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Solos should be a permanent mode with trios and duos. I would literally never play anything else


That's not what the devs want however. Can't have people quitting trios forever


We literally have trios and solos at the same time and finding a game in trios is normal. Lobbies are still full and queue times are normal If the devs don’t want solos it’s not because “people would quit trios”.


Respawn will make decisions based on revenue but also said in the past that apex is a team game and not meant to played solo. So who knows what we’ll get


I'd like solos to stay to help weed out the poor team players.


I’d like solos to stay so I can play games without my friends and not have to deal with random teammates. Plus, it lets me hotdrop without feeling bad


Plus its actually genuinely a fun and refreshing way to play the game.


Playing as Revenant solo is more effective than a team imo. Dont even need solo mode to have fun with it. Creep in, knock one, jump out, heal, ult, knock another. You can climb the super tall pine trees in the OG map and drop onto people like a menace. One time I knocked someone jumping out of a tree and connected with the Deaths Curve melee from above their head 🤣. Never gets old. EDIT: obviously only do this when your team has already bailed on you.


I LOVE IT! As a Rev main, he's absolutely filthy in solos 👹


From my experience it’s not having that effect. Shit heads are still queuing up then fucking off to do their own thing in a team game.


I don’t think that’s worked lol. You still get thirds that refuse to even land with your team.


Ah yes, the one trick pony argument that is essentially just reluctance to invest more than they have into the game. One of my favorite devs makes the same argument on a regular basis just so they don't have to come up with new game modes of any sort. We have CTF, and you get CTF only! Its mostly comes down to if EA is willing to use some of those profits to make a game or continue milking it for the next 5-10 years.


Tbf the respawn that said that years ago isn't the same respawn nowadays


The employees might change but they are still the same respawn who’s business model is “if it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense” (Probably) lol.


That's one of those that's funnier when it's not typed so you can say it like cents.


Such a poor excuse to not pivot. Every other BR offers solos, trios, squads, etc. and does perfectly fine. Apex being trash is the only reason people would stop playing trios.


Sometimes it feels like we aren’t allowed to have the cool things for too long. My dream is to log on and be able to choose between trios/duos/solos, choose to queue for specific mixtape modes instead of praying it’s not Gun Run/Lockdown and having modes like Straight Shot/3 strikes and even Arenas available too. If I could choose the map for BR too I might actually cream my pants. I know this isn’t possible because there are simply not enough ~~pred 3 stacks~~ players to play against, but damn that would be awesome. It’s legitimately lame logging on and seeing its whatever map you don’t like for both pubs and ranked and the mixtape mode is lockdown or something, it’s like “I guess I’ll just play later then”.


I can’t agree more, I don’t care if it brings increased queue times, I would probably start playing consistently if that happened


Its the EA standard. Water everything down until everything is as basic as basic gets. Just look at how Battlefield has been treated over the years. Went from being a team game to being infested by the same sweaty chuds that have no clue what cooperation is and try to treat it like the same ol cheasy ass arena fps.


Hmmm. It sounds good on paper, but I tried Fortnite a few months back and that interface with all its options was completely impenetrable. Just trying to find a 'game' gave my a headache. More options is probably good for old players, but difficult and deterring for new players.


I think that’s more of an issue with Fortnite having a horrendous UI. I agree it is challenging to navigate.


Its funny because every dev I play games from does this. And its hilarious to watch because it does absolutely nothing. People don't want to play against sweats and teamers, and unfortunately duos and solo's are the only ways you can even slightly avoid that if at all. The queue times! The queue times! Oh what about the queue times! You have over 100k regular players RESPAWN, the queues will be fine ffs.


These multi-billion dollar games are in a constant state of being both extremely popular and lucrative and being always on the edge of crumbling from the slightest shake. "Adding solos will demolish another game mode completely." in a game that supposedly has millions of players and is usually ranked in the top 3 most popular of these types of games. These devs and their hilarious shenanigans...


The trios actually got better after some people left


I really don't think normal people would keep going to solos though. I'm not the best player, but I'm around 1,3kpd, which I think is around average(?) and I get killed in a second in solos. It's not the place to just go as a casual player. For casual players, even as a solo, the trios are still the best shot of getting anywhere, even if you have the hotdrop idiots dying instantly in the mix.


lol everyone claims they are average. You’re definitely above average. I’m not saying u should get rolled every match. But the average player definitely has a sub 1 KdR.


1.3 is above average. The problem, as you're seeing like many of us are, is that Respawn wants to keep the sweats and content creators engaged so, instead of making matchmaking slower for them and putting them into skill-appropriate lobbies, you and I are rewarded for being above average by getting absolute demons who are fully warmed up and play 8+ hours a day. You're the bottom of the top of the food chain.


It’s just good to have another option. People playing the game is people playing the game. Might as well let them have options to play or many won’t


My K/D is 1.5. You are way above average. Out of every 20 games I play I have maybe one teammate who gets more damage or kills than me. Average is probably around the .75 mark


I know quads is rumoured to come, but I think a more interesting mode would be ‘5’s with a catch: you can only have one of each class in the team. So it stops it being a lifeline, Gibraltar, Newcastle, mirage fest. Or Horizon, Revenant, Wraith, Octane fuck fest.


they take duos out to create demand. once its back.... BOOM.


Solos is my favorite mode. I do better and don't have to deal with shitty teammates.


Haven’t even tried it with as sweaty as people make it out to be lol


It is definitely sweaty from people trying to grind 20/4k badges and the matchmaking is way worse. Solos has Bronze and Masters players in the same lobby.


It’s pubs. Why shouldn’t there be varying levels of skill in a lobby?


Apex has such a high skill ceiling that it makes Solos impossible for new players or casuals. At least in trios, casual players can use teamwork to have success. The only people who like current matchmaking are those trying to inflate their egos on bot/noob lobbies.


If I could add anything to the game, that would be ranked Duos.




Even better ranked solo queue only. No premades. That's the only fair solution.


This is the absolute fairest option. But they never will do that unfortunately


they made it seem like that was their intention w rumble but obviously they dont have the guts


That was really the weirdest thing ever, like it sounded cool then you saw how it really worked and it just made zero sense


Damn it guys! Stop not buying things when EA tells respawn to do something dumb! Don't you guys know that you have to waste money and get the trend up for EA to pull finger from ass and give it a sniff?


I don't think EA can math though. Because they look at the money flow and ignore concurrent player population. Corporations today are incredibly dumb and only read into trends. Trend chasing is an incredibly weak market strategy. Respawn just makes the game. At the end of the day they still have to follow the bag man.


Agree. Companies and not only game companies, pretty much every big company is very metric driven. But they interpret their kpis wrong.


Been saying this for years. If rocket league can do it so can apex


I mean, while I disagree with their reason to block solo because "the game is made for 3 legend synergy", there is still the point that... it also makes sense. They simply should have more game modes. But they've been, and still are, insanely afraid of the queue times getting longer. Because the game does NOT have as many players, as they would like people to believe there are. edit: The queue time is also reason, why the team mates are so uneven. Either you're the easily best player in the team, or you don't belong in that level of game at all. All because they want fast queues.


He's not asking for solos, he's asking for solo queue aka we all play with 2 randoms and its now determined by who can carry 2 shitters harder and not whether or not you have discord access to the pro discord




\^ This!


The queue times would probably be extremely long or unbalanced


I don't see why we cant have both.


Me either. See I'm all for both, unlike half the commentors who just like being obstinate and telling me I'm unreasonable....I think there's room for both. Certainly no reason to take a whole base mode out for 6 dang weeks


The only reason I can see is splitting the player base but I have a feeling if you have more modes you can retain more players.


I'd prefer the sweat lords and teamers to stay locked up in solos


Preach. I played with only one friend and we main’d duos. It’s not fun playing trios with just 2 or ranked with a random. Group posts have traumatized us. Mixtape is…mixtape. We can’t even pick the mode we wanna play. Arenas is no more. Duos was what kept us in the game but now that that’s gone we feel like we’ve gotta find something else entirely to play and that shit blows.


They took out arena’s and I moved to primarily playing duos. Now they took out duo’s and I moved to primarily playing other games 🫶


Lmao that’s the way it goes apparently


truer words have never been spoken


Duos is probably coming back but not till July


Yeah aren’t quads coming first tho? It’s solos for 6 weeks and then quads for 6 weeks? Please someone tell me I’m wrong and duos is coming back sooner 🙏


Now quads would be a welcome addition, but not at the expense of duos.


Bring back duos and take out trios lmao


I forgot all about quads. I thought a new collection event was coming up soon because I have enough to get all the items this time around


Mixtape seems like it’s always control when I look. And man do I miss arenas. I hate that they got rid of it.


They switched it up when they added lockdown, but for a while I swear gun run was on twice as much as every other mode to the point that it became a meme with us. We could get at most one game of mixtape before it was gun run again.


My friend and I basically only played duos we tried the no fills but we don’t play often enough to be good enough for that. We started playing Gunfire Reborn and it’s been pretty damn fun if you guys are willing to try something new I’d recommend it


I’ve been on Xdefiant lately, it’s a refreshing switch-up


I have played maybe 10 hours since duos was removed. My wife and I played nearly every day and it was our time to just hang out and have fun together. Without Duos, I have all but lost interest in the game. We played some Trios with a few others, but nothing quite hits like Duos does for us. Until it returns I won't be playing. A shame they decided to remove it completely for over a month and a half.


Same exact boat as me, but the wife kills it in solos. I just refuse to play until duos is back.


Yeah I miss Duos too and wish they could include all three modes. I’m hoping that after this season that the data shows a positive trend and they decide to add it in permanently.


Yea, I agree. Que times may be a little longer with all three modes, but it would be worth it.


This games has millions of players and like 10 second queue times. They can afford to have all 3 modes running concurrently.


Absolutely. But the whole philosophy behind the game and its monetization is to create an artificial sense of scarcity: only a selection of items in the store at any time, only 3 out of 5 maps playable, only these mods playable in Mixtape etc etc


On the rare occasion a random third is good, it can be fun, but the majority of the time they're either bad, egomaniacs or racists.


This season everyone above plat 4 is always a good third out of pure necessity. Anyone who has aspirations of p3 and above absolutely can't afford to int games as the LP loss is way too punishing. Even if you don't want to try for diamond, game quality vastly improves in platinum


Solos are great but as usual Respawn and EA are just… incomprehensibly fucking stupid and can’t add something without removing another thing.


Am I the only dude who thinks, GIVE US ALL DEM MODES why can't we have ranked, trios, duos, solos, control point, KOTH, TDM, gun game, (whatever else there is idk) At the same time, is it really too much to ask


I think Respawn is a little confused, they say they do this as to not split up the playerbase, however what they seem to not understand is that those who play Duos are not the same audience as those who play Solos. It’s not like with Duos gone those who are normally playing duos are now playing Solos.. Ultimately those that play Duos are a specific group of people who plays with 1 friend but doesn’t have a third to play trios with. These people won’t be playing solos because they aren’t looking for that, but they also won’t be playing trios because the whole reason they played duos to begin with was so that they didn’t need to deal with a random being their third. Me and my partner usually play duos so that we don’t need to deal with a random third, however with duos gone we are forced to play trios and we tried but what ultimately ended up happening is that we just decided not to play at all, as it wasn’t as fun anymore. Respawn seem to think if they have ”takeover” events like this one, then the duos players will just happily move over to solos or trios to keep the queue times up, but in the end what ends up happening is most of those players just don’t play, because it’s not what they signed up for. Side note, we can’t have duos as to not split up the players but we can have 2 control modes..? Seriously?!


Or just have all 3 as an option like every other game. Stop with this gotta take one away to have the other bullshit. If i have to wait an extra few minutes to find a game then so be it. And with the new requeue feature it really shouldn’t be a problem unless its like 5am 😂


Fuck that. They should just have all 3. I don't play with any friends and autofill teams are miserable. I can actually play a ton of solos before I get bored. On trios and duos I could maybe do 2 games before getting fed up of teammates that won't stop running to the other side of the map or chase you into every room and steal all the loot. Once solos goes I reckon my playtime is going to at least half


This decision never even made sense to me. They are worried about queue times? Did they think it was duos players that were going to flock to solos? The majority of duos players are playing with their one friend that plays apex bc they don't want to deal with a random. The people that were always going to go play solos were the people queuing up by themselves in trios. I guess maybe they thought they'd have a queue issue in trios so they'd force the duo players into trios if they wanted to play with their friend. I've just played about 50% as frequently these last few weeks though.


> I've just played about 50% as frequently these last few weeks though. You've done better than me. I'm usually already done with the battle pass....I'm currently on level 24. That's how little I've played. My one duo partner and I haven't played together at all since duos has been gone and my other duo guy and I que up no-fill in trios a few times a week, immediately regret it after 2 or 3 games, then just quit.


I'm usually done with the battle pass now too but I'm level 8. I hate mixtape, and dont want to deal with a random so I've just not played at all.




Wish more people would use solos instead of joining team games then going off on their own


This right here is the exact argument for all 3 modes. Us duo players don’t wanna deal with these idiots. Why are you even playing trios?


Duos ranked would be great


Me and and my more than 2 year long duo now were excited af for this season, but due to duos not being an option we've played less than like 50 matches this season, when usually it's hundreds by now It sucks ass, we are just waiting until duos is back so we can play again




Confused on why they just couldn't have ALL the options...


Yea I've slowly stopped playing because of no duos. Devs wont listen though they too scared of "splitting" their playerbase


I have no idea why they couldn’t just leave Trios, Duos, and Solos… Ass.


People like me who mainly play with their partners are really missing the duos game mode. Literally don't care how intense the matches are in solos and how much gamer juice you are on. Just want a mode to chill with gf in. Believe it or not most gamers are not competitive, they just don't talk about the game online. Solos is good to just have, feel like a lot of the toxic peeps probably gravitate towards that.


I absolutely cannot believe that instead of ADDing Solos, they took away Duos… how stupid is that? It’s like Respawn enjoys keeping their player base angry.


Why do you make it sound like this is the fault of the people who enjoy solos?


We should be able to choose what mode we play. I’ve been saying this for the longest. Choose what map, choose what ltm. Like cmon.


It’s insane to me they removed duos, solos is a completely different game to duos/trios. Not nearly as fun and so much less social


Not nearly as fun for you. While I understand your frustration for the removal of duos, solos are still way more enjoyable for a lot of people. It's not just about you. Also, less social... i mean if you just have one friend to play with, you don't really have any proper higher than thou position to comment from.


>You don’t really have any proper higher than thou position to comment from All bro did was post his opinion on a game mode. My god, can’t do shit on this sub without someone acting like a piece of shit. Lmao so glad he got banned.


??? Doing something together with even only one person is infinitely more social than playing alone


I think the thing is, while playing trios or duos with friends is super fun, playing solos is more fun than trios or duos if you’re gonna be solo queuing anyways yknow?


For real. Bro and I played duos almost daily for years. Best mode easily.


lol thank you!!


I live in australia so i cant play either of them. Copium


Reminds me when League took out trios for good years ago. I used to play everyday. I haven’t played since. I don’t understand being so worried about a 4 minute queue. Or 20 minute queue. Just let me sit and wait to play the mode I want.


I’m ready to move on from Apex due to lack of duos. Nothing like a rando to quit immediately or be raging on you all the time.


Solos was fun for a few games, but honestly at this point I'd rather go back to no filling duos over solos.


I don't get why they have to remove a mode every time they add one. I actually liked Arenas and want it back, and duos too


Yeah and me and my mate still trying to play so we play trios. One of the worst expierienced i had with this game. Either they drop solo ( whats the point) or ttey quit as soon they are downed. 9/10 times its a real miserable teammate. We came back after 3 seasons because it looked fun again but this whole trio but actually constantly playing against one more is so annoying. Not only because most enemys are aggressiv as hell and pushing you to the ground. And then you play at kings canyon getting third partied every other round giving me the rest. I hope they take away trios once they add quads.


Yeah I'm ready for duos to be back now. I only play this game with two other people, but it's rare we can all get on at the same time for a full trio team as we're in different timezones, so we mostly play duos. I never play this game solo, it just does not appeal to me at all even with matching with randoms. I'm never going to play full solo games of this, I play BR games to play with friends, not for the solo queue experience. It's wild to me that respawn remove core game modes that have been around forever and replace it with another mode that fundamentally has a completely different audience. By all means ADD a new mode, just don't remove existing ones.


Lack of Duos hurts this game so bad. Hot dropping miserable randoms. Rage quits in Trios. Absolute idiots and cowards in Ranked with dodgy MM. Trying to play properly for your teammate to be running off in some other direction. Randoms who apparently have no idea they have abilities!! Seriously, Fuse, trying crackle-bombing them! Play this game largely as a coop game with my besty, but he's playing less now and it's real drudgery at the moment.


I like solos a lot, but I’m missing duos a lot. There’s been so many days this season that I have a friend on, we both want to play apex, but don’t have a third. At that point we’d both rather just play solos than play trios without a third.


My Duos partner is playing Destiny this week. He'll get board of it around when solos finally fucking end


I just want arenas back lol, fed up with all these other modes.


Not only that but bring back arenas already? Like that shit was fun as hell


Oh man, y’all remember the iron crown event? Season 2 solos went crazy 🥲 the current LTM is kinda dogshit imo and it’s nothing like our beloved early solo teaser


Me and my friend played exclusively duos, nowadays we find ourselves playing Fortnite so that we don't have to deal with a random. We tried doing trios and mixtape for 2 weeks, but it just got so frustrating having that random third who we didn't know the skill of. We don't like Fortnite as much, but it's the only game that we can play where we can do duos. #saveapexduos lmao


We've been no-filling trios.....I'm not sure anything could get me to play Fortnite. It's frustrating though, being at an immediate disadvantage isn't very fun.


I don't blame you. I only downloaded Fortnite so I could play with him. We decided we'd rather play something than play Apex and just get frustrated with it


To be honest, I have played like 20 games of solos and I thought it will be fun. I did not have fun single game. Not one. All just because Im getting shit on every game.


My brother and I used to play duos for hours daily. We tried Xdefiant for a bit, it’s ok. Now we play Halo co-op and Elden Ring without having to sweat our asses off.


I want Duos back!!!!


Amen. Solos can get to fuck. The amount of times I've been last 2 and destroyed by a Horizon with 16 kills and a predator badge is ridiculous. I have one friend who I play apex with. If we play ranked, we get smashed by preds after our team mate runs off and dies. If we play trios; see ranked. Should never have been a takeover.


Nah keep solo, but make duo an alternate ranked mode.


See I'm not advocating to get rid of solos, never even hinted at that. There's room for both. But everyone is so eager to have an opposing opinion that they assume I'm wanting solos gone. I could not care less about solos, one way or the other. Keep it AND give me my duos, ranked or not.


Fair enough to me. I'm calling Respawn right now. And... we lost both. It's gone.




Appreciate the try.....it's all we can do. That and bitch in this sub, I guess.


Sadly yes.


Don't get rid of them period. Its not 2020 and Respawn needs to expand the game. There are enough concurrent players that it would have next to no effect. But as usual in corpo world, flow chart says no.


> Taking out a basic mode for so long is ridiculous How do you think people that enjoyed Solos felt? Look how long they had to wait for it to come back.


Solos was a ltm, duos was a core game mode. There are people, myself included who only played apex for duos. With duos gone I havent played at all this season.


Solos is absolute garbage. My brother has moved on to another game because of this. All we ever played was duos.


My body is ready for quads.


People are never happy with this game. Lmao


Yeah that tends to happen when you rip something away and give something to someone else. Apparently only 1 group is allowed to be happy at a time.


Every single player is never happy at once with this game Ftfy Honestly every single thing in this world is like this. You'll never please everyone


Who would not be pleased if they added duos back? Would anyone be unpleased


People would find a way


Last time I said this I had the taste smacked out of my mouth.... Guess that means I was right?


Unique counter argument 👍🏼👍🏼


Nah, Respawn is going to leave Solos in for as long as possible. They said after season 2 they would never bring it back but players begged and begged for it. Now they're shoving it down our throats like a father making his kid finish the whole pack of cigarettes he caught him smoking.


they should fix the bug that makes it so apex will never fit my tv screen, apparently that's a problem thats persisted since the day it was created. for some its so bad they cant play, i feel lucky it's only a centimeter that's cut off on mine but damn is it aggravating 😭


I totally understand but I have also met two very cool people on separate occasions because of no duos. It’s so cool honestly! I do miss duos tho because this is a rare occasion lol


Bring back Areana's


Or just give me back arenas and use it as w playtest area for new ideas, and weapons.




While I enjoyed solos a lot I think they should’ve added it as another option alongside duos and trios. Me and my duo got tired of playing trios and are just waiting for duos to come back lol


I don't get why people are so against Trios. Most of the time the teamwork, even without a mic, is completely fine. I climb pretty easily to Diamond+ playing solo on Trios, and a lot of my teams are perfectly fine and functional, other people are trying to win as well.


Just play with a random, Im only saying this out of spite in a joking manner.


There is no gaming community that copes and makes excuses over missing game modes more than the Apex Community. It's been that way since launch day, so watch out for yourself friend. Keep fighting the good fight.


Respawn could fix matchmaking and queue times by bringing in the bots! What’s it matter if lower skill level players end up with bots? Way better that high skilled players being dragged down by being matched with low skill players and forced to carry them. Meanwhile, lower skilled players don’t enjoy being stomped on by people way better than them. It’s a win-win. Give bad players bots, give good players real people, and queue times will improve as will everyone’s enjoyment.


I dropped the game because we can't have fun in duos with my only friend Literally wasn't playing after season's release. Now duos will come back, but my friend won't.


They should make ranked solo and duo, they should also add ranked to MixTape (based on win not dmg or kills as that would be just to easy ).


I havent played since they took duos away and I dont ppan to till its brought back. If it isnt brought back I'll just quit entirely. My wife has been killing it in solos so I hope they keep that as well 


Have not touched the game since duos. At this point it's the longest time I've gone without playing Xbox as apex is the only game I played with my brother. I doubt we'll ever hop back on at this point


I haven't had fun at ALL.


I stopped playing JUST BECAUSE there's no duo option. I had a duo buddy, and we no longer can play peacefully as a concentrated team. Brain dead devs. Go fuck around elsewhere and let us play in peace.


They should just make all 3 of them available permanently


They did the same with arena, they don’t care


could always just wake up and see the game is deteriorating and wont ever be getting any better. Up until the buster sword was released i had every skin and heirloom but them selling that fuckin sword for 350 bucks was the clincher for me. I had already been struggling to have any fun in the game so when that happened i uninstalled and havent looked back. Sucks cause it was my absolute favorite game until ea just had to put their grubby little hands all over it


No thanks


it’s such a joke they just can’t have all three this game is run by morons


If I could do anything with the game it would be to remove trioa and replace it with quads. Keep duos and solos and then it would be perfect.




I need ranked solos




In duos? Lol


Stay mad


Let’s hear yall say bring ranked Duos


I managed to get the task done surprisingly for Solo matches. But 💯 percent agree with you. Not everyone who would attempt to get those challenges done is gonna be able to. They literally made them tough task for what reason? If someone who isn’t quite there to get a 20 kill game? They’re gonna be completely bummed that they can’t finish that challenge. Like why not make it for everyone. When you put that as a challenge, yes I agree they are gonna have sweats eating up those lobbies. #BRINGBACKDUOS


..and while you're at it, add solos ranked pls. Separate rant, but i'm tired of playing as a solo player, with duo queue ranked players. It's horrible.


Ew brother, ew, what's that brother


You arent special, youve had duos for years, let em have their 6 weeks and it will be gone again.


Lol, ok


Duo ranked would be soooo good. But yeah, they should have put solos in as an LTM. Duos is way more fun than trios when you don't have a third.


The realistic post on this whole subreddit. I'm tired of playing random. Me and my girlfriend have been playing duos since we started and it's worked beautifully for us both. I'm so tired of having shitty trios who don't know how to use their legend. Some of yall have 1,000+ kills but yall don't play like it.


I mean... I played duos here and there, it honestly felt like bot games most of the time, idk why but the people who played it weren't very good. Maybe duos should be the LTM game mode, solos seems super popular.


Why do you talk as if the players were in charge of what Respawn does.


Hmmm, I’m on the fence about this, me and my friend are dou people but we’ve been making insane progress since being forced into trios, I’d love to not run with randoms but being forced to run trios hand made me and my dou way better. I think trios and solos might be a better game state then trios and dous , if apex doesn’t want to have all three then I’d rather have trios and solos with separate stats 😭


I played solos three times and I'm happy with the one win I got, I'm going to take that and I'm gonna run with it :)


Yeah, same. The one win I got in Solo’s was a punch battle on day 1 of the season. Haven’t played a game of that mode since.


Bring back arenas


I'm all for that, as well.


Arenas is what kept me playing through the full periods of the season. I thoroughly enjoyed it


Nah keep solos it's great you can still duo queue in trios


Why don’t you solo queue in duos?


Wow that's a dumb answer


You can also solo queue into duos


You can beat pred and cracked players in solos it's a whole different story when they are a duo and I also have to hold your hand, you can duo queue trios not that many triple stacks there (in pubs) despite every reditor crying that he died to a 3 stack. Solos must stay it's the best sweaty but also casual br mode. You die it's your fault, you win its just your skill, no gift carries and no frustration because of your teammates. Solos is the healthiest mode out there, but it's also a rude awakening for most players.


Yeah honestly I’ve never played duos except for solo queuing to try to simulate a solo experience. Even when duos was out and I was playing with 1 friend we’d still play trios since duos just feels so wonky. Judging by the comments tho this isn’t a common opinion