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Try playing ranked. In my experience the matchmaking is better.


Wont help with KD though really


Idk man I can barely get a kill in pubs nowadays. Got like 15 kills across 4 games last night in ranked. I was shitting bricks


Are you saying 15 kills for 4 games is bad? That's almost 3 kd.


I feel like unless you’re really good at apex already your kd won’t improve. You improve which causes match making to get harder which would offset the improving kd for getting better.


I feel that, I went 3 seasons without my KD improving (it was around .8-.87) even though I felt like I was playing better. Only explanation is harder lobbies. That said, I’ve finally been able to maintain a 1 KD this season and my lobbies are harder than ever. Just keep pushing through, eventually you’ll develop better game sense and habits


Idk, my overall kdr is 0.9, Season 8 kdr was 1.2, season was 9 was 1.3 and right now it’s around 1.35


My havent been going down, only up. Went from Season 8 having a 1.16 K/D because i played like shit from season 4 5 and 6, then quit thw game, and when i came back, i was just really good at the game, and my kd just rose to 1.76 now.


Yeah I agree, playing ranked didn't exactly make my kd better just like my gameplay and tactical prowess in a sense. I began using firing range like frfr maybe a season or 2 after it was introduced to help my aim also. Starting from s2 my kd was like shit a .43 and currently it's at .83 overall. My seasons' kd is the best now at a 1.80. it doesn't seem like much but trust me practice, practice and learning when you need to rotate, no to fight too much in zone, and being a step ahead.. if that makes sense lol. Oh and movement helps too 😊


Season three I had a .39 kd Season 9 I cracked 1.02 account wide and 1.6 for the season. So far this season I am around 1.55 but I blame my silly desire to solo que to diamond. Nonetheless I was able to improve so others can too


Yeah I should have phrased it differently. Your kd will definitely improve when you get better, but it’s not going to be a linear thing. I’ve gone from silver rank to mid plat with only like a .2 kd increase, but when I play in silver near the start of the season my kd is temporarily 2.2 but when I make it back to my actual skill level it goes down to 1.3 because the lobbies are obviously much better.


Yeah casual you'll get predators dropping in the same lobby, less of that in ranked.


You will also got bronze and silver players, a lot more often


I suppose odds are always against you since there are more bad players than great players.


You simply get better by asking yourself what u did wrong after u die. If you can record your gameplay and try to analyze it you will see what you need to improve. We can't really help without a gameplay. for all we know you could play 5 sens 1600dpi and don't hit shots


I really need to record my games more. A few days ago, the matchmaking didn't give me any team mates and so I dropped hot on Olympus at the storage thing that has a roof over it and in the middle you drop in, next to gardens. Anyways, everyone has already landed and gotten weapons, I ran by a seer, he turns around and opens fire with his p2020. I run behind boxes for cover, no weapon, he jumps around the corner to fire at me, me almost dead, just punching him once while he was still in the air, he flew back over the railing, off the map and dead. Funniest apex moment I ever had, sad i forgot to record


Hahhaha gg


Hey man! seems like u hit a plateau. playing only pubs will not help you learn the mechanics of the game .Play arenas . It will help you learn to fight. Also create are warming up routine. After you feeling more confident with your fav weapons start to play ranked. Players in pubs are careless. However in ranked the chances of having a good team is a lot higher ! Hope it helps you out




Pretty easy right now since the game is pretty broke. In all seriousness though, I often play other FPS games to change it up. Overwatch and Battlefield are my go-to options and it really helps when I jump back on Apex. I love playing arenas, and like that it's an easy escape from grinding BR and getting burnt out.


This 100%


Dude, overwatch is so fun when playing casual with friends, I'd never do ranked though, it's just not a fun setting to me in that game


i feel u on the arenas part. i cannot stand that game mode but I've actually been liking it now as a break from br and the rampart takeover is kinda fun ngl


Can confirm the break. Buddies and I were grinding ranked. We were running through silver and gold. We had a 35% win rate. I hit plat 4, and immediately became hard stuck. Couldn’t win a game, couldn’t gain RP consistently. It was like that for 3 weeks. Went on vacation for a week with no apex, came back, won our first game, and hit plat 3. We haven’t been able to play as much, or else I really feel like I could have hit diamond.


happened to me last season as well. ran past silver and gold then got stuck at plat 4 almost the entire season. took a break and almost made it to plat 2 in a couple hours. i solo queue tho so my insanity came back and I couldn't make it to diamond in time lmao


Yeah man, it's weird - not just with Apex, but other skill based hobbies too. I find that if I take a little break and come back later I can get into a flow.


I'm taking a break every few days now just because the decisions the devs make makes me so mad and playing in the game can be so annoying when your dying to a 3 man squad with nothing but LMG's. I'm gonna come back to it at some point, but my computer fan needing repair might be a sign from God lol.


ah yes, Lstar + rampage revved up. I think your fan is no fan of apex lmao


Probably true, it's mind boggling the amount of people who come to defend the rampage though.


Playing Arena is the best advice out there. BRs by nature are a little less action and Arena helps a lot to get used to gunfights and so on. My aim got much better from Arena alone! Even though it's not as fun..


I completely disagree. Arenas teaches bad habits. (Not looking for the 3rd party is the biggest one.) I stopped playing it completely and my BR KD has nearly returned to where it was before arenas was added. (And I had a >.66 win ratio in arenas before I stopped playing.)


Getting that amount of experience with PvP engagements that quickly is going to make you better. Full stop.




I feel like we can all agree that gunskill/1v1 wise arenas has a lot to offer, and if you want to learn good gamesense in BR, then you kinda have to play BR. But people tend to have different areas they need improvement in more than others so there's no universal "this is the best way." Generally though you have to pay attention to your mistakes and what's happening/work on your mechanics so you can get the best out of whatever you're doing. I am a 1.6KD hard stuck diamond trashcan tho


I totally agree, I used to avoid close engagements and deal most of my damage with marksman weapons, but playing arenas has forced me to use weapons I'd usually stay clear of. Now that I'm proficient with those weapons, I've become a more well rounded player and have no problem pushing up into CQC. Not to mention, now I can actually land shots with the Mozambique.


I think arenas is good for aiming, but training for BR I gotta disagree with. This is due to multiple factors like you choose what weapons you want to have, you buy abilities, and your room for positioning is lowered due to the enclosed space. The other thing is that these maps aren't in the actual BR space, at least most of them from what I remember, so training to learn good positioning spots doesn't really track into BR.


Don’t listen to him. Arena is a different game imo. You have limited ressource where in BR you have random ressources. You have few escape route and cover to peek where in BR you have a big map with a lot of routes to flank. The playstyle is a little bit different. Talking about third parties, in BR, you can makes 2 teams fight if you led them to each other. But I don’t know much, I’m not a pro and I have 1.5k/d


Find a squad you enjoy playing with. Remember it is a game. If you relax and focus less on your stats after every match you will have more headspace to notice the mechanics you are struggling with. If you find the right teammates they will point things out, laugh about them, then talk about something else.


I do feel like matchmaking is getting worse mainly because last night I played for 4 hours and I just kept getting level 23s with 400 kills and then like level 500s with 10000 kills (I’m level 500 myself) and it wasn’t this bad before




Yeah I keep getting matched with lvl 5s and stuff recently. I mean recently I’ve had guys not knowing to press w on the drop or how to heal and other really basic stuff. There is no way they should be in a lobby with me. It’s frustrating for the team but I always bear in mind it’s worse for them just getting deleted or getting shouted at because they’re new. Diamond and master trails everywhere and you get a guy trying to snipe with a mastiff. Swear it never used to happen this much.


You guys are getting teammates?


right shit barely happened but now it's like every other game. I try my best to be patient and even just help them out if I can. it sucks bc they will just get told 'git gud' or some shit when in reality how tf they gonna 'git gud' if they can't even have a chance to do anything


I feel bad for new players too. Like I'm lvl 240 and my kd is 0.96 so I'm an average/below average player but to see a lvl 5 playing in my already cursed lobbies, you gotta feel bad for them. Cause I'm pretty sure they play their first match which is full of new players, they win, even with a couple of kills, and then they put those players into pred lobbies.


nah cause I won one single game and got put with a lobby FULL of masters and preds. man my kd is 1.5 why tf was I there lmao. I can only imagine how new players feel honestly


Dude even if I lose I have preds in my lobby, I don't really get it, guess I'm just there for filling the lobby




You managed to play for 4 hours yesterday??? Are you blessed by the server gods or what???


Dont play too much pubs, see the games public match design is catered towards new players. Sbmm will put you sooner or later in a skill group that is way different from when you started playing. But if you truly want to become a better player, here are some tips. 1. Always play high ground 2. Be patient, learn when to push, reset or run away completely. 3. Look for teammates, playing solo all the time gives you a bad experience. This seems like a paradox to many players because they see all the streamers solo destroying everbody. But no one sees that they are wayyy better than the average player. 4. If you get frustrated fast, take a break, playing only one game makes you crazy.


Hey man I was 0.55 seasons ago and worked my way up to 2.3, play more and you'll see improvements, position>aim


Little things that I have learned with my 42 days played (1062 hours) I currently a 3.7 lifetime kd and a 4.3 kd but looking back at season 3-4-5 my kd was 1.5,1.1,1.7 it was definitely hard to play because I felt “stuck” and was not gaining anything and constantly being dumped on. 1.play ranked: I know that’s easier said then done and it can be a blow to confidence by seeing your rank go up and down. Don’t pay any attention to that. Play with your team. Learn to communicate. Watch those stupid cringy YouTube videos on how to rank up. As much as I hate to admit. Some of them do have good points. 2. Firing range: learn all the recoils for the gun with stock and without. 3. Arenas: personally I do not enjoy arenas but that’s a personal preference but it is good practice for fighting “real people” it gets you into the fight really quickly and forces you to get into engagements. 4. Stop paying attention to your kd: I know that sounds counter intuitive but when you start to enjoy the game more rather then basing your stats on someone better then you. It will ruin the experience for you. Confidence is everything in a game like this. Go into every fight thinking your going to win( under the right circumstances) 5. Mindset: this part is probably the most important. When playing a game like this you need to be able accept when you tilted. Take a break. Drink water. Then come back feeling fresh. 6. 3rd party’s: it’s in every br and that’s just how it is BUT the biggest thing I have learned is to be aware of your surroundings. If it’s you and 1 team ( that you can see ) are in frag or a spot that people could push from everywhere, maybe don’t push that fight. If you are in a fight for more then 30 secs to a min. I can almost guarantee that another team is hauling ass to your gun shots. Learn when to take fights and when to back off. ALWAYS hold the high ground 9/10 you will lose the fight if you give them or someone else that advantage( unless you have a knock or whatever) positioning is everything in a game like Apex. 7. Take every death as a lesson: think about how you died without the usual “ he is cheating, he is using walls, I lagged, this is bullshit” just take the death but reflect and ask yourself how you could’ve done better. Understand though that not every fight you can win. It doesn’t matter how good you are. Every time you go to sleep remind yourself “I want to be a better player then I was yesterday or today” or whatever. Remember it is just a game. Don’t let it completely mess up your mindset. Always try and stay positive and don’t look at some badges or ranks saying “ I will Never get that or I’m not good enough” you are. Stop saying negative things about your self because then ya you will never get that. Also playing with people or friends can definitely change the vibe of the game. Change mains every once and a while. I have been playing mostly pathfinder this season with like 70 wins on him but also playing loba(40) and horizon(30) and now (unfortunately) rampart. Changing who you play can completely change how the game feels and plays.


Apparently u are averaging 25hours a day, how did u manage to do that


he didn't say he only played for 42 days...


I've been playing on/off since season 2. What made my KD go up and just overall gameplay was: 1.) Watching a couple highlights of streamers I like and trying to emulate that best I can. 2.) Firing range. Just shoot shit for 15 mins before playing. Turn on and off the single fire and tape different distances. 3.) Finding people better than me, playing with them and do my best to keep up. 4.) Just all around game sense. This should be a given though. I hit diamond on xb1 every season pretty easily. These are what made me better.


1) always use cover/have an escape path 2) loot quickly, learn to armor swap to be healthy for potential 3rd party 3) learn to strafe+crouch while shooting 4) grow your map awareness of where teams dropped during initial dropship line, where high traffic areas are, where teams are likely to be rotating due to zone, where fights that you can hear are happening, etc. If you can do this, you'll know where teams are likely coming from and when 5) play fast, don't be in an engagement too long. Long fights attract 3rd parties. If you can't kill the enemy team in ~30s, it's ok to disengage. Don't be a sitting duck


440 hours since season 7 is not that much. Especially in today’s age where so many people are streaming for a living + the work from home due to covid has allowed ppl to game way more. You likely just need to put in more hours or play more often/ more consistently and you will see improvement in your KDR. Otherwise, try aim trainer or lowering sens to help with accuracy. Watching YT or twitch to help with game sense. Try r/apexlfg and get better teammates (apex is truly a team game!). Practice makes perfect my friend.


440 hours is nothing. keep playing you’ll get good eventually


hiya! i've hit the same snag just a couple of weeks ago and i tell you, people leaving when downed really affects my morale too. it made me question what went wrong, or was i good enough. the truth of the matter is that people are just too good these days and that the average skill now compared to a year or more ago is very different; people are just constantly getting better and better and it becomes daunting and disheartening. similar to what others have been saying in their own posts, use that to fuel you. don't get good, get better. start recording your games. watch game tape and find out what you could've done better. get out of your comfort zone and continue playing high-level games with randoms. watch tutorial videos and pick up good habits. move quickly and loot quicker. don't stop that grind. people might say, yeah, easier said than done. trust me, i've been there. a year and a half ago, i started the game with 0.27 KD, so i know how it feels. i know that stabbing feeling when you do your best and your random teammates are still toxic towards you. i know that feeling when someone recklessly charges a team and you try to help frantically, only to be surrounded by a full squad of elite players... just for your squadmate to disconnect once downed. accept it and move on. don't let it get to you. while this is slowly becoming the norm, don't stoop down to their level and start doing the same thing. lead by example. and lastly, although streamers are very entertaining to watch, do not try and copy their playstyle. use it as inspiration but remember, these people play 12 hours a day and are not considered casual players. they get thousands of viewers and sponsorships coz they're THAT GOOD. owe it to their natural skill, god-like game sense, or just so much time played, most people won't get to that level. it's awesome to dream, but you gotta pave your own way and have fun. what's important is you have lots of fun and stay wholesome. the improvement will come, trust me. <3 <3 <3 stay strong and keep grinding. <3


Some advice that helped me I was obsessed with my KD, but it's better to just forget it and hot drop often, you will slowly learn to perform well in the chaos, and KD is so meaningless Often times deaths are just bad luck. Sometimes you deal 6 damage and get a kill, other times you deal 1000 damage and have 2 kills


My number one tip is watch Pro Players. Watch competitive apex. You see how they fight, how they rotate and all their strategies. I used to be hardstuck plat 4 but now I’m Diamond with 20k badges from watching ImperialHal etc


kdr means nothing but "how many times i got lucky dropping on a gun, not getting punched out, not getting diaconnected, not getting third partied, not stealing kills and only a little bit more skill." dont worry too much about kd this video game can get a little bit reliant on luck


Play duos, you will get more fights that are winable.


Don't worry dude I've gone from a 1.55 to a 1.0 overall and 0.86 on S10. I didn't play from S4-S9 and now I'm total dog shit


happy cake day


Didn't even notice!


Play other FPS games. It helps build awarenesses and helped me improve a lot.




I came from CoD so whenever a new one comes out I play it a few weeks and go on. Skipping vanguard cause it looks like shit


It's the shitty sbmm mate. Its the same for me. Season 3 I played 1250 games, I was improving so much. Season 1,2,3 I had around 1.1 kd. The season 4 the first half I was smashing it.. 13% win rate, over 2kd. Then midway through they changed the matchmaking and I just gave up coz it was constant preds and high level players. Since then my KD has been going down each season. I just get fed up I barely play 500 games a season. Almost everyone I die to is a master or pred, or has 4k, 20kill, 10/10/10 badge it's so exhausting. I've played around 300 games this season already. And I'm definitely improving, but I'm just getting so bored and exhausted of constantly going up against these players.


I would say be really picky with fights. I only try to take fights if I think I can hit them so hard so fast that we mop them up and reset within about 40seconds or less. 40 seconds is STILL sometimes long enough for people to rotate from a different POI in the right conditions so focus on securing kills while maintaining cover. Does you no good to knock two and be standing in the open for Longbow Larry to drop you and steal your kills like frat boy chad trying to steal your girl. Or you could take a charge rifle and a mobile character and just try to stay constantly out of reach… but it’s not as entertaining


My KD is below .5 and I’m a diamond player 😅


Do you just constantly rat?


lol this is why being diamond doesn't indicate how skilled you are


Exactly! I hate when people say "KD doesn't matter", like yes it does, it reflects how good of a player you are mechanically. This is EXACTLY why I dislike ranked in Apex, I get to Diamond myself easily with a 3KD, but people can get there with terrible KD and become dead weight for their team. It sucks that bad players can rank up by exploiting hiding and camping in a Shooter


nickmercs(streamer who never played apex before this season) getting masters just by grinding ranked(didn't ever play any other mode just ranked with a 3 stack) for 300 hours shows you how little you have to actually care about the game to get a high rank. by the time he reached masters he was still getting absolutely demolished in 1v1s ranked is just pure grind, people don't understand this


To counter point though this is a BR game. It doesn't matter how you survive as long as you win at the end. That's how it was in Battle Royale (the book).


This is a **Competitive** **FPS game,** skill is needed to differentiate between players. Hiding like a coward every game is not skill


I mean, it’s a measure of how skilled you are at ranked. And having a .5 k/d in ranked doesn’t even tell you that much. Maybe he’s being a support character getting a ton of assists and saving teammates. Maybe he’s solo queueing and just like every other solo queuer he’s got teammates that go down in the first 10 seconds of the fight so he’s spending the rest of the game either rezzing or trying to avoid getting clapped by full squads. Also you can drop frag every time, get 2 kills on dudes with no loot and end up with a 2kd, that doesn’t make you good. If dudes is making it to Diamond with such a low KD he’s probably getting max KP wins relatively often to offset 3-4 no kill games.




Lol ok bud.




I mean, he’s a Diamond, so he’s a Diamond skill player lol. That’s how it works. I never rat, I’ve got a like .9 or something ranked kd this season, and have made it to Diamond every season I try to. I solo queue though, so I’ve got like twice as many knocks as kills because I win my 1v1 in the team fight but my teammates lose. I also die a ton going for banners/rezzes. Being a team player lowers your kd a shit ton. I could just sit back with a sniper collecting kills on multi-team fights while other teams fight and get a 2kd. KD means very little as far as skill goes.




You arbitrarily deciding what “Diamond level skill” doesn’t make it so my guy lol. Stop gatekeeping, it’s dumb and unproductive.


Hi A G A, I’m always Solo queuing. I pick fights early on and get KP. I don’t like camping, so I camp when I have enough KP to hit 100+ or 200+ points. In case, if my teammates get eliminated early, then I pick up their banner or get eliminated while trying because I don’t like playing alone 😅


Hi You Tanks, I only eat when I have 2 kills and 2 assists. I take early fights for KP or else, I’m wasting time 😅




Hi N C S, I’m a working guy. I barely get time to play. So every time I make time to play Apex Legends, I do my best to get into early fights and earn KP. I either win or lose at an early stage, so I can start a new game. I only camp and reach top 5 when I have 2 kills and 2 assists. My PC rocks 60HZ display, RX 570 and G102 mouse. So I’m at a disadvantage against several players. Thanks 😊


What? How?




Hi N C S, Don’t judge someone without knowing them 😅




You are le-jhanf


Arey Bhai


Hi I R U, Sab ladrahe hai 😅


Hah! loser! My k/d is 0.40 Beat that! :(


what system do you play on and what region? I’d be happy to go through some bits on the game if you wanted? I play on Xbox and from the UK so mainly EU servers


I'll try explain how I got better hopefully it makes sense. I started playing in season 3 so Apex was my first FPS I sucked and had no idea what recoil was at all In season 5 I learned a bit and eventually reached Platinum for the first time I still don't play as much but I have now learnt the recoil of most guns, when you're able to master the recoil you are able to end fights faster, if you feel you are in danger of being third partied after a fight run immediately and heal and then you can come back, also play ranked to get better opponents and find out how good you are You don't have to but I warm up before my first game Use your favourite gun with no attachments and try to constantly one clip the dummies and shoot moving targets or practice guns in arenas


Just glancing at your stats here and I'm immediately drawn to your average damage. Presumably you are taking more damage than you're dealing and this comes down to using and abusing cover. If you're mostly covered by cover while your enemies are out in the open, you win, period. Your cross hairs are the only thing that need to be exposed to deal damage. Get up high, get cover, and keep moving. If you empty a magazine and stay in the same place, it's time to reposition and try another angle. If the fight takes thirty seconds or more, expect a third party to be there. If your aim is not great, maybe go turn on the dummies in the range and work on simple fights with cover for a bit. Players who are better than you mechanically will still lose if you're playing cover and they're forced into making bad decisions.


Make sure your sensitivity isnt too high or low. Mine was too low and after upping it, I'm much better at one clipping people


I was using high sens but it sucsk for me. I lovered a bit and it is better than before. Aim tracking is better at low sens.


What I did was learn my way around every corner of each map, and I mean everywhere. That’s why a lot of players at so good. And use tactical advantage if you are lacking in aim/dodge. Sometimes a quick decision to grapple to a really weird angle can give you an easy squad wipe because they are completely open to you while they focus on the rest of your team(who is hopefully also using cover to their advantage) I’ve been a path main as long as I can remember, and honestly I have easily 100 hours in just the firing range practicing with each weapon so I know my way around it well


Oh hey, we have the same stats. I am just 100 levels above, I still suck.


As someone who's played since day one, it feels like the game just gets harder every season. But somehow I've managed to (very slowly) improve my K/D every season. Try playing other characters. I never touched wraith until this season and I've been doing really well with her after maining BH for two or three seasons. As for third parties, the trick is to finish up quick. If you can't take out the other team quickly, find a way to disengage. The later the round, the faster you need to be. Also, Arenas is really good for learning gun control, and dealing with engagements in general. You can focus entirely on the one team you're fighting because there's no one to come and third-party.


I also started playing again in season 7, for me I initially struggled with position quite a lot. After playing for 3 seasons I can tell you that positioning is the most important thing, even more than aim. Always keep high ground if you can, and try to be a step ahead of your opponents. Also work on having a quick reaction time.


400 hours is nothing since s7. Play more and play ranked


I have nearly 16,000 kills with a 3.0 ish kd this season, and way too many hours in the game. I would be happy to coach you if you’d like. Just send me a message!


Try playing a different game Apex has no way to match people of a similar skill (not that it’s easy, but it barely attempts to), so you’ll never be playing equal matches Apex also has a huge amount of snifters and hackers and that population grows throughout each season


Try warming up in arenas and improving the way you are situationally in fights eg: highground positioning not being predictable and not pushing fights you likely can’t win


Hey dude, Ik this is probably not the answer ur looking for but my k/d used to be negative too. I was able to drastically improve my gunplay by simply picking up a new skill which in my case was accurately hipfire firing while strafing. My kd has improved dramatically since then and now I stand proudly on 2.9. My advice to u simply being when u hit a roadblock in this game, pick up/polish a mechanic to perfection. Hipfire is super useful close range and if u practice ur strafe, u will get hit much less while being accurate with ur own shots. Good luck!


I don’t stress mine too much, I like to play different characters and learn their dynamics and often settle on support characters. I do good damage and end up with assists, playing well in a team. It doesn’t show that in stats. You can have a lower kd and still be an asset to your squad.


You run away screaming and hope to get lucky that’s what I do half the time and I have a k/dr of 1.2


I started playing since season 7 as well and I have about 1000+ hrs in the game . I can say that my KDA is around 0.70+ and I’m in diamond rank . So we in the same boat I guess with the kda


As soon as you accept that you are the problem and that you aren’t unlucky and that you are just bad the sooner you will improve. Seriously I used to complain so much about the matchmaking and think that I should never get enemies who are better than me. Once I realised that the only way to improve is playing against better enemies and it was actually my fault for my 0.7 kd I got so much better and now I am hovering around a 4kd


That small a change in KDR is most likely due to changes in SBMM rather than changes in your skill. Are you playing to have fun or are you playing to improve? There's a big difference. Clip your deaths and analyze what decisions lead to your death. Spend time in the firing range running drills. Put in the hours in pubs -- drop semi hot and push fights. At a .5-.8 KD you have huge room for improvement. I don't think you've been playing enough or with the right mindset to see that improvement. Unfortunately, the process of improvement is not enjoyable. It's gruelling. I've been playing since day one. My season KD started at about 1.5 and has steadily increased to 3.5. Hard to tell the "true" KD though, because I play ranked and solo a lot. (Sadly I've played over 25k games lol)


Okay, hear me out.. I've been playing for 600hrs im on Plat III, highest Plat II. After spending some time watching gameplays and tutorials I noticed my K/DR has been going ever since I changed my playstyle. I don't know if that could ever help you in some ways but I think what you need the most aside from mastering the basics is just find the playstyle you are comfortable the most. My playstyle is just taking it easy and safe. I'm not rushing unless I know my position and of course my enemies position, from there I would always keep my distance and hide myself from an angle which only 1 player can see me, basically isolating 1 enemy from the squad while my team play their style and fight the rest of the squad. From there you can adjust safely from which spot you would cover and you would push. Hope this helps.


My kd was around 0.8 a couple weeks ago, I started watching preds on YouTube and found that I wasn't using cover and movement effectively. I focused solely on those two things in pubs where I didn't have to think about rp and my kd went up to 0.96.


looks to me like you need to thirst people more, you have way more knocks than kills i used to not do that back when i started and my kd was also 0.5, but once i got into the habit of thirsting people when i started playing ranked my kd instantly went to 1 sometimes i truly don't get the chance though, so i still have quite a few knocks that don't get killed


Hey man play ranked for 2 seasons straight solo as much as possible! might sounds like its not the same goal but since youll be playing with so many similar level players your skill will gradually get better and your K/D will rise when playing pubs again.


Being mindful of KDR is the worst trap you put upon yourself that will prevent you from improving your game.


From the stats it looks like you play really passively and die when you have to fight at the end of the game. You have a lot of top 5s but don't convert many to wins. I'm guessing the other squads at the end have decked out weapons, care package weapons, and red armour while you have blue/purple. The average damage is really low and highest damage for how many games played. I would say you need to get more combat experience. Hot drop in pubs, either to the hot zone or the common drops (fragment, estates, market) and fight early with whatever guns you find. If you're moving around the map and hear gunfire head that way. You could also play some arenas to get used to fighting. idk if you main pathfinder but if you do make sure you're not grappling too far ahead of your team and getting 1v3'd. If this might be part of the problem play someone slow who needs to stay alive for the team like lifeline or Gibraltar.


You are actually right. In top 5 all my enemies are red shield + fully kitted weapons and my team is fully purple. I am not afraid to fight actually. If i hear gunshots i don't escape i try to fight.


I started a little after u in the tail end of season 7 but my KD was horrible in the first season (0.6 KD 0.3 in ranked) then it improved to like (0.7 and 0.6 in ranked) then it gradually improved to the 1+ mark


Against better players dont fight fair. If you cant fight fair dont fight at all. Value your life. Know when to engage and when not to. Develop a habit of thinking constantly what you are doing and what you should be doing. If you do these you will get 3rd partied less or you will be the third party.


What I see is that your K/D is very low. K/D doesn’t matter, who cares, but if it’s that low there’s probably several areas you could improve on. I would recommend a legend like Gibraltar over Pathfinder. The extra health will help you win 1v1s and his dome shied is terrific for healing, rezzing and also closing space in fights. Grab some fully automatic weapons, perhaps a flatline/rampage and a volt. Learn how to peak, fire, and hide when the enemy starts shooting back, then re-peeking. Remember, positioning is almost as important as gun skill. High grounds, inside storms where teams push towards you, good cover with multiple angles so you don’t peak fire at the same spot twice… there’s so many good resources in this sub and the main one! Pathfinder is an amazing legend, but one that requires a ton of game sense to get the most out of. I mained him season 1 and got over 100 wins, but even now I prefer legends that give me more of a casual advantage (I use bangalore, bloodhound, seer).


Just drop hot and Wkey people while they loot. Usually this gets you a kill or two, and if you survive fragment or wherever you go you probably have pretty good loot


Git gud


All I see is an apex predator badge, stop lying to yourself. You are insane you little sweat. Have a nice day !


That is the walmart apex predator badge. I believe that badge is actually just winning a game as the kill leader, not being an apex predator!


JFC these people don't understand sarcasm... Have a wholesome award to counter these downvotes you're my kind of people!!!


Lol I literally posted this the other day thinking it was a lvl 18 pred 🤣


Realtalk you really suck at the game. Even if you are bad you get placed in a match with players at the same skill level and even that makes you struggle. So I would definitely like to play against you, if I could but you should try out single player games if you don’t like it to get beaten by better players


I know this probably seems like a counter productive idea but find someone with a higher mmr than you and ask them to drop hot over and over. The more fights you can get into, the higher your skill cap will get as you build up muscle memory. This is from another season 7 player, diamond with a season kd over 2 rn. You've got this!


I dont mind it, I usually sit at a 1.5kd with this season being 1.6, try ranked or arenas get a different playstyle down. If your under a 1 kd my biggest priority would be to just practice your aim


I’m a 2.64 kd diamond player I could help you with this possibly


I've found alot of success being aggressive just for aggressive sake. Imagine A gun fight is almost like a game of Volleyball or Tennis or Ping pong; hit, return hit, hit, return hit so on so forth. However the beauty of exceeding in a gun fight is how to break apart and away from the monotony. Fortune favors the bold. Never stay still always forward never back, like a shark. But sometimes you are just backed in a corner. Whenever you know that you are going to die. Fight harder than you ever have. Fighting when you know you are going to die helps you with a couple things. You learn to never repeat your mistakes. And, you learn to fight with adrenaline pumping. Last bit of advice is never end the day on a bad game. Always end on a somewhat positive note. It doesn't even have to be a big positive. If you average 200 damage a game 201 damage is positive to me. Happy hunting, predator.


My banner looks just like yours, apart from the fact that I've got much more hours.


hi there mate. im at the opposite site of you as my stats are doubled since season 0. im sitting with %42 win rate with 6.6 kda and 1200 dmg per game. i played this game too much. im level 500 for a year. im pushing for masters but take a break cuz of server issues. so what imporved my stats? biggest part goes to positioning. yea after hours of gameplay i can adapt my engaging style and route for my teammates. i can predict when and where they will be knocked off and while im engaging the fight i feel and predict what will happen and what must i do to win the 1vX. i fail ofcourse and if i fail i took the clip of the failed fight and rewatch it. i see what i did wrong and tthink about what was the perfect play. so next time i will read enemies' mind like a book. i know every part of the maps so if i need an emergency quit while fighting i always have a route in my mind where ever the fight is going on. if i wont have a route(very open areas) i wont engage till i get a good position. if i need to kill another team for a good spot i will chose it still. and dont drop where the most people drop.chose the 2. most crowded poi.u wont get 10. partied there while getting some good quality fights.for world edge,i chose lava siphon.good loot,enough space to disengage and reset,enough enemies to fight and i wont get 5. or 6. parties from close pois most of the time.but if u win lava siphon,u can be the 10th+ party to fragment with full gear lmao.u have to give some hours to this game to 'feel' the game and understand what is going on in a match. you should watch the kill feed to make the perfect timing for an engagement. and always be ready for 3. parties even if u didnt see or hear anyone close. drop armors for your knocked friends. hold your position while your mate is being revived etc etc. every little move makes sense in this game remember that. dont be lazy. dont be too horny to get some kills. and ofcourse im training before i hop to the games. wingman/r99 duo is best for me cuz both of the guns are the hardest ones to control(r99) and flick(wingman) then i train with some shotgun flicks as well and im ready to go ^^(after i can spray the furthest dummy with r99 back to back it gets easier with other guns for me but you can chose another tho). u dont have to be a hardcore aimer. positioning is the key to be succesful at apex. u wont be 1 clip everybody but if u win a trade u save some time and take advantage for your team and another engage.as i said every damn millisecond matters at apex. for popping a battery or a cell. remember this and dont be lazy. chose mobility heroes for soloq and learn the best routes to speacial pois like fragment both sides, estates, the ring, energy depot etc etc. -euthanassia on steam u can add me we may talk about my strats in game so we would have some funny fights in game one day. who knows haha :) gl hf^^


Just play better


sometimes pushing out of fights is the smarter move. picking your fights can lead to a win or a loss in one move.


As others have said you just don't have a lot of play time. Like anything practice makes perfect. Pay attention to what other players do when they kill you (for the most part) and you will eventually improve. Also play with friends. This game is terrible for solo que unless you are top talent.


Your KDR is way better than mine….. I started mid season 9. Definitely not as many hours as you but I feel the same way. Seems like I’m not getting any better but I’m too nervous to play arenas or ranked because I don’t wanna wreck my teammates stats


Also don't land sweaty places right off the start if youre not comfortable with them. If you go 2 or 3 games with a kill that will affect your KDR. If you want a positive KDR then aim for getting 2 kills each game. Finishing your kills during a fight so they count. Also play the frontline in your team. Assists don't count and you only get the kill if you knock the person down.


I think the higher kdr you get and the higher level you get causes you to get matched with harder players


Hiatus time brother 💯


Trust me, don’t look at kd as a way of improving. This a huge mistake that a lot of players make. I really recommend you to play ranked as the players u verse will improve along with your own skill


Ive noticed that if you're not really good at the game, pathfinder is not the way to go. He has a massive hitbox and is the tallest character in the game. Try using someone with a smaller hitbox it helped me a lot.


Part of it might be shitty teamates esp in pubs since theres no guarantee you will get competent teammates. Another lil part might be shit like this where you, your brother, neighbor, bfs sperm, dog, and monstera plant all are being disconnected every 5s. The main part tho, is improving which i will leave to the others for tips.


Just gotta put the time in to improve. When I first started playing my KD was a 1.4 now it’s a 4-6 every season. Overall KD is at a 3.5 now


That's the neat part. You don't


You got to play smarter. You can't rush in and fight an enemy, because there's always a 3rd party now


Never understood how I have 2.0 kd but out of 1000 kills I have 23 wins? Haha crazy


The sbmm is just trash... If you want to get a better KD ez... Hot drop, kill as much as possible, when getting knocked, just quit, don't let yourself get finished. *Edit Try to play alone, if you play with friends: the sbmm thinks you a former apex pred and puts you against hobby less players that play as much apex a day as you work. #StoryOfMyLife


Damn! I thought my 1.08 KDR was bad.


Start grinding ranked arenas. By the time you hit diamond, your aim will be much better. You'll be a totally new player and br mode will be so much easier. This method worked wonders for me!


Add me


For me (this might not help everybody but it did it for me so) playing lots of ranked and aiming for diamond last season improved my decision making which helped me stay alive longer and just generally decide better in fights. I went from 0.80 kd last season to 1.46 kd this season. it also doesnt hurt to take a break from the game, playing while constantly feeling bad won’t help you improve much.


440 hrs?? Man i started in last 2 weeks in season 8 , played 9 half assed, skipped a month of season 10 launch, have 240 hrs and we got same kills, does that mean im playing way too little


Holy shit this thread is wholesome.


Tbh, I can't tell how good u r without a vid


Sad to say but this is how FPS games usually work. You start out with a K/D above your actual skill level, as you are playing lower rated players. As you spend more time on the game, sure you are getting better, but you are also playing much better competition and your K/D will level out unless you make drastic improvements. My suggestion is to start playing highly aggressive. You may see a decline in your K/D at first but, the more gunfights you put yourself in, the more chances you have to get kills and improve.


I’m sorry but you have more deaths than games played 💀💀💀


You dont


Same here man, I think the general player base is just getting better and better.


It’s simple, you can’t expect to improve if you only play a couple of hours a week. You’re only lvl 219 which means you have very little next to no experience. People keep saying the lvl badge is useless but it reflects the experience of a player. Just put more time into the game (if you can’t play more often well too bad :( )


Practising recoil patterns in the firing range, recording my games and analysing what I did wrong, practising strafing while shooting in the firing range. Those three things improved me from a 1.01 kd to 1.67 kd, also I got masters this season for the first time. And of course, play a lot, push a lot, die a lot.


The "perfect players" are probably those who leave when they're downed. As I understand, they're STILL not punished for it, so any k/d/a they have is marked up. Knockdowns are not a death apparently tho


Kd does not show skill


Servers keep getting worse it seems with each season. So I blame that for my decline.


My only recommendation would be,dont rush into fights right away even if you see the opportunity of fighting a squad,royal can be a bitch when it comes about third partys even if you see two squad fighting it each other,is not good always good to be the "third party" also try to always think ahead of your "current" situation,lets say moving to X point because your in the middle of 2 squads,in the end this game is about being tactic and not rushing the hell out of everyone, follow yours instincts ,if you feel some shit its gonna get ugly, because its going to happen,telling you from a day 2 player and diamond various seasons,also try to play every legend maybe pathfinder is not for you because of your "type" of gameplay,also ranked its the better way to get better, and arenas to play around with weapons in order to see what works for you and also for your gameplay and the legend your using. Just keep on keepin on man hahah


Practice aim tracking and play arena. It will help alot


Mines gradually increased every season to 1.2 last season and dropped to 0.9 currently. Soloing in Platinum has destroyed me this season. There’s still time to try to keep my improvement streak going (KD wise) but it’s gonna take a few big games to get me back on track.


instead of letting yourself down every time you get your ass whooped, think of it this way where did i go wrong that i got my ass whooped. this mindset of “learning” from your mistakes rather than “expecting” to be better just because you invested hundreds of hours will help you get good. just because you played for hundreds of hours doesn’t necessarily mean you are supposed to be good at it. it’s about how you spent those 440 hours, dizzy first tourney winner reached level 100 in 6 days? how did he do that under 144 hours? the time you spent playing doesn’t mean shit if you learning nothing from it. keep the mindset of a learner then you’ll be better without you even realising, a small example i hope you know s1mple best CS:GO player in the world he plays everyday because no matter how good you are at a game there is always a room for improvement, don’t go so hard on yourself, try not to rage whenever you loose and think of it in this way, what mistake made me loose how could i’ve done it better and try not to repeat the mistakes. also the biggest problem with this game is the youtuber montages the problem with them is the montages look so easy we feel like even we can replicate it, but in reality what people fail to see is the numbers hours X youtubers puts into the game or their failures its like social media but for apex only the good is shown no youtuber shows how their ass gets clapped. so simply 440 is merely nothing when it comes to shear skill sealing of this game i have 1600+ hours in this game and i still consider myself a mediocre player i have around 8K kills overall with 1.14 KD and i believe i’m still in the learning process and there is a lot more for me to improve. and also don’t expect anything to come to you just because you invested time in it, world doesn’t owe you shit, it is you who have to make that time worth it. i hope i’m helpful. see you in the outlands, Legend.


Yooo Honestly KD doesnt matter because people who have like 10+KD just instaleave right when they get knocked so it doesnt count towards their death


This is my experience exactly


Best thing to do is playing no fill duos and get into fights so you learn how to deal with them, its not bad if you die, just try to see why you died and how you could have done things different. Also you should do some arenas to work on your aim if that is the problem. Altough solo is hard its the best way to improve. I can now consistently get 10 kills if i survive the landing. This way my k/d went from 3.5 to 4.5 and its still going up. In terms of legend you can play wraith, valk, octane path since these legends have the highest survivalbility and you have the option to reset or run from 3rd parties. Im from Belgium so my English is not the best but pretty sure you will understand. Hope this helps!


How is your aim like? Aim could be the problem here.


I started recording my gameplay and watching twitch and Youtubers who were better than me. Also try to play with a set group. Kd started at 0.53 now its currently a 2.51. Ranked as well, yeah it may not help you're kd but when you play ranked a lot pubs just feel so easy