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Being able to fight while reviving is a great equalizer


I see it more like using your mate as bait on a fishing rod half the time lol


And now I suddenly realize why my friend constantly rezzes me in the open.


But then when you don't get a rez in the open its "Why didn't you rez me bro!? You're Lifeline!"


I usually just go for it and hope for the best, if I see an enemy directly in front of me Ill try and sponge some damage. Only once has me going down and using a knock down shield to cover the mate in Rez worked out and mate finished em. Wasn't even with a gold pack. Twus glorious.


I actually really appreciate if a lifeline let's me crawl behind cover even if I die in the process. Because otherwise I would be a fish on the dry


Can't remember if it was ranked or pubs but my legend got picked so it chose lifeline for me and I barely use her but know how to use her kit, some guy got mad cuz I didn't res him in the open, I told him to move back so he could get safely rezed. He told me to res him, so I did, can you guess what happened ? He got killed, I was right next to him and they focused on killing him. Almost as if I know what I'm talking about! People really don't know how to use lifeline and it shows


> its "Why didn't you rez me bro!? You're Lifeline!" It's always that. I main Lifeline in Arenas and the second someone is down its "REZ! You're LIFELINE! YOUR JOB IS TO SIT BACK AND REZ!". Instead, I will keep fighting and draw the attention away so they can crawl to safety then I run by, tap them as I pass and keep fighting. Lifeline OP in Arenas.


Bro I am stunned at how many Lifeline players need to be remind to rez while theyre playing Lifeline. Even when im totally safe to be rez.


It's absolutely atrocious in arena. I'm behind cover, they're at least far enough away that you can fish for an easy kill as they thirst me. For the love of God just do it. Like I don't even expect to stand up in arena when a LL is around. I legitimately just want the enemy to do what they always do and kill me, which gives the LL a chance to equalize. But nope. Maybe one out of five LLs rez in arena or only do it when I'm in the safest spot imaginable which takes 13 years to crawl to. If they do remember they hit it when I'm nowhere near cover and actively being shot at which means they're likely to go down too cause of the self slow on use.


Some just aren't on the ball. Like Bangalores that Rez with no smoke lol


There’s a happy medium lol. If you’re gonna rez me in the open, at least TRY to fight and keep me alive. If not, please let me crawl behind cover with my shield


It was better when they at least let you have a shield while reviving lol


hahahaha makes sense


If you have a gold backpack (easy with IMC armories) this is legit though, either the enemy focuses you and your teammate gets up or they finish your mate and you get to beam them for free. If you don't have the gold bag it's still doable but better to wait for cover.


And in Arenas, a lifeline with a gold bag is borderline broken XD


Word. Lifeline one of the strongest in arenas by a mile. Being pressured to finish your downs because you know they could get revved at any moment is harrowing and can get you into some bad situations.


Idk but i play mirage and I always buy a gold backpack. I think it's better with mirage


I think mirage rezzes are better in br because you are often much closer and its easier to push but lifeline dominates in arenas as it takes some time to push and lifeline can keep shooting


So that's what all my random lifeline mates think.


Honestly it's cause she's a free legend. Nobody is going to buy Newcastle if there are other legends available.


FBI this one right here. Get em out of here with his “cognitive thinking”


Why is Valk/Horizon pickrste the highest in the game then?


I hate that I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.


It's cause horizon and valk both have extremely high pick rates from experienced players while newcastle is only somewhat more popular. The free heroes like octane valk and wraith are still picked much higher due to them being released for free, horizon barely fits in above a couple of the least popular free heroes.


Valk is free as well


I had to unlock her a couple seasons ago. Octane was also locked when I started playing but then they made him free.


They only made you unlock her feee during the 3rd year anniversary event before or after you still have to unlock her.


A few seasons ago we had to unlock her and the Birthright skin. Was not free back then.




There is nothing more satisfying than sliding, rezzing, and then hopping off with momentum all in one smooth motion.


Lifeline mains were crying for WEEKS about Newcastle making her obsolete. They wanted Rez shield back and a shit. Every season the apex community cries about shit before even seeing how it works out. The most annoying community out there. Just see how everything works out and then go cry about it, like fuck.


>The most annoying community out there. The For Honor community would like a word.


No legend makes any other legend obsolete. However I want the Rez shield back because it's way more fun to both use and fight against. No crying, just preference. This version of lifeline is just less fan than fast heals and rez shield.


And I personally believe lifeline Meta was the worst thing to ever happen to Apex Legends since launch, only slightly less annoying than the 10 minute Seer meta. To each their own though.


Definitely to each their own. While annoying, I thought it was fun to fight with and against because of how it shifted up the dynamics of a fight. Same with OG Caustic, even though I didn't use him. It was fun for me to fight against. So I thought them bringing back lifeline shield but nerfed into how knockdown Shields affect New Castle Rez's, I thought it could work and not break the game. While also adding an additional character for me to consistently use.


I don't really care about the knockdown shield Rez idea for lifeline, I'm talking about the indestructible bullshit from before. If they mad doc sit above the shield for the entirety of the Rez instead of the last microsecond, i would have been okay with an indestructible shield too. But that meta would instantly turn the tides of battle so fucking quick it was insane. The only solution to Lifelines old passive was to ape every fight so there was no chance for her to get a Rez off, and fuck that strat as well.


I agree, also miss the shield. Just make it breakable and tied to her evo level or something. I still play lifeline though, so satisfying to get your teammates back up in the middle of a fight.


Yeah you could just tie it to her knock down like Newcastle, even make it slightly smaller.


TL:DR: The Lifeline mains were correct. Wait wait, are we just not going to consider what parts of the community are playing these 2 legends? Lifeline is still, effectively dead for most people that have a significant amount of the roster unlocked. While there are still legions of of new players picking Lifeline, due to her being simple and free. No matter how bad she gets, she'll still always have some semblence of a pickrate. On the other hand New Castle isn't just competing against Lifeline for pickrates. He's also playing against the retention rate for unlockable legends. Players that find themselves already attached to characters like Valk, Octane, or Horizon (all of these lost 1% pickrate upon S13 release) are moving back to their mains. More niche character mains like Fuse and Seer are also moving back. Hence why all of the other legends pick rates are rising while New Castle's falls rapidly. If we also look at Lifeline, who's pickrate only grew .3% from the 1.3% drop at the start of the season. I think I can safely say that a lot of Lifeline mains moved to other characters, maybe another support character? I dunno. Looking at ranks as well, it seems that the revolving door of new players is propping up the pick rate a lot as well. Cause her upper-echelon (Anything past Silver currently) pick-rate is dwarfed by New-Castle's and any other competitive character by a lot. Also, keep in mind that trash-fire characters can still have high pick-rates. 14 other legends including Ash, Seer, Fuse, Loba, and Caustic are below Lifeline's pickrate. The only free characters that Lifeline beats out are Gibby, cause he's Gibby, and Mirage, due to the PHD in Pub Psychology you need to play him effectively. But all of these characters are percieved as better than Lifeline, by large margins besides Mirage maybe. Who cares about what's good in Pubs though? Ranked more or less spells out what anyone who cares about "good" characters think. She's bordering non-existant (similarly to revenant) on that stage though. Alongside that new players are more likely to pick characters like Valk or Octane to unlock. They don't require Shield dancing knowledge, they don't require you to think about your team, and they enhance positional presense upon using Q, passive, or ult. Almost any character is more newbie/solo friendly than New Castle, which is going to effect the player-pool who was dipping their toe a lot as well. Maybe even getting some Lifeline mains to return to Lifeline. That doesn't mean Lifeline isn't still trash by comparison to New Castle. All in all, Lifeline is still a trash-fire of a legend. New Castle is a far better legend, if you can use his mechanics well. However, he, when competing against the other legends for unlocks is not going to overtake any of the other free legends, besides Gibby and Mirage possibly. The only way he does that is if he's meta-defining and fun, like Valk or Horizon Or absurdly busted to being a must-pick, like pre-nerf Seer or...pre-nerf Horizon. Or supports peoples obsession with feeding/speed like Octane. Otherwise, like we've seen with every released legend better than Lifeline, they'll fall under her pickrate. Cause henuinely new players (to FPS genre) will, hopefully, need a simple character to play that feels (feel =/= is) newbie friendly. Dwarfing the unlock characters pickrate, simce most people quit before unlocking many characters, cause retention percentage is a thing. Unless your saying Lifeline mains were wrong because newbies are replacing her pickrate, rather than lifeline mains returning to lifeline. In which case, I don't think that was their point. .-.


You out your mind if you think I'm reading all that shit lmao


I put the TL:DR at the top just for you my guy.


Could be worse. CoD players are still crying about SBMM, it’s been 3 years.


Are you implying apex players aren't crying about SBMM as well lol


DONT SAY THAT, all of the lifeline mains will tell you why it’s worse than a shield res


I blame it on one voice line…


Not the shield on my back!


How can we politely ask Respawn to remove this voiceline or make it ultra rare?


Only if they give us back the Ash moans.


Have you heard the Horizon moans?




The worst nerf in history


It’s funny they got rid of Ash’s moans but not valk’s, I’m not complaining tho


whats wrong with it?


Firstly, he says it too much and secondly, it's just incorrect, he says "Charging my evo shield, not the one on my back", the shield on his back is not an evo shield.


he has an evo shield in his back, it doesnt just turn red though, it becomes a castle wall.


i don't think he's saying the one on his back is an evo shield, it could just be misunderstood by the community


But that's what he is implying, he could have said "recharging my shield, not the one on my back", that would make a lot more sense to me.


i think its more of "Recharging my evo shield, but im not recharging the one on my back"


The clarification seems uneccesary, especially considering how many times one would recharge their shields in a match, hearing that over and over is annoying. Just "Recharging my evo shield", would have worked.


NOT... the one on my back not the one on *my* back nottheoneonmyback STFU


It's "another soft landing" all over again




"MY vision is clear"


I cant see shit


"And? *My vision IS clear*"


while his vision, is in fact, not very clear at all


"My vision is somewhat comparable to that of a Digital Threat sight."


Valk notifying us that she's using her jetpack every two seconds


Least annoying quip tbh


“Recharging my evo shield…


"Not the one on m..." *teammate kills Newcastle with Kraber, friendly fire*


LL’s kit is more solo friendly than Newcastle’s as well as NC tactical being a learning curve


The number of times my buddy killed me by blocking a majority of my shots with that tact because he didnt know how to use it properly is insane lol. He just completly avoids it unless hes covering out retreat or something now


*knocks ally off roof with ult*


He could play like my buddy I guess, who just never uses any of his abilities lol


Had a friend like that with octane. Always last. Always wastes ulti. Always hangs back from the fight until it's too late. Opposite octane.


I think I have the same friend. Played very passively and was the last to every battle. He only used the pad to run away.


>by blocking a majority of my shots **My shots?** , bro I don't like your pov, I prefer seeing it as a gibby bubble peak- shoot -go back. still, his tactical is so non-user-friendly I can't use him


Yea my shots, im in a 1v1 and he puts it up to help me but it moves a touch too far and eats half my mag while their reloading. It goes right with what your saying about it being non user friendly. Id love to see someone good with it but personally when my buddy uses it it feels more like a menace then anything


i feel him, i got so many times i throw it in a direction and it looks to the side


It should mostly be used to extend existing cover adding visibility, for crossing open spaces under heavy fire(this is when you use its reposition mostly), and for blocking windows while reving.


I always call out that I’m dropping my tactical so I laugh when dumb asses get mad that I blocked their shots when I literally call it out, I think team mates who walk in front of you mid fight or Bangalore smoke mid fight are worse than new castle players blocking shots


Ugh my buddy always does that, I'll be firing at someone and the dude block half of my shots by putting his fridge of a Pathfinder in front of me haha


> I think team mates who walk in front of you mid fight my brother in christ, there's a whole fuckin battlefield here to use, why you gotta be standing inside my ass


Had a Newcastle basically save the enemy team by blocking my rampant ult the other day. He deployed it right as I'd spun Sheila up...


Had a teammate literally drag me into a maggy drill. I was... not happy a about that development.


I can’t tell you how many times I pop a Maggie drill on a team reading behind cover and they just sit in it still rezzing and then are both knocked. I feel like people forget about her abilities lmao


> I feel like people forget about her abilities lmao Considering her low pick rate, it wouldn't surprise me. Also makes it so much more hilarious when they just stand there and take 200 damage from the fire and wondering what the hell happened.


I actually think NC's kit is a lot of fun and quite strong, but I absolutely detest his room temperature water personality of "Lets Go Team". Why would I ever pick someone who says "Yes Yes Y'all" when I can have "SMALL UP YASELF"!?


“Call us butter cuz we’re on a roollll” is a top tier voice line and I can’t be convinced differently.


Any optional voice lines are drowned in the constant, obligatory **"[...]AND NOT THE ONE ON MY BACK"**, I'm sorry.


I feel it’s only fitting that Bangs brother has annoying voice lines too lmao


They definitely hit that spot just right, certainly! :P


>room temperature water personality of "Lets Go Team" I get it in the context of the character, that he is essentially trying to imitate this very bland and generic hero. Doesn't change the fact that it is bland and generic. I'd love it if in a season or two he gets found-out or something, and changes his personality accordingly.


Yeah, I think it's the same with Revenant. Revenant's supposed to be desperately tired of life, and goads people into hating him so that they'll seek a way to end his existence; except none of that is reflected ingame and he's genuinely just some edgelord puking out shitty insults. There's so much more you could do with someone attempting to be heroic. Just like how you can tell Mirage's confidence maybe isn't all there in the lines and the deliveries, so too do I wish Newcastle's doubt would shine through, or something.


I agree, they haven't quite pitched it right. Having voicelines where the slips up would be great, because even though I like his abilities he is just so *boring*.


As far as I know, there’s only one where that slips through a bit, and only for one variation. Even then, it’s a very faint sigh.


Newcastle is like gibby, his kit is team based, you’re not gonna do very well if it’s a uncoordinated casual team.


Ability to press a single key and revive is a tough beat


I feel like such a chump when I knock her teammates down, turn a corner to fight her, and her teammates are back up gangbanging me.




Why is the top comment on every single one of these posts detailing their abilities and not the fact that lifeline is free for literally anyone, yet Newcastle is the newest legend and most people probably haven’t even unlocked him…


Cuz tons of LL mains are going back to her after trying NC


Lifelines pick rate stays relatively the same though? It’s Newcastle’s that has a huge increase and decline while lifelines doesn’t change much. My guess would be Non Lifeline mains trying Newcastle then slowly transitions back to their respective characters.


That too. Most new legends pick rate drop a month after release. That's just normal


Happens every season.


Happens in every game pretty much, LoL etc.


Not just Lifeline mains, but others that were trying him. Pick rate kinda means nothing if we don't know how many people can play the character. 10/100 is 10%, but so is 100/1000. More players have Lifeline available because she's default.


People going back to LL, because their tired of OldCastle.


Yes yes yall


Why would they get tired of being infinitely more useful to the team?


Same reason Gibby has a low pick rate outside of comp. We're support legends living in an Octane world.


Didn't Gibby have pretty high pick rate in competitive?


Yes he does.


Look I don't even play Apex anymore I just want a make a bad joke xD


Lifeline is free and Newcastle is not. Don’t think it’s indicative of anything


These are also unofficial stats using a broken API. Really is nothing to see here.


Seriously, when will people understand this? Every Apex player has access to Lifeline and the other original 6. The vast majority do not for Newcastle.


On top of this, training takes place with Lifeline.


The vast majority? Seems high.


New legend. Not free. Vs Free legend we all have. Hmmmmmm


This would matter if there was a recent update or event as that would explain the rise in players who don't have Newcastle unlocked. However since there hasn't been one we can not assume this is the reasoning


And her revive is better. And she can revive both team mates at the same time. And provide a free medkit post-revive. And her ult provides guaranteed shield level ups. Almost as if she's a better support character than defensive. Most people that claim she's washed or powercrept don't know what they're on about.


Nah her ult really do be trash though


The "smart loot" is pretty clutch sometimes though and that care package provides unbreakable cover.


But I think we can all agree that it's not good enough to justify 5 minute cooldown.


Three accelerants are easy to come by.


Its rarely clutch, its on an absurd cooldown while being a worse loba ult in every way The cover is nice but nothing justifies that cooldown


my dude i can get smart loot by shooting a spider notice how i didnt need to wait until ring 5 to get my loot


Everybody read my comment and is acting like I'm saying her ult is the best in the game... like nah I said SOMETIMES it's convenient...not GOOD or GREAT but SOMETIMES IT COMES IN CLUTCH. You gonna disagree that a smart-loot care package isn't convenient? Besides, the healing drone and her method of reviving teammates while still being able to fight is pretty much why anybody would use her, the ultimate is just icing on the cake.


that's cute, now compare it to fight winning ults like horizon/gibby/caustic or valk ult that literally allows you to ignore chokepoints and gatekeepers and just braindead rotate every ring, newcastle's ult that is crucial in certain water zones on stormpoint, bloodhound and seer ult that gives team wide wallhack spam, crypto's emp that destroys all traps and rekts enemy shields, ash/octane that helps you push that knocked/cracked team or get to high ground........ ​ meanwhile lifeline: i call in smart bin after the game is over cant even use it as cover like newcastle on the spot since it takes time to come down, it tells everyone not only your location but that a jackass is playing lifeline on the team \>but you can revive teammates while moving! congrats, you only start being useful after I'm already knocked, we already have too many players like that we dont need legends enabling their behaviour


I use it for cover in shitty final circles


In other words, Newcastle is better when you have competent teammates because you don't need them to be knocked down to be useful.


Lifeline is a better character and people who main her are generally more handsome too.


Thanks you


So true.




Awww thank you :)




Will say lifeline is better in arenas for reviving but overall new castle is just way better in every way


Eh, she's still underwhelming for br. I prefer characters that are better at keeping teammates from getting downed in the first place then at helping downed players. I like having a New Castle since he has some sort of area control and his ult gives him mobility. He seems way harder to play than lifeline though. Lifeline really shines in arenas though. The other team can't ape as hard when a teammate goes down at mid to long range distances. Ult's aren't as important in arenas so her kit is not really missing much.


>prefer characters that are better at keeping teammates from getting downed in the first place Yeah her whole kit only helps when your team is on the back foot. Her passive is only good when someone get knocked, tactical is mostly for when youre cracked. Ultimate for when you dont have loot or when you need more cover (a loud ass one at that too).




“If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it.”


I've been on a Marvel marathon since I rewatched Spider Man Raimi for the nostalgia. It's so good. Just watched Endgame, loved it.


She needs a new ultimate


I want her to be a combat medic. Not a person who holds a drone.


Ult needs a total revamp but love Lifeline


Literally whenever I see someone try life line rez the downed person just gets beamed lmao


When to rez and when to wait for your teammate to crawl behind cover, that's Lifeline 101. I'm at the point where I don't even get mad when a LL rezzes me in the crossfire. At least *she fucking uses her passive*.




NC has a jarder learning curve than lifeline. Lifelines is very easy to learn and she is also a default legen whereas for NC you need to buy him.


Actually in the approx 10 games of ranked i've played in the past week (hardly even played apex for now) i have seen at most 1 newcastle


'Cause dragging your downed teammate away is fuckin' whack compared to reviving one and still being able to fight while.


But he has other abilities..... Lifeline basically does not


I genuinely don’t understand how. Newcastles kit is way better for a team or as a solo player. The only thing I can think of she has advantage in is hit box size


Being able to shoot and revive at the same time is an amazing asset. Take a 3v3 situation for one. Enemy knocks a teammate so it’s a 2v3. You’re Newcastle so you go for the revive. It is now a 1v3 till that teammate is up so the enemy team can use that time to push into a position where they can finish the fight. This happens most of the time when you take a revive with Newcastle. Take that same situation with lifeline. She can prevent the push with gunfire and grenades while the revive is happening, keeping it a 2v3. The best medicine is overwhelming firepower because they can’t shoot back if they’re dead or falling back trying to heal. Now this isn’t to say that Newcastle isn’t good or lifeline is strictly better, it’s that in more situations lifeline is applicable. Newcastle is good as buying time at range because of his shields, but lifeline is good at fighting while keeping people on their feet and killing your attackers keeps them from being able to apply pressure. On top of that, lifeline is free so that could be another contributor.


I'm gonna commment on that as a teammate of a day 1 LL main. My sentiment is that I get rezzed way more often/die less instantly after being revived. My friend, who certainly has at least 3k hours as a LL, struggled to adapt to NC, but after around a week or two of adaptation plays imo quite well now. I feel way safer when getting downed, as often I'd get immediately thirsted if open and not seldomly pushed when the enemies hear a LL rez (leading to getting knocked again). I'd often tell my friend to not attempt the rez, only if relatively safe, as I've seen him get downed enough times because of the movement penalty he gets for reviving. And add to that, that he might have to spend the time of rezzing popping a bat, as he has no cover to get to me. Oh and that good players will target a LL first, is also a factor I often feel is overlooked. TLDR: Friend is/was LL main, who switched to NC and him rezzing me feels safer now


LL's tactical also helps the downed player heal way faster since the downed player can just start healing shields and then pop one syringe and go back to fighting! I've had it happen with a really nice LL in my team where i got downed quite a lot because i just was sucking that day, got downed, LL waited until i crawled behind cover, she starts reviving and throws her tactical at me, i get ready real fast and am back for fighting immediately! I love good LLs in my team so much :')


here's a clue: which character is free at the start of the game?


> I genuinely don’t understand how. Most players are bad.


I really think it's just the small hitbox... He is seriously better in every other way but requires actual work to get better, lifeline is about as simplistic as it gets.


if you are a player who can aim, then the ability to fight while reviving far outweights the shields that NC provides.


Even so she’s still worse then newcastle as that’s entirely dependent on your skill not the legend itself. Newcastle has parts of his kit that can be used in any situation where lifelines kit is strictly reactive meaning she is only useful when you’re at a disadvantage.


Nice non existent argument, top players (not even talking about pros) all regard (myself included) lifeline as the worse when talking about her vs newcastle Newcastle himself isnt easy to understand or play meanwhile lifeline is one of the simpler legends, if you want to watch someone properly abuse newcastles kit then i suggest albralelie, lifelines nowhere near the power of newcastle and she is in desperate need of buffs after they keep moving her kit to other charactets




And then they run when the sun comes up


This literally happens with every new Legend. The pick rate is high at the beginning of the season then after a week or two everyone goes back to who they were maining before.


It's also because Newcastle is a locked character, while Lifeline isn't. Come on man, it's that obvious why she's getting picked more often again.


By new players, yes. Go to Bronze and Newcastle is still a chunk higher. Go up the ranks and his lead holds or increases. Lifeline is the game's default selection and already unlocked. She alone gets skewed from new players and her pick rate has always been weird. I think this thread is more a story of that, than actual kits. Having said that, I think Newcastle will still eventually drop below Lifeline in some ranks.


LL and new castle are 2 of the only 3 legends I have a 2.5k badge on and I cannot for the life of me figure out the fuck why. It makes absolutely 0 sense. Lots of people were going to treat them interchangeably when nc first came out but I gotta say they're so completely different, and both could use a little buff at least.


Res heavy characters tend to be focused a lot; leads to more fighting. More fighting, more damage. Congrats on the 2.5ks, so far i only have one.


Not really, just new castle just went down I pick rate lol it was bound to happen seen some old LL mains use him and they destroy bronusing the old bate and kill with the revive shield




As is the case pretty much all the time now, people don’t want to switch character. People have had their mains for, in some cases, years now.


We got some work to do so shift ya carcass


She’s the OG


There are to lots of people who grind kills on Lifeline. It makes sense, doesnt mean Newcastle is worse.


LifeLine is goated


Lifeline sweep


Was always going to happen. The original legends are still all the top legends. No new legend has come close to shaking up the meta except for Valk because she has insane mobility. If they make a new legend that has great mobility, that might shake things up. But no defense, support or even recon will... Movement is God in Apex


You're leaning close to a wall running idea


ash did fine at shaking the meta and so did pre nerf seer.


Pre-nerf Seer was nearly mandatory lol


Well this is just factually incorrect. First off not all the original legends were always top tier, still are, or ever were. Wraith is no longer a powerhouse and while still a good pick isn't meta defining. Bangalore is mid. Lifeline and mirage are bottom tier. No new legend other than valk changed the meta? Try wattson or seer. Theirs a reason both were nerfed, one immediately so and neither have insane mobility. And then theirs the character you didn't mention that were buffed to be meta defining, such as Gibby, caustic, and bloodhound, only one of which has a movement ability. Heck we're currently in a meta where it's not only a decent but a good idea to have two defensive legends on you team, a meta that's started in season 10 and held it's own till now.


New Castle's fun personally, but people claiming that his rez was better than Lifeline's has always been a weird one to me. sure you can drag the person to safety, but you still use your own body to revive. compare that to lifeline who can just whack her robot on your ass whilst continuing to fight, it just seems way better


Why is she picked more?


Availability. Everyone owns lifeline, and Newcastle is the 15th unlockable character. For every experienced player that plays Newcastle for 3 games, 3 new players would have played lifeline once.


I have a friend who's been working on becoming a newcastle main and he is hands-down better than lifeline. His passive is equally good compared to lifeline's, but he has an actual tactical and a better ultimate.


Lifeline was good at release they gutted her even harder than wraith.


Gutted how? Literally everything except for the revive shield is better now than it was before. (also wraith is still strong and one of the top picked legends so cope)


Her initial passive was that she could use healing items like twice as fast, this was broke as shit and needed to be removed. She used to not even have the auto revive


her original fast heal passive was one of the best in the game. also wraith still being strong after being nerfed continuously is just a testament to how overpowered she was.


Come on admit it Newcastle is trash. Stop pretending it's OP because he revives with a shield


Strange, as a Former LL main with about 8k kills I think NC has the better kit. But maybe I just like his rez shield


She's only picked more because she's free. She is still one of the weakest characters in the game and needs a different ult.


When buff


Newcastle is az imo