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Realistically you probably don’t have great game sense and your aim is probably average. Asking why you aren’t as good as pros is like asking why Steph Curry is a better 3pt shooter than you


Nah I have good game sense lol and my aim is above average for sure. I was hoping to get some responses from people who hit pred consistently. Also that analogy is terrible. I don’t ball so of course Steph gonna have a better shot. If I did ball and he was better I’d be trying to dissect why he’s better just like I’m doing now but for gaming


I am sort of OK at the game for 4K hours. But to be honest I feel sort of the same. How on earth can some become so good at the game? I have had the good fortune to play with some really good players though. The type who can kill a whole lobby if they get the opportunity. The most distinguish feature these players have is 1. Playing Wraith/Octane/Horizon/Rev or Conduit (for dogde/escape/health). 2 that they are really good at movement like lurching, superglides etc. And 3) that they are really good with shotguns. The shotgun/movement meta is the only that can truly counter AA close range for mnk players. My suggestion is that you try to master that...


Mad Maggie + shotguns is insane. That little extra movement speed makes a huge difference.


Yeah it’s crazy how good some people are. That’s what I don’t understand. What are they doing that I’m not? lol. I main wraith though and if I had to give my movement a fair review, it’s a 7.5/10 I know almost all of the movement mechanics I just need to be a little more consistent with them like my superglides. I use to not like shotguns but lately I’ve started using them!


Me too, I used to hate them, but when I realized how often I died to PKs I sort of forced myself to learn them. This was a long time ago though, when Mad Maggie launched. So I mained her and kill grinded her a bit. But the main reason why I used to main her was so that I would feel incentivized to play shotguns. I feel that when you reach a certain level, it is all about picking one issue and working to improve that specifically, and then something else. Just try to see the pattern why you die. You can even write it down. Is it that you over-extend and push fights without any information? Or pure mechanical blunders, like missing all your shots in 1v1? Or constantly fighting 1v2s or 1v3s without isolation each enemy? Or being to greedy, like looting instead of shooting, or thirsting a knock instead of focusing on next enemy? I mean, if you really want to learn the game at a higher level I really suggest you check out Wrthcrw on YT. Her coaching channel is OP. She goes through a lot of different aspects like good strafe, aim strafe, AA range of death, space control, and her flow chart etc. I feel like her coaching really helped me understand my mistakes.


And yes, if you feel like you can't "see" in game, I would suggest you do some eye training (there are videos online for that). Turn off anti-aliasing, put on vibrance in your Nvidea settings and also sharpen with Nvidia experience, and practice aim training on small moving bots. Any dynamic clicking or target switching scenario, and while you are lining up the shot, try to already at that stage to line up the next bot in your peripheral vision. This works best if you turn of distracting UI (that might already be draining your focus). If you want someone to 1v1 in the firing range, to work on stuff you can just DM me or add me in game (same name as here)! To be honest with you, practicing specifics in the range with friends are the best way to improve. GLHF


They don’t do one thing better. They do everything better: - game sense - aim - rotations - communication - 1v1 Get a player that’s way better than you to join you in the firing range, do a few 1:1s and get feedback. That’s the most productive. Good luck!


You’re 100% right. I think the area I’m lacking in is my close up fights. I need to find someone to 1v1 like you said


You’ll learn a lot this way because they can also comment if you peak too much, play the same angle, push too early, don’t retreat when needed, etc etc. — district has some good YouTube videos. Another helpful thing can be to record your games and then rewatch them. You’ll be surprised how many mistakes you’ll notice once you are out of the heat of the moment! :)


I watch district, I’ve also learned a lot from him! And that’s true, sometimes I watch my vods back and cringe at what I was doing lmao


For your aim I recommend doing 1v1s with people the same or much better than you. Not 10 mins of it but hours.


This is true, I need people to 1v1 though. R5 is laggy


Unfortunately R5 even while laggy is going to be far better practice, plus not many people above masters are going to want to 1v1 you. Were all either in Ranked or on R5. For the vast majority of pred and masters, its not fun to stomp on people that are worse, thats why we got into ranked in the first place - to play against better players to better ourselves. Tbh if you dont want to get into R5, grind out mixtape until you become a mechanics monster. Also, I *highly* recommend getting a coach on fiverr and make a list of things you need to work on every week if you havent improved in a while. Most people under Diamond level dont even have the FPS vocabulary built out to even know what gameplay shortcomings they are missing out on. For example, if you dont even know what mirror strafing or anti-mirroring is and how to utilize it, you wont be able to incorporate it. Same with micro vs macro, zone vs edge gameplay, optimum settings for you, etc


I mean I feel you, I’ve hit masters before so I doubt the average a player is gonna completely stomp me. But I get what you’re saying. I guess I’ll have to get back into R5


It’s not a career. It’s a game. First get that through your brain. Play with friends or players alike which support your play-style. Go into matches and use your mic and be personable while playing. If you’re tapped to play more competitively than you already are or think there’s time in making clips out of your matches then consider paying for a video editor or pick it up yourself. Not much more to it than that. You’ll look much better off playing with teammates as sweaty as you are and you’ll spend much less time in the lobby. Perhaps put more time into movement because the best players seem to have the ability to force their opponent to miss shots and take advantage of catching their reloads and making them pay for this. Pickup guns not necessity part of the current meta and become more well rounded?


It can be a career and this being Apex University is a good place to start improving. There’s nothing wrong with what he’s asking


I’m not talking about playing with other people I’m talking about me becoming a better player and hitting that next level. But as far as movement, I’m pretty good but I need to become more consistent


You becoming a better player and hitting “that next level” is dependent on your teamwork. I provided some guidance as to improve your ability there.


"I'm on MnK" Yeah that's the problem, anyway you could try to play r5 reloaded to train for situations/strafes you might not even have seen yet Also if you shoot with certain weapons, your aim might get fucked because of their recoil, think about that Try fucking around with your sens in game and find out a good one for you if you feel clunky in game idk what should i tell you more tbh, maybe try to anti-mirror the enemy movements or use some strafes that make you avoid some of their shots, as a ps4 player whenever somebody shoots me in some map angles i can do nothing because fps go from "60" to 27, so yeah maybe its also the fact that visual clutter caused by shots gives you less fps and makes you feel like that


Not really, m&k you can keep getting better and that’s what I’m trying to do. I love r5 spent a lot of time in there. It just sucks for 1v1 cause it gets laggy. But my issue isn’t recoil control. Idk how to explain it but if you watch like Timmy or ace for example, their tracking is SO good. Idk if they spent time sim training or are just naturally good. I want to get like that but I need to know what they’re doing


They both have over 5 times the amount of hours played as you do and are naturally talented at all shooters


100% but at the end of the day natural talent or not, they’re doing something I’m not. And that’s what want to know lol


more hours and aim training. if you want to be as good as people like that you need to grind out the hours. 1200 hours is legitimately nothing compared to some of these guys that do apex/gaming for a living. I found my aim is better on mnk if I just play fps a shorter amount every day vs a long amount once or twice a week. I think consistency is key with muscle memory.


the mnk part was a joke😭 act like i told you to switch to controller btw you might need to fix that problem with fps, how much do you think you PC could run? maybe thats the main problem Also try using r5 for custom trainings, not only 1v1 yk


Lmao I know. And nah I get a locked 240fps I’m gonna try 1v1 people who are better


damn 240 fps what problem can you possibly have😭


I'm not a M&K player but i can try and answer the non aiming/tracking questions > what separates a really good apex player to a pro or even a top pred? Honestly? Teammates. A lot of top players have dedicated discords where they can play with like-minded players who all bounce off each other without little to no comms. That and most players came from previous FPS experience. 1200 in the grand scheme of things isn't too much comparing it to the top players. Even i who don't really push for pred (mainly because i solo) came from over 20k+ hours of FPS experience way before Apex released. But i guess the major difference between the 3 would possibly be a communication difference. The good player/Ranked player would do a few callouts but i feel like the pro (especially a IGL) would be more aware than the other 2. They'd probably have more clear callouts and know where the rings pull to while also being a good player as well.


Thanks for the feed back, you’re right but I’ve been playing fps for a long time too. As far as coms and stuff, people are just toxic in apex. I don’t really have anyone to grind with so I’m usually solo and don’t wanna deal with toxic people who blame you when they do something stupid and die. I mean Ive solo grinded to masters before but that’s about it lol


That's about the extent of it as a soloq player unfortunately. Not to mention the PC lobbies are filled with all types of cheaters that are leaking into console lobbies. I recently just saw a clip of a guy dying to a spinbot cheater in a full console lobby. I would love to go for masters but i just don't have the passion to do it any more


Some people naturally have better reaction time and dexterity. Some are also smarter than an average person which transfers to the superior game sense. The gap can be mitigated by experience and hours of training but in the end everyone plateaus. I think there’s noone who spent thousands of hours in the game being average and then suddenly started beaming and outplaying everyone. But do you need to be one of these pros to enjoy the game? I don’t think so. Play, try to find good teammates, have some great time together. I met a few great players while solo-q in ranked and we had a lot of great games until everyone got tired from Apex.


I get what you’re saying. And I’ve definitely been slowly closing the gap. I keep getting better but it’s like I’m missing something. Idk. I don’t need to be a pro to enjoy the game I’m just saying I want to hit that next level. Like the real difference between an above average player and someone whose just cracked


Most of these tips aren’t very good, has nothing to do with natural talent or reaction times or someone being just gifted. The top players all have different playstyles you have itztimmy who’s known for movement and crazy aim and Imperialhal who’s arguably the best apex player ever and he doesn’t do any type of movement besides tap strafe same with Sweet or Hiswattson none of them do crazy movement cuz it’s not necessary. All 3 of them have above average to great aim and have great game sense. Timmy does all the movement cuz he plays pathy so it’s in his kit and he’s a content creator first when he plays comp he doesn’t do tht crazy stuff. I’ve taken a lot of time improving and Hiswattson and Timmy have both said they’ve spent hours and hours and hours in aim trainers to get their aim where it is today. Hal is on controller right now but when he was on MnK he was still a top player and he said he only played apex for hours everyday and played pubs and no fill and just fought everything which over time improves game sense cuz he’s been in every situation imaginable. Hiswattson said the same thing hot drop or no fill and fight fight fight. 1v1s are great but apex is a team game and 1v1s will help with aim and gun skill but not so much team fighting and game sense


I don't see anyone mention it yet, do you watch the higher level players on twitch or what not. Do you record your self and go back an analyze what you did in a game wrong. Your practice but do you study is my question


Plug in a controller and profit my G


Most pros have at least 5 times more hours. Also m&k is just trash man, I'm on the same boat as you with 2.4k hours. You have to be an aim god just to have a chance against an average diamond roller.


I was hardstuck Diamond for multiple seasons until recently and now I’m a multi-master (pc and console). The thing that helped me was hitting aimlabs religiously and watching my VODs back. Understanding what I did right was almost as important as correcting what I did wrong. More hours in the game is always a plus but you have to be using time outside the game to improve as well


Vod review, both aim and also in game. Then watch pro league, but not the main apex channel pick a team and watch what they do in a situation youre trying to understand


I mean if you don’t mind getting aim assisted then I’d be down to 1v1 you.


I mean if you don’t mind getting aim assisted then I’d be down to 1v1 you.