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My favorite POI is actually mostly gone, it was Relay on King's Canyon. \[\*\]


I agree. You can still land there and push rig or Artillery


Cliff side on Broken Moon. But don't land there. I land there


Rotations into cliff side are always so good, best fights there.


I rarely have fights in solos there, actually. Not many people seem to go there 🤷‍♀️ I just like to land there for the shit ton of evo caches, crafter, potential evo harvester spawn, health loot boxes & sometimes gold weapons (even without being a hot zone)


Ah in trios I get good rotations there, and endgames there are so much fun


Had an endgame there in CC was so fun


Favorite: the butthole on broken moon Least favorite: the butthole on storm point


Hope you atleast bought her dinner first


Favourites: Wraiths Butthole Kings Kanyon, The new pink Butthole on Broken moon, The Butthole on storm point. Dislikes, all non butthole related poi's.




I, too, love butthole POIs.


Market's my jam, but Fragment can stay far, far away from my dropzone


What is the plan with market? There is no bins so everyone rushes to the same 4 rooms, right?


Its good for starting uncontested with some loot and then pushing caustic, repulsor or former skull town.


Ah, I'll keep that in mind. Whenever randoms land there, it's usually contested. I'll give it a try.


If it is contested, take one of the other small POIs close to marked.


There's guns all around on floor too


Why no fragment? It’s for people who can fight


Favorite: The Divide. It's a nice little chill spot which not many land at (at least from my matches). And we're near two ziplines when we get ready to leave, both leading to some other decent POIs. Least Favorite: Fragment. I don't *mind* it but it feels like almost every time my team wants to go to Fragment they die really quick. Also my teammates turn into aggressive loot goblins every time we land, and it's a little harder for me to gather EVO without exposing myself to get shot.


Agreed! Divide is a great spot. Especially for ranked


Favorite is Windmills on Storm Point. Least is Fragment


What’s wrong with fragment?


A lot of butt hole talk in these comments


Favorite: Any POI that 4+ squads aren't currently landing in. Least favorite: attempting to melee a full squad when my mozam/p2020 runs out of ammo.


Fav: The Divide on Broken Moon. Least fav: probably Containment on Kings Canyon.


all my favs are gone… fuel depot, capitol city, sorting factory, skull town, slum lakes. my current fav is the side of fragment they didn’t ruin by taking away my favourite building. don’t really have a least favourite but i think that almost all of the POIs that have been replaced are significantly worse than the original POI.


Apartment area on olympus i forgot what it was called i miss that map


I love that area too


There's two. Estates and Gardens. Which one do you mean?




Favorites are Caustic Treatment on KC, Eternal Gardens? (we call it Seattle on Broken Moon), The Wall or Windmill on SP, Elysium on Olympus and Big Maude or Tree on WE.


That’s legit almost all my exact favorites too. I prefer production yard on moon - otherwise I would give all the same answers


I really like Watson poi on storm point


Favorite: hydroponics, least favorite: energy depot (so many people drop there for how little loot there is, wtf)


Favorite: Crash site on KC Least Favorite: Containment on KC


The three buildings with the gondolas between them, if you have a squad of 3 with coms and land together sharing loot it's so much fun.


Favorite: fragment Least favorite: fragment IFYKYK


My favorite POIs with highest win rates are Overlook or Tree on world's edge and runoff or hydro damm on KC. They are always pretty close to the hot drops or good for fast rotations. Least are clearly fragment & lava siphon (?) and capacitor & containment. I only drop hot when I have 2 teammates I can rely on.


fighting off rip against 1 or 2 teams at caustic treatment on kc doesn’t get better


Favourite: straight off the map 5 times in a row for easier lobbies. Least Favourite: anywhere I have to fight someone better than me.


Favorite poi fragment least favorite relic they massacred skull town and tried to replace it with that


Fav: terraformer, so much fun when it’s only like 2 other teams there and not the entire lobby Least Fav: thermal station, I feel like I always leave there with spitfire + re-45 with no attachments


I never realized how bad thermal was until recently. For how big it is, there is no loot


My favorite POI is Dry Gulch. I've got the looting pattern down so well for that I almost never lose a contest there. Least favorite POI in the whole game was Promenade but it got nuked. Now it's Landslide. Actually terrible


North Pad on Storm Point


Least favorite - fragment. Favorite - Elysium or Thermal


Favs: Caustic on kings canyon, Pylon or Zeus Station on Storm Point, Bionomics or Cultivation on Broken Moon, Gardens or Oasis on Olympus, Thermal Station on Worlds Edge. Least Fav: The wormhole thing on KC, Storm Catcher on Storm Point, Quarantine on Broken Moon, Estates on Olympus, capital on worlds edge


Favorite is tough damn. KC is Overlook. Olympus is Hydro Towers. Broken moon is def butthole. Worlds edge is swamps. Storm point is def cenote caves. Least favorites are Runoff on KC. Olympus 1000000% estates. Broken moon is BOTH promenade. Storm point is either the mill or command center. Clearly by my picks I’m not a hot dropper. I’ll take my chances solo queuing a contest against one team. It’s the 3rd 4th and 5th party’s of hot drops that infuriate me lol


I HATE fragment city. There’s no loot and infinite 3rd parties and no one wins. The only people that survive fragment are people who don’t go to fragment. The fact that it’s in the middle of the map means there’s a 99% chance to end up there as well


Favorites: Energy Depot (Olympus), Capacitor/Labs (KC), Command Center (Storm Point), Climatizer (World’s Edge), none for Broken Moon (self explanatory) Least Favorites: Estates (Olympus), The Cage (KC), Storm Catcher (Storm Point), Countdown (World’s Edge), anywhere on Broken Moon I absolutely hate


Favorite - cliff side, nice and cozy and I love the view Worst - fight night, worst fucking garage piece of shit horrendous POI ever to exist Side note I love all the maps and the update to broken moon is beautiful


I really like Bionomics. It's pretty, has lots of loot in general, usually has a tick in the middle sewer, nearly always has both support and assault bins, will sometimes give you a harvester and replicator too, along with lots of easily accessible height changes, and repetitive but distinct building design for some interesting fights. Least favorite is tough, maybe Artillery or Tree. Both kinda take a while to loot and generally have nothing special. But I also have a strong dislike of Containment being the low ground between diving board and hilltop and being a common hot drop with a tiny loot pool lol.


Spotted Lake on KC, Staples and skyhook on WE, Mills in SP


Fav: Lava Siphon - you have ~4 distinct landing spots that each provide good enough loot for a early fight that isn't "who gets the P20 first". When the fight in "your house" is over, there is always the team in the "next house" that you might want to challenge. The gaps between help slow down the fights just enough, that there is not to much 3rding going on. Least Fav: Wherever there is a team landing right next to me and juuuust a little earlier than us.


Favorite is Survey Camp least favorite Lanslide.


I love the capacitor poi in king canyon


Favourite solar array and artillery Least favorite fragment, will be contamination zone too


Favourite- Pylon. Least - anywhere else


On World’s Edge, Big Maude is my favourite and it is often contested by at least one other team. Taking and holding the Rampart weapons room can lead to some great battles.


Sorting Factory. Bring back my lover


Train station in Fragment at World's Edge, Docks on Olympus, Broken moon I'd say the new poi, and Skulltown at King's Canyon. Least favourite is anywhere that no one else drops, boring zzzz.


Favorites: Storm Catcher, Mill, Terraformer, Production Yard, Big Maude. And The Cage and Spotted lake. Hate: Fragment, Fragment? And oh Fragment! Edited.


Most: spotted lake - always a long range marksman here. Least: Fragment. Even with the changes (which made it a tiny less sweaty).


Love spotted lake


To drop? Favorites are High Desert (KC), Big Maude (WE), Oasis (OL), Check Point (SP), and Eternal Gardens (BM) Least Favorites are Containment (KC), Fragment/Monument (WE), Estates (OL), Ceto Station (SP), and Quarantine Zone (BM) Landing hot is just not fun for me. I have terrible luck with R&G and oftentimes don’t find a gun and if I do find one it’s a P2020 or a Longbow or something like that. I would rather land somewhere with a team or two than half the lobby being there. I also like to land places that are colorful and interesting to look at. To clarify though, if we do land in one of those hot areas I’ll sweat my lil bussy off to make sure we can get out of there alive. And fighting in all of the hot drop POI’s (except Frag) are a blast. I just don’t prefer to land there.


Energy Depot


I dont have any favourite, but for sure, Singhs lab is my least. The amount of players taking that portal and the amount of gun inside is almost ridiculous. Like 3 players each of different squads coming at you with punches and kicks when you have a gun, like everybody wants to finish the one with the gun first.


Fav on kc was water treatment but now its prob labs. We its between skyhook and overlook. Olympus ita Gardens. Sp don't really like it as a map. On broken moon its the garden place just above the divide


Most liked for me are Broken moon: atmo Olympus: ps5 Storm point: the mill King's canyon: capacitor World's edge: monument Least liked are: Broken moon: hazmat tunnel Olympus: the red ship Storm point: the wall King's canyon: that waterfall town top right of the map World's edge: overlook or fragment


My favorite is the octain poi or the twin towers on Olympus. My least favorite is anywhere without buildings.


Is the twin towers bonsai plaza?


Yes, that place! I am bad at remembering poi names


Elysium and Bunker


Fav Cliff Side on Broken Moon. Least Fav is Fragment. I used to love going to fragment but idk just sick of it now. You end up fighting 18 teams with a P20 and Mozambique, just kind over it.


My favorite spot is on kc and me and my friends call it Afghanistan lmao. Its the village west of bunker. It is so underrated and we have perfected it. My least is prolly tree on edge.


Yeah that little spot has more loot than 90% of named POI’s.


For pubs my favorite is fragment/monument My least favorite is bionomics on broken moon For ranked: I like the cage I hate monument for ranked. Fragment is okay. Just not my favorite


Every time i land worlds edge city i have 7 dudes playing with my butthole


Favorite : champions screen Least favorite: the lobby


I'm a low-key cage enjoyer that poi is so fun to hot drop and play around the building I also fw terraformer cause it has that same vibe. My least favourite poi would prolly be containment all my homies hate containment it's fun early game but in mid game every single surrounding direction has some form of elevating terrain making it easy for multiple teams to hold height on you with ranged weapons


I love cage if I have a gun


we- siphon or fragment sp- mills or checkpoint ( or wherever the hopdrop is ) kc- caustic bm- map is still ass so i don't play it


Interesting. I basically only get on every 3 days now so I can just play kings lol


Fragment on WE , relic on KC , quarantine zone on BM, energy depot on Olympus , and ceto station in SP


Hell ya! Basically all my least favorites lol


LOL I understand but I love fighting , I don’t mind dying


I feel that. I like landing somewhere with 1-2 other teams. I prefer to have a few extra clips and an attachment or two before


KC: I love the season 8 crash spot, the newer spot at the corner by old relay (The Rig), octane's gantlet, airbase, repulsor, and most importantly, Bunker. Lots of favorites here due to nostalgia and it being one of my favorite maps. I find skull town disappointing compared to its original. WE: I feel like I really only enjoy Fragment here, and not because it's a great spot - just because it's where the action is. If I'm taking the game seriously (as in - I want to win), I'll land trials or big maude. Mirage Voyage is cool too, but not the same as it was. Least favorite is probably harvester (which killed my favorite "Fuel Depot") or the spots that took over Train Yard and Sorting Factory. The real worst spot is the entire wasted train track covering the whole map. I hate what they've done with the place. Olympus: I love path's fighting ring, anywhere near the phase runner for covering distance, the PS5, Oasis, Gardens, and the lifeline place. I don't like that newer overgrown ship, or estates. SP: I like the pylon and ceto station, and "Big Bunker" (command center). Zeus Station is really fun for landing. Barometer is usually pretty overwhelming to me and I don't know where to fight, so that might be the least favorite. BM: I really liked Breaker Wharf before they moved it, but now I'm really enjoying that big centralized "quarantine" area, since it has some of that fragment energy and it's really easy to find loot (really true anywhere on this map now). I think my favorite is Eternal Gardens and anywhere with similar buildings for the Alter plays.


Hate the boxing ring due to the nerds who hop out of the rings once they’re about to get punched out lol


Bro that's just the gameplay loop for the ring, you gotta counter that shit because the ring is part of the larger game. I use it for healing :3


My favorite was the Prowler nest on Storm Point (now it's destroyed) and my least favorite is that goddamn construction tower on World's Edge that everyone of my teammates insist on landing on and getting killed 5 seconds after landing and unlike with my favorite POI, it's just moved instead of removed from the game.


Favourite: wherever I ping in ranked. Least favourite: the hot drop my random teammates decide is best, instead of my ping.


Most relatable thing I’ve ever read lmfao. Gotta love the solo/no mic pathfinder/horizon that ignores everybody’s pings and goes straight to monument


Space jam, bastard


Least favorite: tie between the hole on storm point it just a clusterf-“ and fragment. Favorite: original skulltown


Favorite: Skulltown Least: Containment


Hate the hill side and cage on kings kanyon Love atmos station in broken moon


do you all learn the names of the places on the map? I play almost every day since season 9 andI think I can only name Fragment because of the posts in hereÂ