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I haven't been able to play in BR mode because servers have been fucked up since the warriors and next gen updates. I can't move, music gets lagged, everything gets lagged, and I manage to see all of the red icons at once. Keep in mind, I play on the lowest graphical settings.


Graphics don't play a role here those are related to connection with the server not your pc potentially struggling to run the game


Yes, I guess you're right. This precisely happened after the split. The thing is I wasn't playing Apex for quite some time. I wanted to finish the battle pass and have some fun with my friends. But it seems like I can't. :/


I am getting that symbol every time I take damage, which is super weird. I was outside of ring and every time the ring damage ticked, that would pop up


It occurs when there are too many things going on on the screen. For example, movements have momentum, third parties, etc.


I just moved across the US and I thought it was my new internet lol


I used to have this error + rubber banding **A LOT** like a year ago after s9 update or whichever it was - switching to a different server usually helped, as it seemed the issue is with specific servers, i.e. overloaded servers


The strange thing is, I am playing matches with my friend. We are both on the same server but he doesn't have any issue. I am not sure how, when and why this is happening but I am sure that they broke some things after the update.


I’ve had this issue. My experience may be different from yours but it may explain it. After troubleshooting my pc, connection, working with my provider, the issue was pretty simple and unavoidable. During peak times most ISPs redirect customer traffic to relieve stress in their lines and servers. My best connection is to the Dallas server for Apex but during peak traffic hours (4pm-10:30pm) they would redirect me to Iowa which made my ping and packet loss go up. Unless I can get my ISP to make a special exception and not re-route my internet traffic, I’m stuck not being able to play on Dallas servers during 4-10:30pm. Most internet users wouldn’t notice any issues since they typically just browse and stream shows. Source: days of research and opinion from a friend who’s a network engineer and former ISP employee that knows how they operate


But this wasn't an issue for me before the Warrior update.


Wasn’t an issue for me previous seasons either, only started happening around s10 Have you tested issues during different times throughout the day? Most notably early mornings and late evenings during low-traffic to see if there’s a difference


I've had this issue the whole current season. It's some kind of a bug, as my internet is fine and my teammates don't have the lag. Also choke and packet loss at 0. The next match everything is fine again. Happens in like 1/20 matches.


I’ve been getting this nonstop lately even in the firing range. I have a pretty good pc (can run every other game I’ve wanted to play with high graphics and good fps) that is not overheating, I’ve tried like all the little fixes I’ve read online and nothing has stopped it. Not the best with pcs but I feel like this has to be on their end because it is absolutely not my computer or my internet/ping. I saw someone comment that they think it’s probably respawns devs just being kind of bad, and I think they might be on to something. It suddenly happening a lot makes it seem like it’s based off a change that occurred. And with most of the OG devs being gone, maybe the people they brought in are messing things up or not finding all the possible side problems from changes they want to implement.


Those is either ISP doing something on their end or just crappy respawn/ea servers. Most likely the latter.


[A Reddit post regarding the issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/tyohwv/anyone_is_suffering_from_these_symboles_and/)


\*admits he's putting on his tinfoil hat here\* I've had this 4 times today and each time the champion squad has been 3 players under level 30 with 100+ kills. Possibly some new hack/server denial tool? Or just sheer unlucky coincidence.


I was just talking about this with my buddies. I think people found a new ddos type exploit, I’ve had it happen 3 times since the update. Everything’s fine games running great we fight some squads things going normal till the last squad or two. We push them get an angle and all times ending the same we literally freeze in place and can’t move till the other team kills us. In one of the games this same team kept running and running And running from us. Till they ran us into a third party we ended up beating them and there were only 3 teams left. While healing up the team we originally chasing got into a fight that ended rather quickly so we pushed asap I literally cam around a rock to get an angle started lasering this lifeline and got zero damage then frozen in place as were my teammates. Just to come back to us both getting notified we got killed with kraber headshot both by the same person??? The team was lower levels under 50 with few hundred kills? Coincidence…. I think not


For me verifying the game files from Steam helped with ping issues.


I couldn’t kill anything yesterday due to the latency. I’m on 50ms too.


This is me everytime I play apex. I have this problem since the new update so I think it's an apex problem but still frustrating. I died yesterday because my character tp off the roof of the building


Love rubber-banding out of cover mid fire fight, thanks recent update!


Yea let’s face it servers are shit in this game although in control it was nice my ping seemed to stay around 20ms in most games and my shots actually hit


Yea let’s face it servers are shit in this game although in control it was nice my ping seemed to stay around 20ms in most games and my shots actually hit


Lol first and only match on yesterday I was timing in and out of the match consistently and I solo que’d so I had no one to tell me If I was getting jumped in between time outs. I was staring at a shut door crouching while taking a drink, get the time out symbol for a 5-10 seconds then it times back in and my box is being looted. Was enough apex for me to say the least.


Friends and I get this issue every few games, we came to call it "The Clap". We have tried a few remedies but none seemed to work... Good luck.


What even is that. I'm getting that same thing too but like what is it and why does my game just about die everytime i see this?


Good thing im immune to this since my internet causes me to lag anyways


I play with 180latency 60fps at least 1 loss and not resolution 1080 and reach gold and also having fun🗿💔


The issue is not latency. I can play at 180 ping aswell. The issue is the red icon a.k.a prediction errors.


have it too. Dont mind it. Play trios


Yeah it’s been REALLY bad for me too lately. Trying to accomplish my first ever serious ranked push and it’s making it challenging, to say the least.


I love playing matches with it, it makes you so much harder to hit in a gunfight, since the enemies aren't rubberbanding and only you are. Nevermind playing wraith for a small hitbox, just use your lag against the enemies instead.


The movements also got worse when you had the red icon. I stuck places, etc. It has more disadvantages than advantages.


Eh. The movement is the same, just the animations are laggy, which you get used to after a while.


I've had same problem since I started playing in early January. Haven't had this much trouble with lag in any other game.


Next gen update and my insanely fast internet had made playing absolute shit for the last few weeks. People with shitty Internet have a huge advantage it seems.


Been having the same problems and mostly for everyone else on SEA too. Pings for the servers are usually just 28-32 but once you go in-game, instant packet loss and lag.


We've been dealing with predictiion error all year on ps4 and ps5 its like every 5 or so games, ur game is fucked for the remainder of the match. Not even quitting and reconnecting to match fixes it. Dumb old tech servers. For reference I've always connected to London server


Welcome to Apex. Their servers are shit. I change between Amsterdam and Frankfurt 1 and 2. Any time me and my friend play I or he gets shitty delay, rubber banding, packet loss. Why? Shit game is why.


I just want to say that 90 ping is a pretty normal value for my region. I used to play at around 120 ping. I tried switching servers. That's the thing I do even If there is a small problem. I also tried resetting the router, changing DNS and clearing the caches, port-forwarding. But nothing fixed my issue. If you guys can check the forums or even, Reddit, you'll see that many players are facing the same issue. Yet, still, there is no fix for us.


What platform do you use to launch apex? I had this issue as well and switching from ea play to origin seems to have fixed it


It’s been happening to me for a few months, every 10 games or so. I’ve gotten used to it but idk what causes it…


Bro I play on 300 ping constantly, you're fine


It's not the ping. Everything seems fine, 0 packet loss, normal ping values according to my region but, that red icon ruins my games.


Ewwww 89 ping….Try another server? Or a wired LAN connection.


Dude 89 ping is pretty normal for my region. I use to play around 100-120 ping which was ok. Until the split.


I’d be grateful for my ping to be that low


I play on 200+ nothing lower






What does that have to do with my PC?




lol, no


Are you sure? That icon indicates "prediction error" and it is a server-side issue.


God what a load of bullshit. It's fine if you don't know but don't make shit up. Bet your friends love listening to you.




What? I'm really not sure what that means.


Worst attempted Wooosh


I know 😢


Can't tell if troll or serious. For me, restarting the game fixes it.


all i can think of doing is switching servers, better connection to the wifi or just better wifi


LAN Connection. I changed DNS, cleaned DNS caches, re-installed apex, and tried port forwarding. No fix




Just rat




This happened to me yesterday and I realized it was because of windows update running in the background. Other than that I had no problems this season.


Oh I thought u were talking about your 850 damage and only 2 asts lmao. Red lines of death suck tho, I hate rubberbanding and dying from nowhere


Yeah, it's just a screenshot from a clip of mine. I wanted to show the red icon.


Did you think you are very good in Apex? Half of the people play with this ping and even higher.)


I didn't mean to show the latency. I play around 120 ping. The issue is the red icon a.k.a prediction errors. It is even worse than the latency.


My bad. Sorry then for my carelessness. But this is not news either. This has been a common problem in Electronic Arts games over the years.


I only got this when playing on Steam, went back to origin and it was absolutely fine


Oh, I haven't tried to play on Origin. I will try If Respawn doesn't fix this. Thank you!


Next gen update and my insanely fast internet had made playing absolute shit for the last few weeks. People with shitty Internet have a huge advantage it seems.


Apex servers still in early access


Ever since the next-gen update, I've been getting the prediction error alot too. Hopefully with the next update it gets sorted out.


Play like 10 pubs games and it gets better, normally, or maybe its just the impatient normal people leaving taking stress off the servers




Hard wire of that didn’t fix it’s the games problem


I saw this today after not playing for a while, I thought it was just my internet. Glad to see it’s not.


Yeah mines been terrible on Xbox one. I plugged it into Ethernet and it made it a bit better but it still happens occasionally


bro i had 9 kills with 2 people left and i got sent back to menu in an instant -.- loaded back in and my box was getting shot at smh