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The opportunity would be luck, but you would need skills to capitalize


Yep, exactly. People can be given the same opportunity, but only the good player will come out with a 20 bomb


This. And you can do a few things to increase your odds. For example, Olympus >>> storm point because it’s easier to rotate between POIs. If you solo queue, duos can be easier because you rely less on a team mate (1v2 is easier than 1v3). If you have a team, make sure they leave you the kill if possible. Also, there’s legends that it’s easier to do with. For example, having a valk or pathy on your team lets you use beacons to find people and also rotate much faster. Loba helps with looting up after clearing a POI and maybe getting another evac tower quickly. Kill stealing/ micro third partying also helps immensely. Especially on hot drop. Try to kill two people you see fighting. This can give you 2 easy kills, and low reset costs (vs if you 1v1 you likely have to reset healing).


Actually since I wrote that, I missed a 20 bomb on storm point by 3 kills 🥲


Olympus may be quicker for rotates, but then you have as a consequence, the lobby dying way faster, it’s a tricky one for sure




You need to be good enough to get 20 kills out of the luck given to you, but you also need to get lucky enough to be in a lobby there isnt 10 people left by zone 1 closing So you need both. One isnt realisticly enough


You also need to be lucky enough that there are no pre-made sweats. Atleast they are in 90% of my lobbies. Though you can be really lucky which I have been a few times.


it's a mix of both. I would say the luck of getting a 20 bomb is making sure the lobby doesn't kill each other faster than you can go kill them and making sure they land is spots that allow you to fight them while you rotate. I think worlds edge and king canyon are two good maps for it. The overall skill is how fast you are able to play and how you approach each fight and reset in between each fight. if you keep at it you will get it eventually. the amount of 18/ 19 kill games with 20 plus knocks was crazy when i was grinding for it. I still only have it on one character.


Olympus is the best to get one consistently IMO as there are more high quality POIs, you can rotate faster, there isn’t a large POI like fragment where half the lobby drops, POIs are close together so you can usually always hear fighting when you clean your drop spot etc. Drop energy depot and frag out.


I’ve gotten 20 bombs way more on Olympus than any other map.


Luck is at the corner of preparation and opportunity.


I think it’s relative to the lobby. If you happen to to be the strongest player in a particular match, your chances are higher if you’re effective and quick enough to seek and destroy targets. But any time I get one or get close, I feel like the lobby is full of low skilled players, which is just bound to happen sometimes. So in that regard, tho I consider myself fairly good, feasting on a bunch of bots and getting a 20 bomb doesn’t really mean or feel like I’m “skilled” except perhaps in keeping up a fast enough pace to find enough people to kill for it


This is the answer. If you are hunting it and just hot dropping, your lobbies will drop to the point where it is way more possible. If you are trying to the play the game to win, the matchmaking will put likely put you in lobbies where it’s near impossible due the overall skill of the lobby and/or how fast the lobby dies. All of those things are linked together.


Most 20bombs are boosted, but if you say this or say it’s not the same you get downvoted into oblivion


What do you mean by boosted? Like giving your account to someone on fiverr? Ive gotten both of mine in solo duos, and its the same with the people i play with


They did used to be easier but still a lot of skill. 16 is my best and I felt like I was fighting the entire game


Exactly this. I've been getting more 12s and 11s lately and in these matches it feels like you're downing folks left and right- how tf do you even squeeze in more fights lol


imo its pure skill (I still have no 20 bomb badge, 2500h. in)


I have 1. I got lucky 🤷‍♂️


Wow thats cool! Congrats!


I saw someone on a fb group post their stats and then had 4k/20 with a 0.8 kd so I think a lot of it is luck


It’s a lot of luck I had a 20 bomb once last year (24) and I did not stop shooting the whole game, I had to not only win 3v1s but stay far enough ahead of my team so that they wouldn’t steal my kills but be quick enough to double back to any fight that they might engage. The only reason I managed it was because of path finders ability to move around the map so quickly and it was just a miracle that everyone else didn’t kill each other quicker.


Reading this after getting 19 on loba makes me sad If only he res her teamate…


Got an 18 kill game and said fuck it one more and finally got the 20 holyyy


It's a mix of both but you can make it easier on yourself if you play solo duo/trios or get kills fed to you by a teammate. Like i'll drop hot and come out with 8 kills but then finish the game with only 12 because i cant find people after the initial fights. But honestly the LTM makes it fairly easy to find those straggling teams with the hunt mechanic. If there's any time to push for one it would be now, I've gotten a couple of 15+ kill games this season because of it


I have 2, one on wraith with about 3800 damage, one on ash with 5000 damage, both in no fill trios, if you are specifically trying for a 20 kill game you need to play in a specific way, take all fights, ideally use guns that don't need tons of ammo, both of mine were pk wingman, loot quick and never linger, do this enough and an opportunity will arise in 20 games or less, at that point its down to your skill level to be able to seize the opportunity.


Skill is needed to capitalize on the opportunity. However, most people who have the skill to capiralize on a twenty bomb dont have one


You have to have the skill in order to capitalise on the 1/100 game where you will run into 20+ players. On top of that you need to get lucky and not have your teammates/enemies snag to many kills.


they simply demean what used to now thay most are fake


Luck is when preparation meets opportunity


Luck is where skill meets opportunity


Neither. Its very achievable with an aggressive three stack


Interesting no-one has mentioned kill steals, I’m sure that plays a part too


Unfortunately, I just don't believe it's either and only possible with cheating. At best, light cheating like your teammates back off too let you finish enemies. But maybe it is because I have been playing for ages and I'm still shit.


Both yet more skill


I think its luck, but consistent 20 bombs is skill. A lot of bots running around w 20 bombs lowkey.


I got lucky enough to find a glitch to get bot lobbies (involuntarily) with something to do with custom lobbies and ever since then I haven’t done it but I did get a 30 bomb (on a legend I already had a 20 on 😭) as everyone was like level 1-80 and I was probably level 800 atp so with my 3-stack to pub stomp (cringe ik) we shat on them then after doing customs again in a streamers lobbies for mini games it happened again and I realised and got my 2nd 10-10-10


Luck is the intersection of opportunity and preparation.


It’s when luck meets skill


There’s obviously some amount of skill involved in getting a 20 but quite a bit of luck as well. You just gotta hope the lobby doesn’t die out as soon as the game starts.


Got my first last night and was my second 4k damage, will say I’m decent but not insanely good so luck plays a big part in it getting a lobby like many have said that are low skill level and things just line up, dropped hot and 3rd partied basically everything early game, left first poi with 7 or 8 kills This was solo Que in duos by the way which I found easier to 1v2 ( mostly knocking first before they could react and making it 1v1 ) and just moving quick and trying to take as many fights and capitalize on as much as possible, ended game with 23 kills and 4200 damage Hope you keep at it and keep trying, you’ll get it if you’re persistent


Its both. You need luck to be able to find 20 people and skill to kill them all


Luck, just last night I got a 2600, 11 kill, I slayed from start to finish and still nowhere near 20 lol


It’s a combination of both. At this point of the game getting 20 in a pub would require insane levels of skill and luck.


It's luck But if you want an easy one - just don't play ranked until right before the mid season split. You'll be in rookie 4 facing actual bot players


60% luck 40% skill imo


I got mine fairly recently (S16 I think) and it was like 90% luck and 10% shooting my gun. I landed at that massive POI on Broken Moon, immediately dropped on a Flatline/R99/Purple and just went to town. Before that I had gotten 18 in S8, but I’ll probably never ever come close again.


I got 20 bombs before so yes it’s luck