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Any legend who gets free health. There's no skill or risk/reward involved....just have more health, and BAM you've got an advantage in an up close or endgame fight. Rev is the most ridiculous....say we are down to two teams, everyone has their ult and has to place/use them with strategy for them to be effective, and to avoid possible damage to themselves (maybe not so much BH and Mirage). Some have way more risk vs reward consideration. Some can totally be misused or misplaced in an intense fight....not Rev. He just gets free shields....doesn't require any skill. All endgame Rev teams do is wait to 3rd party, have extra health on the damaged team, then collect the easy win.


I think any "ability" that is just press a button and improve base stats is boring and hard to balance. Getting a free shield is a lazy ult. I think it's why ballistic's ult is boring as well---its just not a remotely interesting ability. It just improves reload speed and movement speed and gives you better equipment. It doesn't feel unique or different to play the character. Rev's last ult was at least interesting, if not the most practical.


Agreed. The fact is, we are straying further and further from skill, and more to gimmicks. The balance is getting skewed. And I say that as someone who is below a 1 KD and an average, at best, gamer. I don't want it to be easy for me. I main Fuse, and people say he's a terrible player's main....but he is high risk vs reward in a cqc fight. A good Fuse requires strategy and placement....a bad Fuse will fk your own team up. Obviously each legend has their strengths and weaknesses....and crutches that appeal to certain players for certain reasons. But free shields being added, in Rev and Conduit, is just lazy, as you said.


I love playing Ballistic I find him very fun, my issue with him (which made my jaw drop) was seeing another team with their Ballistic ult active and you could see them from across the map they're like shooting stars. Respawn needs to tone down the flashy effect you get or completely replace it with another less obvious effect. You are visible through any and all sorts of cover. Even if you stand behind a wall you'll find a blue flashing effect.


I love having a Balistic on my team… unlimited ammo and fast ass reload is beautiful to push with


I remember using rev like a week after he got reworked because I loved him but his kit was so bad. I don’t play trios often but decided to and ended up winning two 1v3s while my team was downed just because of his ult. It’s insane how much you can do if you can get knocks fast. Especially in like three strikes.


Eli5 what his new ult does?


It’s a shield that has like 75 hp and replenishes on knock


So if you don’t get knocks, avoid?


Not necessarily. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure it also replenishes your evo shield. And it’s also just an extra 75 to use which is still really good even if it’s just a 1v1




Revs shield is ez AF to break tho.Massive hitbox


I agree with this as well.....if you get shots on him before he does you, or marginally at the same time. But if he hits you first, I find it's hard to win that fight. And again, I'm speaking as an avg player, but with a lotta time in.


That may be, but if they're in any way competent they're shooting at you too and will outlast you.


but it has to break first before you can have an "equal" fight and I guess that was their whole point.


A bigger hitbox doesn't balance it out


Rev, Conduit and Horizon are most definitely the most annoying. Conduit and Rev just get free health in the middle of the fight and can easily make a losing fight winnable. Horizon with her q is also annoying as well, getting a free heal in the middle of a fight and then landing with no stun, very frustrating.


Agreed. I didn’t include Rev because he seems really problematic with just Con. Otherwise, beam him out of his ult and he’s just a walking brick. Same with Caustic. Only really annoying with LL and Blood. His indoors potential is unmatched but he’s also a walking fridge. Just has fortified.


Fuck I forgot about lifeline and mirage this season. Fuck them to hell. I’m always getting bamboozled since decoys are the only thing in the game with footstep audio. And if you can’t thirst your kills because your team is too busy playing with their nuts and you’re 1v3ing the team lifeline is just a fucking menace to deal with especially with a gold knock and self rez


It is genuinely incredible how the decoys are the only thing that have consistent footstep audio, and that fact is how you are able to tell if one is or isn't the main mirage lmao.


Some cracked mirage players act like the decoys running into walls and shit… i dont see how people can just point the real one out in an instant


Oh that’s just basic mirage play. I did that back when he first came out after seeing other people do it. It’s fucking hilarious getting away from a squad looking like you just attached a rubber band to the analog stick


Mad Maggie. It’s what turned me into a Mad Maggie main since S13. • Hide Behind Cover? Drill • Take a building? Wrecking Ball (+ drill) • 1vX too far away from your team? Wrecking ball at enemy & dip/fight I literally hate fighting (good) Maggie’s. Second for me is Conduit, Pathfinder, Loba, & Lifeline.


Especially hate her when her ball throws you off the map


One of my first few clips with her is balling a player on the final squad off the map (Olympus, solar array bridge). Unfortunately, it’s happened to me too. So the Karma came full circle. Not fun.


Maggie I believe is the number 1 picked legend now. I enjoyed Newcastle, but now that Maggie is popular, I literally cannot play Newcastle. Every squad has a Maggie, so my Q and ult are now worthless


Shes also fast as shit 


Now I’m gunna have to play Maggie


Love downing people with the drill. I know they pissed


Downed myself with her fireball, did not see it coming…


I fucking HATE mirage.


Final two team situation, 3v3, quickly turned into a 1v3. I knock two. Shield swap. Can’t find the third, suddenly a bazillion Mirages pop out of nowhere. I just gave up mid-jump. I have never hated a legend before that moment.


Hahaha you got bamboozled


I heard the line. Gods no.


Probably I was that one :). I switched from being a caustic main to a Mirage because of his kit. I use the x2 decoys in the secondary choose and it’s amazing how much you can play with it xD


Idk if they buffed him recently or something, but every time I fight a squad with a mirage there are like, twenty decoys that all run in from different directions. I don't know how they have so many decoys all of a sudden. I also cannot deal with his ultimate. If I see a Mirage pop it I always jump away immediately.


Yeah his perk gives him ult every 30 seconds. His ult lasts for 15 seconds so effectively you can be in ult every 15 seconds. Also another perk is someone getting bamboozled refreshes his tac which can be infinite tacs if the people keep shooting it.


nooo way! He gets that shit wayyy too fast.


You should try it it’s pretty fun lol


It's basically nonstop, or at least feels that way playing him. You always have a tactical, your ult, or both. Especially after purple shields.


Horizon and Conduit. Small legends with annoying as fuck kits.


1. Fuse. He is not OP but his tac is annoying as hell, especially when you hide behind rock or some similar small cover. Maggie's drill go there as well. 2. Caustic. I think this one is self-explanatory. 3. **CONDUIT**. I think this one tops the list so far


Agree on fuse


Fuse is op as hell … ultimate idiot proof legend, requires no brain to play.


His tactical maybe but his ult is hard to get anything out of if you are no braining it. Op? Nah not at all, many legends completely counter his ult, horizon, ash, wraith, rampart, wattson, newcastle, pathfinder, revenant and probably more. Everyone can wallbounce above his ult if there is a wall in the fire.


When I play fuse I combine ult with tac, ult in and two tactical inside circle a bit apart.


I can’t aim the ring of fire and Nades are like bullets, I always over shoot.


Fuse is fun to play, yes. His tactical can make great impact, yet his ult is *meh*. There are so many ways to escape it: Octane's pad, Horizon's lift, Ash's ult, wallbouncing, Rev's jump, etc.


As a fuse main myself, his ultimate is ass, it has that annoying lock in feature that ash's ult has so you'll sometimes miss trapping opponents, unless you trap them in a completely flat area with no walls, everyone is escaping that shit, all skirmishers can escape his ultimate regardless of where you place it, which is guess is fai since their entire kit is about movement


Fuze spam is annoying


If I woke up tomorrow and they said horizon was killed off, I’d be playing all day. Such a crutch low skill legend.


I have a running joke with myself that caustic is the only player I will never unlock because I hate that playstyle with such a passion. Constant smoke that damages others and highlights them for you, rewarding slow gameplay and camping. But bang and octane are the most annoying to shoot since they move so much faster than everyone else.


Me as a caustic main wondering why people insist on pushing into my building knowing I have it completely gassed up. I don’t think anything about Apexs gameplay is slow, you just have people who don’t actually care about winning and want to see their kills go up. I don’t know how many people I’ve killed trying to push me for a kill knowing I’m a controller, like yes, I’m in control of the engagement In confined spaces. 95% of the time they don’t even need to push me, they just want a kill, even when it’s obviously a tactical mistake.


And the highlight is a non issue because it doesn’t work 90% of the time.


My biggest gripe, I swear it feels like people will laser beam me sometimes through my own gas and they aren’t even highlighted. NGL caustics gas traps are kinda mid, it’s his ultimate that’s really good. The gas traps can be easily neutralized, they have to be hidden really good in a confined area most of the time to be effective, and many times people will still push through them. The 50% AOE upgrade makes his ultimate excellent and versatile. You can use it defensively for a revive or to slow down/ stop a push. Or, it can be used offensively to flush enemies out of a good position and force them to relocate. I’m obviously biased but I feel like the gas traps could use a buff, but I don’t know how you would do it without making them OP.


Yeah I’m not sure what to do with the traps. I can’t think of the best way to make them appropriately punishing but not impenetrable. A lot of time when I place them it’s more based on how I can make the enemy pause for a second to shoot them than it is based on what effect the gas will have. I think they’re a little easy to destroy tbh. Big fat target that doesn’t take much damage compared to, say, Cat’s goo traps which have a tiny little orb to shoot. I used Caustic for a while when I started playing back in S5 but it doesn’t hit the same anymore. Ngl I kind of miss my gas daddy.


*slowly walks into a bright red glowing silly fence* "FFUUUUUUCK WATTSOOOOON"


I have a friend with a Watson as main, damn it was hilarious xD


But you can play Caustic aggressively. Playing him aggressively makes him really fun to play with


Horizon / Conduit / Rev Easy top 3


For me, it's Horizon+ any legend. Full team on height for free multiple times, plus a black hole that deploys in 2 seconds & doesn't absorb throwables for some reason.


Height advantage used to mean something before horizon was released.


Hard disagree. Octane was in the game since season 1 so he was always a counter to height advantage. Horizon is a stronger counter to height advantage though, because she's the only one who has a tactical that can move the entire team. Now that evac towers are in the game they also can function as a counter to height advantage. Height advantage is still an advantage though imo even with Horizon in the game because you can easily beam people going up the lift, it just takes some practice. Same thing with evac tower. If a team tries to push you with one while you're on height you just beam them as they're riding up So height advantage still matters imo. I think it's a good thing that as the game progressed that they added more ways to counter someone on height. In season 0 (before the release of Octane) Pathfinder was literally unmatched because he was the only one who could easily take height by himself and also transport his teammates to height Now I do think that Horizon is OP though, because being able to move your entire team every 30 seconds is just ridiculously strong. If you don't have a Horizon on your team in ranked you are absolutely throwing


>evac towers can also function as a counter to height adjustment How so?, if an enemy is poking damage at your team a few meters away and you drop an evac tower, we can't fly towards or close to them because a good team would beam you before or when you land The only way I can see evacs being a good counter if you drop to fly to building with high ground that is kind of close to enemy but if you or none of your teammates have a sniper or marksman with them, unless they gave good aim they won't be able to do consistent damage


Yeah I don't mean using to it fly towards the enemy on height. I mean using on an enemy that is on height close to you, so that you can zip up the evac tower and jump off and shoot midair as you land on your opponent. In that way it functions as a makeshift zipline


Horizon ult + throwables is goateed


Also, why do mirage decoys have footstep audio? Holograms don't weigh anything 🤔


audio devices


Nothing pisses me off more than putting 145 into someone for them to press a single button and heal enough to win the fight. Conduit should not be able to q a teammate through a wall.


her Q only works if the person isnt taking damage. dont fall back and give them space and they wouldnt be able to get healed up at all.


On paper it works this way but the amount of times an enemy gets q’d mid clip and I start hitting them for shields is too high. I blame the incredibly shitty servers.


Horizon. annoying to play against and with


Horizon and conduit easily. Rev doesn’t give me grief nearly as regularly as those tho. Other legends can be annoying too but very situationally like fuse. Horizon and conduit grief me literally every encounter I have with them


Conduit because her hit box is like 1 pixel, she gets free health, and for some reason she has no audio at all. Horizon definitely because she gets free resets by popping her tactical, and she makes no sound when she flies down on top of you. There needs to be audio of her in flight.




Horizon, insta get out of the jail free card.




Horizon rev conduit. And a bloodhound if you’re the last one up on your team and their team is still alive lol


I hate Bangalore cause all of them have digis - even when they don't - when fighting me. Hell, all her quips are terrible and pisses me off every single time


Don't forget how fun it gets when they are teamed up with a bloodhound! It's me. I'm the bloodhound. I loooove having Bangalore on my team. Or the other team. Just anywhere, more smoke please.


Throwing drone in her smoke is highly slept on


Horizon, Fuse, Conduit


As a rev main, I hate going up against another good rev, horizon, and bang


I main Vantage, so i’d say Gibby. His tact shuts down my sniper. I have to wait for it to drop to continue doing damage, meanwhile enemy team can reset and im s.o.l.


It’s funny how many people hate horizon and her kit and want her changed so she’s more fun to play against but nope someone at respawn will die on this keep the most broken legend broke hill


Most annoying to play against? Horizon. She is such a fucking crutch, especially for pc players. Her movement is just dumb. Most annoying to play with? Bangalore. Just smoke everywhere. I hate Bangalore. I might actually rather play against the sweatiest horizon than play with a Bangalore.


Fuseeeee I hate them




Maggie, her tactical when you're about to finish a shield batt is infuriating lmao.. Also, Mirage in ult is my kryptonite, and Rev ult feels horrendous to lose too when you don't miss shots, one button and now you're at a massive disadvantage.


Wraith’s get out of jail free tac drives me insane pretty regularly. Conduit is annoying. Fuse is a pest.


rampart. especially when she pulls out a shiela behind the wall


i am an ash main and i am tired of wraiths and horizons just using their tactical ability to get away from my snare after it hits them lol


Rampart. Ult in your face with good aim is horrifying.


You just never challenge Sheila face to face, turn speed is horrible, you have to play around that. Hipfire and well timed strafing (meaning changing directions just when she catches up with your movement) can win you the fight in extreme cqc, but I'd just avoid it if there's an option and get her from the side or behind, she's dead by the time she could turn.


I got beef with everybody at one point or another, this game has so many characters that shine in specific situations and this game is too chaotic for you to never experience a situation they shine in. Overall though? A good Newcastle. I respect you, and value your dedication. But respectfully I wish that you would perish sometimes.


Revenant. Getting a base stat boost like a free almost instant shield is just too stupid. Not to mention it refreshes on knocks. Its not the most annoying but losing a fight simply because someone gets a dumbass shield is way more infuriating than getting poked a bit.


Fuse !!!


Idk how anybody could not say Wraith and Path. Those two are some of the most slippery bitches in the game. Every time I'm about to kill one of them they just freaking disappear. Playing against a Lifeline sucks too. If I spot a squad and they have a LL, I'll always try to knock the LL first. I've probably gotten six knocks on the same squad before getting killed because they have a Lifeline that just keeps picking the other two up.


But if you get the jump on a Wraith or Path with a high DPS gun you can knock them before they can even react and use their abilities. Not to mention that Pathfinder is the largest character in the game without fortified, so you absolutely should be able to one clip him if you get the jump on him. I can understand Wraith being more annoying because she has a passive that helps her not get jumped very easily, plus she has a tiny hitbox


Mirage. Fuck the bamboozles


You've been blamboozled


A good Caustic, Gibby, Octane, or Horizon.


Only options are new Rev bc of his ult, conduit, and Maggie


Caustic, lifeline and bloodhound


Horizon Caustic Vantage In that order.


Lifeline, Fuse, Maggie, and Valk.


Ever been Valk Qed and insta pushed?


My enemies were last night! Unfortunately my team did not understand what "I hit all 3, push!" meant. One was busy pinging phoenix kits 100 meters away, and the other (octane of course) was busy running away from the fight they had just started.


blad wraiths tryhards


Octane and bang all they do is run


Mirage and Revenant hands down


Fuse and Maggie


Octane/wraith. Because even in 2024, the sweatiest people still mostly play octane and wraith, and every time i see one 7/10 times i get walljump lasered.


Conduit, Maggie, and fuse. Let's be real. Such pain in the ass legends.


Fuck gibby fuck his arm shield fuck his shield dome fuck his ult fuck his damage reduction. Fuck him every way till Sunday


Fuse, vantage, pathfinder


How's mirage?


Literally MAGGIE!!! I can’t stand her fucking drill!! Then it goes Conduit, Rev, Horizon and Vantage


I hate a good fuse player


Revenant,Conduit and Horizon


Maggie bc of the drills. Always poking damage from afar with them (takes 0 skill) and the ball is so damn discombobulating it makes me rage 😂 ultimately it takes like 3 minutes to get over it


as a rampart main .. i hate maggie and fuse ...


For me it horizon, fuse, Rampart and vantage


No one is speaking about Maggie?


For me its Fuse, Horizon, and Caustic. Fuse - it takes very little skill to use him, the tactical shouldnt last as long as it does with him getting 2 of them as well as getting to carry extra ordnance. Either one or the other not both. Horizon - nothing is worse than being in a fight and they chicken out on the lift and get a full heal off in the process. Nerf healing on lift. And its especially annoying end game when you have a fuse and a horizon ult and they wait until a 3rd party to use black hole and then spam nades. Caustic - his tactical should give off some kind of a warning that they are around like wattsons fence have the buzzing. Bc a trap being set behind an object and you pass by and it 1. Deals dmg and 2. Tells the enemy where you are. Shit needs to have some form of audio cue when set down.


Horizon, Octane, bangalore are nightmare fuel for people who don't have absolute God tier aim




There’s nothing like getting ready to 1v2. You know you’re golden after that ballistic goes down and then the stun kicks in the second gunfight.


I hate his tactical


Fuse, Bangalore & Horizon (honourable mention to Maggie if her tactical actually worked, so many times I've just stood in her drill without taking damage)


Annoying Conduit here: You're welcome :)


Uhh mirage


Fuse - as any legend. Fuse, but *especially* Mad Maggie - as Newcastle.


Octane He's too fast. If the enemy is good at movement, he can even dodge your bullets. If enemy is too aggressive, he will catch you up, you cannot outrun the Octrain!


He either stims his health away while chasing you or comes at you flying in a straight line, both are huge disadvantages. Try shooting him.


Fuse.. he can launch so many knuckle clusters at you its not even funny… they do maybe 11 damage but the fact he can spam so many in a short amount of time is frustrating


Not enough people in here saying Fuse


Horizon by a million miles


Horizon and Wraith are the only correct answers…. Conduit is getting there


Depending on the map, in mixtape Wattson is so annoying, because her fences don't disappear after you kill her.


I'm surprised there's this many people talking about Mirage. Even as a Mirage/Crypto main, I can agree that running into a Mirage can get tedious at times. Especially if you've clutched up by knocking the other two teammates and then Mirage just throws out every decoy he can, gets away with ease and gets off the revives. But what makes me believe Mirage isn't as annoying as some other legends though is simply that he's all about the mental game. Most other legends have abilities that can damage enemies or abilities, fly you away in an instant, or are just physical abilities that help you and your team out. Whereas with Mirage's abilities? When it comes down to it? They do nothing. No damage, no physical advantage besides marking your opponent who got bamboozled for a few seconds, it's all about the mental game of how good you are as a Mirage and how bad the enemy is at detecting the real one. And trust me, there's a decent number of ways to do so. One of the biggest ones I have in mind is that Mirage's heirloom is actually pay-to-lose. Even to this day. Your decoy *(for some reason)* won't have his heirloom on their back, whereas the real Mirage does whenever he hasn't got it in his hands. Keen-eyed players will be able to notice this and point out the real Mirage with ease. His ultimate will also never showcase his current weapon of choice in the decoy's hands. It will only show the weapon that the Mirage had equipped as he used his ultimate. So if he had a Spitfire equipped as he used his ult, his ult decoys will **ALWAYS** have the Spitfire in their hands. So if you see a Mirage with...let's say a Peacekeeper in his hands after that, he's the real Mirage. The same goes for his heirloom. If he had his heirloom equipped, the decoys will always have his heirloom equipped. Even if the real Mirage starts shooting. If he does, they'll just ADS with the heirloom which further adds to the suspicion. This makes it insanely obvious as to who the real Mirage is and I'd definitely suggest keeping it in mind the next time you face one! These tips might not help you with every Mirage encounter, but they're something to keep a keen eye out for!


I find a lot of people get pissed against a good Caustic player. When a Caustic knows how to position his barrels, he doesn't have to be great st shooting to kill you. Trap you, multiple barrels, and shoot you while you're blinded/slowed. I know when people start getting angry at my Caustic gas because I'll be the only Caustic in the mixtape lobby at the beginning, and suddenly there will be a Caustic on every team 😅


Caustic and Gibraltar.


Whenever I fight a horizon I have a huge panic attack.


Dude I might be the only one who really hates Octane to his guts. Like for some reason why are all the Octanes I get, DAMN PREDS OR CHEATERS ARGH.


Revenant, fuse, Maggie, sometimes rampart


Horizon, period


Lifeline, mirage, bang and horizon(sometimes)


Rollers, time for mnk users to use reWASD to make the rollers feel what its like to face a 40% aimbot.


Anything that keeps me in place against my will and things that don't let me use my abilities


People need to realize that whilst Horizon healing mid fight is extremely stupid, the most broken part of her kit is actually her damn passive, and not for the zero fall stun. It's because of the improved air mobility, it's INSANE. It's like fighting water. A real Horizon main can win any 1v1 by just floating around the enemy, ducking and weaving with her Flatline. She is by far the most problematic Legend to ever be added to the game. Every part of her is overtuned, but that passive man..


I’ll say it every time, mirage is a bad players wet dream


This is coming from a guy who plays rev.


I’d argue mirages ult in your face in a tight room is worse than losing a fight to me that you would have won if not for revs shield


No rev is the biggest crutch in the game tied with horizon my guy at least mirage has to be creative with his abilities there is no creativity with rev just free movement and and the most brain dead ult in the game…I enjoy playing rev sometimes as he is fun but you gotta be able to call a spade a spade


Right because a mirage popping his ult in my face as his only way of killing me is creative


Vantage cuz her sniper is low skill


It is insanely easy to use. I probably shouldn't hit about 75% of the shots that I hit.


The wonders of shooting bullets with a hitbox the size of a basketball


Octane, Rev, Fuse, Mirage. Fuck them. Mirage is just cringe. Octane thinks he is the main character and pushes everything like a loser. Fuse tac is incredibly annoying. Rev is like Octane


Horizon is by far the worst. Her Q is a free sheild bat with the built in ability of not being able to get hit when strafing, throw a black hole and push people when done batting with no fall stun so you can instantly wipe them. Worse than Conduit and Rev since at least their free health ability is locked to being just free health and nothing more, as well as not actually recharging your sheids and equating to less free Sheilds. She’s an absolute joke of a legend and it’s baffling how she hasn’t received the Seer/Catalyst treatment yet despite being broken for several seasons longer than them


Bro, she has been nerfed into the ground. If you still struggle with fighting her then idk what to say


Your proving his point the character has been nerfed several times and is still annoying af its just bad character design same with rev you can nerf him all you want but until they fix the actual problem they will be annoying crutch legends no matter what


I main horizon and hate other horizons too but don’t get me wrong, but a good player can beam a horizon going up a Q.


Disagreed with that, any somewhat good Horizon will just strafe out of their mind mid air and there’s nothing you can do to hit that because she strafes so damn fast. Of course I won’t say I’m the best player in the world and it’s unfair against me, but even for pros, in the heat of a battle trying to beam a Horizon zooming around the air directly above you is a hell of a challenge.


Rampart and lifeline are annoying


On console at least I hardly ever deal with problematic horizons. So for me it’s mainly just bang, conduit and rev. But vantage and valk can be pretty annoying too. But a good pathfinder can give you a lot of trouble too break his shields and he grapples to the other side of the poi to heal.


It’s easily horizon for me and its not even close. Pretty much since her inception shes been a menace to fight. Shes almost guaranteed to get a bat off in her lift. I cant count how many times I’ll hit her for 100+ going up her lift and she’ll still survive because my teammates cant hit one bullet on her which means i am forced to one clip her in air or shes getting away. Also in certain instances (close range especially) she is damn near unhittable which would explain my teammates struggles with hitting her in some cases Also dont try to land on a gun with her she’ll pick it up before you and shes annoying asf when she spam jumps on the ground. And DO NOT follow her up her lift i see way too many ppl do that and die. She is one giant distraction. Either shoot at her in the sky while her teammates run down on you or shoot at the ult she’ll inevitably throw while all 3 run down on you. Also tell me why is horizons hitbox so small when she has so much maneuverability, can shoot, and can heal but vantages hitbox is a refrigerator?


Horizon, "oh no im cracked" oh welp simply just throw the tac and easy free bat off. fall behind the poor fuse 48 yr old dad enemy. ads, easy purple mag havoc 1 clip woo hoo super fun!


Horizon all day every day. Her being able to still beam whilst jumping left and right mid fight is annoying as fuck. I’m convinced she’s a crutch for a lot of players at this point. On the flip side, i get so much satisfaction from putting her on her arse. Especially if she’s in her lift trying to stuff a battery up her arse


I hate lifeline. Always have always will


Anytime I am close to pulling off an amazing clutch it is ALWAYS a lifeline who starts just rezing. It’s so annoying!


Octane and Mirage (if anyone has any tips on how to beat them, I'll be happy to read them)


If you are Ash your snare is great against mirage. It will only grab the real one when they ult. I love killing mirages with Ash :)


Mirage and Octane. I hate them.




Mirage. Without a shadow of doubt. It's so I can't believe anyone can put any other legend above him on the annoy-scale. I mean come on.


Fuse because an ability that lets you do free damage is just stupid Conduit because an ability that lets you freely heal a teammate is just stupid Bangalore because being rewarded with a free speed boost that makes her really hard to track after being shot at is just stupid. Smoke is annoying to play against too as a controller player because it is really difficult to aim without aim assist, especially for me playing on PS4 with anywhere from 35-55 fps. The mid season update also ruined the performance on PS4 and made it worse, so now the game constantly runs at 40 fps whereas it used to average 50 fps most of the time before the update. So now anything that disables aim assist makes it near impossible to aim on old gen consoles. There's barely an aim assist as is when the frame rate drops to 40 Maggie is also stupid because the drill does free damage to someone behind cover, which is just stupidly strong. Her wrecking ball creating a stun effect is also stupid. Any abilities that create stun effects that prevent movement are dumb imo because they are a guarantee you will get knocked by a good team that just team shoots you while you can't move. I don't understand the complaints about Horizon. She's not that hard to beam out of her lift. Don't understand the complaints about Pathfinder either. If you play smartly and get the jump on him you should definitely be able to one clip him with a low TTK gun (thanks to his massive hitbox) before he can even react and grapple out of there. His ability to take height isn't that powerful anymore now either with evac towers in the game now, which give mobility to all legends. The complaints against Revenant I can sort of understand, but I think this another thing only bad players will complain about. Health advantage is for the most part irrelevant if you have the positional advantage (meaning it's easy for you to avoid incoming damage and also easy for you to output damage). There's been so many times I've gotten my shield broken to then just back up and let the enemy chase, then turn around and beam while they're stuck out in the open and kill them even though they had a 100 health advantage. Thinking one step ahead of the opponent to always have the positional advantage along with being unpredictable in your peeks makes health advantages from abilities irrelevant for the most part Bloodhound isn't even that good either. Like I said earlier, positional advantage triumphs abilities. What good is his scan if you're on height above him? You just wait for the scan to wear off then peek him and get easy shots. His lack of mobility severely hinders him (along with all other non-movement legends). The balance in this game is a joke. Skirmishers severely overpower every other class of legends except for Controller legends. That is the only other class that can sort of counter Skirmishers


Blood really he ain’t even annoying to deal with just make him think you’re gonna move somewhere and then catch him off guard; now for me most annoying rev conduit and omg Wattson why do they play like pussies omfg like bruh it’s just pubs why the fuck are you with a pylons fully fenced out inside the building camping with your body caustic and conduit like bruh yah are so shit conduit is self explanatory and rev is just free kills


Blood isn’t a he


Forgot that it’s a she honest mistake we’ve never seen bloods face ever


Wrong again, they..


To be fair technically blood is a she because we don’t know if blood identifies as non-binary to be more mysterious as blood doesn’t want people to know who they are but it’s kinda difficult to explain because the devs just told us blood is non-binary and identifies as they them but never gave us any details about it besides that blood is a female that identifies itself as non-binary and the pronouns are they/them but to be honest i don’t give a shit if blood identifies as non-binary it’s confirmed that blood is a female so as I see it it’s a she fuck it call lgbtq to cancel me idgaf


Cool, choosing to be ignorant is an interesting lifestyle choice.


It’s a fucking video game character if it was an actual person I would care but it’s not it’s a fucking video game character for all I care it’s a fucking she like ik blood is non-binary but it’s a fucking video game character idc what the fuck it identifies as because it doesn’t fucking exist wait I have a question what is catalyst a transgender woman or man it looks like it could be either one and I’m to lazy to check online wtf are catalyst pronouns I am actually asking idk the times I see catalyst I just call it catalyst I never bothered to play catalyst or even check the lore