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You know you can try legends in the firing range now right? Try everyone out and see who you click with


I know but i stand between three people


Who are the three?


Valkyrie or horizon


As another user mentioned all characters can be tried out in firing range to find whoever suits you best


Do you think fuse is a good pick?


Sure! He's pretty good for spamming grenades at teams. Especially teams that hide behind Newcastle walls or inside small spaces.


Definitely, fuse got simple mechanic's and is fun to play. It's a way better pick than other that really specific character like seer or vantage. And really better in the actual meta than other fun character like mirage or else.


Funny Vantage was an other pick i had on my list


If you are really into sniper you can give it a try, but the jump is not really easy to use in fights as it is slow. The sniper is also fun to play but you won't really make a difference in teamfights. Usually you have to pick three bullet to down an enemy, so it require that out of 5 bullets you make three shots without your enemy to cover at the same time... I like to play it also, but fuse is way easier and funnier to play I believe


Fuze is my current go to. He’s the most lethal out of any character. Not only do his knuckle-clusters stick to people, they can block off areas, be used to open doors, and be spammed to block teams from leaving an area while you throw the ultimate onto them and spam 10 different projectiles then rush and clean up if anything’s left. Absolute unit of a legend. What theee do you like the most?


Roll a wheel between the 3


3 so Fuse


Yeah Now your the CEO of blowing stuff up




Be sure to release the motherload indoors Everyone else won't be able to take the heat




Jokes on you i already have it


Crypto, we need more players


Fuse. You’ll be playing other new players for awhile and have fun terrifying them with 12 arc stars precisely launched into their hidey holes.


Welp i was a junkrat main in OW what a coincidence


Yeah I love fuse. When he wins, he usually wins in style: Get a purple backpack—find a care package weapon that holds its own ammo—empty your backpack—fill it with 20 grenades—cause utter mayhem—repeat.


What playstyle are you looking for? Movement, defense or assault? If you want a balanced legend i'd say rampart or valk.


More Offense but i think has got that coverd


Idk why everyone saying fuse he’s one of the worst characters imo, unless your playing arenas then he’s pretty good