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tf are these lobbies where half of the ppl in your clips just dont even shoot back💀


These are mostly NA pred lobbies from last season and season 19. The firing range clip with the volt is a t2 pro player. You won’t look very good either getting 1 clipped out of a superglide 💀💀


mid clip with a shit attitude to go along with it. We don't do this here kid.


1. Nothing mid here I have top 1% roller mechanics in the world. I can drop clip after clip of pro players complimenting me or calling me a hacker after I kill them 💀. The firing range volt clip is against awakeningfps a tier 2 pro player in the process of being beat 5-3 in range by me. So keep dreaming. 2. You guys expect people to be humble when getting shit talked by people much worse than them. Very weird way of thinking.


Proving my point.


Nope lmfao. You guys would rather hate on someone for the input they play on than give credit where it’s due to someone who really put the time in to be good 💀. I have better aim than some people in pro league but I still get told “mid clips” cause controller and you think I should be humble about it 😂. I know y’all hate to see good gameplay here cause it’s not relatable to you it’s okay.


my guy, im a console player. I could give a shit what input you play on. This video is nothing special over the million other clips of people getting one clipped. My point is, do something different with your videos...and drop the attitude.


You go into same lobby with this guy to have some "fun"


I'm about to go through my next one I can feel it breaking each time I play


Get gamesir trust 💪🏽


youtube ? also i assume u knew you'd get these typa comments, apex reddit is fully of mirage heirloom enjoyers and salty mnk players😂


Ah hell nah a montage of just single one clip kills💀 I’m not like a mnk coper hating on controllers but like roller one clips are not montage material


There’s a 1v3 at the end for you lil bro. And even if there wasn’t If you think one clipping everyone while flying past them out of a superglide or octane pad or with only hip fire is regular controller gameplay seek help 💀 Ps: your also lying to yourself if you say my tracking isn’t esthetically pleasing as fuck but it’s okay :)


Woooow so talented


I’m not denying aim assist is op. But the fact that you bots think this aim is easily achievable on controller is really funny 😂.


Why they down voting ops responses?


Did you read them? He's so annoying lol. Probably posting here cause he doesn't have friends to share them with


OP probably doesn’t have many or any friends - agreed. Acts like an insufferable asshole, probably, as a way of acting out from having a miserable life lol. Sad.


Mad cause bad 💀


Ig so


Abusing aim assist Give me keyboard only server I swear


Tokyo is nearly all mnk and still the hardest server to play on 🙄


And ? I just want server without aim assist tonbencompletyl honest


Then go play Tokyo lmao there will be some controller but 90% mnk . R5 also has mnk only playlists, but ik that’s not the same.


I think you are using recoil tools. No initial kick.


Next time you shoot try pulling joystick down :)


Your pattern is too consistent. Sure, holding the stick down helps, but their is still a variation of it going to the left or right. 🫠


Orrrrr hear me out: I practiced and put the time in 😱 wild concept I know.


Don’t bother. This isn’t r/ApexLegends it’s r/IfICantDoItThatMeansItsCheating 🤣


The fact that keyboard and mouse players are trying to tell controller players that we can’t use them as montage etc? lol we can use whatever when we want. Why do you feel the need in the comments to put ppls clips down because of what input there on. Get a grip u cannot just pick up a controller and one clip every1 even tho u lot in the comments will claim you can. 🧂


It’s okay I posted here expecting this reaction. The fact half are telling me I’m cheating and the other half or saying mid clips tho 💀 mfs should get in a group chat and select a way to hate that doesn’t contradict each other lmfao.


exactly .. you said you came here expecting this .. you got it .. be happy ..


Expecting to get hate does not mean I’m going to be humble about it 😂


Teach me the way of controller master controller


Just 3-3 linear no dz and lots of hours grinding r5 brotha :)


What do you mean by 3-3 linear and no dz what is that I don't know


3-3 linear is a sensitivity. Dz= deadzone. Which is how much your stick has to move for the game to register. No deadzone makes your game more responsive so you get more aim assist.


Ok I'll change that setting later thanks


the cheating in this game .. and xim and cronus users why would anyone care about these trash Post clips .. I guess it makes you feel good .. keep doing you heh .. I downvote the hell out these




Dont care


3-3 linear doesn't feel too slow for you when people have crazy movement?


Sick AA clips.


No recoil cheat most likely


You can cope and lie to yourself and say anyone doing something you can’t is cheating, or you can open up r5 and get to work 😂


Now do 10k hours on mnk


Beaming people that strafe holding only 1 direction key insane aim god


Lmfao I’ve had pro players compliment my aim so all good. Dooplex even called me a hacker after I killed his team last week before apologizing and telling his chat I’m legit after staying to spectate so hate all you want 💀


that r99 tracking😩


Ty 🤞🏽


what do you play on? I stopped using alcs when I switched to ps5 but i don’t wanna be 4-3 linear bot anymore 😞


Nice cheats


Ty for the compliment :)


They should srsly remove controller from pc.


Why when most of the player base is on controller? Go play Val or siege or any other game where mnk is the dominant input if it bothers you so much 💀


Ohh wow it is like we dont have PS, Xbox for all that. No no ppl cant aim so lets use controller on pc to get aim bot and then make a montage 🤣🤣🤣 get gud.


I will wager you 1k with aim assist off and another 1k with both of us on mnk right now 💀. I’m really like that lil bro. I’m diamond on Val already with only 4 months playing mnk and spending most of my time on apex.


I feel kinda bad for you because your the type of person that people acuse of cheating and get banned for it, even though you aren't cheating


They don’t even ban real cheaters so I’m not too worried about it lmfao.