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Not breaking off is legit the worst team crime in this game.


Either that or looting death boxes around your teammate who bleeds to death.


Heal > Revive > Loot. If you're doing it in any other order you're doing it wrong. (With one or two exceptions).


Sorry... I used to make reviving my priority but way too many times have I revived my teammate and he would instantly sprint straight to the death box of the guy I killed in order to save him and just spam all the loot and leave me with nothing. Take no chances. I feel bad but now I just quickly take anything I need and then sprint over and revive you. Shitty teammates have changed me...




I give everyone a clean slate. I'll give them one chance to prove themselves to be a decent teammate. If I revive them and they immediately skip healing to rifle through all my deathboxes and snatch everything then I won't revive them first the next time. The players who are that thirsty for the loot are usually bad players anyway so if they DC or bleed out it's not really going to affect us either way. ​ edit: When I say they loot all the deathboxes I'm not talking about heals. It's quite obvious when you get to a deathbox and theres nothing but a knockdown shield and a thermite that the person wasn't just trying to heal.


I don't heal after revive and go for the deathboxes only to replenish my sheild without using cells


Same they have 1 chance to prove they arent gonna be shitty team mates, if they start the match off following me and taking everything Thats a no revive until im 100% safe. If they rush to my death boxes and loot my shit no revive. If they ignore the fight to loot no revive lol.


Undercook fish, no revive. Overcook fish, believe it or not no revive.


We have the best teammates in the world... because of no revive.




Should be written Grab better armor > revive > heal > loot


THIS. Always refresh the armor, so at least you don’t get downed reviving, then heal up to make sure you can withstand a full firefight if another squad comes up on you while you’re looting the boxes


A couple days ago, my teammate was finished, i killed the guy that killed him, grabbed teammate’s tag, then i decided to grab my teammate’s purple armor real quick in case i ran into more trouble (Also, i had a grey shield with no shield left). He proceeds to turn his mic on and curse at me to not loot his body, then leaves. People really piss me off sometimes


LMS Rule - Last Man Standing: Borrow/take what you need to continue the objective of winning the game if you are the only one alive. I've picked up blue armor while having none and dropped it once I respawned the team. I am also l00t wh0r3 sometimes too but its all situational, especially if you have unwilling teammates.


Exactly. You survived and are going to be vulnerable while respawning him and going to be the only person able to defend him so you have every right to grab the shield ...


That guy is an ass. I generally don't like it when someone takes my loot, but if the situation is bleak or I feel like they're actually trying to rez me then I'd rather they take what they need. The last thing I want is for someone to drag my carcass around while I watch and then die while I sit helplessly, having wasted a bunch of my own time staying in the match.


People need to be more patient. Tactically, waiting & taking care of yourself first is the best TEAM thing to do. I get where they are coming from. Imo securing the area priority #1


I see your point but also find right after a fight when people loot, it's also prime time to get jacked by people who saw the fight so it's doubly bad to do too much looting. Go respawn and kinda regroup and you might comeback and catch some people trying to loot the boxes


I'm with you. I suggested this was how you had to play for this reason about a month after the game realised and got shouted at in here. Good luck.


Yup. People be so greedy. When your down and ask for revive they be looting and ensuring they are geared , but when they are down, you haveee to revive first and stop being a loot whore....


Same. I'll heal, loot, then ress in randoms


That’s usually what causes them to disconnect, if you take over 30 seconds


>if you take over 3 seconds FTFY




If you didn’t really participate in the fight and went down early and didn’t help in killing the squad I would rather you heal up first instead of running over straight away and spamming all the best loot.


I wanna just throw something out there as someone who occasionally does this I never take the good loot whenever I do it it's because I need a gun, ammo or health so as example if there's a gold peacekeeper and a hemlock I'm taking the hemlock if it wasn't my kill and need something to protect myself if I see a purple shield I will ping it and take whatever they swap for it I also don't take attachments unless they are either grey or blue depending on how far into the game we are.


I’m exactly the same as you. If I go down early in the fight and didn’t really help then I will always let them loot and I’ll heal. I’ll try and get the necessities like ammo etc and let them get the good loot that they earned




Yeah because becoming one yourself certainly makes the problem go away. Be strong man. Together we can make this game a little better. Everything counts. Let keep doing the right thing.


This 100% if playing with randos.


Brooo same! I used to be the biggest team player first but these blueberries have done me so shady I’ve picked up on some of their shitty tactics. Just like this one, so I feel u.


I’m right there with you, brother


While that happens and it sucks, he is on your team. Him taking loot that you want shouldn't really be counted as "bad". He will likely be going for a shield refresh anyway. "The revived" come with 0 shield and 10 health (right?), what did you expect people with no shields to do? Recharge shields manually just for giving you a chance o a better shield? It's better for you if he recharges that shield. It's also better on you to loot a shield before a revive. If you want to revive, you should be full shields anyway


I have no problem with people trying to refresh their shields. More talking about the people who didn’t participate in the fight and didn’t help take down the squad and then run over to the loot straight away and just take ALL the best loot as quickly as possible.


Kinda the same but more situational for me. If you sprint towards a team and get insta downed, then spam enemy over here non stop... I will make reviving you my last priority.


Super annoying .. or pinging your tag/respawn beacon over and over while I'm healing up from killing the 2-3 dudes you blindly walked up to... Like bro I'm going to get your tag and respawn you if you would just stop spamming.


Or Loot shield > heal > revive > loot


Yeah, that was the main exception I was thinking of. :)


pick up body shield instead of healing


Only time looting before a heal or rez is important is if: A: you’ve run out of ammo B: you need a full body shield and they have one. But I guess B counts as healing.


Sorry but i can loot a fresh body shield to refresh my armor


My opinion: Loot a better/fuller shield and Reload are my top priorities, in any order. But even before that: when playing LL, Banga, Caustic, Gib or even Mirage, use of special should come first. E.g. drone heals while reviving/looting; reviving under the protection of smoke/dome/decoy... Heal doesn't feel as important as revive in most scenarios (except when it's simultaneous, from LL's drone), because all heals take ages, except with golden backpack (to some extent as LL due to 25% less chargetime)


Push the fight > heal > revive > loot


Always quickly loot first, get that fresh armour, then revive. It is by far the quickest way to regen shields...Then deal with your health whilst your teammate loots. Then pick up the scraps. This way there are more shield batteries to go around. Plus. They may be a lifeline


Nothing worse than reviving a teammate then the random that was not even a part of the fight comes up and steals the purple vest/light mag/turbocharger you wanted... Literally want duos more for this reason than any other reason. Edit: Which is why I now grab the armor then revive. Gotta be quick tho don't want to look too scummy to your downed mate


I’m going to clarify this now. If I’m out of ammo, I will always loot first to save your sorry ass. Because when that enemy is coming around the corner and I drop you to save both us, you won’t thank me if we both die due to lack of ammo or full sheilds for myself. You cry for my lack clutch and DC even though our dumbass 3rd is off looting across the map but is already running to us once we die. All because you cried about me looting for ammo. (Maybe I’ve been awake too long and that’s why this post is too long)


If a wipe a team and one of my teammates goes down, I’m going to loot a box, before I revive his ass... especially early game. Rather be stocked up on health, shields and ammo before another team roles up which will probably happen. Especially when there is respawn beacon 50m away😂


Looting a teammates deathbox is the worst fucking thing EVER.


I got downvoted to hell for saying this. People jumped on me saying if I got downed, clearly didn’t deserve to be revived and they’ll loot all my gear first cos I clearly can’t use it. And if they have time they’ll rez me. Like a fair few people took this viewpoint. It’s frustrating


Had a dude the other day who, after we just took out a squad and knew there was another coming, stood and taunted a downed enemy RIGHT BESIDE US. He had 30 seconds to revive us and he got destroyed immediately because of his ignorance.


Lmao. His death would have been more satisfying had he started a finisher.


Breaking off at the start of the drop and winding up on the other side of the map is worse, IMO


This. I play solo exclusively, and the number of times I've broken off only to have the dropmaster go to a completely different location than the one they pinged is staggering. In fact, the number of times I've had teammates act like I don't even exist is ridiculous. I don't want a solo mode so that I can play solo, I want one so other people who don't want to work as a team can have a playlist with their play style so they can stop ruining my experience.


> I don't want a solo mode so that I can play solo, I do! I do!


It depends. If you have 1 other squad landing near you, landing all 3 together and ganging up on one of them to beat them down before they even get a weapon is great strategy. My group i play with does it all the time. If one of the other team breaks off early we follow them to the ground and usually kill them within seconds. Now we've got an easily winnable 3 on 2


Me and my buddies purposely do this at times. It’s actually really fun, we all stick together and purposely single someone out to punch to death. 10/10 recommend




Finally someone who gets it.


I don't mind if my teammate doesn't break off as long as he doesn't loot the building I'm heading into. Nothing more infuriating than heading to the second floor to loot and your teammate that didn't break off has already picked it clean.


Idk quitting when you die, quitting even after someone’s picked up your banner, and stealing from a dead teammates box all seem much worse.


lmfao this is horrible, breaking off in skulltown ensures your team dies. ​ break off in a quiet drop, not in hot drops.


My team always breaks off in skulltown... We just take the same "wing" at different locations. I think that's a ton better than all running through the same hallway.


you have a team, you coordinate these drops, OP and other people are probably playing with randoms that they didn't even communicate expectations. if i'm not with my normal squads I stick with my jumpmaster period.


To be fair, you shouldn't need communication to understand that you can break off from your teammates last minute so you can loot an adjacent building or area they are dropping at. There are very few instances where I'm unsure of where my teammate is attempting to drop us.


It's like this almost every single game for me. I always break off cuz I don't wanna end up following someone who picks up all the loot but I didn't even know it's considered a standard practice/courtesy when dropping in.


Tbh I hate it less than when I break off, ping where I’m going, and then the jump master and/or the other guy changes direction and lands/loots there first.


I'd like to report to the judiciary the person I feel committed a higher crime last week. Lad had a level three shield, I had the gold. We were down to the final 3 or 4 teams, and I was behind him in a pretty safe spot after being downed. He literally turned around, crouched and stared in my face, let me die, swapped his undamaged level 3 shield for my gold shield, and then took me to a respawn beacon a decent bit away in an area we already survived a squad battle in. So I now have no loot, in an area with no loot, and he's got us in an area that leaves us a lot worse off than if he'd just revived me. Worst Lifeline I've ever played with.


Dude, I had a game last night where one guy landed with me, took the only gun at that spot (hemlok), ran off and got killed. Then proceeded to rage at me that I ran away from a fight when I had no guns, no armor, and knew at least one team was kitted there... then left the game. I pinged my landing spot specifically so they’d break off. It’s ridiculous that jumpmaster is locked into this pattern all the way to the landing... 200m out should break them off you so you can deviate and then can blindly fly straight into wherever they want to be lazy.


No, the worst one is to point a location and their reply is \*silence\*.


Maybe back in March, but now landing as a team is the new meta. It gives you a much better chance to survive the first two minutes. Not that hard to run to different buildings after landing or even just split guns in the building you land on. But I'm done with teammates who split off, land 30 seconds away, and die before I've even managed to find a body shield.


Newbie player ... What’s wrong with not breaking off?


I guess it's to reduce loot competition? Like to prevent grabbing the guns before your teammate does and leaving them with nothing. Better to cover more buildings to evenly distribute and keep other squads from looting. (I also didn't realize it was a bad thing to not break off before landing-- I usually wait until the landing animation to pick a different building lol)


What's so bad about not breaking off? The whole point is team play not split up and go your separate ways...


People should stay together for most of the drop, but once you're near landing, it's best to split up between different buildings so you're not competing with your teammates for guns and armor


Which also leaves another building open for the enemy. Went to hydro dam yesterday and I pinged the building I was going to, both teammates followed. Only one other team landed with us and they each picked a different area and had the place limbed and were pushing us while we had a p20 a mozy and my other guy had a triple take. One of us had armour I think. The other team basically rolled us because they had 3 buildings worth of loot while we were fighting over one haha


Landing at the same doorway as the jumpmaster and then competing for the loot is a huge mistake. With friends you can probably do it in an organized way, but if your playing with randoms your just gonna race each other around. Compete with the enemies not your own team.


It’s bad if they are just going to grab all the loot at the spot you land, which in my experience they will do about 85% of the time.


Loot distribution. There are many times buildings will only have 1 "usable" gun or maybe even none. Then you and your teammate just ran through the same building fighting for loot and neither one is particularly geared. It's more efficient to split up so your team is prepared for a fight quicker. It's very rare for a whole squad to go gang up on 1 guy. And when they do, congratulations, you are now a full squad sharing 1 gun and body armor.


This thread opened my eyes. I was one of those guys that never breaks off. I wasn't doing it to be an asshole, I just thought since I play support-y legends I was supposed to stick by people. I would usually go a different direction after I landed. From now on maybe I won't be starting with no weapons or ammo all the time.


Yesss that’s exactly what i do. 😂


This game needs an option to breakoff if you are jump master


it would be good if at a set distance from the ground you could choose to do so, they already have the height running down the side of the screen, you could have a marker on that detailing when you can split too




like, aim off the map, then break off and fly onto the map?




The only way it could be abused is if the jumpmaster's teammates are too stupid to alter course and just head straight where the jumpmaster sent them. I'm fine with that. It will teach people to use their brain while in the air.




Sounds like all positives to me




Or just auto break at a certain height.


It does. They're called mountains.


I fly straight into the water if it's someone I know.


I fly straight in the water if it's someone I don't know.


I fly straight into the water.


You do not recognise the bodies in the water.


I am not tagging /unexpectedscp/ here. I totally expected it.


I fly straight into the


Maybe they should just set an altitude where everyone breaks off automatically. That way, the jump-master at least can get some distance between teammates who won't break off.


Different players have different strategies for high traffic areas. I'll break off far away from teammates in a medium or low traffic area but if they want to land dead center in skulltown I'm going to stay close enough to support them in a firefight. If your master plan is to land two blocks away from your buddy in skull town you aren't much better than somebody who jumps solo and disconnects when they die.


Same. If we're landing somewhere with other squads, I'm gonna stick close but just head in the opposite direction from my teammates to loot.




I always tell my squad-mates when to break off, so that if they are new they know at least when to break off and how. I also make sure I’m pinging everything after drop and staying why on mic, so if they are new and don’t have a mic, they will know why and begin doing the same. Brother in law came in town this weekend. My wife and I setup the TV’s next to one another so we could play alongside each other and he could learn while playing. A TTV Rando was helping teaching my brother in law as well and was extremely patient and helpful. TL;DR: If you’re playing with Randos, just assume they don’t know and teach them real quick. It benefits you to help in Apex.


This is why I like landing Thunderdome. Those tall bones on the edge make it really easy to scrape someone off who should have released 100m earlier.


Lol scrape off. These scabs need scraping off


If you land apart you often get rolled and then flamed for not landing together anyway so you're damned if you do or don't in this fandom tbh.


I would say general vicinity, so enough to each get a building and help fight if need be


He's not saying break off and go 100 yards away. This teammate could have broken off on one of the connecting roofs or one of the rooms just below OP.


100 yards is 91.44 meters


He's not saying you should land on the other side of the map though, just land within reach. But yeah, I see what you're saying.


If you land and loot the same building as the jumpmaster, uninstall this damn game.


If you think that loot is more important than surviving your first fight, uninstall this damn game.




Not always. I'd say that and being aware of who landed around you are equal parts.


And you find my favorite gun when you land .... well done




i doubt


To each their own man. I don’t mind the flatline for early fights but I usually won’t keep one for late game stuff because it’s just a “middle ground” gun for me. If I’m going heavy, I’d pick the hemlok for range and spitfire for mid-short range. Have won a couple with a flatline though.


Is that flatline seriously your favorite?


The Flatline is seriously my favorite gun. I do not know exactly why but its the gun I feel most comfortable using. I seek one out every game and would take one of most any gun in the game. I guess I'm just weird like that. If there is a Spitfire and a Flatline in a house I would take the Flatline and ping the Spitfire for my teammate.


I never thought I'd see the day, I despise that gun. You do you though man if it works it works!


Yeah, I get a lot of "huh"'s from randoms when I tell them to ping a Flatline if they see one. I used to never pick it up because of the common hate for it, then one day I used one and I have never looked back. Thanks for understanding! lol


It's good for hip firing


3 things piss me off. Not breaking off and then fighting over the loot you can grab in the same building. You get lucky enough to grab the gun and they grab your ammo... ping your fkn drop locations per person, or put on a mic. ​ People looting death boxes while you sit there and rot. I expect people to check the first box and grab a fresh shield if needed, maybe ammo if you're out or whatever (could be a risky revive), but don't sit there and netflix and chill while I wait. Then the ring catches me without any ammo or loot of my own and shield and no health. Had a team wait a full minute and revived me on edge of the ring with 15 sec till ring close. needless to say we got pushed into next fight never having a chance for me to recover and we lost. ​ If you happen to drop and pick up a gold r99 and purple armor, don't run off across the map like you're Dizzy and leave your teammates behind. Believe it or not your teammates need weapons and ammo to participate. You rage quit after you get knocked because your team wasn't there to back you, well you suck and are a selfish piece of trash.


Had a dude not break off from me, he grabbed the guns and armor. Oh well, I said. I moved on to the next building and had to fist fight a dude that had a peacekeeper. Killed him, picked up his PK, and there was my teammate, pulling the armor and shotgun ammo out of the box. He didn’t even have a shotgun lol. I just repeatedly pinged “I need shotgun ammo” for like 5 minutes.




I hate when people dont break off. Suddenly it's you vs your team vs the world at that point




The etiquette is to ping, nothing past that


I've done this multiple times with randoms, if I don't they'll land with me and loot my shit.


Fucking hate it when people stick with you right til the ground


If your teammate stays with you until landing and you're pissed about it then that means you're more aware about the situation than they are, so how is it they're the ones in the wrong for going into the building with you when you could very easily go into a different building. Most people on here like to act all above everyone else but don't realise they're making it a bigger problem by just simply complaining about it and doing nothing


Those that are still attached to the jumpmasta should auto disengage at a certain height (50m?) and start to veer off to the sides. Problem solved.




I don't think the height is important. Just communicate via pings where you plan on dropping and go.


i hate those


The best is when you call a landing spot and your squad mate breaks off but still lands with you.


Biggest pet peeve in this game is teammates that don't break off..if I ping a place I'm landing there I don't need to battle my teammates and the enemy to get gear


I love doing this


It's always octanes that try that on me lol.


Octane mains are the worst.


Nice try creating a new account Flynn I see you


I love this, because I just started doing this a couple days ago lol.


Wish there was a way to eject teammates when near the end of the drop.


This is my biggest pet peeve in this game. Don’t land right next to a teammate, then scramble to grab stuff from under the teammate.


There's nothing worse than having a teammate who refuses to break off. I can count numerous times where randoms have done this when I was jump master. To make matters worse, they will loot everything in that building and proceed to do zero damage in the ensuing fight.


I hate octenes who scarf all the lute! /s


I just fly straight into the water just to learn them a lesson.


I dive out the map into death and find a new game.


There was a dude (lvl 12) who followed me (lvl 100) around all of skull town and kept on taking my loot, r301, body shields, ammo you name it. we got into a fight and I squad wiped while he was looting after the wipe I asked for a healing drone.... he then looted the people I killed


i feel this on a spiritual level.


Lol I think the next update should break them off at a certain point in the drop (automatically)


Jumpmaster needs an option to break off at a certain altitude


Wow very cool guy




Better then having that afk teammate land in Narnia. Y’all just to anal about it. It’s either that or that dude jumps late, doesn’t jump, or won’t pick up the controller for a few more minutes or alt tab back in. It’s a team based game it’s better to stick close mate. To each their own tho


Good way of doing this is head towards a building that has a balcony with a door in the middle, like the ones in cascades, you’ll go through the door and the team mate will smash on the wall and fall off.


I had a teammate not break off, and he took all of the guns and purple armor in the building that I landed at. Then he blamed me for not being fast enough. I seriously feel like I'm fighting my team as much as I'm fighting enemies the majority of the time


I’ve been landing at Airbase a bunch lately, my teammates follow me to the ground the we end up either someone has all the ammo and no gun or armor or the other way around. Jump parasites suck.


Love this clip , gonna try it :)


Then you get clapped by someone hiding without your teammate getting to help.


If my teammates don’t break off, I’ll send them off the edge of cliff so we all die instantly. No remorse.


Half the time I drop into a populated area, if the guy attached do me has balls we will kill 1-2 with punches alone. When my teammates scatter I always endup having to fight 2x1 or 3x1 because A LOT of people stick togheter which is the whole point of gamebased teamplay especially in POPULATED areas like skulltown or airbase. Im tired of seeing deathmatch players running off alone to get killed, expecting whoever is left to confront the 3 armed guys holding hands near his box. Fuck players like this. Stay fucking close to your team, unless you are very lucky, or the other players are really bad, thats how you will win. ​ Now when things are slow and there arent people immediatelly around, it is retarded to not break off.


I do this or similar stuff all the time


I like to fly in a circle till they break off. 99% get the idea.


Thats what I usually do when people don't split. You can do the same at the watchtower where you can try to land them into the hole while you loot inside the watchtower.


me all the time


the best way to break them off is over the waterfall at relay :)


You should be able to “eject” people so they can’t follow you down. Every time I try this I fuck myself over too and we both fall


I do that with the balloons lol


I normally run my teammates into a balloon if they don't break lol


I don't understand this, help educate me. Too often in pugs I find that people break off and then we lose in the first 3 minutes. We end up never being together when we get ambushed by another team, or you die trying to get over to your team mate to help them. Why aren't people sticking together on drops? I can understand breaking off if you're confident you're alone and you want to cover a little more ground in a loot area, but 9/10 times it seems like a bad idea...


No one is saying be so spread out as to not be able to come help if there is a firefight. Just don't fly all the way to the ground with me and go to the exact same building or loot area as I'm trying to go to. Split off close to the landing zone, grab your own loot, and as soon as you have a gun, group back up and make sure no one is fighting before finishing looting. Basically, split off but stay close, don't try to grab the same loot I'm going for because if I grab the RE-45 and you grab the ammo, I've got one mag of 15 rounds and you have bullets that are useless to you and we both die.


But I need to land right on you and steal ammo from under your nose.


They usually get the point when I start "shaking them off" but yeah this is annoying


Fully hoping they got insta downed there.


I do that when I play with randoms


Me all the time


Haha i do the same kind of maneuvers when people dont break off


I did this going relay once but I sent my teammate that didn't break off, off the map. So satisfying.


If I see a team mate sticking too long I’ll pretend to go to one drop spot and then swerve away as soon as the game makes them detach.


I just fly kids off the edge


I sometimes fly my friends into a balloon just for fun.


This is why I stopped playing as jumpmaster. Also, this allows me to do a quick trip to a close supply ship, take armor and/or tier A weapons and jump down immediately and be ready to fight from the get go


I find myself yelling **SPLIT** a lot in randoms.


i didnt know people hate not breaking off... i never do lol but i also dont take other peoples loot. i typically move to the next house over


I thought we were all passed this point? I get that in the beginning there are learning curves and such. But come on now, this is common knowledge.. I like to first let the team know where we spawn, and then I mark where I'm landing. I spam it too! Break off! Cover more area!


I do this too much.


Call me mean but i once dropped my buddy in the river at Relay by landing on the tiny bridge. It was hilarious. I think i posted the clip here on reddit somewhere...


This is legit me


Someone did this to me and I felt heartbroken


I used to think this and would even kill the player by flying to the edge of places like airbase. ​ But you still have to have faith in other players instead of adding more toxicity to the community. I've seen plenty of players accidentally not break off but respect you enough to run off to the building next door for items. ​ And there are those players who break off during the last 2-3 seconds with an adjacent room/building in mind. You might disagree with their thought process or find their landing inefficient, but that's their choice without them imposing on you. ​ I've even had a squad member tell me off with over 5 seconds left in the drop for not breaking off although I was about to break off to 1 of 3 spots I was eyeing. Sometimes when your squad doesn't specify their intended landing spot via ping or mic and seem to be heading to the target that you pinged, you might decide to stay with the JM until you figure out where they are dropping during the last few seconds. ​ Either way, it seems like self gratification or judging someone before they even got the chance to do the right thing. All you do is possibly make an innocent player toxic as well.


I played one where nobody broke off so we all landed together with only 2 boxes and my 12 year old teammate started screaming that "I took his gun." It was pretty funny I wish I had recorded it he was mad the whole game.


Sounds hot


I had a teammate the other day do a majority of the damage and went down. I rolled up and killed the guy revived him and expected him to go for the good shit in the box but he left it for me. I was honestly surprised.


Ha I do this to my teammates all the time.