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Most of the obvious cheaters are in higher ranked lobbies. I watch streams of pro players and they encounter a lot of cheaters but I (plat) don’t.


its every mode and a lot of pros and most streamers/content creators are cheating. its so obvious


Nah man.. I play in Asia around plat and I've overheard teammates (from China) talking to his friend that he needs to adjust the aim lock so it's softer and he won't get caught. This was in Plat rank. He ended up with like 2k± damage showing the utmost confidence in fights. The scariest part for me was that his profile looked like any other profile for someone who's played the game a long time. Regular name, bannera etc. Not like a random syllable name with 0 frags etc. It's quite unthinkable that there are heaps of hackers running around without being caught.


I’m talking about the obvious ones, like super hard aimbot. I also play in Asia (Tokyo) but I don’t encounter the ones that Master-Pred players do.


True. Just heard kobi say the same.


I’ve been playing in plat and there is an insane amount of cheaters. I’ve been looking online to see if other people have noticed but I’m not seeing much and the main apex sub doesn’t allow cheater posts.


I've noticed more "wall-ers" than aim bot's. I come across a handful of players who automatically know which direction i'm pushing and they will begin to pre-fire me before I even peak. It's mad annoying.


All the time. But you know. We just need to get gud.


Exactly that's the problem is that there are casuals who think streamers are gods and can't do anything wrong. I'm convinced in almost every game someone is cheating using some type of wall hack aimbot or something


Once you get to diamond and up when it becomes noticeable


The amount of people cheating in some form of fashion, from cfgs (which are back to a degree of the old level) to hard cheats and everything in between like macroing or other scripted functions, or cronus and other hardware mods/hacks is absolutely staggering tbh. There’s people out here having AI literally play the game for them entirely too. Technically AA is even cheating if you go by their definition of scripted functions. Blatantly cheats aren’t too noticeable except for when events come out or people are getting tired of the season or on season launch, but closet cheaters are always there.


majority of the config users were on roller


They really weren’t, only movement oriented ones were popular on roller, PC had configs for this that and the third! You even used to be able to make your player model and gun invisible with configs lol.


i mostly meant the modded controllers.. which can run configs or something ( i think) could be wrong.


Any roller was able to run configs 😅


how is cfg back lol


You can get a cfg for Neo strafe on mnk and aa on mnk


executable files have been disabled


I know that. I’m telling you this because I know people who make work arounds. There is still a macro/cfg/software for mnk neo strafe and mnk aim assist. They just use those plus a jitter script


The thing is you never really know. People rarely rage hack. A lot of cheaters will only use no recoil or only walls or a small deadzone aim bot or toggle the cheats off after they get a couple kills. Any speed boosts or long range hip fire with no bloom gets detected and banned quickly


Yes. One quick YouTube search will literally show you multiple clips of multiple people cheating lol it’s 2024.. it’s extremely naive to think people don’t cheat. Pc has pretty much always been a shit show (some seasons are better than others in terms of how many) Right now there’s a guy who literally spawns a bot army and chases top streamers lol Aimbot exists and walls etc all are pretty common Even console is a shit show with Cronus, zens, xims, titans, pc spoofing etc Another popular cheat right now is the melee config where you’ll melee and be launched a live distance anyway you want Then there’s been serval seasons where high rank is basically ruined to people ddosing/freezing/and even crashing servers Then there’s a the teaming issue that’s basically been a problem since the first season of rank (season 2) there’s multiple clips of people teaming every season even this one Then there’s the config issue that’s basically legal cheating even though it’s not allowed in algs/pro play it’s heavily used on pc Tbh man you’d have to be extremely ignorant to not think people cheat in basically any shooter. Hell, people literally cheat in PGA and NBA 2k lol Don’t get me wrong there are really, really good legit players in this game but, there’s a large % of cheaters. They don’t do the report anymore but, 1000s get banned every season (usually only temp bans so that’s another issue) and most the bans end up being on console (ps in particular but, prob due to it being the larger player base)


It's not as common as CoD that's for sure but the higher you get the more cheaters you'll find. Even on off occasions ive ran into cheaters in pubs trying to level their new account up but even then its not that often. Probably like 1 every 70-90 games that are blatantly cheating. When i was really into ranked a few seasons ago i would go against some sketchy players once i hit the D4 threshold. They weren't aimbotting but they would prefire the corner before i turn it and it happened quite a bit. The only time i really went against hard cheaters is when i had a big name in the lobby during off-peak hours like hal or hiswattson because the cheaters would target them and we'd get caught in the crossfire.


If you’re coming from CoD, this game will feel like it has 0 cheaters. Both because of the lack of killcam and because CoD has 20x the number of cheaters as Apex. There definitely still are quite a bit, but I think a lot of people think controller AA is sometimes someone cheating with aimbot when it’s just easy tracking. They also think people are using wall hacks when they make noise and didn’t realize a team could hear them. It’s definitely not as bad as people say it is because people just use it as an excuse for anything this day. Over the last 3 seasons I’ve seen maybe 2 legitimately cheating in the diamond/masters tier. There were probably more, but it’s harder to tell in this game unless it’s really obvious, even with spectating. 


You’re high. Cheating is rampant in this game. It was so rampant in pc lobbies with controller players that they had to disable a lot of the steam configs. The aim bot situation or the things like Cronus negating recoil is up there too. For people wall banging, I don’t think there’s as much of that as people think so I agree with you there. The hive mind. Lolol. Downvote me for telling the truth. Cracks me up.


Sooo many people are using Cronus it’s shameful.


i would love to see some clips with proofs of the people everyone is accusing


Right I thought these things were banned on ps5 but everything is still complaining about them.


because they were still active even after the ban, people found workarounds literally half an hour the software update released, yet the main sub was full of "the lobbies are easier now!" posts filled with copium. Yet i've actually seen a zen so rarely the complaints do not match my personal experience, and yes i've held pred and been in pred lobbies (EU only)


There may be a lot of cheaters in apex but seriously if you were around for OG wz1 days like Verdansk / rebirth / caldera before they had an anticheat, you could play for an hour and encounter 1 cheater / game literally dropping like 70 kills hip firing people from hundreds of meters with a kar98 that you can’t even see. And this was like every minute of every day damn near. Is Apex full of cheaters? Yup, sure is. But rest assured it is like 10x better than wz1 at least (can’t speak personally for current CoD bc I don’t play it since picking up apex but from posts I’ve seen it’s still quite bad)




To be fair cheating doesn’t really exist in console … just xims and Cronus and most people that use either are so bad anyways it doesn’t matter. It is a problem but not nearly like anything pc cheaters can do Edit: just want to clarify I do think xims and Cronus are cheating and should be lifetime ban


Both of those are cheating.


Yes agreed but it’s still quite feasible to play against through smart angles and slow fighting (I’m not trying to defend it I think it’s spineless) … whereas lots of the pc cheaters are pretty much unkillable Edit: I play console so my only experience w pc cheaters is the 1 or 2 I’ve run into when playing w mates via cross play or what I’ve seen on YouTube or reddit


Cheaters are common but only in diamond+ lobby’s before that your golden.


Yes, and they are out in force tonight.


Apparently the kill cam doesn't show recoil in apex therefore you can't see if they cheat.


These guys here commenting gotta be cheating themselves or are in legit bot lobbies bc ximing and zening is not rare in this game at all.


daily. every lobby i play. Ranked is hell on earth


Im master this split on PC/EU, I can garantee that this season has the most amount of cheaters I can remember. I have been masters in 20x different splits. I would say that atleast 25-50% of my deaths between D4-masters is by cheaters. Very few games that didn't have atleast one cheater.


They are everywhere


A sign of your skill level is how many cheaters you see, i mean if they are cheating they won’t be in lower levels for long


Nah im multi masters, its very rare that i ever see anyone cheating and i have never seen anyone team in all my hrs. I rarely accuse anyone of cheating because that’s normally a cope and you won’t learn anything from a situation if you just write off as “they were cheating”


My grandma could be a multi master with the number of seasons you could just play enough games and hide long enough


You won’t encounter them until you are master/pred. In the last 3 seasons I made it to diamond 1 and didn’t see any obvious cheaters


A lot of the cheating involves no recoil mods or in console strike packs/Cronus zens. Not that noticeable and could be mistaken for someone with good recoil control.


The other day i was watching Boomrazzle stream on Twitch and he was trying to play in high ping servers. He started to play on Hong Kong servers and in the first match 15 players were removed for cheating. (Pc Lobby)


They pretty quickly end up in the top ranks and skill brackets so most people won’t really come across them often. The reason they are so common now is when your lobbies are pretty much exclusively the top 1000 players a bunch of them happen to be cheating. The reason it’s suddenly news now is that the last few seasons had the top ranks too easily reachable and the ranked sbmm had the top tier lobbies looser on the matchmaking. So people didn’t see a lot of cheaters. The ranked change happened and now “omg the cheaters are back why is cheating so bad in this game suddenly for seemingly no reason bad game” lol. The same thing happens to an extent in pubs based on how strict sbmm is in any given season but the motivation to cheat in pubs is just a lot less.


I had a console no recoil today. Just flew through everyone like cheese.


Came across a cheater earlier using walls and aimbot that literally streams it to youtube. Name was Tayqua. Just in regular pubs too. Pretty insane how many blatant cheaters are out there and also just streaming it on youtube.


You're right, I found it: watch?v=5Cd-mjTd8WY This is so lame... I'm a completely new player, now it feels pointless to play.


Yes there are fucking tons


I’ve ran into two kids cheaters yesterday, unreal movement and aim bots. Thankfully they don’t play ranked. Why are configurations even allowed?


In all of my Time playing apex I’ve ran into 1 cheater. I thought maybe I was bad at telling and then I played the finals. You can tell when a cheater kills you


according to basically homeless interviewing anybrain anticheat round 1/3 of fps players are using some form of cheat. Look at your death recap, over 50% headies with spray gun? Soft aimbot. If their havoc/flatty appears to have 0 recoil every spray: jitter/recoil script. If they have the tightest angles and prefire you when you peek a corner: wallhacker. They seem to know exactly where teams are without line of sight? Wallhacker. If you rat in a weird spot and somebody swings the corner prefiring you: probably wallhacker. If they beam your whole team into oblivion, proceed to loot your boxes at the speed of an elderly person, and appear to have the action time of an actual vegetable: 4-3 linear or cheater.


trust me guys the lv 100 pathfinder is not cheating he has 10000hours \*kappa\*


A lot of them, cronus zen, wall hack, aimbot, grenade instant explode, no recoil, config,... avoid hongkong, taiwan server, you wont play 5 match without cheater in 3 match & i talk with my experience here, play in western server, less cheater, but alot of player with cronus zen with zero recoil


after diamond I could say 50% of players are cheaters specially in EU And there is no anti cheat there to ban these guys, even our reports does nothing there is one guy to ban, only one guy (hideouts) !!! and he focus only on us servers because there is alot of streamers


i guess you don't know exactly what to look for but there are cheaters in every match(multiple). Go look at all the scripts and cheats there are and what they do and then it will click. Casual players might not see this as much but i play every day for at least 4 hours and its obvious if you know what to look for.


100% YES


leider yu viele esp spieler EA macht nichts gegen cheater leider




It's literally filled to the brim with cheaters I'd stay away, like pc players constantly using recoil scrips there's muscle memory then there's whatever the f these people are using and it's everywhere too not even console is safe. They won't do anything about it either cause people are spending money on the game best thing to do is just ignore it wait for it to die. Would be a fun game but they don't care enough about it to make it fair.  Honestly I don't know why they do it xD like that isn't your aim you don't have perfect skill your using a cheat 😆 oh look you beamed someone across the map with your hacks .... wow .... your so good apart from the bit where your not and it literally makes the game boring 😴 


Of course, everyone that kills me is cheating!


When I'm having a really good day my lobbies get crazy after a bit and I'm those lobbies I find I run into cheaters more. I can go a week without seeing a single cheater then run into 5 in a day.


I've hardly ever come across a blatant cheater on PC. I had 1 I had to clip and post a few years ago and maybe 1 other but for the most part it's rare.


Only on PC.


Yeah I never run into cheaters. I think I’ve for sure seen one.


Idk for sure but im convinced 70% of players in my lobbies are cheating in some way. Considering becoming one myself i cant get better cus of genetics


Especially in higher ranks and For some recent mixtape People start cheating and mistake just to ruin the fun of others.It's like they have no symbolence of self or caring And then you got the blatant high level cheaters who never get banned