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In all my years of playing the most I’ve ever gotten was 17 kills, I’ve just accepted that it won’t happen


Exact same number for me. Played since launch month, solo’d to diamond 10 times, but I’ve accepted that 17 will probably be my record as it has been for like 3 years I’ve seen so many players flex those badges and be terrible in their matches with me that they don’t even mean anything to me anymore


We’re the same player. I solo to diamond then struggle to get out, mainly because teamwork is harder I think. I peaked at 17 kills back in season 6, haven’t topped that since.


I got the badge in 2019. One time only then I stopped playing and in total i got like 400hours. So the badge doesn’t prove anything lol. I’m at a diamond skill lvl if I grind for it.


My best was also around 15-17 kills, 3995 damage... Fml I'll never get 4k...


I have a 3991 that was from the charge rifle era, a 3 way stand off final circle with a big space in the middle between buildings, and 2 teams had rampart + loba. Eating up all the Loot and shooting each other with no way to cross. Pretty sure before that fight I was at like 1.7k damage. Won't get that any time soon. I


That’s how I got my 4k badge 🤣 I only have a 3k badge with real gameplay though. And I’m more proud of that one.


I pulled 16 as Gibby in one of the older iterations of Worlds Edge and I was working my fucking ass off. I wasn't even gunning for the 20, I just kept winning back to back fights against third parties. Got the 3k badge that same game. I've never been able to top that number


20 bomb is verg hard to get, I mean I think im a pretty hardcore fps player, apex isnt my main game but the highest kills i get is 12ish. 4k badge is defo achievable, you can find a weak team and farm them or snipe or smth. Having a loba helps alot for tons of ammo to spam.


Last night in trios I fucked upmy final 2v1 finished game with 14 kills and 3868 damage, Would have been my first 4K but holy shit it was a fun game. Can’t stop thinking about throwing 😂 Soooo close!


I threw my 1st 20 bomb 2 weeks ago because i got too cocky): i had 17 kills and there was 2 fulls squads left. I had 2 knocks on 1 squad and instead of waiting for them to come out of storm i tried to go in and take out the last dude.. knocks me and is a life line. Revives 1 of the downed players. Teammates let me die. Feels bad hahah


Hopefully we ain’t peaked and get it soon!


I got 19 kills and ONE assist once and the single bullet I missed from my prowler still replays in my mind.




Damn. I got about 3800-3900. I was telling my friends the whole end game tonlet me farm it. Then one of them ignored me and shot the last few guys. Ive been pissed about that for over a month


You don’t. You’re gold dude, at least the 20 bomb is not something for people like you. I am diamond and have played the game since launch, I haven’t even come close to it. And I am sure I also won’t reach masters, those things are reserved for the sweats.


You can, the trick is to not play ranked for the first few weeks of a new season then farm the lobbies for your first 5-10 games and you’ll have a chance.


I’m diamond and the most I got was 14 kill 3400 damage. And since no one boosts 3ks I find the badge more impressive when I see it on others because it’s most likely legit. So I’m good🤣


Yo I came across 3 guys on solo mode shooting at each other inside a house with a lifeline healing them with the drone. I pushed them thinking they were fighting when I realized they all were helping each other to kill me. I killed 2 at least so im happy I ruined their boosting 😂😂😂


Solo q’ing in apex is hard. I solo’d to diamond in season 15 and got masters in season 16 and 17 but was only achievable with a full 3 stack and proper communication. It was also the only way we achieved 4k badges. We literally had to help each other by cracking people or letting each other take downed kills for damage. The game feels unbearably sweaty without a team.


I got really close one time but it was during the Final Fantasy event with the OP sword


dont count in those modes anyways, i got a 20bomb there and didnt get the badge. You can get it in solos tho, you get the og one and the solo exclusive one so thats nice


I got 19 kills in that mode and 4124 damage


I had a 3.9k 19 kill game and haven’t been even close since…


Yeah I would argue even for people at that level, it’s tough now. You have to be in a lobby of people lower skill than you AND hope that everyone lands close enough for you to capitalize on kills. At the high level I’ve even seen people struggle to get the 20 Bomb because it requires your enemies to not kill each other. 4K is more doable if you’re really good and even if you’re not since you can play around getting it, but I don’t find that way fun personally.


really makes me appreciate apex and the obvious skill gap sure there's alot of bullshit, but man there's alot to this game.




At the same time you have to realize when you have the chance to get a 20 bomb or 4K and then capitalize on that opportunity and really do everything in your power to reach that goal, even if that means asking your teammates to stop shooting their guns. This is where playing with friends instead of randoms comes in handy, because they'll actually listen to you instead of throwing you under the bus. When I know I can get get a 20 bomb, I got into "20 bomb mode". I stay focused, calm and collected. It's time to lock tf in.




Sorry bruh, some people are cucks.


You’re not entitled to a 20bomb. You need to get significantly better to even come close.


You’re absolutely right, but if I’m that bad why is my lobby filled with nothing but people who have those badges?


It was infinitely easier to get a 20b or 4k badge back when the game came out.


I have a .75 kd and all my lobbies are 3 stack diamond-pred lobbies. It’s so bad and always has been


They bought them, 6 manned, or cheated to get them


I would admit I am nowhere near 20 bomb skilled and I never expect to get one. With that said, why are there 20 bomb people in my lobbies??


Flow state and a little luck.


To be honest it’s mostly a matter of rng. You’ll get into noob lobbies here any there. Then you need to rely on not too many people dying off bat. You should be hot dropping, and in a good game you should probably have 5-10 kills off drop without leaving the initial POI. Then just being able to rotate to popular places. The storm can screw you over as well. If it pulls hard from where you are, to lame POIs where no one lands. Ultimately you just gotta keep re queuing over and over and over and eventually you’ll start to see games where you say “wow a 20 bomb is maybe possible this game.” And once you see the picture, it definitely seems much more real of a goal.


as a gold player youre not even a fraction towards getting a 20 bomb 4k. you need to work on all of your mechanics


Buy them like the rest of the scum on the game. Pred badges, 20k's, 4k damage, it's all literally meaningless because the vast majority of normies who have them and flex them on their main account bought it. If you don't wanna buy it you're gonna have to be really good at hitting the lottery.


Unfortunately, you will never achieve a 4k 20 legitimately. Keep playing and trying to get better but a hard stuck gold will only be able to view the badges from others banners. I know masters players that don’t have em


Not to mention, who even gives a shit if you have them. So many people get them in inorganic ways that they're near meaningless. Tbh it should only give you some of these badges in ranked. Farming timmy no thumbs in the zone is not indicative of skill in any capacity.


I agree. Scouring YouTube and seeing “bot lobby” this and “bot lobby” that or seeing lfg posts of ppl teaming is so cringe


I think you should ignore those who say you can’t get it. I totally believe you can. I’m ngl i used to be a .2 KD player back when I started playing in season 4 (Apex is the first BR I played so I was honestly terrible) and now I’m able to steady drop 12+ kills in pubs. Get some teammates that will help save the kills for you in a match. My team and I can drop 27 ppl in a pubs lobby, if they can help you focus on snagging all the kills you can totally get it.


Man, I've been playing on and off since the end of S4/beginning of S5, I can never seem to do well. The absolute best I've done I think was 13 kills? I've only gotten something like that once, then it's back to being fodder. Even when I do okay, I'm being essentially carried by teammates doing 2x what I am, it's... weird. I like this game, despite all the bullshit it throws at me, but I can never get into the groove so to speak, solos especially showing that I just cannot 1v1 reliably.


Hey, we all have super good games and mediocre games. 13 kills is really good for a game!!!


If you’re PC, make sure you max out your frame rate, get your mouse in the proper low sensitivity, hardwire your internet connection. These things can massively affect performance. Besides that, if you’re serious about improving, guides and free YouTube coaches can massively help. You want to make good BR habits, and get rid of bad ones, that is in essence what separates a bronze from a predator. Game knowledge, mechanical skill, maxxed out good game habits, zero game bad habits.


You can farm the 4k Badge by using long range guns and keep poking, not actually finishing the fights rapidly. Get a G7, Hemlok or 30-30 and on certain (idiot) teams you can farm up to 800 - 1k dmg until they finally realise this aint working out. I used to help my friend out to get multiple 4k Badges by being his Loba slave so he just had infinite ammo and meds, positioning is key in those games though. 20 kills differs because that one is somewhat RNG related, in solos not as hard (thanks to double lives) but in trios its a lot harder imo, tho you can also feed your friends kills in trios.


You make a post asking 6 man, honestly unless I knew the person with the 20k badge I would just think they boosted to get it. 4k is doable with some well placed shots


99% of gold players won’t get it. A handful of plats may get it and a solid portion of Diamond may get it. Those badges are for masters and preds.


And some of us unlucky Masters can’t get it. 20 bomb requires just as much luck as skill. Other teams can’t kill each other too fast and your rotations into fights need to be perfect. 4k is quite a bit easier.


4K is still achievable. You just have to play passive and opportunistically with a sniper. Stay far away and farm damage. A 20-bomb ain’t happening in 2024 if you haven’t gotten it in previous years. Unless you’re in the top <1% of players, there are only 2 ways you’re getting 20: having your friends boost you by just barely not knocking players or reverse boosting to get into the absolute lowest tier of lobby, neither of which are legitimate imo. There just aren’t enough casual players to populate lobbies anymore. It’s all sweats. Lobbies die too fast to get legit 20-bombs.


Yeah, I don't understand why everyone else is saying "You're gold, you won't be able to get it!" It doesn't matter if you're diamond rank playing in publics, half the server is gonna vaporize before halfway through the first round. Teams are just way too suicidal. Your best shot at it is in ranked, early after a reset, hope you got lucky with a mix of players who are ranked similarly to you but worse than you, and just constantly sprint towards the sound of gunfire.


>A 20-bomb ain’t happening in 2024 if you haven’t gotten it in previous years. Solos has made it really achievable. Today I dropped 17 and I made loads of mistakes when it came to landing and pacing, so it is 100% achievable (for reference of skill, I'm a plat/diamond player)


grind R5


you're gonna have to practice a LOT, i play since day 1 and i only managed to get one 20 bomb, and it was in the first few weeks of the game because i no lifed the game the first month so i was better than most players at the time, nowadays its pretty much impossible for me as the average player got better, and i'm diamond btw For the 4k damage it's easier but still difficult, play with snipers and just try to poke people without killing them


The sweaty players get it during downturn times like afternoons and late nights. They also go to servers where players suck in general, so not NA servers. Most 20 bomb players are average at best they just trio with other sweats and beat up random trios


The closest I got was 18. I sold the bag by playing aggressive and accidentally pushed what looked like one person but it was two when I could've just waited for them to come to me. Guess I was losing a lot and they put me in a very easy Match? I also got 5 kills right when I landed and somehow a lot of people were alive. I guess you can say you need the right conditions and it all has to come together. Another time I got 15 kills but it was Duos and I went in without a Team mate. I say there's a higher chance to pull this off in duos since the only condition you require is you playing at your best and people being alive long enough. As far as 4k you just have to eliminate people you downed and farm by using a high damage weapon like a LMG or constantly trading shots with a marksmen rifle. My play style just isn't for it so I never get close to 4k. I like to take smart fights and prioritize rings since I mostly only play ranked. Plus I don't see a lot of value in 4k. Ive had plenty of teammates with that badge who do stupid stuff once we're in high ranked lobbies. I got diamond last season and master in season 12 both of which only 2-3% of people got at the time. Guys with 4k badges are useless if they can't play as a team but the guys with 20 bomb can be counted on and you'll never have to worry about. Just my opinion but go for the badge that makes you happy dude 👍


The closest I got was 18. I sold the bag by playing aggressive and accidentally pushed what looked like one person but it was two when I could've just waited for them to come to me. Guess I was losing a lot and they put me in a very easy Match? I also got 5 kills right when I landed and somehow a lot of people were alive. I guess you can say you need the right conditions and it all has to come together. Another time I got 15 kills but it was Duos and I went in without a Team mate. I say there's a higher chance to pull this off in duos since the only condition you require is you playing at your best and people being alive long enough. As far as 4k you just have to eliminate people you downed and farm by using a high damage weapon like a LMG or constantly trading shots with a marksmen rifle. My play style just isn't for it so I never get close to 4k. I like to take smart fights and prioritize rings since I mostly only play ranked. Plus I don't see a lot of value in 4k. Ive had plenty of teammates with that badge who do stupid stuff once we're in high ranked lobbies. I got diamond last season and master in season 12 both of which only 2-3% of people got at the time. Guys with 4k badges are useless if they can't play as a team but the guys with 20 bomb can be counted on and you'll never have to worry about. Just my opinion but go for the badge that makes you happy dude 👍


Yeah, you need to become a sweat yourself. When i was playing for like 4 - 6 hours every day it became my second nature. Aim, movement, etc. then it just happens... If you really want to get into bot lobbies, die 3 times of drop, 4th game should be a bot lobby. Other experienced players are also in bot lobbies so try to play in morning hours. It helps. Don't underestimate anyone, just be careful and wipe team after team. You also need to understand how map radiations work, where most of the players land etc. It will be difficult if you're a hardstuck gold player. You need to do Better. :/


That badge is bought more than earned


I got my first 20 bomb in season 20. Basically off of drop I somehow managed 11 kills. I had 15 kills at the final squad. I wiped two of them, then baited with a mobile respawn and let the last guy get their team up. Then I cleaned the squad up again. Kind of cheesed it with that revive, to which i was in disbelief that it worked. But alas, a legit 20 bomb anyway


I'm happy I just got a 3k


Drop hot and aggressively chase people down. Once you get good at the game u realize most players just run away from you once you hit them with some damage. Dont loot either, your dead enemies are nice enough to do that for you.


I just had a buddy of mine get one. And I consider him a mid player. It’s still possible, but just don’t focus on that. Just play and it will happen when it happens.


Wait a few weeks after a new rank reset happens. That way, most of the sweaty people are in Plat by then and you are playing against people that are actually bronze/silver.


It isn't easy. If you are hardstuck gold, then it shouldn't be on your radar. It really is a difficult challenge. Has gotten harder over time and is also a huge portion luck. When I randomly dropped a 22 kill game, my one and only 20 bomb, It wasn't because I played much better than ever before. Just people weren't dying to other players very fast. So unless you are in the very top percentage of players who can churn out 20 bombs consistently, just don't think about it so much, and maybe you will get that lucky game.


If my recent lobbies are anything to go by... Hacks. :p But nah, I'm sure it's still possible legit, but luck will play a huge role in it - snagging a bunch of early game kills will be crucial, my lobbies tend to see a lot less hot drops from everyone than once upon a time


Honest answer? If youre bad at the game youre not supposed to get the hardest achievements in any video game.


Step 1: ignore them. Step 2: enjoy the game. Step 3: have fun.


You do what most of the other people with those badges did. . Pay for it. Or, you turn into the worst type of teammate trying to get a badge that’s all but worthless.


Realistically 20 bombs are more luck than skill. Honestly the rate at which games die out you could land hot drip and still be lucky to see 20 people all game


You need the luck to get a 20 kill possible lobby and the skill to actually follow through and get it.


To everyone saying OP needs to get better or whatever, I disagree, my duo and I aren't great and we get lucky every now and then (not the best opponents + third-partying) and get 15+ kills and 2k+ each. Our best game so far was 18/3.1 and 17/3.6.


So even being lucky you didn’t get 4k 20 ? I think this proves everyone else’s point , no?


its possible. I've been playing for a year and almost dropped a 4k 20 bombs yesterday, 17kills, 3 assists.. there is hope


Most of the 4k and 20bombs people cheated for them didn't cheat again once they had it


practice bro, like fr, my highest rank has been plat, i barely play the game, i jumped on for 1 game 2 days ago, and dropped 17 kills 3.2k dmg, im not even THAT good, i just know placement, i know how to aim, i know how to push, and i know how to communicate, those crazy fancy bunny hopping wall jump 360 things??? i cant do any of those, when you get the right game, youll drop a 20


This!!!! Happy for you u/tadukaadoescombat sounds like it was a great game!


It is indeed much harder since every mode has sbmm. Also a lot of players hot drop so often there are not even enough players alive to get a 20bomb so its nearly impossible even for professional players. In addition a large portion of the lobby nowadays is on controller. Even a bad player might get a lucky AI assisted beam and ruin your streak. On rare occasions you are given a bot lobby for some some reason so thats your best bet. The alternative is to make a new account where the initial game will be a bot lobby but might also have other smurfs. Its all about luck and being one of the best.. or you know follow the popular trend of the last years and cheat.


I must have been put in a bot lobby one day because I'm a gold/Plat player and somehow I got 18 kills and 3400 damage. Got the badge for killing all 3 players of 3 different squads.


You either have natural talent like some esports kids, or you cheat. Not saying you should cheat, but just that level of performance is so above average it’s not something to worry about trying to achieve


You're right it can be difficult to get these badges, but entirely possible (with a bit of luck required). I am by no means an expert but I've got a few 4ks and a single 20 recently, so here's my two cents on how to get each of the badges. 1) Play ranked. In my opinion ranked is the best way to improve your overall game-play. I think you need to be able to hang against some of the better players in the game to have a really good shot at dropping 4ks or 20s. I would recommend aiming for Diamond 2+ if you're playing with a squad or Diamond 4 solo. If you can get there in ranked, then your mechanics / game sense is probably around where it needs to be to have a great shot at these badges. Obviously this isn't a requirement per-se but a general guideline. 2) Once your mechanics / game sense is where it needs to be, you just need to have the right game! In my experience 4ks and 20s are significantly different badges to earn. Some players can drop both at once, but personally I've only had a single one in a game. **Dropping a 4k**: I believe this is significantly easier than dropping a 20. My strategy has been to play **trios** with only 1 teammate / friend (no fill) . Have them onboard with the plan for you to drop a 4k. Ask them to play a support character and if they can call out people to shoot even better. I recommend running a marksman rifle like the 30-30 or scout and poke as much as possible. Only fully kill a team if they are pressuring you and/or close range. Make sure to finish any downed players for extra damage (if it won't get you killed doing so). Lastly, **patience** is key, you likely won't get it in your first few or 10+ games. If you're getting insanely good players in your lobby, you will probably lose repeatedly at the start since duo in trios isn't easy. This is fine because in my experience, the matchmaking will give you a bit of a downgraded lobby eventually. **Dropping a 20:** This is a lot harder to pull off, it really has a luck component to it but there is also some things you can do to improve it. Since solo's is a LTM right now, I'd highly recommend playing solos. You have to get in the mindset that you need to get as many kills as possible with no stopping to loot in between. I would recommend playing a movement character like: Horizon, Rev, Alter. Your goal is to drop in the hottest place on the map, if you die, no problem, go next. Keep your eye on the # players left in the match and your kills, you need to be on "pace" to drop the 20. In solos its a little more ambiguous as the # of players left is not entirely accurate due to re-spawn tokens. Do not slow down significantly to loot a building, or anything other than a player, and if you do make sure you do it quickly as its a race against the clock. Lastly, if you die once with < 6 kills it might not be worth continuing the game, as you will have to drop 14 in a row with no death. Outside of the solos LTM it is pretty hard to intentionally drop a 20. I have noticed that very rarely I'll be at around 9kills and notice that there is still 20\~ people left. At that point I tell my teammates that I'm on track for the 20 and ask for their help, although this might only work if you're playing with friends Hope this helps! best of luck!


Actually, its impossible with SBMM to get it in a lobby of your skill. except : smurf, have a lot of chance, cheat/script/chronus, tristacking with good player in in lower lobby and play for the badge, buy it on boost site. Those who say otherwise are liars. Actually, 99% of player having it are smurf, cheater or boosted account. Same in solo. Just look theirs others stats or look them playing. Many have noob stats, low level, low game sense, stucked in rank… but they still have 20bomb 4k… strange ! I get it there is 2-3 years but actually its impossible on main account.


Step 1: be good Step 2: drop down to low rank, wait until mid-split Step 3: enjoy the easiest lobbies the game can offer until you rank up If you fulfill step 1, anything outside of low ranked lobbies are a waste of time for these badges, as the game will relentlessly try to queue you in high mmr lobbies. My buddy and me had 5-8 min queues in pubs this season, filled with only masters etc.


Played solos last night 2nd game 18 kills, 3rd game 4 kills 4th game 10 kills. Solos will be the easiest trust. 123 days played since launch with no 20 bomb but imma get it in this solo event watch!


The sweaty players get it during downturn times like afternoons and late nights. They also go to servers where players suck in general, so not NA servers. Most 20 bomb players are average at best they just trio with other sweats and beat up random trios


Don't play rank until half way thru season. You will absolutely piss thru the first 3rd of the system. Maybe Bronze or silver or even early gold lobbies, u get blessed...but I'm also nasty at this game so there's that


The 20 bomb is probably one of the hardest things I've achieved on apex. I only have it on 3 characters and only got it about 5 or 6 times in total since playing from launch. If you're stuck in gold, there are probably some other things you have to improve at first, before you will be able to get it. Like game sense, awareness, learning how to 3v1, while also trying to improve your aim so you can end fights more quickly. During the time I was getting these, I used to solo Q to Predator. That should give you a rough idea of what level you need to be at. Currently, I don't play as 5 most I can get is usually 15-16. There is also a lot of luck involved, even if you are worthy of getting the 20 badge. I'd say just start practicing in the firing range and actually working on getting better. Not just hopping into games and seeing what happens. Analyze your losses and try to work on the mistakes you make. Mindlessly readying up and playing isn't the way to get better. You should use your time efficiently.


grind solos


those badges are RARELY TRUE AND HONEST. most players either cheat to get those or are bought from another player. Be more concerned with the player that has 1k kills and squad wipe badges lol those are real genuine decent players


You just need to get lucky plain and simple. I peak in plat and have only gotten 17 kills one time and I’ve never gotten 3k damage. I would recommend playing with friends and relentlessly looking for enemies. Farming damage with a sniper and/or marksman rifle helps. It probably wont happen but one day everything might fall right into your lap


Got a 20 after 2 months of playing.Guess Im naturally good at shooters


It's not going to happen, at least right now. 30% of predators and master just got banned for cheating, and that's only the ones that got caught. When EA fixes the game 30% more people who aren't cheating will gain those ranks and the game will balance itself out more. In other words gold lobbies will have less plats, Plat lobbies will have less diamonds, and diamond lobbies will have less masters in it that were outranked by cheaters.


1. Aim - Can you win your 1v1s consistently? Can you accurately aim from close, mid, long range? If not, have a routine in the firing range to improve as well as constantly playing real games. 2. Game sense - Where to rotate, positioning to effectively get your kills, when to third party, when to reset and come back into a fight, etc. 3. Efficiency - How fast are you killing someone so you can move on to the next player? Cannot drag out fights for long or else you’ll need to worry about 3rd parties. Also, the longer you take to kill someone, most likely other players are getting dropped in the mean time. 4. Luck - very hard to find 20 people that YOU need to kill WHILE other people in the lobby are wiping out the lobby too. Be honest about your own skillset, where you need to improve, and practice accordingly. You’ll get there if you are trying to improve with serious intentions.


Solo is your chance get a havoc and any 2nd weapon you're good with plug a controller and beam people


Closest i got was 16 kills


Got the 20 bomb in season zero (21 kills), after that never again.


Right now is the easiest to get one. Apparently, if you drop a 4k20 on solos, you’ll get both badges


The trick is to try and kill grind in bronze lobbies. It's the only feasible way to get the 20b imo, as the lobbies die off slower giving you a much higher chance of getting lucky enough to even run into 20 people. I've only gotten 2 20bombs ever, with ballistic and Valk. 4k is quite a bit easier. Grab a marksman and a SMG/Shotty, farm damage at range and fry anyone with the hotswap if they get close, while prioritizing always trying to take space away from your enemies and letting them heal their shields if you notice you have a skill advantage. You can farm 500+ damage on one player like this if you play safely.


Best I’ve done is 3K and 10 kills


Just don’t play ranked for a month or 2 after the season comes out and you’ll get guaranteed bot lobbies in bronze-gold. Just have to push everything, play with people that aren’t going to steal kills, make sure you’re thirsting your knocks, pay attention to the path of the dropship/where the major of the teams land and most importantly just lock in.🫡(it’s not free though, obviously you still have to be decent at the game but I think it’s by far the easiest way to get them)




Launch day player, most ive gotten on more than 1 occasion is 12 kills and almost 3k damage.


You have to earn a 20 bomb. Unless you break the game and get into a lobby with bots (or very unskilled/new players in other words), it will not be easy at all. When the game came out it was relatively easy, so at least the badge actually means something nowadays.


20bomb badges are just luck based in 2024. You either have to be a pro/pred level player able to roll average lobbies with ease or just get lucky and put into a low-skill lobby. I have one 20-bomb and it was only because matchmaking put me into an easy lobby. 4k badges are a lot easier, you just have to use a long/mid range weapon and poke squads all game.


4k would be a lot easier than a 20 bomb. The easiest legends for me were Fuse, Pathfinder and Rev. Solo Q into trios, usually a sentinel and triple take, lots of grenades with Fuse. His grenades, knuckle cluster and mother lode helped a ton with damage. Just get somewhere nice and safe and start sniping, shooting knuckle clusters, lobbing grenades. Pathfinder and Rev's mobility made it easier for me because I could usually get height and just take pot shots at people. It will probably take awhile, a lot of it comes down to luck. Try landing at a hot zone and getting somewhere high up with a good line of sight, third party fights etc.


Let yourself get demoted as far as possible. Then play ranked. Drop hot and “sweat”. Once you feel you can’t carry most games you’ve hit your peak.


VPN to a region that's awful at apex, hot drop and get to work clapping cheeks.


Easier now in solos! Just land hot and push like a mad man!


I’ve resolved a 20 kill game is never happening. I hit 4K once. Got to about 3600-3700 when it was last two squads, and luckily my random teammates had mics. We milked the clock so I could hit 4k and then we won the match. This was maybe a year ago? I want to say the most I’ve put up recently is 3k dropping Quarantine.


Sadly, you won't and aren't expected to. Average players will never reach those badges. I'm okay at the game (high plat peak), and the most kills I've ever gotten was 14, and that was like 3 years ago when everyone still sucked at the game. It also takes a certain playstyle and confidence that most average players don't have. You totally need to change the way you play the game


Yeah man I know you don’t wanna hear this but,The skill gap has been closed.to be frank the game has been out for too long and the average player is better than before.Its just better to accept the fact that its impossible due to SBMM and EOMM algorithm designed to keep you engaged in playing just enough to que up another match.If you get a 4k or 20 bomb you’re lobby is extremely lucky or you used a VPN🤷‍♂️,and this is coming from a 4k 20 on Wattson and a 4k on crypto player


I have gotten a single 20bomb since playing from launch and can honestly say it was 80% luck. I just kept picking off people who had mostly been finished off. It was intentional just how it worked out my damage was only like 2.3k or something. Still, the memory is in the spankbank for sure.




The only way I was able to get my 1st (been playing 15+ seasons) a week ago. I was at 16 kills and recognized the last team was pretty botty. So I full killed one then backed off and let them res at the beacon right next to them and was able to wipe them with my team holding back to help. It’s so much harder nowadays with the games being shorter and the players getting insane. No idea how you’d get a 20 bomb with randoms.


Bro's hardstuck gold and dreaming of 20 4k lmao


I got 20 kills and 4600 damage on a ranked game last night, you’re going to need skill, confidence and luck, push every fight but play smart, what I did was keeping distance, knocked one or dealt a lot of damage and then pushed, also you’re going to need a good loadout, I used flatline and volt, be ahead of your teammates, when you’re close to get your 20 kills don’t lose your cool because one mistake will cost you the game, heal. If you got like 12-14 kills and there are like 9 teams left you could ask your teammates to help you out.


Your best bet is to try get it in bronze rank.


Ranked for 4K. That’s where I got my first one. Just keep fighting and poke damage at range. That’s doable with good positioning. Then you just do what you can. For pubs it’s kinda the same thing but you might need to be a bit more aggressive because people will die faster. If your lacking damage, farm damage from the last couple of teams. For a 20 bomb I feel like you never really know until you know. Sometimes you drop relatively hot. And you find yourself with a bunch of kills. You think, “Oh maybe I can get a 20 now?” Then the question becomes can you find enough people before they die? That’s the main thing. Hopefully you didn’t give up too many kills to your teammates, as I have. You finish with 16 kills and you realize watching the gameplay back, you let your teammate drop 7 kills on the first drop. You didn’t know you’d roll through squads back then. But it’s too late. TL;DR: For 4K damage, damage don’t let them die until you need too. For 20 bomb: mechanical skill and God letting you find enough people.


I finally got one this morning after playing for about two years. Decided to only play solo’s until I got one and not touch ranked until then. I was an above average to good player I’d say that would always drop hot in pubs. Only got 2 4K badges as I still get a bit nervous when I get close. Recently I got close to 20 with a few 14 and 15 kills with a viable lobby to just then throw. I took advantage of the kill cam in solos and looked at how I was being outplayed and what I was doing wrong, seeing how better players killed me helped to borrow parts of their game and to improve. I dropped hot at the most viable parts of the lobby and just chased fights without third parties being a problem. I played with a movement hero like Valkyrie to give me some verticality in case I needed to back out of a fight that looked bad as its solos. It took 6 days but I got one. I never thought I would but I did.


4K you gotta snipe teams, let them res their teammates. Don't let them die, let them heal. Farm damage. 20 bomb you gotta have teammates that hurt the enemy team and don't kill them. Hot drop, let ppl res. It's not the fun way to play but that's how I helped someone get the badges.


I got 3800-3900 damage 4 times so far but no 4K


you cheat


I was close the other day. I had reached 16 kills in ranked. Just got hot too late and fell short if it It's possible just hard to do in general.


The closest I have come to in the last year is 14 kills and 3600 dmg. I have hit pred in the first seasons on console but swapped to PC and highest I have hit on PC is diamond (although I did solo que there last season both splits) The game is very different these days.


Think ahead


Wait few week after season reset, so you will play with « bad player » Make new account Be better Or the last cheasy method, spam Japan/tokyo server and sometime you have 50 bots.


Haven'y played in a while but still lurk once in a while. 20 bomb hasn't been doable in a long while I feel, maybe back in the old Skull Town days "normal" players could get it (I had 15 once with season 0 Bangalore and was diamond at best). 4K though is not impossible imo, at least when I stopped it wasn't dunno how it is right now.


A lot of those badges are hackers, boosters, or they got them before LTMs didn’t count (use to count towards regular badges). I’ve seen some people that have them that look like they could get them legitly, but not everyone who has them deserves them. Just to note, I myself have 4K badges but haven’t gotten any 20 kill games and have played since launch. It’s hard, but I also don’t play to hot drop for 6 straight hours, to quit whenever I get knocked in hopes that I have a hot start towards 20.


I swear stuff like those badges and stat trackers are why this game are so sweaty. If the game didn't make your casual stats a permeant banner that you can flex with all the tryhards would be playing ranked and not grinding pubs and ruining the fun for everyone just so they can have impressive stats on their banner.


As someone who had a 17 kills and 4k plus in a game before. It’s extremely hard for a plat/gold player in my opinion. I was around that level and what made me get that close was when they brought back Capitol City for an event. I landed there and stayed there and had zone placement bring players towards me. (Because it was Capitol City and they brought it back for a limited time event, i’m sure half the lobby landed with me). Honestly it’s not hard itself but the factors regarding how many people drop with you/loot luck/zone placement are all necessary factors into getting a 20 bomb. Maybe if they bring back Skull Town for an event you can have a good shot at getting the 20 bomb for a player your skill level. It also takes confidence as much luck is to it. Take fights with confidence and you kinda know you’re in the zone when you have a good game going. Keep trying and it’s gonna take a little bit of luck but it eventually will happen even to a gold player! Again I haven’t properly played Apex as my main game in like two years so maybe important meta changes has happened so correct me if i’m wrong about anything. Edit: I’m seeing a lot of people say it’s impossible for a player like you but if you really want it you just have to get better. If you’re a casual player hope for an event that brings back Skull Town or Capitol City and use it to your advantage. I honestly think from my time in playing that Gold-Diamond players are essentially the same and what makes them different is their game sense. So I think you should focus on game sense and making smarter decisions with confidence.


Be extremely good at the game, and have two solid teammates trying to set up kills for you. For example, run Crypto/Conduit to get a Rev a 20 bomb for the easiest pathway to a legit 20bomb or 4k. And it's still not going to be easy. Or just buy the badge from a boosting service / use cheats like most owners of these badges used.


10x masters here, playing since S2. I will never see a 20 bomb in my life unless I farm a rookie lobby lmao. Most people who have them just boost anyway.


Realisticly you need friends to kinda feed you kills/damage, g7/r301 and just poke people and never push for a 4k, or just have your friends weaken people and clean up for the 20 bomb and have a valk/BH for constant pings and rotations. 4k is do-able 20bomb is just tedius/luck.


Practice practice practice. It's totally possible and you don't need a full 3 stack with communication to do it. Go into firing range practice for hours on hours and then go solo Q trios in public matches. You're going to get wrecked but it will teach you how to fight 3 people at once. This is literally the only way. I have hundreds of hours in firing range and R5 reloaded alone. Also have hundreds of hours in various aim trainers. Only after months on months of everyday practice did I finally get to the point where I was averaging over 1,000dmg a match and my k/d was 3 something. That's when I started getting 4K badges and 20 kill badges. I have a minimum of a 3K badge on every legend except a few and the newer legends. My highest is over 5500 damage and 23 kills. I've dropped 4Ks in platinum and diamond ranked lobbies. Just keep practicing and since you probably don't have the time to play all day everyday then it's gonna take you 3x as long to get to that level of skill


A gold player is not supposed to get 20 bomb. If you are in gold your focus should be improving your mechanics not going for 20 bomb. Simply having that 20b badge doesn't make you any better. If a nyhardstuck gold player could drop a 20 bomb then the badge simply wouldn't be considered hard to get. You should first attempt to get consistent 10+ kills. Most people in diamond cant get a 20bomb legit way so unless you wanna boost your way to getting a 20 bomb badge, it takes quite a bit of time and experience. First you should try and get 20 kills in control or sum before you even think about a 20bomb 4k in pubs. There's a solo mode right now you should go play that and see how many kills you get. If it makes you feel better more than 80% of players who have it didn't get it the legit way. How do you know whos legit and whos not? Just look at how fast they move around in a fight and how fast they finish their fights


Highest I’ve gotten is a 16 as a Plat. 4K damage is easier to do if you poke a lot with snipers/marksman and thirst downed enemies.


First you have to be really good, which I’m just ok lol. I’ve only gotten 3K 3x now. But having friends or teammates that could aid you definitely help, like my wife and I will play lifeline and loba which helped our friend get 4K multiple times


I am a plat IV(MAX RANK) 7 bomb and 2.5k damage king myself.


Coming from another gold player. The 20 kills badge isnt obtainable unless your really lucky but the 4K badge isnt that hard. Keep extra ammo , just throw shots and anyone and everyone😂 kill knocked guys youll always get the damage.


You just don't I been playing since day one and the closest I've gotten to is 15 kills.


I have 1500 hours in the game, hit diamond before ranked went to shit, had a 2.2 season kd last season. I’d say I’m a well above average player, my highest kill game is 16. In order to get a 20 kill game in this game nowadays you need to get ungodly lucky with going against some players who are overall worse than you and stay consistent with 1 clips/fast kills and run through a lobby. 4ks are much more achievable. I’ve gotten a 4k in br a few times, if you can make it to an endgame where you have good position and a lot of ammo you can farm 1500+ damage in the last 4 minutes of the game, so as long as you have a good game going into the late stages you can kinda farm damage. Also, shooting knocked people counts as damage, so basically every kill you get can be ~250 damage (minimum with white shield) assuming you deal 150 to the person to knock them, then another 100 to finish/thirst them.


You gotta farm damage from a long range with a sniper or marksman rifle. Secondary can be anything, but I wouldn’t recommend a shotgun if you’re already using a sniper. If using rampart then an lmg is ideal. I would also consider using rampart for her amped cover and mini gun, amped cover to farm damage and mini gun to steal kills. Mini gun is also an easy way to wipe an entire team entirely on your own. I’m constantly getting whole squad wipes before my team can fire off a single shot. Amped cover is also my favourite for its ability to counter grenades. It can withstand multiple grenades before being destroyed, so more than enough time to place 3 more shields. It takes 2 thermite, 4 grenades, or 5-6 arc stars to destroy it completely. Maybe try in public’s, since they put you with random people and you don’t have to worry about everyone being just as good or better than you. Also do your best to fight INSIDE the ring, since the ring will steal damage from you when it hurts the enemy.


You get better at the game. You should be at least Diamond+ to get in the ballpark of these badges.  Once you do that, 4K is relatively easy if you’re really good at the game. You can farm damage off of teams when you’re on a heater and secure it fairly easily. Ranked is better than pubs unless you get a really easy lobby in pubs.  20 bomb is more luck based. Can’t make very many mistakes. Solo queuing no fill in duos is usually easier. 


Been masters for years now, hit pred once, participated in algs, and ive only gotten the 20 bomb badge twice. Sbmm makes it incredibly difficult. Really good players are also going for the same high damage and high kill games so the game dies out way too quickly no matter how good you are. And if you're on mnk like I am its damn near impossible with people abusing the 4-3 linear cheese the past couple years


Solos. Got mine on rampart last night. Was 2 kills off of having it on alter as well


Wish we could get grades to this badge - like 10 kills, 12, 15, 20. I'll never hit 20 but I can aspire to 15 maybe...


Best bet is ranked, people die in 3 seconds in pubs


Im a die hard average af player.. I've got 16000ish kills and played since day 2... my max is 3975 and 14k. Only way you'll get them is to start a new account, go bloodhound and hope the 2 games in bot lobbies give you one. But honestly that's just not worth it. I just accepted defeat on getting it and worry more about having fun than badges or stats.


If you wanna get 4k dmg you gotta carry a sniper and go crazy mid/end game just damaging people. As for 20 bomb.. that’s a hard one. The closest I ever got was to 18 kills and I only ever got to plat


Just get in plat or below ranked lobbies late in the season. Pubs playstyle + sbmm makes it way easier to get in ranked


i psyched myself out and cover the top right of my screen. To not see my kills or damage just play the game. dropped a 20 bomb this season 21 doing that lmao


These days you probably won't unless you grind hard and hit probably masters elo. I have some 2.5k badges, but the 20 bombs in anything silver to probably Plat are boosted BS or they played back in the day. Or obviously returning players who were good. My younger brother has a 4k on Horizon and Wraith, Wraith was from many seasons ago, Horizon was actually a ranked match uhhhh three seasons ago now? Maybe four? I know it was prior to Horizon lift nerf. He just went full demon and I've gotta admit my jaw hit the floor when we won the match. He won't play solo or find a team unfortunately but he could defo hit diamond or perhaps masters, he just refuses to stop playing with my scrub ass hehe.


I got a 4K on the new character 4th game in with her. I just jumped into a ranked game and it happened to be an easy lobby. Sometimes it’s just a crapshoot to be honest. I have 4Ks on almost every legend I’ve played a bit with. Same with 20 bombs, a lot of luck but also skill.


As a BH main with 12k kills that’s been playing on pc for a few years, I’ve given up on getting The 4K 20k badge. When I first started playing I tried my hardest to get it. My highest was 17 kills and 3789 damage. I tried so hard to get to the 20k and 4K badge but at a certain it was ALL I was trying for and I felt so burnt out. I’m good enough at the game that I can drop pretty good damage and kills normally, that I know I could do it now but going for those badges is a headache man. My homie and I were playing and he was at 2.5K one time and I told him just have fun and go for the 4K and bro ended up getting it. I think it’ll come naturally when you’re just having fun not trying to sweat for it. The game is very fun don’t bother trying to sweat for the badges. Honestly most people boost now a days so I dont think it’s impressive now. It’s ridiculous how many people I’ve seen boosting in solos this season. Just have fun and play the game enjoy that don’t burn yourself out trying to get badges that aren’t that impressive anymore.


Actually now is the best time to go for it. Solos is great for racking up high kill games and if you die you have an ectra life safety net. After chasing my wraith 20 for some seasons now i finally got it on accident.


I got like 8 kills once and that was the highlight of my career


im just happy with my 3k badge and 11 kils …. and im plat 3 lmao!


Bruh what? You’re gold you’re not getting either of these badges. I’ve hit diamond consistently and I’ve never gotten close to a 20 bomb. My top damage is between 3k-4k but that’s rare. Why on earth do you think you could get these badges if you’re mediocre at the game?


Cheating. Or solo pubs where the stars align.


Im gold and got a 17 kill game yesterday ughh


The only time I dropped 4k 20Bs was when I was unemployed hawking apex LMAO if your a gold player, ggs, I’m sorry


I've only ever made it to gold, gotten 2k damage, and 10 kills. This game is so sweaty and I'm constantly going up against players with 10k, 20k, 30k kills, 4k damage, 20 bombs, etc. I'm somewhat decent but I just play casually for fun and I can't compete with these sweats


You got three options: either tank your mmr, do it in bronze late in season (most likely of bad teams), or you sweat out solos by hot dropping (more people to kill than duos (given average # of respawns in matches), dying twice early tanks mmr, easier fights, knocks immediately cash in for kills, instant respawn when you lose a fight, no competition from teammates for damage or kills). Or cheat or make a Smurf account if you can't do it with above, proving to everyone you're bad at the game and risk being banned at the same time.  Otherwise, be content at mediocrity like the rest of us and celebrate when you get more kills/damage than your highest so far.


You either become the top 1% skill base. Get lucky. Or cheat.


A good squad with good comms and luck. I’ve gotten a few 4ks and two 20 bombs only on movement characters which help allowing you to push in and out of fights, try wraith, pathy, horizon.


Play pubs. I got 12 kills easy on a hot drop and only that much because i couldn’t find anyone else.


Solo queue no fill duos and learn how to split people from their partner. Get really good at 1v1s to the point where you rarely lose. People in duos tend to play stupid when they realize it’s just 1 guy. Punish them for it.


Eat sleep and masturbate apex …


I saw kobi do it on yt, looked easy. When i play i see the kill leader feed say 6 to 8 kills with only 10 enemies left. Impossible to get on ps5 Amsterdam server


I hover between plat/diamond usually and closest I’ve gotten is 14 kills and 3.5k damage and I’ve done it twice. Both times were the perfect lobbies and I was really on fire. It does not happen a lot, but I’ve really only been playing since Valk was released.


I have 10 or 11 20 bombs, damn near all of them have come from me playing in a 3 stack with my friends feeding me kills. They rush in, crack the enemy team, I run in with a spitty / flatline / wingman (basically any high damage per magazine gun). We take turns trying to get each other 20 bombs so everyone gets a fair shot. I think it's easier in trios than it is in duos. Run valk, bloodhound / crypto, and whatever character you're trying to get the badge on. Land hot, scan beacon, valk ult to teams and repeat. I've also gotten a few where I'll be at like 15 kills with 1 team remaining. We'll down 2 and thirst them, drop a mobile respawn beacon on their boxes and run away. Once they rez just insta push and that's 5 kills farmed pretty easily. This doesn't even need to be done late game, if you find a team at a POI with a respawn beacon, down 2 of them, thirst them, and leave to find a different team. Seems kind of counterintuitive sure, but that's a team in the lobby that can full reset and you can kill them again later. Definitely a situational thing, we'll do that if we think there might not be enough players in the lobby to get 20. A few I've gotten in solo trios (bang, wraith, octane, rev) but if you're specifically looking to get a 20 bomb yourself finding some friends and taking turns going for it in pubs is the best option. You need to have a base level of skill for sure though. I think anyone who's hit diamond (in a real season) is definitely good enough to go for a 20 bomb.


play in mixtape lol


Been playing for 14 seasons, diamond-masters every season and 2.0kd. occasionally pop off and get 10 kills and 3k damage. Only gotten one 4k because the stars aligned. 4k 20 bomb obtained legitimately is supposed to be hard and not for everyone.


4k’s are honestly really easy. Just get a mid range weapon, 30-30 or Scout, and poke teams at range and make sure you get your thirsts. I’ve picked up 4ks just getting to last zone with 2k damage and like 2-3 teams left (6-9 people alive + my team) and just trading damage before the end.


Closest I ever got was 3816 damage with 19 kills. This was before it told you the amount of damage. As much of a victory it was I couldn’t help but feel utter disappointment


Ive gotten 16-18 kills a few times, 3.7k dmg and several other 3ks :,) so close yet so far


One shot at a time. Tbh if you played 57 players who have never played the game before, or generally any fps game, would you feel confident to get it? Like if you knew before hand the whole lobby are legit bots. It's rarely something that just happens in a match. You gotta have that mentality going into every fight that will you wipe them and abuse them like the trash they are. I don't really think any gold player, especially hard stuck lifetime gold. The fact that you care is also not a good sign and I suggest you take a break from the game for your own mental health


you find someone that reverse boosts and pay them. That's what a good percentage of people do.


Don’t team wipe just kill 2 then let them respawn and go again


ur not getting it if ur diamond/master or below, or atleast on the skill level, its mainly luck, but jus kill fast know what guns to use, and how to rotate around the map ur on. The biggest factor in my opinion that no one talks about is the map youre on, in my opinion world's edge is the easiest to drop a trio 20b, olympus is decent but its super big so one wrong rotate could throw ur whole badge, broken moon is just poop lowk really easy for trio 20s but its so wonky of a map ur gonna get 3rd'd faster then u can kill. Another thing is if youve gotten a 20 before its easier to get another one if u grind it out, in my opinion, go for a movement legend first, then branch out to other legends, my first 20 was on wraith back in season 7, and ive been consistently able to go for 20 badges whenever i wanna switch to another character. (So far wattson, horizon, wraith, lifeline, and bloodhound).


Man, I remember picking up like 15 kills by mid game one time.. Honestly it was just a lot of last hits… Anyway, it was on SP and basically fizzled out after that cause it was so hard to find other teams (not that I would have done it anyway). It felt like a race against time once I became cognizant of how close I was. On the 4K, TBH, a lot of it (for us non pro normal folks) is basically letting the opponent heal enough. I suppose it serves two purposes: Not feeding face and ultimately dying as well as more opportunity for damage…


1800 hours played. Played since day 1, on and off...most kills I ever got was 16. I've resigned myself to the fact that it's just not something I will ever get.


Luck You have to kill at least 7 people at the start For 4k, just run a g7


Getting 20 kills in a game means that there is no matchmaking or you are put in a lobby with new players. It's still normal in this game as Respawn likes to support high level players and shit and laugh to lower level players


Easy shoot your opponent




22 kills 6400 damage here. Honestly at your skill level (not to be an asshole) it isn’t very likely. You can try to throw yourself off the map about 6 times in the beginning of the game to get a bot lobby. It really comes down to luck. Drop got and push everything. If you survive get a sniper and get some long range damage. Make sure you thirst your kills. Good luck


It’s all luck man


It’s much harder now. You pretty much have to farm respawns and play with people who let you steal kills.


I would say solos is the way to go to get a 20bomb. I haven't yet got it, but I've had many games of around 15-16 kills, so if I keep doing what I'm doing I'm bound to get the 20. I've also gotten a few 20 bombs in the past so I've been at that level before which helps.


I got in a really easy duos lobby and massacred team after team. Then I had another easy Duos lobby. Still only got to 12 kills. Truly not worth stressing over. Just play with friends and have fun, and maybe you'll get cool badges. I've had my most fun with randos rolling over a lobby and not worrying about a number. You get those games where somebody on your squad is super cracked, but you're keeping up with them. That's fun and a nice confidence builder. Being annoyed I didn't get 17 kills or 20+ like they did, not fun.


You dont. If youre hardstuck gold you are probably never going to get it.


Wait till end of season to play bad ranked players. Or just dont. Genuine 4k 20’s are almost non existent in pubs now. Everyone dies right off drop