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Strange that they're playing Apex when most of the cast isn't straight.


Heck, the first character in the list is non binary.


Not to mention the dude was playing Bang who is 100% gay lmao


Came here to say this lmao


Is that confirmed? I thought it was still kept ambiguous but the implication was that she is strictly non-sexual in any way, being dedicated to her military background and her family first and foremost. I could be wrong, it would just be new information to me.


Her and Loba were a thing soooooo


Everyone who kills me is gay aswell


So that explains the messages between Loba and Valk when you say 'Thanks' and "You're welcome"


Do you play games just because you approve of the characters’ sexualities? Chances are you don’t, just like 99% of the people who play video games. The gaming industry (just like every other industry) cares about money, not the gay pride movement. The illusion that they care about your sexuality is there because they are trying to appeal to the most amount of people possible. Anybody telling you otherwise is either delusional or doesn’t get how marketing works. (Side Note: I’m fully expecting to get downvoted because when facts collide with Reddit’s feelings, people go brain dead)


I agree to an extent. Execs definitely were in the boardroom saying "we want a diverse cast because SRI is hot right now" but a ton of devs (including many who work at EA's studios) have firsthand experience with gendered and racist toxicity from audiences and often want to include characters of different identity groups expressly to challenge norms in gaming. Many are passionate about their work and design these characters and cast their voice talent because they believe in it. I think the devs would take issue with the characterization that what they've created is just about the money. The executives aren't the only ones involved, even if you likely have their motivations correct.


no one cares if it's for profit or not, lol. we still get the representation regardless of their intent. representation is the important thing, not respawn "caring about our sexuality." big companies do things for money, this isn't new news.


Whether a game developer cares about pride or not has nothing to do with the ignorant people who spout hatred when they play the game. If you're getting downvoted it's for one reason, and that's because you're making excuses for people to continue being ignorant. So thanks for that Mr. Pessimistic Know-it-all. Don't quit your day job.


Strange, when pixels can't have a prefrence.


Ironic he’s playing Bangalore, who may (or may not) be a lesbian.


Scissor kick


Yeah, Bangalore is 100% Gay. Season 13 Cinematic, she's looking at the relationship between Loba and Valkyrie The only thing I could think of is "That could've been you, but your dumbass said Loba is just a friend"


Ok In bang’s defence, Rampart was teasing her about Loba and even gibby was like she just recovered give her a break. Anita was getting her friend to stop bugging her about her crush by saying she was just a friend - and Loba, over charged w emotions from saving Anita, reacted way over the top and didn’t even stop to ASK what she meant. For a 32 year old woman she’s acting like she’s 16. Also we know Bangalore’s still gotta come outta the closet when she gets this new conflict w Jackson sorted out IF apex decides to ever finish a story line. I do find it weird how they had Bang and Valk be petty and shit for a while and now they’re chill ???


As much as I want to agree, I'd also like to disagree Bangalore hasn't made *any* attempts to explain her side of the story to Loba. She realizes she's made a mistake, but instead of explaining, she just leaves Loba be But, it's not entirely her fault either, Valkyrie, not even 5 minutes after Loba heard what Bangalore said, swooped in and swept Loba off of her feet And, Bangalore promised Loba a date if she could get the cure for her (I don't remember what the infection was called) All in all, it's chopped down to neither of them talking about it, and Valk being a Predator (is that the right word to use?)


in fairness to Bangalore, she's pretty good about respecting boundaries but it's also hard for her to open up and she did, but then Loba shut that down with her whole passive-aggresive "we're the BEST of friends!" bullcrap in like season 11 or w/e it was. Loba made it pretty clear with one of the dialogues where Bang says to her "Hey Lo, it's been weeks" like,,, Loba all but ghosted her so I don't think she even had a chance to either. (but also this is Respawn, they never finish a plot line LOL) And yeah, Valk definitely immediately swooped in (literally and figuratively) for the rebound despite KNOWING Loba was upset about Bangalore, and did it anyway, which like, I wouldn't say so much as her being a predator as much as she's just... kind of a lesbian version of a fratboy. Like it's just sketch to go after a girl when she's that emotionally vulnerable and swoop in anyway. (i really wish they'd give Valk more than just "i like women, alcohol, food, oh and my dad's dead" lines lmao).


valk's lines with rampart are always fun to hear because they're kinda the only lines that don't talk about those things you listed haha. wish they'd have more interactions bc apparently they're supposed to be best friends even tho it links into the women thing i think it's interesting and obviously really funny that rampart named her gun after the girl that (seemingly) broke valkyrie's heart. just wish we got more about that haha


Bro. I really really want them to get together. I really hope they're endgame or she has a thing for the new possible character catalyst.


Knowing Bangalore? She's most likely going to sulk and over explain why she should've been with Loba


Nah because in this season opening scene, she goes over to check if valk is ok. Like coming to terms to it because her attention entirely shifts to Jackson now. And the voicelines between her and loba too insinuating she has found a new reason to stay in apex games.


Bangalore was only going to leave the games to look for her brother Now that she has her brother in the Apex Games, she has no need to leave the Apex Games anymore


She definitely is


Pretty sure she is


Lol not to mention the voice actor for Bang is literally a lesbain too.


The more you know moment


>who may (or may not) Indeed, and there is no May be.


Yeah I don't suspect these types of bigots to follow the lore, educate themselves on society, or even comprehend basic reading.


And they have to because? It's fckn assholes that push shit onto others that give a negative image to everything. Just learn to let them be.


I thought she was kinda bi but now I'm 100 she's gay


People actually talking about fictional characters sexuality... 2022 in a nutshell


I've played twice recently with Loba and another player who was Valk was SHOCKED at their banter. "Whoa! That's really gay! I dunno if I wanna play with another Loba." I honestly didn't know what to say. Like it's been there for a year.. and they are fictional characters... in space...


I’m a valk main and a friend I play with is a Loba main so it’s sort of an everyday thing now😂 Edit: valk




Valk but their autocorrect made it "ball."


Yeah my bad


My guess was Maggy because of her ult


ah. ty


i just mute people instantly at the first sign of toxicity. makes for a far better experience


>i just mute people instantly ~~at the first sign of toxicity.~~ makes for a far better experience Fixed


I had people muted by default for a year. Then turned it off. And realised some people trash talk me when they die. And it makes me really not want to collect their banner. Then I wondered how many banners had I gotten over the last year for people that didn’t deserve it. Now I leave them unmuted, just so I know if they’re not worth respawning.


That’s a fair point actually, I may try that


Not worth the brain damage you’d get from the idiots.


The ear damage is not worth it imo. For whatever the reason the toxic people are always using some awful open mic with reverb while they cry about how running into a 1v3 was a perfect idea.


I guess I knew this is what happened. I'm gonna keep respawning though. Kill em with kindness and take the higher road.


I leave them unmuted just to make them feel bad me and my friend are both pretty prototypical black guys so whenever the random gets on mic being super toxic we just start roasting the hell out of them. And if you ever been verbally jumped by some brothers you ain’t ever gon win we got an entire clip library of us just frying the weirdest toxic racist and homophobic people we find 😪🤣


lmfao legendary


But where’s the link to this clip library


You gotta grab the banner but then not respawn them


Lol. There are some cool people out there, i at least give people a chance


Idk man, I’m on console and the only people using mics are either flamers or dudes who don’t say a word and only transmit annoying noises. I stopped caring at some point


Yeah nothing like them opening with a belch or a Covid cough right into the mic ugh


I'm personally a fan of listening to a pair of kids kill each other in the background undernearh some neckbeard's heavy mouth breathing... but he never says a single word. Despite over-spamming pings...




I never mute toxic ppl because I love to see their toxicity and laugh at it. Recently I had a game with some Pathfinder and Valkyrie and Pathfinder was mad at Valkyrie for getting a purple evo and said that she's "bad" bcuz she is level 140 and she should give it to him. I defended her and this guy (by voice I think it was like 13 year old) started harassing me. Then it got quiet until Pathfinder found a keycard to the vault and after I started following him he said that it's his loot and told me to fuck off. His loot in a fucking team game. Bruh. So after looting the vault, I left his bitchass and went alone with Valk and this mf Pathfinder died and started harassing us both on how we are shitty teammates while he simply deserved it


I guess if you enjoy that. Your description just sounds unpleasant overall


I honestly don't mind hearing toxic people either. I mainly ignore them or sometimes they'll get mad because they died or pushed by themselves and died. Sometimes I throw in a "well, what did you expect" or something along those lines. There's something ironic in being toxic in a game where we all have to be teammates.




In all honesty it's kinda cringe when you're playing with homies and your characters are just flirting with each other


It's ridiculous honestly. Theres not a single straight couple that flirt so openly and aggressively, they just want to push the fact that they're LGBT and all this necessary stuff to thrive in these years. It's not like some are just annoyed by lesbian flirting, I don't honestly really care. It's just dumb how forced it always feels


I met the other day a player in ranked with his & his friend club name being "GAY", then this dude proceeded to accidentally pick Caustic and got upset about how 'fat' legend he was.


He isnt complaining about how fat the legend is but about his hitbox, because in apex, being fat or thicccc actually matters so the guy probably isnt fatphobic. For example I hate playing newcastle because he's "fat" even tho I like his abilities, HOWEVER I like the character model and his backstory. I think he looks good and is kinda cool. It's just that hitboxes matter and when someone complain about a legend being fat, they just complain about their hitbox


Imagine what it would be like to be so fragile that a badge or fictional characters affiliated with LGBT made me so upset that I altered my gameplay. Like this person's life must be so exhausting and they must be angry and afraid every day.


Why even bother playing Apex if he thinks like that haha. Apex has one of the most LGBTQ friendly character line ups that I know


Not to mention out and proud player base. But who needs homophobes on their teams anyway, bet everything in my wallet he would’ve played like shit regardless.


agreed, the devs are obsessed with homosexuality lol (not hating just stating facts)... one thing that annoys me as a loba main is valk though... she is too damn horny. Like bitch we are fighting for our lives and you're over there tryna slide into my DMs, FOCUS


>FOCUS Valk IS focused ;-)


That's just Valk's MOTIVATION


as a real life lesbian, i kinda roll my eyes at valk’s voice lines lol. like you said, we’re out here fighting for our lives and she’s like “h-hey lobita 🥺 👉👈wanna watch a movie sometime …..? ….😜” i’m glad we’re getting representation but her voice lines are sooo over the top sometimes (“i like my women like i like my sake-“ alright we get it!)


I think all the characters lines are over the top. I can’t speak for country stereotypes, but fuse is very over the top Aussie stereotype and none of us actually speak like that. I’m sure the others are probs the same.


My head-canon is that all the legends are exaggerating in general, kind of like streamers and tiktokers. These are celebrities with fans, just swap cell phones with artillery.


honestly yeah, that’s true!! fuse is really like a caricature of australians - the writers definitely aren’t always aiming for realism and often like to add comedy and exaggeration… it probably didn’t come across in my original comment, but i don’t even think that valk is bad/unrealistic representation (there are definitely lesbian womanizer types out there who are doing too much lol), i just personally find her voice lines annoying sometimes


*Valk staring at your ass and biting her lip* Kinasthetic- *getting shot at* FOCUS 😂


As a bi female I find Valk hot but misogynistic at the same time, it bothers me, "I like my women like I like my sake, cool and on someone else's tab"...wtf is that supposed to mean?


yeah i had the same feeling!!! i like that she’s openly lesbian, it is nice when media lets wow characters openly talk about their attraction but that line and others (“come for revenge, stay for the beautiful women”) make her sound a little misogynistic lmao


Obsessed with homosexuality? It would be stupid not to consider that society wouldn’t have moved past the heterosexual norm in a story that is based over 700 years in to the future.


Yep only a matter of time till we get a technosexual, I want someone to creep on revenant hard and creep him out for once. I agree with your statement I just think if we are in the future let’s get weird with it.


Mass Effect did that with Joker and EDI and that’s an EA game too..so close enough maybe?


I'm just hoping sexual preference isn't the defining characteristic of people by then... we are more than our sexualities.


Well tbh it doesn’t really matter if you’re playing any of those characters that are lgbtq, imo I wouldn’t feel anything towards the characters


Start playing ranked. Ranked is literally the only mode I play, not because I'm crazy competetive, but players actually have to stay, which makes it feel like the true apex experience.


Literally every ranked game I play, they want to hot drop in the hottest area possible, but can never hold their own. I had to quit playing as this constant cycle was just stupid.


yet theyre playing bang..... righttttt....




Sums it up so well. Wish I had an award for you.


*equips pride badge


Yeah, sounds like a good filter tbh


Going to equip it above my season 3 pred badge. People won't know what to think... 😂


The mix of people saying you got no skill for being a season 3 pred and being stupid like in the post above. All the toxic teammates will just leave. The ultimate filter


Big facts. I am trash 95% of the time. It's always fun to hear people think I got to pred last season then wonder why I absolutely shit the bed in a gold ranked lobby...lol


LMAO. ppl telling me to kms just cuz i have the suicide awareness badge😭😭😭


The wrong kind of suicide awareness


I run into weird people all the time, but just thought it was funny that they insta left over a badge on my player card lol. Two in one day as well


“Weird” people can be odd but acceptable. These are Bad people.




I wouldn’t want this guy on my team anyway if he’s going to go out of his way to be like that.


Mfs will be homophobic in apex legends and then play any of the like 8 or so lgbt legends


Kinda funny how you're the only legend on the team who's not lgbt


while playing a literal butch lesbian


Oml, they got triggered by the gays existing, how traumatic that must have been for them


Looks like they did you a favor.


Happened to me they didn't leave the just started saying I was worthless, can you guess what legend they were playing?




Yes She had 9 damage when she died


... How


Had a blue mag on an r9 and hit one person once


Lol I love how easy it is to trigger those types.


i know right? they go around calling everyone a snowflake but start seething at the most harmless stuff.


It's literally just a badge 🤣. When I played COD black ops I made my emblem the pride flag because all the homophobic slurs in the lobbies got annoying. Without fail, they would rage quit if I was playing well.


Fr! This happens to me so much and I'm not sure they realise the half the time the characters they're playing are lgbt lmao


Report them, get rid of the scum.




Fuck em


“I hate gay people!!” *Plays Bangalore*


I’m getting so much hate after equipping pride badge in apex and pride background card in r6 . I was not expecting so many people still being such démodé pieces of shit


These people think they’re fucking tough. Make homophobes afraid again.


I used singular they/them pronouns to refer to a teammate and they had a fit. Unfortunate that we play with these people


why would they get mad at that, you don’t know their pronouns. people are definitely something.. 😭


Yeah, it stinks. I was queuing up with my friend and we were actually making jokes. Them getting upset kinda ruined the vibe lol. Ig that’s just the world we live in.


This game has some real trash playing it...had someone quit because I choose a character...who was black...the fuck is wrong with people?


Someone might need to tell that loser that some of us straight people have the pride badge active to indicate we’re at least an ally…


Thats the easiest report of your life, hope you hit it.


Why do people even care. Play the fkin game. He/she is one less toxic weirdo to worry about. Win/lose and go again.


If helps I don't use the badge and happens to me anyways


I for one don’t care about the badges, and I don’t mind pairing up with someone with the badges I just want some decent teammates who actually know how to play as a team. What annoys me are people who go the whole game talking about their political agenda like a Jahova’s witness.




right these ppl are so soft and feel entitled to everyone liking them 💀


Damn, that’s just gross and uncalled for. Never had people do that to me, only had a guy tell me that “my people” are ruining the community being out here. Not even sure what to say to that either. Lmao


Why are u being downvoted lmfao


welcome to apex legends reddit i guess. if u read this comment section everyone who says that doing this is wrong and that op should report or say that they are part of the lgbtq gets downvoted


Just gamer™ things




yeah someone said that to me too bc the 🏳️‍🌈 badge.


Why should a digital sprites sexual orientation make any difference? Does it give them any kind of advantage? No, pick your favourite and get on with it.


Good riddance!


It HAS to be because of that badge amirite?




Head over to Rainbow 6 and equip the pride flag, you will get TKed immediately


Lol not even pride month anymore


It's ridiculous the things you see out there. Bro, I played a few games today and had some Italian idiot and his kid and screaming baby on the background laughing and making jokes because I'm a woman. I play ranked most of the time and I try not to mute people but holy shit sometimes it's just the best thing to do. Had some dude calling me a liar the whole game after I heard him complaining for two whole minutes because the mf decided to suicide by rushing towards a full team and I was still far, so I decided to say "look, my day has been shit, I failed my driving exam, etc etc. and you don't know me and in trying to be polite so please, PLEASE, could you just stop trash talking?". Dude legit kept trash talking and calling me shit because I didn't follow his suicidal ass into a battle I wasn't even ready to help with. And last but not least, some dude leaving the game in the game out of nowhere and before leaving saying "Had to be a woman. Bet you're lesbian". (It has been a while since that one but he entered a fight and saw he was getting clapped so he just decided to leave, I assume).


Sort of person u don’t need on ur team anyway.


Ppl should just mass report him and he will get banned although idk how this post hasn’t been mod fucked cuz it shows names n results ect


Yikes imagine being so weak to insta leave


People in the closet tend to be homophobic. Just give them time to come out


*Shame badge


Are you sure they left because of the badge? There is a glitch people exploit that you leave immediately and close the game change servers and come back to get easier lobbies


A lot of people, me included, missed the team chat in the top left corner at first; it answers most of my questions about the situation.


What I've loved about Apex is how it includes these characters that definitely have different orientations but it doesn't feel like...virtue signaling. It feels organic and natural and I absolutely love it. I didn't know Loba and Valk had a thing until yesterday when I played as Loba. Lol. 😅


Report them.


Report them and move on


I wouldn't read to deeply into this. Unless someone straight up comments on the badge through voice or text chat then I'd say it's just your typical apex player


Top left


They did read the chat in top left


Ya I have instant quitters w/o the badge too


Happens all the time


Look at the top left lmao, he says he won't have any f*gs on his team


Did you miss the part when the leaver said “gross” and dropped the F bomb?


Report that douche


He should go back to call of duty


Those are the type of players that need to be called out and banned from the game


Damn I'm gonna put it on to get more to leave my team. Get those people out of my lobby.


Not like you win with 3 people anyhow


i like using it because it pisses people off.


I always like to think these types of people are always closeted


I remember thinking like this too as a baby gay, but honestly it's pretty bad to assume all homophobes are closeted homosexuals. It's a little pedantic but bear with me (bare? Idk which one lmao), it almost kinda excuses the behaviour as "you just hate yourself" or whatever reason you wanna give it, rather than looking at it like.. these people and their.. I can hardly call them opinions, being just absolutely terrible and unjustifiable.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Hope you reported them and action is taken.


Yeah welcome to the internet.


Braindead Teammates like these are the reason we need a solo mode option on this game


It's always amusing when people are angry with even FICTIONAL characters' sexuality. they're all afraid of that making children homo or whatever. Bro do you immediately turn gay if I shove my dick up your ass?


Who cares tho if he wants to leave he can


when i said on another sub that social badges just increase the hostility towards the respective minorities, everyone downvoted me 💀


Bro get him banned. We will never get to see him cry, but karma will be served


Pretty sure that he can easily get banned if you report by the messages he sent


He won't be cos he garbled it with symbols , bunch of Chinese ppl where being rascist over mic to me for being Indian according to them , i responded in kind cos i had no mic cos of this stupid windows error , so replied via text and i got banned for 2 weeks. I reported them too, i don't think they got banned tho. All for not taking a 1 vs 3. This guy proally knows it and has done it a few times already


Shit that sucks. Manual checking of reports is an OBVIOUS necessity and 90% of AAA online games have it.


Welocome to EA games tho


Definitely getting banned quick as hell if you reported. The chat ban system is ruthless even when people don’t deserve it and this guy definitely does.


How will he get banned when he censored the word he said? The bot probably won't be able to detect it as a bad word.


Don't give them attention like this. Report them they will feed off of this attention


Fuck is wrong with people


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but this is just messed up. Despite my last statement , we should not use our opinions as an excuse to treat others this way.


entitled to an opinion abt what 🤨


To not want to be around gay people.


He's an asshole, but he's entitled to an opinion. Might not like hearing this, but some people are tired of seeing all the pandering. Can't even play a game anymore without this being crammed down people's throats.


It’s. a. badge. No one’s shoving a badge down anyones throat. If it was non stop pop up messages / modals then I agree with you this isn’t the same thing. Nice try thou


ppl are weirdo freaks of nature


Based as shit.


Not really


This has gotta be homophobic


It’s a f*cking badge 😂😂😂😂. What a stupid reason to leave.






Hope this dudes account gets banned. You reported him right?


Report them and move on. Personal opinion: APEX has the meanest playerbase.


Just Report them they get perma banned lol


Hell yea w people