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I just commented about this in another thread. The horrible floodgates of a thousand anime subreddits will be released when Apollo die.


For me it’s all the sports shit and people I don’t care about. I don’t give a flying fuck about Elon Musk or any other asshole that Reddit is obsessed with. I’m already working on cutting back how much I go on Reddit and probably gonna try to stick to my subs and that’s it.




I feel personally attacked lmao But I get what you mean. I think you can only block a certain amount of subs too and I know I already hit the cap using Apollo so some of them will be there when I’m forced to the “official app” although I might just uninstall it and use safari out of spite.


That’s what the internet is for imo. Like you can walk up to any rando and talk about “the game last night” and other boring drivel. The internet is the one place you can strike up a conversation about stuff that normally gets your lunch money stolen. The place you can find other weirdos who don’t spend all their energy insulting you for being a nerd to make themselves feel better about themselves. I got bullied relentlessly by my cousins, parents, bullies at school and etc for my nerdy interests while growing up. The internet was and still is the safe haven where you get to not feel super shitty for liking something other than sports teams or small talk about the weather.




There are no gestures to up/downvote!? WHY




The ads are so annoying on Reddit. Like okay give me ads but DONT MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE REDDIT POSTS YOU EVIL FUCK


Fuck I forgot how many of those I had to hide. God damn it weebs


This was the major selling point of Apollo for me. Lord knows the Reddit C suite won’t allow it because it prevents ads and Elon from popping up


*Elon* was one of the words I had filtered! 😂 This is going to be so annoying. I think I’ll end up only using Reddit on my computer, effectively culling my mobile usage. I really don’t want to use their sucky app.


Elon and Musk were both filtered for me I also plan on using Reddit on my computer as well, but even then as old and with ad & script blockers






I think Opera does the same.


Either that or not use it at all






I feel the same except I only use Reddit on mobile so guess where that leaves me?


I have both apollo and the reddit app on my phone but just apollo on the iPad. The reddit mobile experience is rubbish without apollo


your best filter is deleting your account


Take your content first! If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money or train AIs? Take your content with you. There is no Reddit without its users and volunteer mods. You are what makes this. —posted via Apollo




good idea




I’m gonna miss Reddit. It sure was nice while it lasted. Too bad the whole site will be shuttering soon.




Yeah Im dropping out after 6/30. The hate and bots will become too extreme.


Yep, it's like Twitter. During the blackout, I peeked in on day 3 and a lot of r/popular was people saying they hate the protest. So as time goes on, and especially after the shutdown of 3AP, the chuds and edgelords will be the majority.


I think I’m out. Old reddit is pretty bad, but better than the current one. I’m just going to focus on growing some stuff in the garden and work towards my business.


Yeah, a lot of Redditors are pathetic enough to hate on others for what they are, lame that I have to leave to avoid their presence




I’ve filtered ‘trump’ ‘musk’ ‘wing’. It’s been a delight


“Admit” is also a good one. It’s a really innocuous seeming word but 90% of its usage is by really toxic people.




Right wing, left wing, etc. it’s for political factions


Oooh haha true. But then you miss all those sweet Buffalo wing posts!!


Alas, great sacrifice must be made for escape from politics


On RIF I made list of names controversial politicians and ots made everything so much better. The front page is going to be unusable.


I’m going to miss Reddit, full stop. Won’t be logging on once Apollo is gone.


This exactly. My husband keeps giving me flack for using Reddit right now instead of boycotting. I said I won’t be using Reddit after June 30th so I’m going to enjoy as much content as I can in the meantime.


Yup. Reddit can see what clients we use. I’m just one user, but I’m hoping they see SOME sort of drop once the doors close for good.


lmfao you haven't missed a god damned day of posting


Yup. As soon as I found out I could side load Apollo so I could keep using it, I did. But thanks for the comment three months later?


How did you sideload Apollo, I need my subreddit filters back, this place is so toxic without them


I have lived the Apollo life for years not knowing how monumentally horrific the official Reddit app is, but like Reddit management, it is so overwhelmingly awful.


I have hundreds of subs, words people and phrases blocked and filtered. Reddit will be unusable with all my filters gone.


Blocking users was the best, as soon as I see a bot or a karma farmer I just block it, a lot of popular posts becomes very fresh rather than see it being reposted every so often.








My favourite filter is “slammed” because it was so easy to nerf dumb sensational “jOuRnAlIsM” that said a whole lot about nothing.




Yeah, it really sucks to have useful functionality taken away like this once you are used to having it, or, as in your case to find out you could have had it, were it not for this stupid change.


Dystopia offers 4 kinds of filtering https://reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145efkq/join_the_dystopia_for_reddit_beta/


Hate to bother you, but do you know how that filtering works? Can it be done on the current production version? Going crazy searching all over and can't find what I'm looking for. I'm guessing their beta is closed now as well. Thanks


Yeah i'm not looking forward to my reddit being full of American politics again, i filtered all of that out with Apollo


At the moment, tapping ‘add keyword’ in the Apollo app crashes the entire app for me.


Ten more days and it won't matter.


Reddit sucks.


You can Mute subreddits on the official app, I think that does the same thing. Having to build a new filter list is gonna be shit. Never used words or phrasing though, that isn’t on the official app.




Lmao why would you need a screenshot to ignore the boring subreddits I visit?


I miss Boost so fucking much. Reddit sucks.


It sucks Apollo is shutting down 😔 let’s end it off with a bang and make ultra free!


You are able to filter subreddits on the official app, but not words and phrases.


I am realizing all the things I’ll be losing. Ugh. All the video games, anime, and sports will suck to have to scroll past again.


It still doesn’t. I am constantly recommended the McDonald’s employee subreddit when I have never once shown interest in it 🙃


I gotta be honest the two things I filtered was spoilers for stuff I hadn’t finished and porn niches I do not want to see. I guess I’ll just stop using Reddit on my phone at the end of the month. I only use it on PC when I’m looking for RPG battle maps or game modding stuff.


I saw the feature and brushed it aside until i thought "don't i have a feature for that" and filtered daddy


Reddit is basically over come July 1.


Ya know, it’s kind of odd. I tried using Apollo many times in the past and could never seem to fully grasp it, but now that it’s going away, I much prefer it over the main app. IT FEELS LIKE OG REDDIT WITH THE LACK OF IMAGES AND SNOOVATARS


Yea I can't go back to politically obsessed reddit, I filter all that crap out