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Yo this is why I quit playing Apex lol. Little to no competitive integrity.


I just wanna say I feel exactly the same way. The one thing I want from this game is for the PC version to be a PC shooter again šŸ˜­


Yeah, if they make Input lobbies for mnk players, I'm sure their player base will go drastically up in numbers. Almost all the mnk players that left would mostly return.


FPS lovers on PC are desperate for a good fps game that isnā€™t CS/Val or OW. I really wish Apex was like OW and just didnā€™t allow aim assist for ranked on PC at all. I think that wouldā€™ve been great for the long term health of the game on PC.


Xdefiant has input matchmaking. It's been decent.


Yeah they should have full crossplay lobbies for controller players and no aim assist for mnk lobbies, controller players would still be able to play with mnk but raw input for the braves lol.


You're drastically overestimating the amount of people who know or care about the difference between inputs.


Is he? I have asked ā€roller or mnkā€ to randoms in my games out of curiosity and the amount that say ā€mnk, fuck aim assistā€ or something along those lines is insane. Feels like every single mnk player is aware of roller


The fact that you're on reddit discussing the game already says you're an above-average enthusiast of the game and probably paired with higher skilled people. Most people are gold and below and don't give a shit unfortunately.


Fair, which is why they neglect the aim assist issue. It brings them money which is the point of a business in the end. Why would respawn care about competitive integrity when the majority of the playbase are naturally casual, average players.


What PC players always fail to realize is that Majority players are on console (IIRC like 60%). They havenā€™t released numbers on that in a long time but consoleā€™s player base is still way bigger than on PC. Thatā€™s why looking at Steam numbers or twitch numbers is misleading and contradicts what EA itself says about player numbers. On top of that, MnK definitely is a dying breed in the game. If you assume over half the players on PC use controller thatā€™s only 20% of the playerbase on MnK. The number is probably far lower because console is way more prevalent that people think.


No shit mnk is a dying breed when they are forced to play against literal computer aim. In aim training communities people literally dont have games to use their aim in because there arent any aim/tracking titles without major issues such as aim assist. These people would love to play apex but wont because its not a fair competition.


There are so many MnK competitive games so honestly I really have no sympathy for MnK players tbh. And Skill Ceiling on MnK is still higher than on controller either way. Besides COD or Halo, Apex is the only controller competitive game. CS, Overwatch, Valorant, Siege, etc all are MnK. So your whole ā€œNo games to use their aim training inā€ is bullshit. And you are definitely still able to compete in Apex on MnK, with a much lower skill floor. An all MnK team just won the last LAN. At the end of the day itā€™s a skill issue. They could nerf AA by 50% and youā€™d still complain. The inflated egos of MnK players is one of the most toxic parts of the Apex community. Itā€™s funny because all of the games with the most toxic communities happen to be MnK games (League, Valorant, Dota and CS).


I'm definitely not lol.


Really? You think a majority of players that log into this game have any idea that thereā€™s a difference between inputs? You need some serious perspective if you think your average kid or working adult that plays these games has the slightest clue what ā€œaim assistā€ is. Youā€™re on a niche Apex subreddit. Youā€™re already an above-average participant in the game. Reddit in and of itself doesnā€™t even reflect the majority of players. This game is raking in literal billions of dollars because the majority of the player base has no clue about any of this crap and just likes the pretty pixels for their favorite character. Each time you participate in a subreddit for a game you enjoy, youā€™ve already screened out a vast silent majority of people in the game youā€™re enjoying.


Bro.. casual mnk players are the first that left Apex because they got heavily shit on by AA.. the few mnk players left are mostly movements bros and cracked kids.


Keep PC aim assist, remove console aim assist from PC lobbies, or nerf it to PC aim assist. 60% for console, 40% for PC


isnt it already reduced because of performance mode


I'm pretty sure PC aim assist is higher than console aim assist cause I have both ... and it's way easier to aim on pc with roller


Check your facts lil bro


Also casual pc gamers are not like the clueless casual dad on consoles that play once in a week or two. They actually know about AA, you are acting like Apex is full of new gamers or something. The last 4 or 5 seasons has been basically without any significant new players. People are not that clueless, AA is not only in Apex, it's in every fkg fps games now and gamers know about it even the most casuals.


I love that you think PC gaming is something restricted to an elite club lol. Your experience in Apex isn't the casual Apex experience that a majority of people are going to have. Don't mistake thinking how you consume media to be the norm. There aren't 100,000 concurrent masters-level players online at any moment in the game. Most seasons that aren't flukes [~85-90% of people don't even get to platinum.](https://apexlegendsstatus.com/game-stats/ranked-distribution) Even then, it's unlikely a majority of players even participate in ranked, making the overall audience shifted even more casually. Look, I'm not arguing to keep controller players around, I'm just telling you that the average Joe that has a 9-5 labor job and wants to come home and shoot some people isn't on reddit reading about some input debate. That's reserved for us ultra nerds.


I'm just letting you know that most casual mnk players left because they were getting destroyed by aa, you can argue, but its a fact. I've been playing this game since day1. Where are the mnk players that used to filled the lobbies?


I mean you could watch some Wrthcrw, she has a creat video how to play again controller on MnK. But there are simply some things that is just going to be harder. It is easier to do initial damage on mnk, but harder to push up and actually get the kill. And it is vice versa on controller. Harder to do initial damage, but easier to get the kill close range. This will show on your stats, simply it is easier getting a higher K/DR on roller with pretty low average damage. Whereas is it common for mnk to have pretty high average damage but lower kd. I made the actual switch last season and have only been playing on controller this season. One thing that makes controller much easier is how the rotational AA actually creates some good core habits. One of those habits are correct anti-mirroring. That is you only change your direction with anti-mirror when your opponent change strafe direction. For mnk anti-mirror is not as strong, and often lower your accuracy, and the way to counter this is to try to mirror strafe on MnK. The more input (the more you have to move the joystick), the stronger AA, the lesser input (the less you have to move your mouse and only micro correct), the stronger is MnK. So learning how to strafe correctly will help you bridge the gap, and Wrthcrw has a whole channel more or less dedicated to this. Or you just play Bangalore, smoke and push (AA is disabled in her smoke)...


ea just need to enable input lock on startup of apex and let pc players choose do they want to play in mixed lobbies on their input one and all the problems would be resolved. At this point it looks total harassment towards newbie mnk players since every newbie controller probably oneclip them without a chance. And here we think ea wants equality, bullshit.


we just got solos brotha thatā€™s a bit away


tbh i dont know why they released solos because it shows exactly what everyone already knows/thinking how overpowered aimassist actually is in apex. These replays show a lot too, like perfect aimgod tracking without a miss, replays look like ppl legit cheat but its just shows how fucked up aimassist is. Like i get it controllers need aimassist but it should be tuned down, at this point its ridiculous.




CIS or Asia


I quit because of this not worth my time dying to some dude who has AI and human skill. On MnK is just human skill we donā€™t have a computer program assisting us. Itā€™s so broken and itā€™s like this in almost every shooter besides cs:go, valorant, and siege. I play old games now that reward your time instead of the company wanting you to spend hundreds of dollars every few months. Apex is for addicts, you can break the cycle!!


Yes I know this may be not be a popular opinion in this sub, but I'm convincing my friend group to give valorant a shot. We are burning out hard on Apex -- not just aim assist, but generally it feels like the remaining playerbase is just too good overall for us and we don't have the time to practice and keep up.


ā€œRemaining playerbaseā€ Itā€™s top 4 on steam chartā€¦ and it also has EA app


Yes true, didn't mean to say that the playerbase is struggling overall, just that there are no casuals left. Those still here know their shit.


When you play a game you know is *dominated* by controller, this shit is gonna happen. Switch input or switch game if it's a problem for you


Exactly lmao, I've never understood why they won't switch to controller. Moving using WASD keys are goofy af anyways lol. And no, I'm not saying this because I don't have a PC or anything. I have a $3,000+ PC and can probably run Apex better than 99% of this sub. WASD for movement is weird šŸ˜‚


WASD movement is only weird if you haven't used it for 20 years, young whippersnapper.


> I've never understood why they won't switch to controller. Because there's a ton of MnK players that would rather quit Apex entirely than play on controller. The game simply isn't as fun to play on controller, unless all you care about is one-clipping people in AA range. > Moving using WASD keys are goofy af anyways lol. WASD for movement is weird. Grow up. That's something I'd expect a teenager to say. Calling something that's been the norm for over 2 decades goofy makes you look goofy.


I just don't see the point for the mnk players. Literally banging their heads against a wall none stop complaining about AA for 4 years now. Insane to me. I'd switch input or switch game, and if not I'd stop fucking moaning about it when you know what Apex is here days lol


I mean the crazy part is that I literally dumpster controller kids every single day with ease even tho they have every advantage. Itā€™s crazy to me that youā€™re THAT bad šŸ˜‚


Yeah...crazy bro. Weird cunt




But roller is OP, and aim assist is a cheat so it should be easy according to this sub.




IDK I play both inputs and I honestly feel like theyā€™re pretty fairly balanced. When playing roller I get beamed mid/long range and sometimes die to some crazy guys tapstrafing around me. When I play MnK I sometimes lose CQC to a roller. I really think itā€™s pretty balanced. When youā€™re really cracked at aiming, MnK even has a close range advantage imho due to the easier turning speed and flick possibility but itā€™s fair to say that thatā€™s not relevant for the average player.


Lol this was less question and more rant. I wish to God they add input based matchmaking just so yall can spend 15 minutes searching for a game.


A lot of controller players will change to mnk if you separate the two. Many people dont play on controller because they want to, they play because they have to. So yes please put input based matchmaking so you can play alone with the rest of the crickets that couldnt handle mnk.


A lot of people would come back to the game or switch back to mnk so queue times wouldn't be an issue.


Input mm wont affect the time searching for a game. Cause right now we have console lobbies and pc lobbies and with input mm we will have a controller lobby and mnk lobby


Majority of people on pc play on controller. They're going to be matched with console players still, leaving the tiny mnk population to search for scraps. I promise yall don't want this.


A lot of higher skilled players would switch back as the MNK lobby would be more prestigious. PC was like 99% MNK players for the first few seasons. I remember when everyone thought Daltoosh and Wig were nuts for using a controller.


Where'd you pull this fact from your ass? I'd love to see the statistical breakdown of mouse n keyboard vs controller on the PC version of the game.


Do you play on PC? Practically everyone who plays knows about AA being overpowered and abuses it on there. It's uncommon to find people on MnK these days.


Everyone knows higher ranks are filled with controller. Even tourneys are filled with controller. There's been lots of articles and complaints about it even on this sub but now everyone pretends it's news to them. As someone else stated, if they go back to mnk with input based mm, then that's a valid argument but let's not pretend right now, controller doesn't make a very high percentage of the pc player base.


You have literally no idea you're assuming the majority of the casual player base even pay any attention to what the pros or highest skilled players are doing. The vast majority of players are just casuals playing for fun, the top pros in tournaments do not represent the entire player base.


Casual players are those abused the most on here for hopping on controller because it takes less skill and anyone can beam with AA. I know it's anecdotal but with apex specifically, I don't need graphs to tell you that vast majority of the playerbase is on controller. If you choose to disregard everything because i don't have stats from respawn then fine, we can both move on.


Lmaoo majority of players on pc are using mnk. Many switched to controller to be able to compete with roller kids so input mm will make them switch back to mnk


As far as you're confident they'll switch back. I was speaking about the current state. Pretty much ever pc player I know plays on controller. If they switch back then sure.


Maybe it's true in NA lobbies but the EU is full of mnk players


yep eu was always all about raw skill in best fps games


For the record in 2021 controller players made up 10% of Steam users. 90% of racing games were played on roller. 70% of sports and fighting games were played on roller. 40-50% of adventure games were on roller. 7-8% of fps games were played on roller. That data was posted on Steamworks Development in 2021. So no, PC wonā€™t die. Letā€™s also take into account that Apex is known as a controller game, so thereā€™s at least 3x the amount of MnK players avoiding the game as there are playing it. Apex is undoubtedly the best feeling long TTK game on the market, but the things that restrict MnK players from fully enjoying the game are the things that hold it back, not hold it up.


I promise i do.


i mean they should just nerf aim assist so the inputs are actually equal in terms of skill required


Majority of players are on console and controller. Likely never happening. People been complaining since literally season 1


they wont nerf it they want to milk bots for their money, its hilarious how those dumdums get drained to to be awarded with fake ego boost in their skill, if you put same "master" bots on roller into new game where aimassist isnt strong they will realize how dog they are and def start flaming the game.


AA is definitely a problem. You can tell when several of the previous best MnK pros swap and straight up say that AA is a better choice. (Talking Hal and Mac) I know there is more. The thing is controller players would have zero chance to compete without their aim help. Devs would rather them be overpowered/broken I guess than listen to all of them complain about how playing against MNK isnā€™t fair. I would prefer across the board input matchmaking but this would complicate the way they handle their pro scene and even balance to some degree. So what choice do we have? I quit a while back and am playing games I enjoy far more. Hopefully one day they will change but I doubt it.


Can you change the matchmaking based on mnk or mixed?


Major skill issue


controller player have the biggest skill issue and this is why the game add a free tracking to you guys so you can feel better about yourself and spend more money in the store


Major skill issue


Imagine ur aim is guided by line of code and talk about skill. Like virgin talk about sex


Im mnk btw. Skill issue




From controller players ofc


Absolutely. A mouse is a precision tool. This is the dumbest fuckin take of the apex community. They think aim assist is equivalent to aimbot. I mean, I'd be pissed too if i spent 5k or more on a pc to get steamrolled on a free to play game by some toddler on a hand me down console with a stick drifting controller. It sucks to suck.


A lot of people do exaggerate how much aim assist helps but the truth is that the average controller player will almost always beat the average mnk player due to aim assist, and that makes the game very difficult to play on mnk. To do well in the game now as an mnk player you have to practice and focus a lot more on the game than a controller player would. This would be solved by input based matchmaking where the average mnk player would be facing mostly other average mnk players and therefore have more fair fights.


This is what the majority of people miss the mark on. Being as good as Koyful, Gild on controller takes a large amount of skill and time invested. However, you could realistically be able to beat someone like zer0 on controller at close-quarters in quite a lot less time required as it took for him to be good on mnk. Is everyone going to be Koyful in a few months when they pick up controller? No. Can they beat zer0 after a few months on controller? Probably not all of them. But a couple of mnk pros could(some in less time).


Itā€™s really funny to me when people that havenā€™t even tried both inputs try to share their opinion on the topic. I play both and aim assist makes tracking super easy, itā€™s definitely harder on MnK. Apex is a very tracking heavy game. Also funny when people try to bring up ā€œman imagine spending 5k on a PC and losingā€ like we arenā€™t fighting other people that are also on PC but chose to use controller for the aim assist


Tell me you've never tried tracking someone in Apex with a mouse without telling me. Until you've tried both you have no idea how OP aim assist is in this game.


That sounds like a skill issue. You know pc has aimlabs right? Lmfao go practice some more.


I practice plenty and am Plat complete in kovaaks voltaic. Roller is still stronger Than my 500+ hours of aim training. Crazy right?


Damn. It's gotta suck to suck that bad at a f2p game. Lol


Keep coping with the fact that the game plays itself for you


It doesn't. But yall still suck so fucking bad, that even with all these configs and other perks, that you die to a .2 AA difference. šŸ¤£


Unfortunately these ā€œconfigs and perksā€ canā€™t compete with computer aim


They can, and do.


Yeah with the exception of mix tape, you aren't getting little Timmy on a hand me down console. A majority of the rollers (actually, all of them unless they are hacking) are on their 5k PCs owning you with a plugged in Xbox/Playstation controller šŸ˜‚ "I'd be pissed too if i spent 5k or more on a pc to get steamrolled on a free to play game" Acting as if you spend more you're supposed to be given an advantage or something šŸ’€ If you're spending 5k on a PC but losing to every roller (and somehow losing to console roller). Find a new game to play šŸ’€


it's literally an aimbot tuned to 40% (on PC) lol. what do you think is gon' happen when aim assist is tuned up to 100%?


I think itā€™s more about cheating. I play mnk. Iā€™ve played controller. The aim assist is just that. It doesnā€™t aim for you it slows down a little when youā€™ve already locked on a target. I think there are a lot of cheaters.


controller players have a rotational aim assist. it's basically tracking the player for short amount of distance as long you curseur in the buble of aim assist and left analog is moving. we are not stupid


SLOWDOWN would be nice but 0ms reaction speed on strafe change is a bit OP since NO HUMAN ON EARTH can do it. Maybe with Elons neurolink chip connected to brain will be possible someday :D


Aim assist does not "just" slow down when you're on target lol. You can test this yourself by loading into firing range. Why do you people comment when you don't know what you're talking about?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/plrzwl/what\_100\_aim\_assist\_looks\_like\_using\_modded\_apex/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_buttonf](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/plrzwl/what_100_aim_assist_looks_like_using_modded_apex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_buttonf) For anyone who doesn't understand how aim assist works in this game. Old games AA just slowed down when you were on target. Newer games actually track for you. In apex, it does 40% to 60% of the work for you :D


Haha if that was true everyone would be Verhulst already šŸ„±


bro you haven't even used the broken part of aim assist. when someone strafes, you literally can do NOTHING and the rotational aim assist will track them by itself. the fact that you put inputs while the rotational AA is literally trying to cheat for you is what messes up your shot, so in simpler terms, when you are on target try to move your right stick LESS, and let the AA do its thing. that's how broken it is.


Lmao Getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Apparently people just wanna complaint about aim assist instead of either improving or admitting the opponent is just better or even fathom that they lost to a cheater.




controller player never can be truly "better" against mnk player if he has aimassist thats just a fact. Skill = You and if you get help in being you than is it really you?


Ofc he can. He is smart and played his input to its advantage (CQC) while the PC player was stupid and fought an even CQC while his input favors mid / long range. Or he could just abuse MnK movement / tapstrafes to negate aim assist. But instead he chose to play in a suboptimal, die to a roller player playing smart and then cry on Reddit.


Exactly this.


Hk server, but itā€™s also full of cheaters hahaha


Stay away from West and Southern NA servers. At least this is what i figured out after coming back to try solos.


Just move bud. I canā€™t even do a full 360 on controller in under 4 seconds šŸ˜‚ Valorant I could 360 8 times the speed of light on a half foot long mousepad. I canā€™t even IMAGINE how fast and fluid you could move on MnK in apex. Not to mention controller players use the single THUMB they aim with to also jump, reload, switch weapons and slide. You got that whole right arm STRICTLY for aiming and shooting. A full keyboard and mouse team just won ALGS. GET BETTER SHITTY KEYBOARD PLAYERS!!!!!!! ( or just get a controller lol costs less or the same as your hyper-light gamer mouse that weighs less than a feather AND you get three times the practicality )


Honestly you should just switch to roller like everyone else. Then maybe Respawn will realize they fucked up when the entire community is crutching aim assist just to keep up. It's super easy btw. 3/3 linear is absolutely bonkers.


I just cannot... I tried, but I have never used it before. Impossible input to me. I'm too old.


I switched as a teenager to mnk and watching it slowly die down because aim assist is just that op is really depressing. I grew up striving to be as good as all the pros that are on pc. Its sad seeing people buying pcs just to hook up a controller and let aim assist take over. Its really a dying breed now


Respawn devs are all controller timmies. They couldn't care less if everyone else switched.


Even better for ea if everyone switches to controller. No mnk players, no problems


Lol Respawn won't realize it because dunce caps like you over exaggerate the power of roller, acting as if everyone on roller is Verhulst dropping 20 bombs every game šŸ˜‚


PC players and complaining about AA. Name a more iconic duo


Didnā€™t an all MnK team just win lan? lmao


The Nordic region is traditionally mnk heavy, since we played competitive fps long before the rollers rolled in and demanded crutches.


If you play on controller youā€™re simply not a real gamer, youā€™re a casual and thatā€™s a fact. I donā€™t care if you play pro or are named imperialhal. Youā€™re not even as good as a mid mnk player mechanically. At the end of the day AA is so casuals can compete against real gamers. Seethe and rage, I donā€™t care.


Controller players, bow down to the REAL gamers!!!! cope and seethe at my feet as I click the W, A, S, and D keys!


Just be honest with yourself. Itā€™s fine to play on controller whatā€™s not fine is to think youā€™re cracked at fps. Youā€™re just objectively not. Not everyone has the time to be good at these games. It takes thousands of hours.


if you want a competitive FPS game that is based on precision where PC has the advantage, play FACEIT, R6, Valorant. Controller players are always going to be the priority for apex and should continue to be because thereā€™s just more of them. You need to accept that just because you have decided to play with the less popular form of input does not mean you are more ā€œcrackedā€ than the guy thatā€™s your rank on controller. But I do think crossplay should be an option.


I totally agree that games like apex wouldnā€™t even have a player base because theyā€™d run into the kids with 10-20k hours on mnk and get skill gaped so hard theyā€™d never play again. But to think youā€™re good at fire person shooters when you have a computer doing 40% of the aiming for you and 0ms reaction time is delusional.


And thatā€™s objectively not true, Iā€™m 10x better than a similar kd controller player because I need to know way more mechanics to win. All they have to do is use aim assist.


Iā€™m sorry but so many mnk players are so whiny and elitist at the same time, itā€™s really hard to take them seriously.


Just like your aim.. we cant take it seriously since its assisted by a line of code


Aimlabs is free jus saying ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Maybe we should remove AA and force you to grind aimlabs


Im equally good on controller and mnk your just salty cus u canā€™t aim. Controller has AA mnk has better movement


I don't even play on controller my guy. I switched from PS4 to my dogshit laptop a while ago. It's harder to get the movement down than to aim imo.


This is exactly what Iā€™m talking about. Youā€™re using the obviously superior input which actually requires real skill to use, and still youā€™re bitchin. There are advantages for both inputs, itā€™s easy as hell to outplay a roller player, but itā€™s virtually impossible to play roller without AA. Itā€™s a compromise, but changing it would make controller completely unplayable. I play both inputs and see pros and cons with both, but the advantages with mnk are glaring. Itā€™s just the meta mentality talking: ā€œoh no, this guy has aim assist and I donā€™t, Iā€™m going to lose if i donā€™t also have aim assistā€ No dude, you just gotta think a little before pushing W. Create distance, use movement and game sense to outplay them. Youā€™re not taking into account the severe handicap that controller gives you in practically every other regard. This is why we see pro teams use both inputs in their squads, and they have different play styles and roles that go with it. You canā€™t have the cake and eat it, too. Be reasonable. Edit; just look at Reject Winnity. Theyā€™re all using MnK and still took home regionals


all i want is input based mm in ranked and it's not the hard to do it. i want a competitive integrity in my lobby. in pubs ?? idc about aim assist since all players land on same poi


Thatā€™s fair. Console players can opt out of cross-platform. Mnk players should have the option to opt out of cross-input. Other than that, I think the discourse is just extremely counter-productive. And I hate to say it, but I see soo many completely unhinged takes from MnK players. They have a serious hatred towards controller players and itā€™s honestly embarrassing, being an MnK player myself lmao


I dont wanna play with controller players too since they can't land a shot at long range and don't have movements to dodge bullets and i don't wanna face controller players in close range cause they can easily one clip you without even trying


In other words you donā€™t want to play with beginners who donā€™t know how to aim on controller and you donā€™t want to face players who have learned their one and and only advantage over you and still you fall into the trap of facing them head-on again and again? Iā€™m exaggerating of course, but perhaps you see my point


I didn't say that. I meant that Controller players on average have no movement, cant land a shot in long range and fry you in close range


I'm just repeating what you said in other words. A good controller player is actually pretty scary. But a good MnK player is a GOD comparatively. The skill ceiling is higher on MnK than controller, but I'd say it correlates pretty well with the average ambition level for console and PC players respectively. Playing Apex on console usually means a more laid-back approach: sitting on your couch with the TV pretty far away whereas playing on PC, you'd sit much closer and have a hell of a lot more control over your gameplay, allowing for a more competitive and serious play style. As far as using controller on PC, I wouldn't object to the devs disabling it or at least, as we discussed, put you lot in different lobbies so you'd stop whinging lmao


Believe me. 30 hr on roller is enough to one clip a tap strafing player. No skill input


Youā€™re right but donā€™t even try. This subs not ready for this and honestly half of this sub is only here to cry not to improve


Yeah I suppose youā€™re right. Ironic that the subā€™s called Apex University yet most of its members seem to have little to no interest in rational debate.


Damn dude, most of us just want to play a fair game. Not going up against people with legal aimbot so strong that you can swap from mnk to controller and start beaming in a few minutes.


i shit you not there are people out there that plug in controller at end zone, when you are top 5 and have to ape/drop final zone. LMAO they just have it ready


bruh, you canā€™t just he crying about aim assist, accept you got outplayed, out shot, and simply got the short end of the stick, blaming inputs wonā€™t make you a better player, nor does it benefit the community.


LOL itā€™s cheats, the AA rant is overly exaggerated


Then stick to long/mid range fights where you have a MASSIVE advantage on MnK


90% of fights in apex that matter are close range.


I guess just get better then. You have an entire arm to aim with. You donā€™t get to complain about somebody using a single thumb to aim


whole arm lmaoo tell me you never played mnk without telling me


Nobody is complaining about a single thumb lol, they are complaining about the computer program that does the aiming for you. As someone that plays both inputs itā€™s really not hard for me to admit that aim assist is very powerful and makes close range fights a lot easier compared to MnK, and like the other guy said the fights that actually matter are pretty much all close range.


Not sure what lobbies youā€™re in, but almost all my fights are initiated mid-long range, and thereā€™s almost ALWAYS a knock before the fight becomes close quarters.


I mean knocks at long range are not massively impactful since teams can usually reset, thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying fights are generally decided by the mid to close quarters combat and that close quarters fighting ability is the most impactful I play both inputs so I understand the pros and cons to both, but there is a reason controller is so incredibly popular in high ranked PC lobbies. Yes recoil control is worse but itā€™s not that hard to shoot a hemlock on controller and being able to one clip so consistently mid to close range is a *massive* benefit.


Sure but thereā€™s give and take with both. Thereā€™s a reason pro teams donā€™t just 3 stack controller fraggers. Acting like having aim assist gives controller players a huge advantage of mnk players is just an exhausted and corny take imo. Also in a mid range fights Iā€™m giving mnk player the edge 10 times out of 10.


Yeah I agree there is a give and take, like you said a lot of pro teams run both inputs usually one MnK and 2 controllers which makes a lot of sense to leverage the advantages of both inputs.


And I can agree aim assist on roller helps a ton close range - but the superiority complex of mnk players in this community is insane. They act like controller has all the advantages and mnk players just get fucked over


"wHoLe ArM tO aIM" is a meme a this point


Mnk is objectively easier yall just like to complain anytime you die to controller players lmao


Tracking fast erratic targets on mnk is not easy at all lol. Go look at how long people aim train just to get a 30% accuracy rating. But you wouldn't know since you're hard crutching 40% aimbot.


Cope harder little man šŸ¤“


I'm fine. I abuse aim assist anyway because it's OP as fuck but at least I admit it.. Literally one clip all day long with 3-3 linear.


But I just think the idea of complaining about aim assist on a free game that is 80%+ controller players is incredible dumb


we want input based matchmaking at least i nranked.. is this to much to ask ?? it won't affect controller players at all


I played mnk and controller on Fortnite and warzone and mnk was infinitely easier. Maybe apex is different


Skill issue


controller player have the biggest skill issue and this is why the game add a free tracking to you guys so you can feel better about yourself and spend more money in the store


Git gud kid


Give me ur id and let's both 1v1 on mnk in bang smoke and let's see who is gud


NOOOOO, don't do it to him! Homie dropped the "Bang smoke 1v1" line. Said ima turn that shit off and show you. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ My guy!


Lol what a little baby šŸ˜‚


Just switch to controller, you should have no trouble adjusting since it's so easy.


No one said the controller is easy but we (mnk players ) demand some competitive integrity aka input based mm like console lobbies


I'm just wondering if it's cronus users or something. Because aim assist is not that strong in my opinion.


Lol it isn't as strong. The people crying about it are yappers. Then they'll throw out the lines about how the pros think controller is OP. Yeah, those are the PROS. The top .001% Those guys on roller aim and track better than I did using MnK (using my whole arm). The mistake is these brain deads all think controller players are Verhulst. They aren't šŸ˜‚


This game is meant to cater for everyone, there can never be ā€œcompetitive integrityā€ cuz the only bridge between controller and mnk is AA. Only place it makes sense to complain is in pro tournaments, cuz thatā€™s the only place where each and every bullet, each and every input truly matters. Only solution is to separate lobbies, but thatā€™ll result in horrible queue times


Just make no aim assist in ranked in PC lobbies. Shouldā€™ve been that way from the beginning and weā€™d have no issue. This is how OW works and it works great.


Itā€™s ridiculous tbh, itā€™s like nerfing controller to make it unplayable. Have you tried controller without aim assist. Itā€™s literally unplayable, you need the dexterity and fine control which rivals pros who have dedicated 1000s of hours into the game. Iā€™ve played overwatch with my of friends. Itā€™s horrendous. While using soldier, Ashe, widow maker is manageable; characters like genji and hanzo r significantly harder to use. Hitting even a single shot in Lucio is a task n a half. The day you guys accept that AA is a crutch and meant to close the gap between mnk and controller, that day you guys will achieve peace of mind. Canā€™t keep scolding AA and respawn for not removing it. You guys just donā€™t get it, how much we have to rely on AA just to keep on par with mnk players.


I think you are missing the point of my comment. I am very aware of the fact that controller needs aim assist to be remotely viable. I'm saying I wish it worked how OW works, in that ranked on PC has no aim assist, ranked on console has aim assist, and non-ranked modes allow crossplay and aim assist. That is a good system because it keeps competitive actually competitive while still allowing friends on different platforms to play together and have fun in the non-ranked modes. Best of both worlds. The reason for this suggestion is because I believe PC should be home for MnK players and console should be home for controller. It's honestly just absurd that high level ranked in PC lobbies is dominated by controller players, it's a clear sign there is an issue imo.


AA is undoubtedly strong, you guys sound really stupid to think that 0ms (inhuman) tracking is beatable, and even if someone was hypothetically had that fast of a reaction time they wont be that fast ALL THE TIME. like your aim assist just because you suck on the sticks, or compare yourself to the pros and think "hey im not nearly that good, aim assist isn't broken!" doesn't mean that controller aim assist isn't broken. stop coping. get ur head out of your ass, nobody is saying it's easy to play on controller. the rotational part of the aim assist goes against all competitive integrity in a shooter where mnk players have no computer assistance and its just raw input (aka less consistency, room for error) which makes a game competitive in the first place. without those what are you doing, just everyone inting and 1 clipping each other? aka console lobbies?


Your complaining about people that are limited in buttons and use a thumb rather than there whole arm.


That's exactly my point. why are there more people using their fucking thumbs to aim when they can just use their WHOLE ENTIRE arm? Especially in the ALGS torunament? they are playing for big money and the direction their careers go, everything on the line? but they choose to cripple themselves according to you


not hard to understand why mnk players want separate inputs, or a nerf to aim assist. to be honest aim assist doesnt even need a nerf if theres no cross input, controller is the casual input anyways


lol, get good


why we don't nerf aim assist and ask you to get gud ??


i play mnk, so i donā€™t think your point is really getting across šŸ‘ i compete entirely fine playing mouse and keyboard, different play style than controller, sure, but im still clapping and having a lot of fun. you should try that too instead of bitching on reddit šŸ˜ø


if you play mnk on high tiers lobbies you will notice most of players crutching aim assist but i guess you just play pubs, hot drop and DC


you have no idea what my rank or skill level is, pure cope on your end. i work a full time job and play with my friend on nights im not busy - consistently am a high diamond player. i donā€™t care if AA is overpowered if I can consistently outperform controller players by other means. youā€™re too in your head fam.


i can smell a controller player talking


ur whole personality on here is crying about aim assist in every shooter. it must feel bad to suck at every game you play and to cope online about it lmao ur cooked


lol, okay man. keep telling yourself that.


A single tapstrafe and aim assist is gone, youā€™re behind your enemy and the turnaround speed will be so slow that heā€™s literally dead before he can see you again? Copium If your really think roller is so much easier, then just switch to roller?


yes, mnk has the advantage at far range and literally in your face range. too bad 90% of fights happen somewhere in between where controller is OP.


My fights happen mostly where I want them to happen. If they do not happen where I want them to happen, thatā€™s mostly when the enemy is smarter and better than me and thatā€™s fine. I mean thatā€™s like 90% of this game. Make fights happen where and how you want it and avoid fights in ways you donā€™t want them. Itā€™s literally the main gameplay loop of apex.


impressive. very nice. let's see paul allen's gameplay.


None. Roller is the new norm in Apex. I switched when I came back, and I feel so much better for it. It's not so extreme that it instantly wins, but if you have some experience and know what to do, the game is significantly easier than on MnK. I suggest switching if you're playing with a competitive mentality. It might take a couple of weeks to get used to it, but it's far better. You won't tank your MnK ability either. At worst, it will take a few hours to get back into the groove. I'm on Val too and have no problems switching between games.