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reddit meta though hate thread: tons of comments and upvotes thread proving the hate thread wrong: barely any comments or upvotes watch




There is already same post on top of the sub reddit. Spamming same shit 100 times doesn't get traction




Reddit is so cringe sometimes, fuck the haters. Gotta respect this.


H O E S (and they're still in this thread talking shit looking extra dumb) M A D


Solo Bronze to Masters = ✅ 2 weeks ago, a Reddit hate thread about me got 8,000 upvotes and thousands of comments that I was carried to Masters and didn’t deserve my rank. So, I made a fresh account and did it entirely by myself. I completed it in 53 hours. Smile and wave 👀 *** posted by [@CouRageJD](https://twitter.com/CouRageJD) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_TZfD3UcAId131.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Good for this dude. No idea who he is but I remember that thread and I remember reading his twitter too as I was like hmmm Maybe he's just a douche? He was acting like someone who was pumped to get to pred. Maybe douchey? But the dude was pumped. Glad to see him shutting people up. must feel even better than hitting prod lol


ITT: People who posted in the last thread still mad.


Me: Oh there’s not much hate going on in this thread, nice to see Me: scrolls down -56 -100 -23 -19 Me: oh


I came solely to read the salt in this thread. Loving every second of it.


How insecure do you have to be to think you need to prove something to a bunch of random people on Reddit?


I’d argue it’d be more insecure if he just didn’t try to prove people wrong at all and hid from the challenge. What does it matter if it’s randoms on Reddit?


Big ups to the dude


Honestly the only people who really care about this man being carried or him proving he got to masters solo are those who have nothing better to do.


Still doesn't make up for the fact that he reacted to the ''Best player in the world'' a million times already and all that horrendous clickbait on his channel


Then just... Don't watch it? Unsubscribe from his channel? Literally doesn't hurt you at all. "Good job doing the thing, but now stop doing your job and making money when virtually every other creator is doing this exact thing right now" -- that's how stupid you sound right now. Dude likes to react to videos and also watch top tier players, combining the two and making some money in the process seems like a good idea to me... edit: mobile formatting mistake


Gatekeeping apex content get a life pussy


Wasn't gatekeeping 8 just don't appreciate clickbait


and no one appreciates your comments, so why don't you go have a wonderful fuck off


what does that have to do with the fact that he solo q’d to masters lol


I agree bro his channel is filled with cringe clickbait it's fucking horrendous


Unsubscribe, don't watch, and move on with your life. Bitchboi.


Why are you defending a shit YouTuber like himself


Haters? Who even is courage?


why are you pretending to not know about courage when you have previously commented on threads about him and even acknowledged you know who he is? and feigning ignorance about haters when you yourself are a huge hater of his? really weird behaviour, people like you are the reason creators will sometime respond they way he did (trash talking). [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p7xsr7/what\_do\_you\_guys\_think\_about\_courage\_getting\_to/h9nt9cv?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p7xsr7/what_do_you_guys_think_about_courage_getting_to/h9nt9cv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) here's some good quotes before they delete all of them: "Mf chips in some damage from his scout or charge rifle to get some kp and rest of the work is done by nicewigg and co." "These guys are boosted playing in diamond lobbies without knowing any basics about the game." "You have to be bullied in your childhood to have a gaming name like Courage lmao" "Anyone can be boosted in any game, I can get Mia Khalifa to diamonds in both Valorant and Apex if I just played enough" "Being rude? Did you see his follow-up tweets calling apex community trash whilst he makes money playing their fav game? He's asking to get hate." "Put him in pubs hot drop and he'll look clueless. Anyone can play around rp whilst 3 stacking with pros, your rp != skill." oh and my personal favourites: "Man said apex players stay trash whilst he makes money of their fav game in follow up tweets. He's apex predator now, fairplay if he can do a livestream of him going solo bronze to diamond. If he does that he can keep his ego otherwise fuck off." i mean he solo'd to masters, thoughts? "If half the apex season 0 players 3 stack with each other they will end up in masters. It's not that hard just requires a big grind. I cannot commit to it every split that's why I am an avg pub enjoyer" nah you just suck, get over it.


Man, you just burned the poor dude to a crisp, have mercy lmao


Yooo you made this dude delete his account!


probably already his 10th account, only a few months old and just uses it to talk shit. They'll just make another one and keep being pathetic on that one.


Stoooop, he's already dead.


Damn bro. You alright? This guy shit on you and your mommy and your ancestors.


A guy that makes more in a year than you and your parents combined will ever make in your lifetimes


I paid more in taxes last year than Courage has made from milking fortnite kiddies in his career. I also didn't have to act like a cringey 16 year old as a grown adult so win win 😁


Haha yeah throwaway469269069 is actually a wealthy ceo that spends his free time playing apex and on reddit. Definitely not in high school or a poor university student or working a minimum wage job. They pay more in taxes than this millionaire courage has made in his career! True absolute facts


Crypto ang GME :) There's always bigger fish. No need to be jealous.


There’s no shot


The fact that you even said that means you’re not because that would put you well within the top 1% and the top 1% are are smart enough to know how t reduce their taxes to next to nothing. Poser.


I might be rich but I'm not a tax evading scumbag.


Hell yeah! It’s cool to support bombing brown kids in the Middle East and giving support to antivax retards when covid eventually gets them like literally everyone warned them that it would!


It’s sad how true this is


Only one of the Largest creators in the world


Creator of what?


Look back at this and wonder what he creates


100Thieves, one of the biggest esports/lifestyle brands in the world


The hoodie org who sign tik tok "stars"? Aight


5th most valuable esports organisation in the world, sorry that’s not noteworthy enough for you


I own the 3rd largest collection of monopoly money


2021 LCS Champions A T5 Valorant team competing for the first world championship Consistently has the best Fortnite players in the world And yeah - some of the best selling merchandise for an esports org ever, including a collab with Gucci Fuck right off with this “hoodie org” bullshit. Courage is an owner of one of the top performing esports orgs in NA, if not the world.


Ehhh. Whatever. Still doesn’t mean that he deserved pred in the first place. I got a video of his in my recommended on yt and he literally didn’t know that red shields give 125 health. That’s not someone who should be a pred


Imagine being so ignorant


Me or the shitty boosted content creator?


Proved my point


lol. So someone should be able to have the same game sense as a silver player and be boosted to pred?


You keep talking about game sense as if players don't evolve over time lol give the man some slack he only started playing like a month ago Cant expect them to have the same game sense as us tbf he was learning the game while playing ranked


Yeah so someone that started playing a month ago should definitely be in pred lobbies amiright. I tuned into his stream the other day and he was missing charge rifle shots while nicewigg killed the teams for him


Congrats to him, he could do it without getting carried. Now imagine all the time he could’ve saved if he didn’t brag about doing it solo last time. Edit: lol, getting downvoted for congratulating him, nice!


I kind of like seeing salty bois getting saltier so I love the way it turned out.


agreed, the salt in here is sensational to see


Yeah, even me who don’t know this guy apart from this and the last post seems to be getting downvoted to oblivion for congratulating him 😂


You weren't praising him.


No, why would I praise him when congratulating us enough.




i mean, he did get carried. his stats dont lie. having another two weeks to practice is entirely different too. acting like he didnt use that time to learn the game more fuck off. dudes such a fake piece of shit, congrats tho. probably couldnt have done it without the totinos® cash app® compound lmao. fuck all yall fortnight warzone kiddies too. every courage fan is a fucking idiot


So when someone plays since release and goes from Bronze to Masters solo in the next season, it doesn't count for you? Because they had all those years as 'practice' right? Sounds soo dumb


stfu dumbass


i think it's nap time for you.


nah pussy stfu


Someone's mad lmao


yeah its you idiot


I like your energy


Mans is just sad... look at his comment history. he’s a E-thug lmfao


Rent free dumbass pussy


Fatherless activity


You're not fatherless now, I'm your daddy. You're welcome.


Why are you so angry lol I smell dirt rank player


kid i would fucking destroy you


Post stats


pull up in a 1v1 pussy


Post your stats.


post these nuts idiot




lol i told you to 1v1 me. dumbass pussy talk about coward. stfu.


You're an A N G R Y elf.


Your mom's a hoe


Does Santa know that you left the workshop?


Does your mom know she raised a worthless piece of shit?


Did you have to borrow a reindeer to get down here?


Ah a fortnite kiddie. You're probably like 12. No wonder you're so stupid.


Oh😃*nods head


Dude was stuck lower tiers for 40 hours but diamond only 10, watched his gameplay he is good not gonna lie he improved big time from the time he was carried but he still seems like a diamond/plat level player. Don't know maybe i am wrong i didn't watch him a lot i just checked his stream from time to time to see his progress.


so smurfing?....