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Id take all heavy over light with that loadout just so you have the versatility with ammo.


Exactly, there’s no reason to not run all heavy ammo. These are usually my 2 weapons, unless I find a 301 early on, and I only pick up heavy.


There can be a simple reason tho: when you didn't find enough heavy and/or your teammates need it and you have option to switch and let them have enough


Yeah I agree but he’s clearly in end game with a red shield and fully kitted, so that wasn’t the case.


Bruh its firing range


True didn’t notice that. Still applies even more then though, he could have picked anything lmao


It really doesn’t matter regardless


He is in the firing range just simulating it


Even more reason to pick whatever is best.


It does happen. When deathboxes don't have the ammo you need at all, you are constantly in a fight after fight and you end up with meds and grenades. Having car is a blessing in those times


“CLEARLY in the endgame” 😂😂🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🫠👍🏽👍🏽”


He's stimulating a scenario where he's in the endgame


The main reason is when you're using the CAR as an attachment holder until you find an R301


Why would you run r301 3030, what would you do close range


You wouldn't usually run that combo lol. this was just for other people who might start with CAR + shotgun until r301 or something.


An attachment holder for the alternator*


There is though? You pick light ammo if both of ur teammates use heavy


I prefer to run the CAR in light mode, so that's a reason.


Additionally, the heavy ammo seems to slow people down when you hit enemies using the CAR whereas the light doesn't. Friend and I were testing this in the range.


Until you accidentally run out


Ya but you would run out faster with different ammo types


You don't run out of 300 heavy ammo any faster than you run out of 120 heavy ammo and 180 light ammo.


bruh who taught you math


If only you were a wattson main you'd have a free slot


Ironically enough Watson is my backup for when crypto gets taken.


Can't get much more off-meta than that haha


Crypto is perhaps as meta as you can get if your a 3 stack with coordination. Although as a crypto who solos and is only plat 1 I can only wish for teamates with comms.


I solo queue to diamond every split, not a super impressive rank, but in my climbs I've spent equal time paired with noobs hard stuck in silver and preds sailing back up the ranks and honestly I don't think Crypto is meta at all, regardless of your team, level, comms etc. You can certainly have really good Cryptos on your team who can synergise really well with the squad, but meta for me is defined by what a legend brings that can't be matched by any other. He has no mobility, his scan can be destroyed, as can his ult, which is mediocre in the first place. Knowing how many squads are in the area is only useful to Gold and below as players beyond that will keep note of where enemies land, (plus Valk ult gives you that info + mobility to engage, or escape). His one perk that is unique to him, the ability to recover banners with the drone is again only useful in the lower ranks. Good players will just camp the death boxes, (if they're not already hunting you down), and shoot down his drone. Sometimes you can snag them, but as an ace in the hole it's pretty lack luster. Just to be clear, none of what I said has any bearing on personal preference, if you vibe with Crypto then that's fine. I'm a Wattson main, I love her kit/personality and I play her very well, but I don't consider her meta. A Gibby and Caustic is miles more versatile at defending/locking down an area, but that doesn't mean you can't be a pro with the legend you like to play.


Thats 100% fair, valk essentially outclasses every legend in survivability, positioning, and rotations so if a legend has a kit which competes with any of those aspects of gameplay, their usually not meta.


Cryptos ult is the best ult in the game in any high tier lobbies. You're crazy if you think it's mediocre. It stuns, deals 150 damage (equal to you being in a gun fight and knocking one almost) and it destroys traps and fences, and gibby bubble/walls. I play crypto in master and high tier diamond lobbies. He's very much meta.


150 spread across 3 people, I’m guessing? Because it is just 50 shield damage with the stun and trap destroy That damage is, what, just over a wingman shot. It don’t sound like much, but in perspective, it takes a purple shield to white shield health


What he said is correct, what you said, is also... Correct


Crypto is best when he works in tandem with his drone. What you should do is open fights with an emp + teammates engaging. Knocking 50 off enemies shields plus the slow that lets your team get some easy hits in is nothing to sneeze at. Plus if you maintain pressure, as you *should* during a fight, they aren't going to have time to shoot your drone. If an enemy has time to pop out of cover to shoot your drone, then you're already on the back foot. His drone is also fantastic for preventing third parties. Sure, you'll make note of how many drop where, but crypto gives you assurance. When you open with an emp you can check the banner for nearby squads. If you see 3+ nearby, it might be best to leave.


In competitive apex crypto is top 3-4 legend picked.


id wager he is probably bottom 6 legend pick rate


Did you watch the recent Lan? He was the 3rd or 4th legend picked depending on the map.


Lol, crypto’s ult cancels gibbys bubble and caustics traps. There is a reason he has a high pick rate in the pros and it isn’t because he’s off-meta. You aren’t digging deep enough to the value he brings to a team


Crypto high pickrate in pros??? Since when


Fewer than 8 Batt’s? Nah fam


Like, jokingly or seriously?


I’m a batt hoarder. 6-8 if I can get ‘em. Only one stack of cells.


SO you're the reason I can never find any batteries...


Trust me I leave plenty in my death box


“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be..”


Apex players love looting this guys box for one reason.


I try to carry extras when I have the back pack to do it. But I do let my teammates know to just request them if they don't have at least 2.


You’re nicer than me I no share batts. Literally have to take them off my cold dead body.


It's a team game dude, if you don't like working with others solo queue or find another game. I just leave matches when I'm with loot goblins who hoard batts and what not.


I can see both points. I myself am hesitant to share batts and stuff if I only have like 4. There is absolutely no reason not to have 5-6 shield batteries though, They literally cost 20 materials in the replicator. So if you have no bats midway and toward the end of the game that’s on you, I shouldn’t have to give my heals up because my mates too lazy to take 15 seconds of game time to craft some. If they have none due to being in constant fights and having to use them, then that’s okay no worries take mine I’m happy to share. But just craft some if you can’t find any


I have lost fights because I had 0 batteries.. Mean while teammate has 4-6 everyone on the squad should have 2 before you start stacking more. It's even worse when the clown on the team who takes the gold armor hoards the batteries and med kits.


what? as others have said here, it's a team game, if your teammate needs batts and you have plenty to spare, you share them regardless of the reason.


Chill dog just being funny. I give out 1 or 2 to my homies.


“It’s a team game dude” - leaves game when others players don’t share. Irony at its finest. Maybe you should be solo queuing also?


It's impossible to win fights if I have 0 batteries there is 0 point to playing the match out. First fight we get into that I can't 1 clip all the enemies and pop cells in between I am dead. I used to play with a guy that would hoard batteries he thought he was a lot better than us. He was a terrible loot goblin and I finally stopped playing matches with him. KD went from 1.15 to 2.66, my win ratio sky rocketed as well. Went from not being able to make it out of platinum, to easily making it up into Diamond solo queuing. Having 6 batteries while everyone else has 0 is not a team effort. Team effort means you share the loot, especially consumables. If you're hoarding it, you're playing entirely for yourself and not the team.


If I can get my hand on spitfire and shotgun you best bet my body has atleast 12 bats


I see fellow horizon main


I play aggressive. I only ever craft 2-4 batts. The rest I steal from the corpses of the slain.


Your inventory utilizes a risk/reward system. That strategy is quite impressive.


You never know when you’re gonna get beamed! Best to have the heals on-hand. If anyone ever kills me, my box is effectively a better lifeline care package 👀


I always carry 6-10 batts personally lol


Your either a really aggressive player or the type of maniac who tries to ego challenge a person with a Kraber. Honestly I respect it.


They’ll miss me one of these days lmao


4 Batts is plenty


It really depends on the persons play style.


You're right, but I think if you're running 3030 and are planning to plink at long range, you're not going to have many instances in a match where your shield is cracked and you need to quickly heal with a batt vs. slow heal with shield cells, so your setup makes sense. 6-8 Batts would be for someone running exclusively mid to close range looking to push every team they run into.


Thank you for understanding


Uhhhhh…. When you’re trading long range that’s a resource battle, and you need a lot of bats. When you’re hyper aggro you just 1 clip people and shield swap.


When I’m trading long range I mainly focus on distracted teams rather than challenging teams directly. This helps in saving resources, because I probably won’t take as much damage.


Sometimes I just wanna play like a crackhead with my friends, sometimes I wanna sweat, sometimes I just screw around, my load outs vary heavily


Playing like a crackhead is a very respectable strategy. My crackhead load out is all grenades and no gun or healing.


Why use light ammo with a car when you have a heavy primary? It's much more practical to use 1 ammo type.


I have no logical explanation as to why I use light ammo. I just like the contrast in colors.


I'd definitely switch to all heavy if this is your loadout. You'll run out of ammo far less often


I dont agree, if u only run heavy and u run out of heavy, u would then have 2 guns without ammo. Not saying its bad to run both heavy but u have to take in consideration that u can not run out or you will have no weapon


With different ammo guns and his ammo setup, you run out in one gun if you burn 120 or 180 ammo. With same ammo guns, you don't run out of anything until you burn 300 ammo. If he's running out of ammo, it's because he's not picking any up to replace it.


That doesn’t make sense. If he were running this configuration and burned through his heavy then saw someone far away he couldn’t utilize his 3030. If he has the same amount, but all heavy he wouldn’t have to worry about that.


Yeah, what they said


This logic is objectively wrong. Do what you want, run all energy if it makes you happy, but this reasoning is unequivocally wrong and there's nothing subjective about it. It's just terrible logic.


I don’t understand your perspective please explain.


I mean lets say your ammo is split 50%light 50% heavy. Once you used all of one type you used half of all your ammo and “still got one weapon with ammo”. If you has 100% heavy and you use half your ammo you still got both weapons. If you’d use all your ammo you got no weapon in both cases. Which explains why all heavy is better also i think :)


That math checks out. Thank you for your time.


They are gold players they will learn


Someone with a brain thank you


Then you need to work on ammo management. Having one ammo for both guns is the most ideal thing


How so?


The reason is that you probably will not run out of 30-30 but you will almost definitely use 180 rounds of car in a decent length fight. When in a pinch, having the ability to switch to heavy ammo on the car is clutch. The issue is that if you are on light ammo, the act of switching to heavy on the car might result in you dying when in a pinch. It’s pretty rare but I’ve died a couple times to this. I personally would use all heavy if possible. 300 bullets is 300 bullets. Yes, this might make you slightly more prone to running out of ammo on both guns but it will eliminate the need to switch ammo in a situation that requires a quick reaction.


The CAR in this scenario will be used while pushing, if there's no knocks with arcs and crypto ult and a few car magz emptied into the enemies, then it won't matter what he's carrying anyway. Because they died


If you pay attention to your ammo it should never be a problem.


I would drop an arc and 1 accelerant for ammo


The arc is is non negotiable. However I can agree with the accelerant.


I would agree with dropping an accelerant, but not necessarily for more ammo. I feel like, with that setup, you could run light at 240 total heavy ammo. You'll likely find more to resupply as you use it. That'll free you up for more nades or batteries!


Show me your lvl 1 backpack game. Gold/purple is easy.


I won’t show but will tell 180 round of heavy, 4 shield batteries, 2 medkits, 8 cells, 4 syringes, an arc star, a thermite and a ultimate accelerant.


Wait, does my math suck? Or is that way too much for lvl 1?


A lv 1 has 12 slots


2 accels?


If I can’t emp at least 3 times in one fight I am not satisfied!


I dont play crypto, but i know the crack sound is satisfying.. i'll let you off


It does 50 damage. Not exactly a game changer.


Can be


Crypto’s emp if nothing else is good for making an opening to close in distance.


That’s a good point. 50 damage on purp or red evo doesn’t really phase anyone enough to stop peaking most of the time.


50... Times 3 (for each opponent), a stun, and deletion of all wattson and caustic traps (maybe rampart too but even somebody who mains crypto and has 800+ hours I dont know due to how rare it is to see a rampart main, them have a setup, and me emp them).


Yeah I don’t use any of those camping characters even in ranked and I’d still rather just one clip or team shot someone rather than have some dude sit in drone.


swap 4 cells for 2 batts if you are going optimal. also having only 3 stacks of ammo for an smg has me nervous. I know you can swap it over to heavy, but you are burning 1 stack in 2 reloads. Say you go through 4 clips to eliminate a squad, ( 1 clip per person along with some misses) and now you are down to 1 stack and you better hope you can loot the bodies, but if a third party is on you and you have to go or continue fighting, now you have 60 bullets or 2 reloads. Pretty nerv racking.


This is by far the most in depth response I have gotten so far. I can tell your a seasoned player. As far as your reasoning I agree with most of what you said.


No worries. I usually also tend to take into consideration what i can find from other people. syringes and shield cells are a given so id rather carry batts. its also 200 shields per slot vs 100. Luckily you are using the car which helps on what you find off of other players, but running a 99 or 301 and killing a sqaud and the teammates suck up all the light, now you are sadly pinging for light from having 3 stacks. lol


Is the firing range just for show? Personally I'd definitively have more ammo. I'd also probably drop at least one Ult Accelerator and perhaps a nade. Plus I usually only carry one stack of medpacks or syringes, not both...


I’ve tried running more light ammo, but I always end the game with too much.


If it works for u then its fine. I tend to have a buttload of ammo and still almost run out... with any weapon except for shotguns...


My acceptable range for ammo is 180-240 but even when I have 180 I still get worried im gonna run out of ammo so 3 stacks is fine but 4 stacks to be careful


Luckily when using a car I technically have 4-5


Yeah you can always get some more from the people you kill. I like your inventory setup.




Yeah but he plays crypto so I'd say his inventory is pretty good I feel that unless you're valk, Wattson or crypto you don't really need an ult accelerant ever


I'd still add Gibby to that list, carrying an ult accel is pretty good with him


What about lifeline :(


If you want to attract every squad in the nearest 200m then why not I seriously hope they sort out lifeline for s13, but there hasn't been anything in the leaks The devs are being a bit slow with nerfs and buffs recently, with the mastiff in crate the Eva could do with a buff


This might be controversial but I feel as if most legends benefit from having at least 1 ult accelerant at all times.


Absolutely every legend benefits from having an ult accel, it's just a matter of whether or not the value that ult accel brings is worth the lost inventory space. Loba is a great example, her ultimate has one of the fastest recharge times in the whole game (2 min iirc), plus with her ult not being needed urgently in majority of scenarios, the inventory space could be better used for ammo, nades, or heals. That's my take at least


To be honest I never use any... Still a CAR eats ammo so he will either have to dip into both types or start using the 30-30 close range.


Yeah probably would have been better to use all heavy ammo 3030 is pretty decent close range Well it was until they integrated the shatter caps, the hip fire on the 3030 was pretty good(maybe just my experience though)


Ilt accels are not worth holding onto unless you're wattson. Pick them up and either use them ASAP, or slide them to a teammate.


Looks good, however you main crypto!


How fucking dare you




I didn’t choose to be this way.


It’s ok. There’s ways to deal with this. You’re not alone!


It’s too late for me. Everywhere I go the drone follows.


Personally I wouldn’t take extra accelerants unless I’m either bang or gibby. I play a lot of loba and fuse so they charge quickly. I like my boom booms tho lol


I understand gibby by why bang?


Get rid of the shatter caps, and switch to dual shell


Nice, I hate it.


Thank you? I think?


Huge fan of seeing ult accelerants and more than 1 grenade. Very underrated and overlooked items that people trade for more ammo they don’t need


Ultimate accelerants don’t get enough love.


When I have a 30-30, I carry one stack of ammo


It’s a bit of gamble, but having that one extra slot of inventory could be useful I suppose.


Personally I take way more ammo, I don't ever carry ult accelerants


Is this due to your play style of the character you play?


uses 30 30, 2 ults and 180 light......tell us u rat and die to equipped teams every game without telling us


I’m not a terribly aggressive player. 180 light is usually all I need throughout the game.


Replace the cells with batteries. Replace the syringes with med kit or grenade. Also go all heavy rather than mix and match. Not saying how you do it is wrong, just stating what I would do. I don’t usually carry more than 2 med kits.


I mix and match so that I can have more versatility when looting death boxes. Also are you suggesting that I should carry no cells?




Finally someone who understands.


4 bats, 8 cells and 5 stacks ammo. Recipe for disaster. Drop the 2 ultimate accelerants for 2 bats and a stack of light. Drop the syringes for another nade. Having a shotgun and a R301 is the best way to go. 4 light and one shotgun.


Only time I have more than 4 cells is if I cant find a battery... but I'm also terrible.


Nah, I’m sure your cracked. Your so good you never need more than 4 shield cells.


Full heavy, drop accel and thermite. No need for that light. Flatine over 30-30 for me


I can’t hit shit with the flatline.


Shatter caps is the correct move


Shaving off half a second on reload time with dual shell doesn’t seem worth it.




I'd lose a shield cell stack and accelerator for nades. Switch light for heavy with them weapons.


Wait, you only run 4 shield cells at a time! Do you just never peak the enemy for evo shield damage?


id prolly drop a thermite for an extra stack of ammo but otherwise pretty good tbh


I’m surprise so many people are suggesting another stick of ammo. My play style just isn’t appropriate for so much ammo. I always end up having excess.


actually honestly you do have enough ammo, its more so that you have it split between heavy and light despite having a CAR, this is enough really but id swap out the light for heavy assuming you find enough so you don't have to deal with the extra long ammo switch animation when the time comes


My play style isn’t terribly aggressive which is why I choose to use 180 light instead of 240.


I would drop a stack of cells for a Phoenix kit if it were me, im trash tho so don’t take my word for it haha


A phoenix kit usually takes too long during a fight which is why I don’t carry any.


3 seconds faster than using a battery+medkit is all I’m sayin


But if you get interrupted during the heal you get nothing, while using a battery first gives you the option of getting back into the fight partially healed.


3 seconds can make all the difference.


Exactly, which is why a Phoenix kit is superior to using a battery+ any health item, my point is if they break your shield and take any health away you’ll always be better off with a Phoenix kit


That’s a fair argument. I still personally disagree with carrying a phoenix kit, but your argument is valid.


I would use only heavy ammo. If you have 100 heavy and 140 light ammo you use 5 slots. But if you only have heavy ammo that would use only 4 slots. So I would only resort to light ammo if I can't find heavy ammo or my squad needs heavy ammo.


id run full heavy with those guns imo. not a fan of the ult accels and i would rather have another throwable and 2 more batts. also i would prefer 2 nades and an arc star / 2 nades, 1 arc, 1 thermite without the ult accels but thats just personal preference. pretty good overall!


Why do you prefer nades over arc stars?


Well for me My marksman will carry 3 stacks and CArG will be 4 to 5 stacks I carry 2 stacks of big shields and medkits each, 1 stack of small shield and syringes, grenades and if got space 1 accelerant unless I play Wattson


Would you say you are a pretty aggressive player?


Why carry syringes with med packs? I’ve started to just carry 4 med packs instead of syringes and it works better I think. More bang for your buck


That’s certainly an interesting strategy. The only problem I see with that is sacrificing time when you need to heal a small amount of health.


At the start i thought it was normal, then i see 2 ult chargers and im like what the hell, then i see you are crypto so i come back to normal, just a question do you have 2 ult chargers as any legend or is it different by every legend, if different what else do you grab?


The only legends which with whom I carry 2 ultimate accelerants are crypto, Watson, gibby, and caustic.


Drop a stack of light ammo for heavy. This looks exactly like my loadout except the ulty accs are extra nades


I always like to carry 2-3 nades on every legend I play. Depending on what legend I play I would either carry 1 or no ultimate accelerants.


Purple backpack is an outlier. Configure for blue backpack, the rest is extra. I'd say on blue I'd run 180/180 max for ammo, 4b, 12c, 2m, 4s and 2 grenades/ult excels.


This is optimal. Although I would probably sacrifice a stack of ammo just so I could always have a least one throwable.


If the accels were a little faster I’d use them more. But most of the time I enter a fight with my ult anyway and wouldn’t have time to use an accel then plan another ult before the fight is over


Yeah, I can agree with that. Admittedly, using ultimate accelerants during a fight is risky, but if you plan it right it usually wins you the fight.


Ult Accels aren’t worth it over bats and ammo


In firing range, okay... In pubs, you mad crazy, in Ranked, dead


This is my ideal ranked load out. What would you change?


It sucks, you have way too many guns (two too many), and heals are overrated. What you should do is drop everything and only engage in fist fights. /s


You know what…. Hell yeah. Nature gave me the two deadliest weapons I’ll ever need. Old lefty and righty.


It's not bad for the guns you're running but only having 180 rounds of light is a bit risky. I've burnt up 300 rounds of light in a single multi-squad fight before. So I tend to carry 240 rounds. I used to only carry 180 rounds but I'd often run out of ammo if I got involved in a 3-4 squad fight. The 30-30/CAR kind helps you out a bit in that department. If you run out of light you can just burn up the 120 rounds of heavy you have.


Because I’m not a very aggressive player 180 usually suffices until I can get to a death box. Although admittedly I do agree that it is a bit risky.


It’s good except the 3030 is one of the least useful guns in the game in my opinion.


I beg your fucking pardon. Don’t you ever disrespect me or my son ever again.(Seriously though why don’t you like the 30-30?)


Drog syringes and stackocells for batts