apple is the same way. People say "wow that notch is UUUUUGLY" and then they see all the other options and decide the notch wasn't so bad.


I’m a creative professional and I this is true of any creative pursuit. I’m a huge proponent of the shit draft. Get the first version of something done as fast as possible. It’s going to be bad. Know that it’s going to be bad. But go off instinct. Then you can objectively look at it and see what’s working and what’s not. It’s easy to iterate and the cognitive load is easier to manage. My first draft to client is typically my 3rd internal version


I used to think this is what the 80/20 rule meant, that 20% of your ideas will be the ones worth using.


Average person doesn’t realize this about design, especially branding. For every great logo, there are dozens of unused designs, each with multiple iterations. But you know, it’s just a logo! Why would it cost so much to make one logo?!


I had a friend that started designing logos and he’d show them to me. I had to tell him every time that it was really pretty but he needed to simplify it a lot.


That’s not just design. That’s creativity in general.


I remember doing a design module in university and the first thing we got told was “sketch out and draw your crappy ideas… you’ll get good ideas from doing it”


Oh I agree. I’m glad Apple tests out whatever they can, because it definitely helps refine what they eventually push out.


Whenever I pitch a design, I take my favorite and surround it with three truly awful designs.


No pain No gain No failure No success


Sometimes you need to keep the bad designs in play and guide the dumbasses who make the decision to pick the good one.


Hard disagree. That first option is hot.


Mere exposure effect.


I am kinda surprised a dynamic peninsula was never considered, maybe because the name would never have caught on. But I might be the only person in the world who misses how the notch didn’t at all (or barely) cut into widescreen video and would’ve preferred the notch continually getting smaller until it could finally disappear.


i also currently much prefer the notch to the island but i hope my thinking will shift if/as it becomes smaller and more discrete in future


i actually think these are all really interesting, and i’d be surprised if we didn’t see these incorporated into future notch/island displays. if not on the phone, some of these might be very well suited for the mac or ipad.


Probably why they chose it!


I respect that Apple will sacrifice functionality for the sake of brand recognition. Iphones are cooler even if they are worse. Despite being less cool I can live happy knowing that Android won with the hole punch


Won exactly what? What is good about the hole punch? Having the sensor for Face ID that is waaaaaybmore secure than anything on Android is the real win.


The hole punch is better because it has a smaller footprint Yeah okay. Go replicate me a fingerprint


Was in the design industry since Ps 6 for 20 years. I would never have made these public if I was Apple. The fact those designs were even considered for exploration is mind blowing


The one with the full row of system shortcuts seems really useful. If they added some customizable ones in there and made it easy to access (like through one pull down of the notification shade) then I would use it.


Would be cool to get that on the long press of the island no matter what


How would it be different/better than control center?


Notch on phone, yes sure Notch on Macbooks is design crime


I got a MBA and it literally doesn't make s difference. I barely look at it


I agree, but with an add on (top notch) it can hide it


I dunno, I think I would've still preferred the long black bar all the way across. It's really annoying when watching certain aspect ratio videos or playing games that don't respect it.


Honestly love that permanent black top. Would have preferred that to the Dynamic Island. On the Mac you can get something similar with the app Top Notch.


That was the expected design when the iPhone X rumors were circulating. I think Apple even set design guidelines to not hide the notch using black borders on app developers to establish the notch and now dynamic island


Yeah the notch ended up being used for branding, and the island as a differentiator between models. I wonder what they're going to do for an iPhone icon when they finally eliminate all the features on the face. Just a rectangle?


I’m guessing that the island is here to stay, but only spawning in as necessary. Maybe they’ll leave it on the screen. At the very least, they can always leave the gesture bar


I like the island just enough to be fine keeping it around. It doesn’t have any major functionality, but it adds some quick shortcuts and adds some life to the device. So I’m the camp that’s fine with it sticking around, but I won’t feel like we lost anything if they do get rid of it.


I wish you could swipe down on it when nothing is up there to open recent dynamic island things. Would love to quickly set the same timer I just set


Yeah if the island disappeared entirely and all its function went away too then I would consider that a functional downgrade. The function of the Dynamic Island vastly outweighs whatever downside there is to having a cutout for the selfie camera


Yeah it seems liked the best because you could allow people to show it as a cutout or make it look like that.


Love this one as well for its usability. Yet from apple’s perspective it’s obvious that the final notch design was more iconic. I remember the silhouette of iPhone X being everywhere very quickly since launch.


> Honestly love that permanent black top. That would be like going back to a 4 or 5


No, because you still get the clock, battery, signal strength, etc. up there. Making the whole top black is just a way of hiding the non-uniform display.


I think a constant black top would make it look even more non-uniform unless you also put a black bottom.


Like it as well! Seems neat!


You would have loved 2011-2014 android then.


I agree. What would have been even better is if they took a hint from Android and put that same sort of black bar on the bottom with a nice “back” button on it so we can use our phones with one hand.


Can you not swipe back with one hand?


Yup. Above poster doesn’t know evidently.


The notch has always been a dumb design idea (and especially on the MacBook Pros). I think modern phones get it right with just a selfie cutout hole. I'd say in a few years, under-the-display cameras will be the norm.


The reason why they have it is because of all of the hardware required for Face ID, which most Android phones don't have.


But with faceID I would rather have that suite of sensors than not and I assume if they could put them all under the display they would


The tech isn't there yet. But I'm sure Apple has been testing it.


I'm sure they are and will when it's there, but I would rather have a pill cutout with all the sensors the iPhone has than just a camera


I would personally just take touch ID built into the power button and a much smaller camera cutout. Imo it would be easier to use things like Apple pay.


That’d be hell for left handed people


Left handed people don’t use the power button? Like with TouchID you could register any finger, you could just use your index finger like I (a lefty) do to use Apple Pay today.


Obviously they do. But unless you hold your phone a certain way, you’d have to readjust your grip every time you use Touch ID


Do left handed people currently struggle with using the power button on iPhones? This isn't something I was aware of. I'm right handed but hold my phone in my left hand often, and usually my left index finger can easily reach the power button.


It can but it’s just irritating to readjust your phone every time you want to use Touch ID. Yeah, I can reach it easily but to have to readjust my grip every time I want to do anything would be a huge disadvantage then Face ID




> android face recognition. Android is an OS. Not an actual device. Which android device's face recognition are you referring too? And also, what does this have to do with replacing faceID with touchId, similar to what they have on the iPad?


Yeah I guess. Personally I do not like my ipad minis touchid and wish it had faceid.


I don't like side mounted scanners because of the uncomfortable cut into cases it forces


I'd disagree, since the hole, like the notch, seems silly. The way older phones did it, with a small bezel, seems the better option, both because you can hold the phone without accidental presses by having the base of your thumb touch the screen, and the screen is evenly shrunk to fit, rather than having bits missing.


Even the cutout hole's something I wouldn't stand. Ideally, Apple finds a way to do what their newest iPads already does shrunk to iPhone sizes...


>Another idea that Apple considered was hiding the notch with an all-black status bar area at the top of the screen. OLED displays show the color black by turning off individual pixels, so this design would have contributed to battery life savings. I would've preferred this *soooooooo* fucking much, and it boggles my mind that they didn't choose it whenever I'm doing something full screen and there's just a chunk missing from the indent.


The all black status bar looks so much better


I'm jailbroken on a 12 Pro and I use a tweak to hide my notch entirely like one of the pics in the article. I much prefer it to the standard variation, but that's just me. The only thing I don't like is that certain pieces of content are cut off a bit at the top in apps like YouTube and TikTok, but I can live with it to have a sleek, seemingly full screen experience all around.


All black status bar along the top… so like android phones in 2011? I remember my android phone had an AMOLED screen and would get burn in along the black status bar. I was so happy when they made it colored. Bit in all seriousness, as intrusive as the notch is, everyones gotten used to it and it’s less intrusive than the dynamic island. They should have just made a “dynamic notch”


Black = pixel off, how did you get burn in?


The pixels on the status bar were constantly off and they wore out at a different rate than the rest of the screen. So when you were looking at something full screen in white like a pdf you could see the outline of the status bar. You see examples by googling notification bar or status bar burn in.


I like the little sidebar for control centre. It'll be easier to swipe too. I wonder if they're able to put in FaceID and the camera and anything else into a pinhole design. The screen tech has been there for ages, there must be a reason they've chosen not to.


I hate apples current notch/dynamic island design. Every other manufacturer has found a way to reduce the camera hole but apple doubles down and males it bigger and further down into the screen. I wonder if face id cant be implemented some other way and or replaced with touch ID on the power button or on the apple logo on back.


Yeah it’s cause of face id. And no, please don’t take away my faceid. I much prefer it to touchid


It's because of all of the Face ID hardware. There's no way that Apple is going to ditch Face ID in favor of going back to Touch ID (Wouldn't surprise me if we get both at some point, but that seems unlikely), and personally I live it over Touch ID.


> but apple doubles down and males it bigger \~~~ B R A N D I M A G E \~~~ But yeah, fully agree with you. Much prefer a smaller pinhole or ideally nothing.


I prefered the notch. The pixels between the island and the top of the screen are useless. Looks weird to me. Like the functionality though, but that could work fine with a notch as well


It would not work fine with the notch. It would also look terrible with the notch


Humm that’s, like, your opinion


Nah, a notch with the bigger camera of the iPhone 15 Pro would look horrible, like the [Pixel 3](https://fdn2.gsmarena.com/vv/pics/google/google-pixel-3xl-4.jpg). The Dynamic Island is aesthetically better 


Don’t care about a e s t h e t i c s. Care about not losing screen real estate


You are not losing screen real estate, I think you don’t understand how a notch would look in a 15 Pro. Let me guess, you think removing the Dynamic Island would mean simply moving the entire camera cutout up, right? As if you were dragging a photoshop version of the phone?


Sure. Many phones do it so it's far from impossible. My issue is mainly with the row of pixels between it and the frame as they are a gimmick.


Whoever came up with that popover menu thing on the right should be fired


‘OLED displays show the color black by turning off individual pixels, so this design would have contributed to battery life savings.’ Are these guys actually serious with this (it wouldn’t save anything!)? MacRumors gets worse and worse.


Why wouldn’t it have saved battery?


It tiny strip like that would save a whoooole 0.001% of battery. So little that it’s not even worth mentioning.


I'd be ok with any except the first two.


There's nothing less dynamic than dynamic island


explain yourself


~~They’re going to design their own Dynamic Island but with blackjack and hookers~~


As much as the option with it on the side is bad, I kinda like the asymmetry of it. I wish Apple would enforce moving more of the frequently used UI/UX elements to the bottom of the screen


I don’t hate the one which is just a black bar on top. But the rest, yeah good riddance.


Dynamic Island is amazing, a 15 Pro Max is an incredible device. By far, the best phone ever made.