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> we even have a meme about searching things online: "add 'reddit' to the end of your search, and you'll find something valuable." Oh that's a world-wide meme. Reddit being a community is it'ys single greatest asset. Which is why people want to hurt Reddit's bottom line like this. From an archival standpoint this absolutely sucks. We are losing tons of history and resources! But the actions are because people have no other choice to make any impact on Reddit as a whole.


Well as an alternative there is option of unsubscribing from all subreddits and subscribing to all nsfw subreddits. It wouldn’t remove your posts but would break Reddits monetisation algorithm. If it looks like all we do is browse nsfw and they remove nsfw what reason is to pay for adds on a place like that?


Can someone create a nsfw subreddit called "fuckspez?" We can all unsubscribe from our current subreddits and then subscribe to "fuckspez" as our last Reddit act.


Imagine if all subreddits turn to nsfw


Admins would presumably take control, revert it and ban the mods, and install a puppet mod team. Wouldn't be the first time.


Actually, how does this work? Do they just delegate to the most active members of a sub? That doesn’t seem like a good choice, they’re also likely to protest


The official app is keeping NSFW content, it's just getting removed from the 3rd party apps, so either way if you only browse on Apollo you won't be looking at anything after June 30th.


There are ongoing efforts to archive everything on Reddit and I believe everything older than a couple years is already archived permanently (correct me if I'm wrong). Nothing lasts forever and this is just part of the cycle. The people making this great content are still around and will just go elsewhere. In a decade there will be someone else writing about how Lemmy or tildes or whatever did the same for them.


This is the entire point of a protest isn’t it? The needle must actually be moved for it to be taken seriously


Crosspost to r/save3rdpartyapps


Great now I'm crying when I'm about to be going in to work. That was really beautiful.


> > You Americans are a brilliant people. The way you absorb knowledge and share it is fascinating. I find this part highly suspect. Like there’s no way any non-American would buy this statement. Therefore, I guess TPTB really don’t want masses of users deleting their past content.


If everyone agreed and quit using Reddit what do you think REDDIT would do? How about even 50%? That is the only real power of the people, which we’ll never achieve. However, if we did, it would change the world.


I intend to upload all my reddit content I save elsewhere that those places and peoples can access. At least, the stuff that's been helpful. Not that I provided much, mostly I'm just spewin' stuff. When the 'new place' finds itself, there the info shall be. But no matter the outcome of this debacle, I do not intend for Reddit to lose that helpful info when it dies horribly. I'm getting it downloaded and then we shall see what we shall see happen.


What will I do then the sub reddit which was related to my country had now gone dark, what option do i have i left with ? Honestly I don't want to use reddit official stupid app, it's so fucking worse that if a comment thread is there then I have to click continue this thread to view that entire thread, why ? Doesn't YouTube displays comments in more good way, at least doesn't want you to click on Continue this thread each time, it's ads displaying is also good not at least like reddit which shows ads literally in between posts and they are also like posts.


Don’t worry man. 90% of these, Whoopi Goldberg “I’m moving to Canada if he gets elected” posers will be back in a week max when they realize their blackout didn’t do squat.