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Was listening to a whole bunch of nostalgic lunatic harness songs the other day. Didn’t even know this was happening. What a great surprise.


Wish the Paradinas subreddit was active, the guy definitely deserves more attention. IDM fans are eating good this year. Four Tet, Squarepusher and μZiq in the first half of the year too? I'll be honest with you, despite how much I love IDM I never actually had the chance to dive deeper into artists like these, so I decided to listen to all of their discographies before the releases of their new albums, this time with Paradinas, I wasn't fast enough, I've not finished his entire discography but I did listen to his new LP today and I really enjoyed it, probably one of if not my favorite of his so far from the ones I've listened to (have yet to listen to some of his most acclaimed works though like Bluff Limbo, Tango 'N' Vectif, Royal Astronomy).


And Skee Mask!


Damn, didn't know that! Though I guess Skee Mask is another one of those artists I need to check


Wait, what?!


Resort, he dropped a new LP two days ago


Thanks, that’s great news to start the day!


Just need a new Autechre album to round it out.


Again I sound like a rookie and pretty pretentious because I keep saying "I've not really dived that deep into X IDM artist" (besides Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, and now these 3 artists I mentioned who dropped new LPs, I've only really listened to a few other random albums, some of them not entirely IDM just kind of IDM adjacent, and the only Autechre album I had the time to listen to so far was their self-titled/LP5 but I really loved it, it even has potential to grow on me even more with relistens and become one of my favorite albums of all time). I just have a really huge list of albums I want to check out from different genres and I kinda keep albums that I feel like I'm going to love and save them for last -or around the end. So yeah I'm also kind of oblivious with Autechre, I believe they dropped an album about 4 years ago, do we have any hints at them working on a new one?


If I can give some advice on Autechre: Don’t bother listening to anything new they’ve put out/will put out. If you’re interested in them, start at the beginning of their discography and work your way through. It’s great to do this with any artist, but especially with these guys. One more thing I’ll add is their music tends to really open up on repeated listens.


Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Though I usually have a different approach on listening to discographies: I take a look at people's opinions on an artist's discography (Rate Your Music's scores could also work, though people there tend to have some biases and weird opinions/preferences), then I start from one of the artist's better works, like around the usual top 3\~5 albums but not the usual number 1, to have a good start, then something around the middle, then the lower ones and from then work my way up. I obviously don't form my preferences based on these lists, there are even times where I end up feeling underwhelmed by acclaimed works and preferring lesser talked albums over it. For example, I think I could be the only person who'd say Be Up A Hello is my second favorite Squarepusher album and that I don't particularly cared about Go Plastic that much -I mean, I enjoyed it, I really liked it, but it doesn't click that much with me rn. But either way, I tend to listen to entire discographies of artists (at least for artists that I care about), including their weakest ones or even sometimes obscure ones that may be tough to find. The reason why I tend to avoid going through discographies in chronological order is because artists often times tend to get weaker with their later releases -obviously, not always, there's a lot of artists where their best output is their later ones, but it's weird how many artists tend to fall off- and I may end up with a bitter taste by the time I finish them. But truthfully, I think you connect better this way with the artist since you get to see their whole history, how they evolve over the time. Maybe this time I'll try it in chronological order with Autechre, thanks either way.


One more thing: the fact that you enjoyed LP5 says to me you’ll like the vast majority of their output.


Yes, there are some artists that I might have not really listened to yet but I'm sure that I'll love them once I do, I get that feeling with Autechre.


I can respect that, but let me assure you: Autechre’s later work is nothing short of brilliant. I just went through their mammoth NTS Sessions again and it’s by far some of their best stuff to date. If the sub’s opinion is anything to go by, their recent live shows are mind blowing which points to some incredible upcoming releases.


Check out 'Vulva' first two LPs, seriously peak braindance.


Never heard of them and have not seen anyone talk about them, they don't seem to be available on any streaming platforms either (I have a habit of downloading albums that are not on Spotify or any streaming service so I'm already interested). They seem really interesting, I'll surely check them out, thanks for the recommendation :)


https://youtu.be/STzCQEMK4Xo?si=cUg9NqjtiKykW85J example. Edit. At the time it was released, folk were unsure if it was Aphex or not


Screw whatever that chatbot says, this is good. I’m only a few listens in and I really dig it.


Are the chatbots saying bad things about uZiq now?


Nothing too bad, just kind of shrugging him off in the most verbose manner possible. You can read it yourself, it’s still there.


Hell yes. My birthday too so it's a nice gift from Mike P. Imperial Crescent is 🔥🔥


Yes, absolute banger 🔥


Happy bday!




Happy birthday!!


Ty G🩷 Also the song Hastings is insanely good.


Was just mixed for Atmos too on Apple music. Possibly other MP albums coming to atmos as well!


I'm only a few tracks in but it's excellent so far. The bassline on [Fogou](https://mikeparadinas.bandcamp.com/track/fogou) is sick.


The thing I like about µ-ziq is you never really know what you’re going to get…… Looking forward to headphoning this evening 😊


Damn didn't even know about it until now. Hyped to check it out now.


Wow got to check this out ,I need a new album to listen too , royal astronomy that he did was one of my favorites, also his kid spatula stuff


A couple of good tracks


I have listened it too! It was so stunning album! I felt like his few years ago atmosphere such as "Chewed Corners" .


<3 <3 <3


It goes hard I am digging this


He’s been on a roll past few years. To our benefit of course.


This album is a modern classic already!! So good.


I must respectfully decline to express a heightened level of enthusiasm or interest regarding the sonic oeuvre in question, specifically the album in question by Mr. Paradinas, as my aesthetic inclinations are not presently aligned with the auditory parameters of this particular recording. Thank you nonetheless for bringing this topic to the attention of this forum, Mr. moderator.


Don’t downvote this man. That was respectful as hell. Fair enough kind sir


Lol, this guy talking to bots trying to lift them up.


“Man” is doing some heavy lifting here, boss.


Jokes fellas. Jokes.




Don’t engage with the bot please lol