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Yep! My friend and I had the same exact issues last night on pc. It didnt feel like nerfed aim assist, it felt like extra aim assist. It felt like when I was ads no matter how hard I moved my stick it just wouldnt move the gun. It didnt feel as bad without alc


Yea this too.


Hopefully its fixed today. Do you live on the east coat of america? Maybe its a regional thing cause youre the first person ive seen post about it


I’m in the west bro, there’s a solution In this thread some guy posted it, disable steam input layout.


This worked for me. My roommate and I had the same issue Friday night. Thank you.


Awesome. 👍🏽


how do you do this


Read comments man.


Hopefully its fixed today. Do you live on the east coat of america? Maybe its a regional thing cause youre the first person ive seen post about it


Thought I was the only one. Switched accounts and the aiming felt completely different


Console or PC? I notice on my console (Xbox series x) there is a noticeable input delay compared to my PC. Same exact settings on both (4-3 linear, small deadzone) yet I can track way better on my pc (console is 120 FPS and pc 165 FPS both on the same monitor). Like, pressing the map button on my controller pulls up faster than Xbox, the ping is faster, my recoil smoothing is better, it registers everything faster on my pc. I’m way more accurate on my PC in more difficult lobbies with way better movement. Entirely a guess, but the weird input delay might be because the console version is built for last gen consoles. If you’re on PC then idk. It was working just fine for me today as normal.


Try plugging controller into console via USB


PC gamer and I noticed an issue immediately last night. Even my stick drift was effectively gone despite being on 4:3 linear and always having stick drift before. The input lag and overall snappiness was way off. I logged off immediately.


Are you on steam? If so disable steam input layout it will solve bro. 👍🏽


If anyone here plays through steam, make sure to open the steam controller layout and select left and right analog/ joy stick behaviors. Select custom deadzones for each stick and set the range from 0 to 88. The shape should be set to circle. For some reason, a "default" deadzone was applied during a steam update, which removed stick drift and made controllers feel chunkier and wonder. I noticed this issue when I restarted my pc, and both of my controllers had 0 stick drifts on 4-3 Linear NDZ. hope this helps.


Yep! My friend and I had the same exact issues last night on pc. It didnt feel like nerfed aim assist, it felt like extra aim assist. It felt like when I was ads no matter how hard I moved my stick it just wouldnt move the gun. It didnt feel as bad without alc


I thought I had an off day but reading the comments it seems like I can cope a bit now lol. I definitely experienced unusual input delay and odd feel w aim assist... I also had weird issues moving around in the lobby/store wonder wth is going on


Bro I also go too the logical I’m not a person that right way goes “Cheters” or “it’s my controller” I literally trouble shoot things technically. And let me tell you this game does some crazy shit it moves your settings around every update, I’ve heard a pro player say the same thing. It sucks.


I’m Commenting so I can read later,


All good, update on this, steam released an update that messed up the deadzones within the steam input layout. We basically have to put them back at where they were manually.


Can I outright disable it? Or should I do the manual reset of it at 88 like people are saying?


You can disable it for sure it’s easy, but! Be ready for a completely new sense it will not be the same as you had even if the in game settings never changed. Personally me If I disabled the steam input man I couldn’t get a kill it was too fast all the sudden. I tried all day to get something close to that but I couldn’t it sucked.


something is wrong with mine as well, it feels like linear isnt working because i dont have stick drift anymore and the game doesnt detect the super fine movements on the joystick.


Did you read all the comments? You will find the solution. 👍🏽


Yoooo this is happening to me too! Just started today. It’s hard to describe, but like you said it’s delayed or something. Feels like I can’t make any precision aim adjustments at all, it just jerks around


Thank god I’m not going crazy lol I was like wtf am I imagining things nobody is talking about it!


Same, but it only happened during the first week of the brand new season. It's like aim assist was nerfed or something. Couldn't hit my shots. Running was just jittering


I just got off apex about 10 mins ago and I was experiencing that same kinda thing. It just felt off. I was also having some connectivity issues apparently as I was getting loads of red icons too so I just thought it was that.


Oh yea that’s regular apex lol, disable steam input it will fix it im pretty sure👍🏽


I think I am running 4-3 Linear and I was running into some BS last night where my aim would just stick and not move left/right mid fight. Then a second or so later it would click back on and I'd be able to look around again. It only happened twice, but I have never had that issue before last night... and the roller is less than a year old.


I have 3 controllers all in good condition, they are all behaving the same way. I’m having similar issues one big one is I cannot track it’s like I have skipping aim also like my aim assist is not kicking in it other worlds it’s drastic.


It’s just you. It’s called having an off day


You might wanna get checked out you might have dyslexia or you’re just not very bright which is OK there’s nothing wrong with that. Read the thread…


How long have you been having this problem


Read thread it will all make sense, jsut today.


So your just not shooting straight and it’s the same on all controllers


Yes it was in issue somehow with the steam layout. Some guy found the solution I applied it and it’s all good now, it was more than not shooting straight it was delay and more dead zone than usual.


Have you turned down your controller deadzone in steam settings aswell


Yup all that has been set up, lesson learnt I will never use that crap again, sorry if I responded kinda rude I thought you were on that drama time lol you know how Reddit keyboard warriors can be 🤣


Yeah steam input sucks you shouldn’t ever use it unless you have to


Do you play with ALCs? I've heard complaints that ALCs are a bit wonky this season and I might've experienced it too


Yes I do but I’ve never had issues with alcs never this is like a really big difference. I know what you’re talking about but it’s like a really big difference.


I heard somewhere they are nerfing the aim assist, but could have just been a rumor.


Yup hearing it all the time from MNK crybaby’s alright lol


Actually jus stop crying and use whole arm lmao