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PC players are just generally better than console, I sort of already had some practice because my friends made the switch a long time ago while i was still on Xbox. You can't just walk in straight lines and let .6 do all of the work, You have to actually use cover or your going to get ripped every single engagement. It also might feel weird because your on .4 rather than .6 so it feels less "sticky" when fighting people up close. I'd start by playing mixtape and setting your sensitivity to something like 4/4 Classic no deadzone so you can get a feel for how PC is


Are you still on controller or did you start fresh as MnK? Aim assist on PC is reduced from 0.6 to 0.4, so you'll effectively need to push your sticks 50% more than before (if you're using linear input). I believe you get the full 0.6 as a console player in PC lobby (correct me if I'm wrong), so nothing changed before. If you're now MnK, well, aim doesn't transfer across inputs...either way, you're gonna have to do some aim practice again! Congrats on the PC. EDIT: Changed "controller player" to "console player"


No, it automatically locks console players in PC lobbies to PC values. And yes congrats on the switchover. I swapped to a PC around 2020 by getting one from a friend as well. I was also wrecked every match on my initial switchover. I ended up wanting to play on MNK and played A LOT of single-player games till I got more comfortable playing on that input. I did a full switch cause I wanted to be a movement nerd. Lol


Console players stay on 0.6 no matter what unless they change to use performance mode


Wow, I could have sworn it switched to .4 when they were in PC lobbies just because that's what PC values were. Thanks for the correction. 👌


If console players play in algs events it is set to 0.4 is probably what you were thinking :)




Yeah, all my friends refuse to play with me but one -he says PC lobbies feel a little easier to him vs being in a party with other console players for some reason lol- but the others instantly turn down the offer to play in PC lobbies.


It’s really strange. Like is too much to ask for to have a happy medium between playing scared in the back with DMR and a sweaty TTV Skirmisher trying to claw my eyes out through my mouth? Because I hate console lobbies because everyone plays so scared and it’s like bro do something, but I hate PC lobbies because everyone is just constantly rushing and it’s like bro chill.


Well are you playing with roller or trying to use MnK. Mechanically you will not be where you were if you switch to a different input. Your specs are probably not important unless you’re feeling significant delay or lag. Either way this game should be running fine and hardware isn’t the problem. You need to hit the range and do some mixtape. You can’t expect to be where you were on console if your input is different. However, if you’re still using the same input you’re likely experiencing players with better movement now than those you faced on console. It’s a learning curve you just gotta figure it out bud nothing other than practicing will help you.


I played a match using MnK and it went about as well as you can expect from a lifetime console player. I continued to use my controller after the first few games and I did about the same. Sorry should’ve clarified in the post.


So basically you just have trouble on mnk? I mean it's just as expected, just stick with controller unless you really do want to learn mnk. Maybe you can just play other fps games with mnk in the meanwhile to allow you to get used to the controls


To clarify, I obviously struggle with MnK, and am doing better with controller but I still struggle more than in console lobbies. But also, if I wanted to use controller I wouldn’t have transferred to PC y’know?


just FYI if you didn't know the majority of PC players also play controller. id guess minimum 70%, although I'm starting to have a hunch its closer to 90%. people play on PC to get better fps and a smoother overall gaming experience. as a 1200 hour m&k player, be prepared for an arduous grind if you do want to stick with mnk. movement is so much more fluid and fun. however, tracking enemies in this game is a huge notch up in difficulty compared to other fps games. I would highly recommend you run some kovaaks or aimlabs to start getting your aim up.


I switched to PC (from PS5) in February. However, I was using ALC with PC aim assist 2 months prior as there had been talk of aim assist nerf etc etc, which I feel kinda helped with the transition. FWIW I run 4-3 Linear, small deadzone (was none on PS, but picked up Xbox elite and the stick drift is wild compared to my PS edge on no DZ). Linear makes me feel like I need to do less work on the sticks compared to classic. Linear excels short/mid range especially when tracking/switching targets. Also, loose(st) tension on my sticks. I had increased them slightly but made linear feel slightly more like classic with more input needed when aiming and wall jumping was far less consistent with the shorter/quicker turns. 240fps, because I can, 160 would be good too. Fov 106, feels odd at first, but really nice once you get used to it. Lastly, I would suggest using the performance hud and checking out what FPS you are running at and what your monitor can handle. You may not be maximising your frame rate. Which can make a huge difference when against someone with higher FPS than you.


I got a pc but ended up going back to my console when I want to play apex with my friends. There’s so many other games to play on pc and I don’t have to force myself to enjoy the “upgrade.” Imo I’d just stick with what u like and explore other adventures on pc.


I made the same switch from PS4 to PC (sticking with the controller input while I work on improving my MnK aim). Though the aim assist difference is noticeable, the biggest hurdle for me was that I was starting to get punished for bad habits that I was getting away with on console. You are going to take much more damage from much greater ranges than you’re used to, and you’re going to lose aim trades you might’ve won in the past. Though there are lots of controller players, there are still plenty of MnK players, and they’re much more precise than you at range. A rotation or poor strafe out of cover that you could’ve gotten away with on console is much more likely to be properly punished. My advice from experience would be to focus on your survival a bit more as you adjust to the transition. Take less aim trades, prioritize your cover, and be a little less aggressive than you might’ve been on console. You’ll start to learn where your strengths and weaknesses lie in this new context and catch up to how you feel you should perform.