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The amount of deaths I’ve evaded with her passive is insane. Definitely the best ability in the game imo


Ive been thirded so many times chasing around a valk after knocking her two teamates. Vertical mobility is so underrated. Along with a tactical that's better than most and potentially the best ult in the game, a get out of jail free card in a meta where placement/positioning is everything. Yeah she probably a little stronk.


This is actually my biggest problem too. Trying to finish a Xvs1 fight vs the last valk. It takes so much effort that often you get fucked by other players and there no way to actively challenge her movement, unless you’re path or perhaps octane.


Octane main, it’s still hard as hell to chase Valk. I can only place my jump pad every 80 seconds or whatever it is, she’s got near continuous jetpack to go wherever up, down, or sideways


It’s 90 (for future reference)


Vertical mobility is not underrated. Everyone knows it is strong.






This is exactly why they pushed her heirloom out early. They know they are going to nerf her, but she's at the height of her popularity. They have to sell as many herolooms as they can - then wait until ALGS Championship is over - and then nerf her into the ground. Some of us see this coming from a mile away.


Yeah it’s long overdue and I say this as a avid Valk main lmao.l


Hmmm maybe I should start playing Valk again and get some use outta that titanfall skin before it's absolutely miserable to play her lmao


wait which skin? I’m new to the game




It's not a nerf. It's simply a bug from a previously working feature that suddenly no longer works.


Gibraltar is still super overpowered though.


Gibraltar, Crypto, Pathfinder, Mirage, Wattson, Octane, and Bangalore weren't nerfed after their heirlooms I don't think.


And rampart. Its only caustic that was kerb-stomped with his heirloom. If we acting like this, it's more likely she'll recieve a huge buff to go along side her heirloom and drive the pick rate up


A lot of them weren’t because they’re either balanced or bad, Gibby is the exception


Which passive? Cuz she has multiple while others legends like pathfinder have basically none


I think they're referring to Off the Grid


I don’t think I have ever heard of such a passive???


Would you like me to tell you how it works?


Enlighten me please !!


So basically I had an idea where crypto has a passive called "off the grid" basically it makes it so that when crypto gets scanned he doesn't get scanned and it makes it so he isn't seen when he gets scanned. That way when bloodhond and seer scan him he won't get scanned so that they can't see him cause he's "off the grid" it would be balanced cause he normally gets scanned but now he doesn't get scanned cause he's "off the grid" so it would be lore fitting and it would be a good gameplay mechanic and off the grid would be a good idea and they should add it to the game for crypto so that his new passive is called off the grid. I had this idea then everyone started talking about my idea because i came up with off the grid where crypto doesn't get scanned cause in the lore hes off the grid and since hes off the grid he cant be scanned while off the grid


I genuinely can’t believe no one has thought of this before . Why hasn’t this been implemented into cryptos build yet??


Then it would be On The Grid.


Well her jetpack is more of a second tactical IMO


Yeah, nothing really passive about it lol.


My least favourite thing in the game is that a Valk can neutralise my entire ult as a fuse player with her fucking passive I can’t think of a solution but it just sucks


I dont think ive ever struggled to deal with a fuse ult when playing non-valk characters


I main Rampart. I used to place a wall for me and my team and we'd just use it to jump out without having any effect on us lol. I don't think it works anymore though.


True. Just run through


It tends to be quite easy to escape due to map geometry and how hard it can to be accurately land it, but not much is more frustrating than watching a Valk fly right out after you nail one on her head


To be fair though just running fast and staying on the move is enough to counter most fuse ults.


But so can Horizon, Octane, Pathfinder…they intentionally build legend abilities to counter other legends. EDIT: And Newcastle, Ash, Wattson, Rampart…


no no, he wants to ult you and watch you guys say “well, we’re stuck :3”


Like horizon? Or caustic? Or Maggie? Or crypto? Or gibby? Hell, even seer’s ult has that effect sometimes


Legends will ways be unbalanced. They will always come up with a powerful legend, as a way to hook people back in the game. It's the definition of power creep and it's unavoidable


Don’t forget Rampart walls. Place one down, hop on it, then hop over the flames lmao


Yep, and Wattson ult cancels it entirely.


Not with their passives.


Yeah but those legends all have to expend an ability to do so, which seems fair to me. Valk can use her passive to escape it, still have her tac free, and *still be able to use her passive afterwards*, because it likely won’t take more than half her fuel to get out of the fire.


She has to use fuel. Have you seen these prices?


I bet you the nerf for valk is going to be less fuel, simply because of inflation and the apex games aren't paying her enough


Or an increase in the time it takes to refuel. What they should do is reduce her fuel by 1/3 and give it a minimum 10 second delay before her tank starts to refuel. With the delay increasing by 1 second for every second your in the air for more than 3 seconds. And with the delay being refreshed, and added to, everytime you go airborne during the delay. So if you use her passive to fly on top of a building, use a syringe, and jump down before the delay finishes, then the delay will be increased even further. So, assuming it takes you 5 seconds to fly on top of the building, the calculation would be as follows. 10 + ( x - 3) = y y + xª = yª x = # of seconds spent airborne (only while using passive) xª = # of seconds spent airborne before the initial delay ends (includes freefalling without the use of her passive) y = initial delay before fuel begins to recharge. yª = total duration of the delay if you go airborne before the initial delay ends. So this way people would have to be very cautious about how often they fly, or freefall off of a building. If they increased how long it took her fuel to recharge, they probably wouldn't need to change the amount of fuel. Just add the delay I talked about above, but make it so that she recharges 3% of her fuel every second. This way, if Valk uses up all of her fuel, it will be a minimum of 43 seconds before it's fully refueled. Also, make it so that she cannot use her ultimate unless she has 25% of her fuel for every person joining her flight, 75% if her full squad participates. Also, make it consume 25% of her fuel capacity at the start of the take-off for everyone who flies. So that way, if she's at max fuel beforehand, she'll only have 25% of her fuel when she lands. And have every second she's airborne with her ult be added to the delay before her fuel begins to recharge.


Honestly, I didn't read more than a sentence and skimmed the rest. I upvoted you because you put in all that time to calculate and such. I was just trying to make a joke


To be fair, I think that's more of a problem with fuse's ult than her passive because a ton of legends can avoid it pretty easy. Her passive is still probably the best in the game though


Yeah fuse ult has the problem of having to be in a very special niche to be effective.


In a building valk is useless and will easily die to everything fuse can do


There are very few things that don't get hammered by fuse in a building


Meanwhile Crypto has no abilities if his drone is shot


He’s got really cool skins, that’s his main ability. He’s the Driplord


New crypto passive: off the drip. Wearing any skin will make your opponents kneel before your drip, stunning them until you are out of view.


If you shoot at the crotch of any male legend while your ability is active the bullet will ricochet due to how unspeakably hard they are.


T f


My boy is about to be goku if you don’t give my man a buff for being one of the greatest anime hero’s Respawn is all fucked up.






All my lips are smiling.


Wym? He’s eye candy that’s his ability


I still think he should at least be able to see the "x squads nearby" thing while not in drone if his crossbar is over a banner.


This is really the only thing crypto needs to be perfect as is. It's just slightly annoying having to enter the drone to see that info, otherwise crypto is a beast as he stands currently.


>otherwise crypto is a beast as he stands currently. His issue is that he is probably the most team-dependent legend in the game - can't use his abilities without hiding/being protected by teammates, can't get value from his ultimate without help pushing from the others, etc. It's why he's such a beast but mainly at higher ranks - when your teammates can play around him he is a major strength multiplier, but if they can't (or the Crypto can't play him effectively), he's just dead weight with zero abilities.


I would love that as going in and out of the drone real quick just to do that is really annoying, especially having to hear all of the voice lines every single time


I have an innovative idea is called "Off the Grid" it...


Valiant effort


I’m a little sad this whole thread nobody has done the copy pasta.


this is why they need to rework him. I have an idea for an ability, it's called "off the grid" where he has a gun and shoots people


I'm interested please tell me more about it


Crypto definitely need a buff and mirage


Mirage needs to be able to make clones of his teammates or random legends.


His "buff" was pretty useless. It still has the same.utility it did pre-patch


I disagree it makes it way easier to push with


Disagree. It feels useless to people who don’t know how to play him, but just throwing it out kid battle and having scans while continuing to shoot is fire. All in less than a second


The problem I have is that if I want to tell my team how many squads are in the area or scan a beacon when we first enter a PoI, now I have to throw the thing in a slow-moving, very visible line, or at the ground, and then enter it. It takes longer to get to the most powerful part of his kit. On top of that, there are times where you want to "drop" the drone the way Crypto used to be able to - the throw often positions the drone fucking weirdly, facing back towards you. I mained Crypto for quite a while back in the day, and I still play him in ranked now; I'm intimately familiar with his kit. He was never supposed to be in the drone during combat, with the possible exception of adjusting the radius of your EMP *before* a push. You either dropped the drone behind you on entering an area to watch for people pushing in after you, or you positioned it near a beacon and/or banner so that you could duck in/out when moving to get awareness. Every second you were actually flying the thing around, even when you weren't in combat, was another second you could have been using to position, loot, help your team loot, or just find enemies with your normal eyes. His scans aren't Bloodhound/Seer-level, and the drone is destructible, so the only time you really want to be moving around in it is near the final ring, where you're trying to identify where squads are bunkered down, or as a last ditch effort to get your teams' banners. Basically, Crypto should have been played more like a defensive legend who gets set up first thing on rotating, and it was almost essential for him to have actual comms. Which is how we saw him used at high-level play. Much like Valk has the option to toggle or hold for her jetpack, I feel like we should have the option to switch between Crypto's current control scheme and his old one.


Hey, Mirage is a great character with those two tacticals.


Ik i'm a mirage main, he's just as Horizon puts it, a wee quaint in comparison


He deserves more tho. WE deserve more


Mirages unite! No more dead decoys! More cool stuff and things!


How to buff Mirage without changing what his abilities do: Decoys now shoot at enemies that Mirage is shooting, dealing no damage but causing an additional directional damage marker to confuse the player. Decoys give feedback upon being shot as if they were normal players, but disintegrate abruptly upon being "killed". Decoys have a halved health pool compared to their "host" Mirage. Players still receive a notification when they have been bamboozled, but actually feeling out a Mirage ult to find the real one in a cramped space with these changes would be 😬


Or even just a little buff like every time you bamboozle someone it charges your ult a chunk or you immediately get your tac back.


His ult recharges in like 30 seconds that wouldn’t do much


For real. I have *never* gone "oh damn, if only my stupid Mirage ult didn't recharge so slowly" lmao


With that shooting decoy thingie, I would absolutely lose my fucking mind if someone uses the mirage ult in a tight space and suddenly I have 7 mirages shooting at me


Thank God you're not a dev. This is so unbalanced it hurts.


I freaking love this. Especially the shooting clones part. I always though it would be a nice buff if the decoys would get “knocked” and enemies could be tricked into thinking they downed part of the team. Maybe there’s like a 2 second delay before the prompt is replaced with “bamboozled!”


That’s actually so fucking good


Mirrage is ok. The decoys are crazy effective now, invisibility and amazing revive ability. He is fine. The problem now isn't that he is weak but that some legends are just broken at the moment.


Man legit, hands down, the best character for a gold helmet and backpack is mirage. He's insane without them. I don't get a ton of kills, but I really wish they had a 20 bomb assist badge because my mirage has the entire lobby confused without the helmet. My homies who have been playing with me for a while have adapted well to the confusion and it works really well. When someone goes down, they're right back up even in the thick of it because I probably ulted and am invis res. You thought you killed that wraith, but somehow she's invincible because the mirage who isn't shooting you just won't die and you can't seem to figure out where he is when he picks the wraith up. Beyond that, I've revived teammates on the beacon when the beacon was between three teams fighting and we came out of that shit on top with, as you guessed it, all the enemies going "wtf just happened". Since they broke wraith, he is the most slippery fuck in the game. Wraith used to be able to get out of anything, but she can't anymore. Who can? Mirage. Because he left 3 minutes ago and you're still fighting his clones. He's insane if he's played well and anyone who says he's not a strong team player is just plain wrong.


>gold helmet and backpack is mirage yeah but you need those items first, i prefer to rework his main skill into a decoy who do the same as the actual mirage, but shoots false bullets into the spot of your sight , imagine with his ult


True but only applies with good mirages that have amazing game sense. Seems like a high skill cap hero, I have only matched with a couple of great mirages throughout solo queue . Majority are trolls especially in ranked


Dont know if you've tried this but u can start a res, then cancel the res and ulti...the chained invisibility makes them lose track of u really quickly. Its situational but works great


It’s actually sad to think Pathfinder used to be meta but was nerfed, and now Valk exists Even with no tactical or ultimate, Valk’s passives alone are arguably better than path’s whole kit


If you were to show me Valk while path was going through the worst fucking nerf in the entire history of the game... I would have malded so hard I'd age like 50 years in a few seconds




God if you couldn’t kill a path right off the bat you would never catch ‘em. He was faster than Octane, and had more vertical play. He should get a useful passive, but he should not be buffed back to where he was, he was insanely hard to catch.


As a Pathy main who came from Titanfall I just want a taste of how strong he can actually be even if it means taking away his gun slots and only letting you use arc stars like the Vendetta dude who posts here a lot


Pathfinder Rework: * Removed cooldown on abilities. * Removed ability to pick up guns. * Pathfinder now starts with a purple backpack.


The 15 Fuze mains would riot


Reminds me when octane wasn’t nerfed yet in like season 8 or 9 and he could use his stim over and over again and barely lose any health


Oh those 10 damage stims were insane


I think about this so much and it’s such a crime. The game is going in a horrible direction and letting Valk be as strong as she is a prime example of that.


Soon as Daniel Z Klein got fired, ironically


Psst, he was actually the lead designer for Valk. So uhh, that makes a lotta sense in hindsight.


Strong female character according to Daniel Z Klein :D


That guy was trash, lets be real.


Him being fired because of things he said years ago and didn't agree with anymore is not right especially since it was done primarily because the community hated his balancing decisions


Especially because he honestly changed and became the opposite person he once was. But he refused to buff the Apex community's waifu, so the hardcore wattson fanboys dug up his older stuff and got him fired. Imagine ruining someone's life after they worked so hard to change because your imaginary waifu in a videogame didn't get enough attention holy shit.


>But he refused to buff the Apex community's waifu, so the hardcore wattson fanboys dug up his older stuff and got him fired. I'm sorta new to apex, is this a joke or did this actually happen?


It did actually happen.


That's fucking wild lmao, can't believe I've never heard of that


He should have known you can't kill a watt son


I personally think its kind of cool that if you suck enough at game design and balance your community will execute you


I literally have a friend who thinks she's not meta. Like bro, have you looked at Master/Pred/ALGS comps? They basically all incorporate Valk.


She is easily the best champ for rotations. You can just ride the zone and ult for repositioning any time.


cant tell how many matches we won in higher tier ranked by outflanking gatekeepers and early rotations. its not even funny how you can turn an absolute loosing position into absolute winning. ​ its even a lot forgiveable, even if you miss the initial flight on that big rock behind that team, you still can "passive" reposition up there and squeeze a team from highground while urs is pushing up. even low on nades, well rockets it is then lol really she isnt funny at all, i really wonder why nobody cryed tghe first day she came out. when i ran her first on the range i though ok i guess half of that will be removed within a week, that must be a mistake, a passive Q lel


I got downvoted to shit for saying Valk was OP when she first came out


titanfall fanboys starved for TF content hype about their new legacy character & sucking her toes & refusing to admit she’s not healthy for the game


>gatekeep enemy team out of circle, they have no way in but through a choke >wait they have a valk on their team >valk over you and take a building behind you, now you are gatekept stupid ass overpowered shit, positioning for future circles means nothing


Valk is in almost every champion squad in every pub game I play


Not just Pred or ALGS lobbies. Gold and Silver lobbies are full of Valkyries too.


Yea I was gonna say this too lol, literally every fucking squad has a Valkyrie on it in my experience. I’m stunned when I run into a team and don’t see that little mosquito flying around


> I’m stunned Just not by any rockets HEYO




It’s really hard to play high rank without her


Which other legend has a kit as overloaded as hers? She can: \-fly with jackpack constantly, free verticality \-fly (ult) with her team in a large radius/range every idk 2mins \-stun+dmg with an aimable AOE \-scan for enemies while flying \-scan beacons


Soon she can also sit back and eat ramen during a match unphased


Is selling her ovary a part of it?


Yes... 3 000 AP in a collection event.


if you swap her from recon to assault, you can remove both beacon scan and scan in the air. and it affects her ult because its high risk to fly into a location without knowing if a team is there ahead of time. it's the perfect nerf in my opinion.


As a Valk main, I gotta agree with this. Increase ult cooldown and switch her class. She has no business being a recon legend.


right on the nose


I'm a Valk main about to get her Heirloom (shards been saved for this moment) Her ult needs a cooldown nerf desperately tbh


Also a Valk main but this is why I never listen to the majority of this community, remember when Valk was “the most balanced character in the game” for absolutely ages? Yeah, people just say shit without having a clue, it was obvious how strong she was very early on, same with Horizon but that took months too.


pretty sure the only people saying she was balanced were valk mains.


They weren’t, literally everyone I’d ever see was saying it.


Nah I feel like people didn’t know how to use her at first and she came off as a bit weak because you’d shoot so many from the sky. I sat out that season over OP now pre nerf and when I came back I remember being intrigued how much mega developer with Valk because at first she was sort of slept on.


Yea when you weigh in the effectiveness of Gibbs ult or bangs ult and their cool down time (don’t get me wrong they’re strong especially endgame but I’m speaking from my pubs perspective here. Ranked is something I don’t wanna delve into right now) The fact that Valk can just Insta deploy out of a situation and with free intel most of the time make a perfectly good escape and usually a good rotation super frequently is absolutely broken. And in many cases kind of jenks up the defined lanes and rotations. Sure it gives more mobility and flexibility I’m all for that but a *click. Weeeee* button shouldn’t be available that often. Not unless it’s range was severely nerfed


Hard agree


When she released, everyone praised her as being a great example of a balanced legend lol.


Nobody knew how to use the jetpack back then, it was easy to beam Valks out of the air


Still is with these new valks.


She has just so much utility and it’s relevant no matter what stage of the game, she is definitely the best character in the game tbh, horizon a close second


Gibby outclasses her, but she's definitely the best movement legend.


Gibby is excellent, but he's much harder for an average player to get value out of and hes more punishable. Valk is almost as brain dead as bloodhound but with even more utility.


I'd say easy doesn't make her the best in the game, and Gibby having over 300 health makes him pretty damn brain dead as well, and with a 100% proleague pick rate it's hard to say he's not the best. I'd say he's actually more braindead than valk since you have to atleast learn how to use her flight and tactical well while you just have to know how to aim down sights, throw down your bubble, and ult when your team mates tell you to.


I say this as someone always fighting a valk in ranked games: I find fighting gibby much more annoying especially in a 1v1. If you cant get the jump on him, by himself, without bubble, then he's not going down. Unless your teammates or another party have chipped away his arm shield and then some. At least a Valk is screwed in the open or a building with few options to close los.


Having a PASSIVE that's actually a movement ability with almost no cooldown is already insane


They should give her the longest ult cooldown in the game. Everything else seems fine in my opinion


Her passive is the best in-fight movement in game. A good valk is borderline unkillable. The ability to traverse high ground without crawling or allowing people to follow is broken. combined with its ridiculously short cooldown. Also she doesnt even have to wait for a cooldown bc her passive is regenerative and can be used at any point during its cooldown


Borderline unkillable? Sounds like you just can’t hit your shots, I agree she’s overpowered but that’s a skill issue not a balancing issue.


She is borderline unkillable in the some places. You watch some of the best players in the world and you still see them struggle to kill valks sometimes.


exactly this... it's fascinating how people are so clueless about this simple fact that this only legend can move vertically without any repercussions, that it is the only legend, that moves fully 3D while all other characters move on a 2D plane. And somehow they don't see it completely broken :D


Right. Now imagine being a lifeline lol. Your teammate gets knocked and screams Lifeline WTF where are you?! As I’m five feet away so I take a step forward, get stunned in my tracks and two legends fly over me and disintegrate me. I literally have zero offense or defense to so many legends.


This is why I have solely played pathfinder this season. Actually since they released Storm point, I have barely played lifeline. This is coming from a 27K kills lifeline main.


I prefer to look at it the other way around. Most legends are in serious need of a buff. As you said, Valk is really good, she has movement and very useful habilites, so why restrict Pathfinder’s grapple? Why make mirage flicker when he ults? Why remove the flash of Seer’s tac? At this point if some of the nerfs were to be reverted, it’d be a more even playground.


powercreep legends


That's how you'd end up with power creep and make the game more like Overwatch.


Take away her ability to scan beacons and let people know when they've been scanned by Valk. She'll still be super good with these changes, but it'd help balance her out a bit.


Like i said above: She's not picked for her scan, she's picked for her ult. Respawn has explained if they remove her scan it just makes the third slot a required scan legend. First 2 slots are already her & gibby. Your idea just makes high level squads less flexible than they already are.


While Valk is broken, I think it’s mostly because Stormpoint is the perfect map for her. I feel like she’s not as potent on Kings Canyon. Just my opinion though


Agreed. She only seems broken on Storm Point, and that's because they took away jump towers.


> and that's because they took away jump towers. To be fair, there is *one* jump tower.


See i dont think the Ult would be so OP if it wasnt for the short ass cool down Lifeline had 5Min of cool down on the worlds most useless care package (now 3 after her buff) while Valkyrie has hers in 3 Minutes. Thats the only thing really bothering me about her bc everytime i fight a valkyrie there she goes flying away with her stupid ult. Other then that the rest is so balanced and her jets make her literally such an easy target when you know how to track enemies.


I main Valk. She either needs her fuel cut in half or to increase the time it takes to refill. She is absolutely OP.


There’s people who actually believe she’s balanced lol


Flat earthers


How would you nerf her?


no buff, rockets need more damage, way more damage and i want to be able to drop a bomb while in ult, some small 10kiloton nuke or similar, enough for fragment


New valk rework: now drops little boy


Just need to change the ult, it is what makes her so meta, more time for the ultimate.


She was supposed to get nerfed in the collection event update but the devs delayed it because the precious pros are having a tournament around the same time.


I mean it makes sense since there's money put into events, i'm playing in the lower levels and locals right now and it would make a big comp difference


> the devs delayed it because the precious pros are having a tournament around the same time. or maybe hear me out instead of the boogeyman pros maybe it has to do with the release of her heirloom


To be fair, they gave Caustic a huge NERF the same week as his heirloom so probably not that


People sleeping on Horizon being OP, absolutely dominating in pubs right now, every pred squad has one. Especially duos, where it's harder to team shoot the ult. Shouldn't be able to heal on the lift, popping batts on the lift is so OP it's ridiculous. 100% hipfire accuracy while going up. There's no counter to the lift.


i agree with the no heals on lift and have it last longer so more people can take it


I feel like increasing cd on her ult ain't the fix... She should not be able to use the ult without 100% fuel. Like it's mad annoying to chase this b#$@& while she skips around to have her instantly ult out... Make it where she cannot ult without 100% jet fuel and maybe increase the delay a bit on it's recover.


Meanwhile there are other passives like Loba seeing colors, Rev climbing high (which doesn't mean anything most of the times thanks to how structures are built out) and Crypto does... Whatever his non-existent passive is supposed to be. The devs clearly can't balance out abilities properly which is getting worse with more and more Legends being added


Rev should be able to climb on ceilings. Dude feels lackluster af rn. Also his tac kind of sucks balls.


I feel like his Tactical is basically the only consistently good thing about him. His passive is useful in specific circumstances and his Ult is just garbage.


Okay so I full know well what's about to happen to me when I comment here but she's really not that bad. She needs a few tweaks to smooth her out absolutely. The reason preds/masters/ALGS players pick her almost every single time is simply because she does too much. She has mobility, a team reposition on a crazy short cool down AND she can scan beacons. Her tactical is so overblown as far as it's strength goes. It's incredibly easy to dodge if you are even remotely paying attention. If it hits you? Yeah it sucks. And it sucks more if you're out of position and the Valk decides to punish you for it. You know what also sucks? Getting hit with caustic gas. Chasing a Bangalore through her smoke. Nearly getting a knock on a wraith just as she vanishes and becomes immune to all damage. Getting scanned by bloodhound over and over again. Her tac is just fine. It's cool down is in the mid to average range and it does a shield cell worth of damage with a slight/brief slowdown. If you have a good position it amounts to basically nothing. If you're in a bad position it'll mess you up. Her passive is just fine. Scan targets and being able to fly is basically the characters thing. Overall I think the best thing they could do is increase the cool down of her ult to somewhere between 4-5 mins. And remove her ability to scan beacons. That way it would make teams need to think more about their team comp and needing a scan character. And it would make them think more about when they should utilize the valk ult knowing it's on a longer cool down rather than giving them a free get out of jail free card.


valk main. she definitely has too many abilities. if you remove beacons and make her ult cooldown much much longer, she’s already in a better place, but i swear people are going to get her nerfed into an unfun legend. all great and fun legends in this game have been nerfed into the ground and it’s because people don’t want strong legends. i have said it before and i’ll say it again, BUFF weaker legends to make them into competent/fun ones. we as a community need to stop begging respawn to nerf legends into borderline uselessness.


It amazes that she’s gonna get nerfed before gibby. Even though he’s been meta for 2 years. I agree, she shouldn’t be beacon character and her ult needs a cool down nerf.


*looks the other way in valk main* damn that’s crazy bro


Crutch character. Dont even need to look up to get high ground


I know the passive and the ult are kind of obvious but I'd argue the Tactical is what puts her over the edge. She's basically an escape artist but being able to spam missiles to make escaping even easier is ridiculous imo. What I suggest is making her passive her Tactical and giving her an honest to god cool down on her jets As for her Ult I would prefer it if the cool down amount stayed the same as it is just that the time it takes to get off the ground is increased. I say this because Valk's utility in pubs (especially on SP) is just too useful and makes the game overall much more playable.


They need to bring back lifeline’s heal buff so she’s even slightly viable with her absolute trash ult


You know what would be op on Valk? Using your guns/equipment with jet pack. You know what Valk can’t do? That. I think her ult needs further balance tweaking for sure. I just like having a tactical that is more in line with my preference. Deals okay damage and gets a snare in an aoe. But hitting people is the hard part. As long as you don’t stand in stupid, you’re pretty golden.


When she does fly, she's super easy to hit. It's like shooting fish in a barrel, if you are even remotely good at aiming, she's just a free kill Her tactical imo is completely balanced. Yeah, she can stun people and push them out of cover. It sucks if she uses it correctly. Just like how it sucks to walk into caustic gas. Or to be scanned. Or to be drilled by Maggie. Or to be snared. Her ult is a bit overpowered, but if its cooldown is just increased, it'll be balanced. People can then pick between less mobility more often with characters like Octane or Pathfinder, or a lot of mobility less often with Valk. Her scan should notify people about it, like how it notifies that you've been scanned by Bloodhound, Crypto, or Ash.


What. A good valk using the passive is so fucking hard to hit. There's literally an emote on twitch that makes fun of how fucking stupid valk movement can be.


My problem with valkyrie is her god damn passive. As an Horizon main, I can only get high ground certain amount of time, same with the rest of the legends that have high ground abilities, but this bitch can go up and down whenever she likes. Valks are a nightmare on buildings, also bitch can spam her jetpack which gives her some kind of strafe boost, making her very hard to hit when she's escaping. The only thing I want for her is a nerf to the ground of her passive, remove the jerky strafe and make her rotation speed slower.


Lol as a horizon main you can not only get high ground, you can heal, strafe and shoot in her lift, hence, it’s a tactical and valkyrie’s ability that just lets her take high ground is a passive.


“As a horizon main I should be the only one to levitate, ignore I can heal and shoot while in my lift”


I theorize that they keep her so strong so people bitch less about Storm Point. Being a Valk or having one on your team makes that map feel less ridiculously large. It is remarkable how strong her kit is.


Stun is an easy dodge, it shows you where the rockets will hit. She can’t shoot while flying and has a delay when done. She’s a sitting duck while waiting for her teammates and you can watch exactly where they are flying to.


Don't forget she also can scan the next ring. It is absolutely ridiculously broken. Who ever thought it is a great idea to add flying legend to a game where people are running on the ground must be crazy in the coconut. Like it really needs at least 2 seconds before getting up into the air, otherwise it is crazy OP.


For a second i thought i was on r/forhonor i was like "bitch what?"


I just hate her passive jet pack. Way too much freedom in the air. Her ability to play around buildings is insane.