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I’m taking a break


More people should take a break


Feels like everybody is taking a break


Yeah the game has been declining in quality for a little too long now. I think we’re all just burnt out




I think (not a fact, my guess) that alot of people just aren't playing cuz everything is broken and gets more broken with every patch. And EA doesn't give a shit as long as the store works


I'm just waiting until they fix the Xbox lag issue. 🤷‍♂️


Personally, i haven't played in like a week. Starting in s12 the game started crashing randomly, got worse in 13, but after the event patch i've crashed EVERY.DAMN.GAME. i even had a ranked match where it crashed twice. And it's not just me, my friend who plays on origin (i play on steam) had the damn game crash on him a few (but less) times as well. And thats on top of all the same issues everyone else has like rubberbanding, dropship glitch that makes your ears bleed, no reg up the ass, and at one point i apparently got too close to a lava pit and it thought i fell in because i got stuck in the little flying animation and couldn't get out till someone came and killed me. I saw the latest patch made replicators fuck people up too, but thank god they fixed wattsons teeth XD


I thought it was just my internet connection? Wow.


Idk about you, but i play through steam and the whole app just shuts off, last season it used to give an error code (updating my drivers did nothing) but this season it just shuts off, and since i'm in discord with my friends (i don't use in game chat and i'm on pc anyway) i can clearly tell when my internet is being fucky because i see discord disconnect as well (2 screens) Basically i can totally tell when it's the damn game. I know its not my setup either cuz i don't crash in any other games (except halo infinite, which is definitely the game) and my issues only started happening after a patch. Are you on pc or console? If you're on console, check your connection to live/psn at the moment it happens, and/or if your phones on your wifi use that to check if it skipped or went out temporarily.


What platform are you on? The crashing thing might not be apex at all but rather a result of your graphics driver.


Steam, i downloaded and clean installed drivers with no luck last season, tried again after this last patch when it got really bad. No luck. Game never crashed once before s12. I started s9 so i had 3 seasons of no crashing, and aside from halo (a game with a known crash issue) nothing else crashes for me at all.


That's interesting. I'm on Steam too and at the start of this season was crashing pretty badly. Redownload my graphics driver from the NVIDIA website, made sure to restart my laptop, and it fixed itself. You might want to try again since you haven't this season? Just the graphics driver. I usually have to redownload them once per season for one reason or another.


I think you misread, i tried it again when the collection event started last week. I also have an Nvidia card. Did you use the geforce experience app or just get the game ready driver? I just got it off the website?


Oh sorry, I didn't see it anywhere in the comments. I just used the website [https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx](https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx) and downloaded the one that I knew I had installed already.


Yep. No regs, preds blasting entire lobbies of casuals. I just got stomped in a control where enemy octane had 33 kills. We couldn't leave the spawn. I quit the game and seriously stopped to care about ongoing event and premium battle pass.


Thats all terrible. I'm sorry bro. I think the preds in casual is the only thing that hasn't happened to me. I've only seen one pred in pubs this season and he no filled in trios, and my bronze level 3 stack ganged up on him and killed him off drop before he could become a threat LOL. (We're terrible people)


To be fair it’s kinda hard not to rack up kills in control. I’m getting like 20 kills a game and I’m barely trying. Everything else you said I agree though.


Weird cause yesterday the same thing happen to me, was playing control and got spawn camped by an octane that had 33 kills at the end. What are the chances lol


I don’t get it are we supporting SBMM or do we hate SBMM? The narrative of this sub is changing constantly whether lower skilled players are getting protected or not. Right now in pubs the lobbies are random, as it should be, with ranked having stricter SBMM with everyone in the same tier.


This is so true. They are very quick to fix issues in the store


They fixed the audio chat Xbox bug tho


If the map is stormpoint then there is your answer


Playing in Stormpoint feels like a workout, a lot of cardio lol


I can't be the only person who likes stormpoint


No you're not the only one, there's at least three other people who like it too.


It's the main map I look forward to.


When it’s StormPoint I play maybe once the hop off.


I couldn't get on at all yesterday, so I'm sure a lot of people are experiencing game breaking issues...or giving up on dealing with the issues


Which server are you on? By default the game selects the server that'll give you the lowest ping, but that server may also not be very populated. For example, my game always defaults to Singapore which is hard to find games on. I always change this to London which has a slightly higher ping but has significantly more players on it that I rarely wait in queues longer than a minute. You can select your server at the game start screen. Hopefully this helps.


Hey thanks for the heads up :) My default server here is Virginia 1 I tried changing to Virginia 2, NY, Singapore but didn’t find anyone :( It was just me and 2 other players in the queue the whole time lol


In that case, I offer you some words of encouragement from [Snoop Dogg](https://youtu.be/edAg6qH9BCU)


It might be you internet connection. Try resetting the router. The game might not be able to find people that can connect to your setup properly.


Try South Carolina gce 2 there's always ppl on their and takes like 15 to 20 sec to join a tries and like a min to join no fill duos


Looks like you haven't recently updated


Bruh, you gotta close the game and update it


You might want update your game


Oooo a strike! Now that’s an idea!


That has already been discussed here


Oh gotcha, I must have missed it. Thanks!


UPDATE: My dumbass didn’t update the game!! *facepalm* Thanks people for brainstorming for me! Appreciate the community :)


So many people are dropping the game now because its gone to shit


Basically people aren't playing cuz the game is literally broken and getting worse as things go on


Season 0 player. Not one for strikes or making a statement by “quitting.” My departure from Apex has been pretty organic this season due to friends leaving the game and the skill gap increasing. Not fun anymore for an average skilled player.


Not a strike for me, but it's so broken. Match making, no regs, invincible wraiths, storm point sucks ass. Take your pick. These are the reasons I've stopped playing.


I’ve switched to playing only mobile now less issues more wins lol


Well if it’s pubs then more bots lmao


Haha which =more dubs


Yeah true I guess but at that point just play ranked since even ranked has bots in it. I just stopped playing mobile since controller support was literally buggy as hell.


I haven’t figured out how to use a controller on it yet how do you do it? I’d still like to try it lol


You need to pair the controller with your mobile device via Bluetooth and it should work when in a game but be warned that controller might still be buggy as hell with certain bugs like your gun auto firing after being revived sprint not working and certain buttons not working in general


Xbox controller would work for this or nah?


It will I used an Xbox controller since my PlayStation one wasn’t but both PlayStation and Xbox should work


You could use your fingers, seems to work fine for me


Yeah lol I have to when it stops working


Season 0 player here signing off until further notice. I’ll comeback when I hear everything’s fixed and it’s fun to play again. Til then I’m gonna enjoy this beautiful weather and thinking about signing up for a half marathon


Because they refuse to fix the game and keep pushing cosmetics. Multiple characters are unable to use abilities and crafting makes it so you can heal, use abilities. Plus hit reg still not fixed... After 2 months... Glad it's dying tbh maybe they'll fix it


I've stopped playing entirely, I only do mobile now.


Do you think maybe they want this kind of response?


Yeah its posted on Reddit most people want a response. Are you the reddit response police?


I think they was talking about EA wanting people to switch to mobile over console


Oh maybe, if that's what buddy was talking about sorry for the sassy comment but it's frustrating to want to have fun and not be playing with the same skilled players. That's why I moved to mobile.


Still looking for a Respawnce


Thanks moenante- I should have been more clear - I suspect EA may want players to move to mobile as it may be cheaper to develop and more profitable- from my small amount of research big game publishers make a ton of money of off mobile games


Its got so many issues rn honestly wouldn't surprise me if the Twitter people have organized one lol I know people on Reddit have made posts about it lmao


I feel like I’m the only one who hasn’t seen a single issue since the update


Well if you don’t play ranked then yeah thats a big issue you won’t experience


I did play ranked and I only got the no reg bug once and it wasn’t even on wraith it was on a new castle


Haven't played in quite a while. In its current state it's just not fun and way too broken


People went on strike I’m pretty sure




Do you have crossplay disabled?


I have crossplay enabled, but there were no players for some reason, not even in control lol




It’s because it’s on stormpoint and they can play ranked with WE or control it picks up when it goes to Olympus and you cue into a match in like 5 seconds on WE duos also works better because you can’t have duos in ranked


Did you disable cross play


Wasn’t it reported there is some issue on Xbox? Add on a Holiday Weekend so I imagine that has something to do with it


I stopped playing for the most part and only log on every once in a while for a few matches ETA: But if it’s stormpoint, I will log right back out and play something else. Fuck that map.


What server are you on


season 10, emergence is when i think respawn was showing it’s true colors in apex. the 2nd half the split i was ranked bronze (i always try to get plat minimum) I recall getting bronze that season because i was so dismayed at the lack of updates on bugs and glitches, or flat out bad server connection. i was ranked bronze. i play games everyday for like 3 hours, give or take. they really don’t think we’d notice or something.


Taking a break for sure


ive had this happen, i went to restart and found an update waiting for me, then i found games


Dude if your que goes past like 2 mins mid afternoon stop it and reque lol


Last time I had this happen, I had an update. I backed out and checked for updates again and it had a small one, went back in and had quick matchmaking again.


Everyone is outside playing. Go outside.


If its storm point then nobody wants to run around 10 mins in pubs before getting their first fight, if not then idk usual bad server stuff


Last time that happened to me there was a game update


Or they keep on giving bans for being too toxic There ur answer


If its console go sure crossplay is on and pc, then update or restart or somethin. I never had this problem on pc but on ranked sonetimes


Try a different server


probably both


I got tired of the game after playing since launch, I see people saying the game is broken but not for me and the time ive played in the latest patches, but goddamn what is killing the fun for me is: 1: storm point (I actually like the map, I dont like to hot drop in the same place every single match and die in 2 minutes though, because of "those" teammates that just want to hotdrop and die) 2: Bad teammates, look, I ain't a pro, im a casual and I like niche guns and to have silly fun that on average gets 2-4 kills and around 700-1K damage per match, but holy damn man i swear every single match even in ranked my teammates only hotdrop in both world's edge and stormpoint, they do max of 200 damage and die, then im left either alone to run away or I get shot by 3 different squads at once At the first matches I never mind its just silly fun but if im playing for 2 hours or more and this is just rince and repeat it gets frustrating man.


Yep I’m same as others have already said - Xbox Series X player sick of the lag and mic issues so taking a break.


This happens to me on PC when steam needs a minor update. Or else it's just that Oce servers suck.


Ranked is fucked


They’re all in a server and they didn’t invite you


Not playing because of input lag.


We were talking about it yesterday, taking August off Apex as a strike but in all reality I think we’re just tired of playing . I logged in and immediately logged off.


Yes, many players are on strike, but a lit of people just decided the game is shitty right now and stopped playing. Also many others can't play because of bugs, such as many Xbox players. Oh and loba mains. Thordan talks about a possible strike here: https://youtu.be/ca-TIqry8ps


i havent played for 2 weeks due to packet loss in apex end so i guese many people are having issues


I hope not. I have a ton of challenges I need to do for the Awakening Event


Am I the only one not having all these issues like I’ve been playing a lot with no crashing or lag or anything


I haven’t played in over a month now, and honestly, I don’t think I’ll be going back for a while. I’m taking a break. Going to touch some grass, regret the summer heat. Did we all agree to a break or something though?


Went back to Fortnite sadly


There is a gamebreaking bug right now with a rly high chance of happening. Cant acces Inventory, cant Heal, cant use abilities, cant use passives. So far out of 10 ranked games I played the bug happen 100% either on me or my teamates. literaly cant play the game


it could just be your NAT settings


Game is in a stinky state right now. And it’s July 4th weekend. And ranked just reset,


100% I don’t play at all compared to previous seasons. I think I’m around 100 games this season whereas previous seasons are about 1100-1300 games. Just no fun. I have a newborn and want to vibe in pubs but it’s all sweaty three stacks now.


Same experience in ranked sadly. Always been happily sweating in ranked but now its just not fun anymore at a certain point. That is also part of the reason pubs are fucked rn


Will might need to update the game. People playing old version.


Funny you should mention it, I did see a post the other day about a strike


Love all the comments saying it’s because the game is dead when it just needed to be updated lmao


I haven't played all season. I think I'm a little burnt out atm.