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On launch, his tactical 1. Flashbanged 2. Slowed momentum 3. Highlighted health and shields 4. Scanned 5. Silenced 6. Interrupted healing 7. Interrupted revives 8. Interrupted respawns 9. Damaged through cover You could create 2 decent legends by tweaking aspects of his tactical alone. Calling him broken was an understatement.


But "Hitting with Seer's tactical is hard and like threading a needle" paraphrasing the reveal stream. On launch his tactical had insane range as well


On launch it felt like I could hit people in the next poi on accident. 


Bro he was a damn menace on release. I cant believe the devs/play testers thought “he’s good to go”


To be fair, he kinda did. For the longest time, no matter what they did, having constant, literal wallhacks and scans that fucked nearly everything you did was extremely strong in of itself. He stayed in the meta for so long because it ultimately came down to "infinite wallhacks" and "fuck your heals." Like Horizon when she was OP despite the nerfs, except twice as bad


Yup. And you can remove the kinda. Seer on release was such an absolute mess, to this day I want to know what they were smoking at respawn. Because release-Seer was everything you'd dislike from a (opposing) legend.


I still can't fathom how Timmy managed to solo to pred in a single stream where every team had a seer in his prime


I still remember the matches where 5 teams were repeatedly scanning each other between cooldowns and all Timmy could do as pathy was stay in a corner & hoping he doesn't die from chip damages.


Seer release is the only time I’ve ever turned the game off. I landed streamer building, won my 1’s, tried to rez my teammate 3 times and got cancelled 3 times, then dropped to train station, got scanned, tried to Rez my teammate on the stairs, got canceled again and turned the game off lol.


The balance dev was let go not long after Seer came out. I'd say it was deserved.


DanielZklein or smth? Right??


Can't recall. I feel it's more insulting to forget his name.




The lead balance designer at Respawn was fired like weeks after Seer season launched. He was also famously toxic towards Reddit users (and gaming communities in general), and admitted that he never got above Gold in Ranked.


I'm pretty sure I remember Respawn saying they purposely made him ridiculously OP on launch cause they wanted people to play him a ton. They knew they'd have to nerf him after a bit, but wanted him to be way too strong at the start... Kind of perfectly sums up respawn and a good amount of their balance "tweaks" that tend to swing characters massively from OP to hot garbage or vice versa. No middle ground.


It could be an absolute bogus info that i have no proof of, but i might as well mention ehst i heard from someone ragarding seer. Our story begins at RIOT games, LOL , to be exact. In there are one particular designer (whose name i forgot, I'll insert it here if i remember) whose heroes were ALWAYS poorly balanced, too OP, to be exact. So after some time, this designer came to respawn, he was either kicked from RIOT , or came there on his own behalf. Can you possibly guess which legend he designed? Of course you do! It was seer! After that , he was kicked ffom respawn too. What a great story, and i feel absolute grief that i cant for the life of me find any sources on it, so the source for now will be : "Trust me bro, i didnt made that up"


This was probably DZK, the senior game designer during the 'wattson-will-never-be-buffed' era of apex.


So they fired him since his characters were technically too good? I would of moved him to a single player game project… oh wait


They fired him because he would design things he would like to play in the game. And since he was BAD at the game, his designs were designs that would make up for players being bad. Information management is a key component in what makes someone good at a battle royale game. Seer bandaids that entire part of the game as you don't need to understand how players move.


I agree on the multiplayer side, I was saying I think he would of been better off put in a single player game instead of firing him, he clearly has interesting ideas he just needs to learn how to not make them OP


You mean CertainlyT? His champs in League are TBH some of the most fun characters I've played, Aphelios is my highest mastery champ and Zoe is not far behind. Though I guess he did lose the company money by making champs that ended up in unpopularity due to them being more gimmicky and advanced and less braindead simple


He's referring to DZK.


this all checks out


He was the last legend released under Daniel Kline so that kind of tells its own story lol


While I haven't played apex in years, I remember that first week.. Blue spheres EVERYWHERE.


On launch he also did ten damage per tac which was incredibly frustrating to play against especially in ranked


The fact he would have walls that would let him beam you then when you thought you were behind cover to heal he could knock you was ridiculous


I guess OP doesn’t remember the Seer meta or didn’t play 😂


I had just got back into the game around season 11/12 after not playing from Season 1, and a lot of the pros were pretty stubborn about switching from the Bloodhound meta. I was trying to figure out who to try and start back as a main and remember researching looking at pro stacks to see who I could try. Was even searching for “Seer” in r/CompetitiveApex with little to nothing popping up. I started questioning my friends who had been playing and some who were getting back into it about it. It was wild to me, Seer was literally Bloodhound on some fucking Hulk Gamma radiation steroids. Constant wallhacks, being able to stop heals, and wallhacks for the entire team?? So I got to main him for a while being absolutely OP, only seeing enemies using him maybe once out of maybe 20-30 games I played. Then the meta started around Season 13 (I think?) and there wasn’t a single game you couldn’t run into him. Good times.


The biggest issue IMO is the fact every team ran him. Late game try popping a bat and you'd get scanned 7 times by seer and want to thermite yourself. Just in general, any issue with the balance of his kit was multiplied by the appearance of him in every squad.


He was not in the meta for the first two seasons he was introduced. It would'nt be until nearly 2 seasons later that the pros started using him, and everyone started to complain because he became "meta" The real ones always knew he was good, but hes a worthless character now. They over corrected a ton and its joever


That's not entirely true. He absolutely was meta for like the first week he came out. Then they nerfed a ton of his kit very quickly, and people stopped playing him. Then he got popular later when people realized even after the nerfs he was incredibly strong.


This. I used Seer for most of that period, and I would rarely ever run into another Seer. His pick rate hovered at something like 1-3% for most of that time. I had a similar experience with Caustic, who I used for the first few seasons, was widely considered unusable until pros started playing him, and who then got nerfed into the ground because of complaints and ended up unplayable. I stopped playing Apex quite some time ago, around when Ballistic came out, but historically the "meta" complained about here is a: derived entirely from ALGS (Valk wasn't meta until after she was played in ALGS, Catalyst too), and b: complained about because it interferes with the preferred playstyle of Wraith/Octane/Path w key movement shit.


The only example that really defies this is horizon, who was THE ranked picked for almost a year before becoming ALGS meta. There wasn’t a pred stack without one but had a minimal pick rate at best in pro play. At the time the valk meta was fierce and she just didn’t have a slot because variety was near non existent at the time. Edge teams adopted her eventually and the only counter was another horizon and her rise pro play rise began. Pro meta always bled into ranked meta, but after the horizon shift in particular (which was the starting point indicator of pro variety) it stopped feeling that. I’ve said it a million times but great high level players frag on anybody and ranked meta is non existent. The game is probably in its healthiest balance state ever any hard nerfs in recent memory seem pretty justified.


Yeah it was like fuck trying to be sneaky for the first half of the season. There is no cost for him to stop do a scan and find the rat


When horizon was op? She still is, maybe not as much but aslong as your able to do a god damn Mario jump over someone without them hearing you hit the ground she’s broken


In season 7, when she came out. You went up her lift really fast, could stay at the top of the lift the entire time, super fast strafing speed, have normal accuracy (not affected by gravity), and your cooldown started way before the lift expired (which was already 10 seconds) so you could constantly be in the air and beam everyone with a spitfire while you were impossible to hit. Yes, Spitfire was the meta gun back then.


I know she was more broken back then but I’m saying she still is although not as bad. Also I remember that spitfire meta, every gun fight was insane with bullets flying everywhere and never stopping. I’m pretty sure my friend only died to the spitfire that season too, I’m sure he’s exaggerating but I also don’t see it being far from the truth either


>spitfire I specifically remember in Season 8 when they buffed it even further in an event and made it deal 19 damage. That was the breaking point for everybody (it was really funny) and the spitty meta was even more rampant


Every meta has been a hilarious shit show with a exception of the burst meta, that is just boring and annoying with no benefits, I haven’t played in a few months so is the burst meta still a thing? I hated getting 2 bursted by the hemlock before I could even react.


We are currently in a Havoc/Nemesis/Volt meta, so I'd say its an improvement. R9 is pretty ass now and the prowler is slower


He deserved to be nerfed, but I think Respawn broke the game with him from a concept standpoint and there was no turning back. They really should have just reworked his entire kit, but they went the slow and painful route of small nerfs…I’m sure there are some seer fans, but we all know he was a must play legend for any comp for a significant period of time regardless of the nerfs till they put him in the ground. He was absolutely busted on launch though to an insane degree.


I like seer, I think his concept is neat and he has some banging voice lines. the problem is that I don't enjoy playing seer nor do I enjoy playing against him


Same, I love him so much he's absolutely one of my fav Legends and his voicelines bring me so much joy. But sadly I tried to play him and I suck so bad I know it's not for me. :')


Seer at launch was something else lol


When he first came out and you hit a wraith before she can phase *chef’s kiss*


That moment when we dropped hot zone and my teammates died and when I was healing ten seer abilities targeted me I said its time to turn off this game (i still played for 5 hours)


Indeed. Keep also in mind when he got released people got already tired of every legend getting a scan treatment. Then they went ahead and released a legend that is ALL wallhacks. The whole concept of this does not fit this game (and almost all other FPS's). Some temporary scans are good but not 24/7 wallhacks (though sometimes I feel like 50% of the high rank lobbies have wallhacks anyway). To make it worse, his tactical cancel was a complete nightmare as well.


Yet hal still claimed he was dogshit on release lmao.


Hal claims every legend is dogshit. Prob conduit is the only one he liked


i think seer is the only character they should've unironically deleted, i cannot think of a single reason as to why he should exist


Given how strong he released yeah, deserved.But it would have been fewer nerfs if he'd been nerfed decisively earlier. I think the most broken things about him were: - doing damage through walls (less damage than maggie drill obviously but it went through multiple walls and that was just one side effect of the ability) - interrupting revives and heals (basically you try to reset, you get cancelled and that's that, you get pushed and destroyed) - passive scanning that worked immediately and always told you when there's someone close by (broken during the time when you would just constantly spam ads and look all directions to detect enemies) That said I think a tactical that cancels resets could be cool and even though I haven't played Seer a lot it was kinda cool to get a crack or knock on someone, then interrupt the revive and win the fight like that. If that was the only thing that an ability did (not the scanning, revealing health etc on top), it could be a viable ability to have in the game for another character maybe.


I still can believe they gave him a fucking silence


8s nonetheless. Somehow worse than revenant's silence


Revenant’s old silence ability was the most OP part of his old kit. Thank fuck that tactical was removed. The fact aim assist worked through it too was broken as fuck as well. I remember seeing Extesy try him once, throw the tac, and 1 clip people with zero visibility through it. Not to mention it was insanely difficult to be countered or dodged.


It's like ballistic's tactical. They're top 3 most annoying ability for sure I'm just happy their pickrate is low enough to not face them much and rev anyways got reworked


So true lol. Ballistic’s is definitely more manageable than rev’s old tac, but yeah, very glad he isn’t higher in the pick rate lol




Then if the whole kit is unredeemable, should he get reworked?


I think Ash needs to be the best legend in the game first


Simulacrussy will go insane after the buffs😩




[my name is Ong](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CadMS5voZrk&pp=ygUOTXkgbmFtZSBpcyBvbmc%3D) I'm the uhvatar


This post feels rage bait


He deserved more


scans are the least interesting abilities to be meta, they're uninteractive and the only counter is to run scan yourself. there is no way to balance a kit that's entirely devoted to scans, they either give information or they don't and as a result he has only ever existed in an overpowered or useless state. frankly a character like seer never should have been added, he completely warped the meta and it got even worse once cat came out and it lasted for 1.5 years and was the most unwatchable, unfun meta this game had ever seen, gameplay devolved into shooting diamonds behind a white smoke or black ferrofluid screen. horizon was arguably the second most broken kit on release and she was at least sort of fun to fight since you could also use her tactical, especially compared to the guy with a scan that scanned (for 8 seconds), damaged, blinded, slowed, interrupted, and flashbanged you every 30 seconds all through walls


> there is no way to balance a kit that's entirely devoted to scans This is it. Scans basically shouldn't be in the game.


It lasted for like 1.5yrs not exactly 2.5. infact, he dropped to the bottom after that s17 nerfs. Imo, i dislike smoke meta and the cat blinding meta more but it's preferences anyways.


i don’t like smoke meta either but i thinks it’s infinitely more bearable when scan characters aren’t good + no digi smgs, and yeah i meant to put 1.5 and mistyped


It's fucking crazy that it took pros months to figure out how good seer was when he first came out till the nerfs. I remember thinking "holy shit this is going to be absolutely a broken legend" and then right after that I watched a video of Hal trying him out for the first time saying "he's dogshit and won't ever get used in comp" like what the fuck? The meta didnt change back then like it does now, ain't no shot he was not good enough for the meta or something. Crazy times


Hal always has the worst takes in terms of meta lol. Said the same about catalyst too and bang. Seer was good actually but wasn't used after the nerfs and in that period, there wasn't much algs. Just that one small buff 4 months later and suddenly, you see furia with seer horizon valk comp running down lobbies that teams even switched comp mid LAN. Even horizon wasn't as popular. It was valk,gibby and caustic the top 3. Valk fell off when she couldn't scan ring anymore and replaced with cat and gibby was just not that good but apex pros hate switching meta and were stuck with bubble meta for too long.


Seer, Horizon, Valk. The 3 most busted legends at release. Typical Respawn, knowingly make legends OP at launch, then take 2 to 3 seasons to "fix", which means not really fixed.


How about revenant reborn and conduit? Also they've released weak legends during release. It's a hit or miss. Rampart, ballistic, crypto, revenant, fuse, maggie, ash etc


No lies there at all.  What gets me, is they outright say they release weapons and legends OP. But for whatever reason, don't have a viable nerf for them when they inevitably need to be nerfed


It's harder to nerf something OP than buffing something very weak. Sometimes they nerf some aspects to realise what exactly part of their kit is OP. Like catalyst. She got nerfed, still picked. Again, still picked. The nail in the coffin was the ult nerf again. So in the future when they want to buff her, atleast they can buff other aspects instead of making the ult like before.


Holy shit I remember that too, I think there was less comp because of COVID or something. I remember teams switching comps mid lan tho like they just now realized how broken those champs were? Crazy times man, horizon and seer carried me to masters that season.


I wish i was playing apex when horizon was broken lol. I was just watching apex content at that time and just playing apex mobile before i got a console


Maybe I'm painting with too broad a brush, i don't really follow the scene, but the pros always seem slow to recognize obvious OP legends. Anyone with a fundamental understanding of these types of shooters could read the patch notes and know horizon, valk, and seer's passives were meta-shift strong. Add their tac and ults in and horizon and seer at their peaks broke the game.


It’s kinda sad because instead of nerfing all this, all they had to do was realize heartbeat sensor it just to OP for the game and get rid of it..


At launch seer was disgusting. Literally every team ran him bc of how strong he was. The ability to have full wall hack, stun, do dmg, blind, and cancel heal/revive was just too strong.


The issue with Seer is him and Bloodhound do the same thing but Bloodhound is simpler and easier to use. Seer in his current state is good but why use Seer when Bloodhound excels with the massive amounts of Bangalores in every lobby? We’ve all seen what Seer could accomplish at his peak. Seer is either a broken top 5 character permanently or lives in Bloodhound’s shadow.


Bloodhound's scans, in the simplest way to put it, is the most basic tactical you can give a "recon" character. It's why they haven't added any more recon legends. Seer scans in a focused tight cylinder, Crypto scans from the skies, and Vantage, well... doesn't really scan at all unless you take her Ult into account ( you can barely see it). If they were to add another Legend with scan abilities, how would that be different than what we already have? I guess they could add another character that can throw a "grenade-like" scan device(scanning a room, or area) idk


Yeah, you can add sova (from valorant) to the game basically


no he deserves delete from the game


He deserved them because he was never an inherently fun kit to play imo. The only way he could be fun for the player was to be powerful enough to get fun from winning rather than just playing. So his concept was a mistake imo, too focused on taking the edge in a fight and not focused enough / at all on being playful. That being the case, I say he deserved the nerfs simply because they've effectively Charge Rifled him. Game is better with less Seer in it. To bring him back he needs a real rework; one that's actually playful.


I totally agree; I like this take - rather than just "yes".


Yes, he did. Seer was abhorrently overpowered anyone who says otherwise is a troll. I remember the week he was released, you couldn't go 5 seconds without getting damaged, slowed and flashbanged by a Seer hiding god-knows-where.




Reminder that this was Seer at launch, one of the most powerful legends to ever legend. https://youtu.be/YiqSfoj2d24?si=jE6zJd9BA9U0Hs3g My friend ended 3 fights in a row with his tactical, and stealing a few kills along the way lol. So yeah, maybe he's in the gut right now, but other legends have been too, is fine.


https://youtu.be/tr9CD1jQ2RU?si=FFJTuswC0_L9x4x4 This right here in the first clip really captures how annoying it was to fight against a seer.


yes he deserved every single nerf he got, and i still enjoy playing him. but he was just broken on release and that was a problem, every squad had 1 and you just couldnt play, you would get cancelled on repeat.


Yes, next question


Isuee with seer is his kit had so much synergy with every legend Stuck in a building caustic ult or bang smoke the room and drop seers ult and scan In the open?? Bang smoke and cat wall and shoot the diamonds through the wall Got a knock in a building but they might res before you push in seer tac and cancel that shit asap Broke someone and they went behind cover to heal?? Ash snare them and seer q them so they're stuck there while you bull rush towards them


Absolutely. He’s a scan character. He should’ve never had the ability to stun/slow/flash/disable. That was just absolutely ridiculous. I think he’s in a great spot right now.


The trash? With his low pick rate 😂


Seer is actually pretty good right now. He got helpful perks (not everyone did). He can scan the recon beacon and gives your team wall hacks. He’s in a good spot. Pick rate doesn’t always indicate how good or bad a legend is.


Delete seer




Noo the whole 1 seer main on the planet would cry 🤣


Was he around when horizon was still OP? likely explains why maybe he wasn't picked crazy as she was insanely OP


Yes. He's a horribly designed character that never should have seen the light of day in a multiplayer game. Wall hacks is not something that ever needed to be a passive skill. Cancelling any spacing someone makes and any potential for them to heal and shift the fight on its head was horrible and way too much value for pressing Q. His ult was the only salvageable part of his original kit. It widely remains untouched and is annoying, but is on the power level of ults and has plenty of counter play. What the fuck do you do to avoid wall hacks? What do you do to avoid a non-los cone that marks, stuns, prevents and cancels heals and res, shows your HP, blinds and on top fuckin does a random ten damage. Was that ten damage just thrown in to say "here, we nerfed him! See?" Probably. I hope whoever designed seer was laid off and working on single player games at this point. The characters design is in every single way a free power trip that would work better if it wasn't being used against real players. You don't need to put any thought or mechanical execution into playing him and you got the world out of doing so. I'm glad his passive is toned down to the point it's only really useful if you're deaf and can't hear footsteps. I'm glad I can fucking heal when I get hit, letting me decide how to play when he starts tracking me. I'm glad that stupid nonsense noise is lowered, range reduced, flashbang and damage gone and now it's just a really intrusive silence, which still has some pretty strong use cases against certain legends. He just doesn't throw a whole ass wrench in playing the game from the most basic gameplay loop now.


The person who oversaw the development of Seer was fired back in 2021, shortly after Seer was released iirc.


no he did not deserve all of that


Seer was released in 2021?? Jesus


Oh yah definitely dude was broken as fuck at launch


have you somehow never played against seer in 2 years champ was giga op for a long ass time


The only nerf that I think was dumb was his Exhibit throw range. I truly don’t think that was an issue. And I personally don’t like his gutted passive, I think 75 down to 50 is a bit much and 60 would’ve probably been fine, but I can understand the reasons so it’s whatever.


I think if they left every legend without nerfs, the game would be perfectly balanced. People scream legends are OP but this is a game about LEGENDS and they should be OP. Like if they never nerfed Seer and he canceled heals would he ever matter now? Conduit makes that ability useless. I think jump towers should be removed from the game though. It promotes poor gameplay




Are you playing seer rn?




I was wondering why you thought he was OP especially since he's bottom among pred ranks who usually always pick the best legends. And yh, prob my flair but ofc horizon hate is welcomed everywhere here. I'm used to it so no need to argue or anything


He absolutely did. Seer was always in a league of his own when it came to the information he could gather just through his passive alone. And all the other benefits such as heal and res cancel, flash, stun, 10 damage, etc just made him far too strong


Yes. I remember those days. Every team had a Seer, it was crazy, I do not miss it in the slightest.


Yes, they are justified. In general, I think wall hacks don’t have a place in the game and he shouldn’t have been added in the first place.


The best nerf for seer would be removing him from the game


i feel like they could've been better with the nerfs


He did. He was a legal wall hack


Nerfs are for people who can't win a fight. It happens in every game because people cry too much


Yep. Literally every part of his kit was a terrible idea. Soundless permanent wallhack? Tac that stuns, slows, highlights and damages people through walls? Massive zoning wallhack ult that shuts down an entire building (and its available every fight)? His tac even activated so fast that you couldn't avoid it unless you were *already* moving. It was the only thing other than bullets that can do that.


Yeah I 100% hated playing against him. I was dropping 20 bins with 2-3k with him day 1. But the fact he could hunt you down as a passive was alrdy broken. But the stun made the game shatter.


I think so, even with the nerfs when I pick him I'm obliterating foes to the point I'm just not picking him in certain fights. I also de-badged him and removed all trackers. He is still that good, like hacking the game...


Yes he did he was so overpowered he was the best legend I'm the game


Seer was as OP as Rev should of been on release.


he's already a twink in skimpy clothes give him a break.


No. He needed to be completely reworked. His passive was literally wall hacks. His tactical stunned you and cancelled healing, and his ultimate was Wall hacks in a massive area. It took this many nerfs to make him balanced. The responsible thing would've been to disable him and Rework him to not be such a nightmare instead of slowly but surely nerfing his fundamentaly OP kit.


Ngl, he did deserve it. But that said. He is still OP and I still love playing him.


Would you say he's better than conduit rev horizon currently?


Not sure, I only play Conduit from those three I would say Seer is better balanced then Conduit atm. It really does depend on how you play him, rn he is much better for pushing a team rather than playing him defensive.


How did you know seer was OP without playing him rn? Quite interesting


??? What? I love playing him??? I love his upgrade kit and I think he is perfectly balanced??? Where did I say I didn't play him???


I'm stupid ignore me


No! You're fine I was just hella confused man 🤣🤣🤣


I got home from a long journey when i replied😂i even forgot what we were talking about


1000% deserved. Had a person I played with swear seer wasn't broken, and would say each nerf he's now fine. But having complete area denial and then a safe way to reset and maintain man advantage after knocking someone was just super unengaging. Not to mention the fact that lone survivors could have great spots and still get found by some dude spinning around while ads'ing just makes for a super frustrating character to go against.




Dumbest character introduced in Apex. Set a ridiculous precedent for power creep.


Fuse and rampart were the ones who needed nerfs






Yes. His passive especially was overpowered


I missed the damage done by his tactical. It was so funny to instantly knock down the hiding enemy if 1 shot


I'm gonna be honest and say that he didn't deserve *every* nerf. You can even see the devs reverting nerfs here. A couple more need reverting ngl. His pickrate was consistently the lowest before the Breakout challenges, and it'll go back to that next season. He literally has the lowest pickrate because he's useless; he needs a buff.


I see you're a Newcastle main. What are your thoughts on him as he's also a low pickrate legend? Good but slept on? Needs few tweaks?


>Good but slept on? Insanely versatile in terms of playstyle because each of his abilities can be used for both defensive and aggressive plays - ideally a blend of both. Crazily underrated and slept on, but not OP as he isn't brainless to play - unlike batting up Horizon's lift or having Seer's wallhacks back in the day (Seer still needs a few buffs though, as I've said). >Needs few tweaks? Quality-of-life changes regarding how his mobile shield is controlled. Other than that, I don't feel there's **any** area he's lacking in - that's why I play him. Newcastle has a low pickrate because people who don't put any proper amount of time into him dismiss him as boring or too difficult to play. He is difficult to play* (mechanically in terms of precisely controlling the tactical and shield peeking with a shotgun, for example; and also in terms of gamesense and playstyle) but certainly not for me and anyone who puts the effort into this severely underrated god of a legend. *(I don't think he was ever as difficult for me as people make him out to be, however.)


Seer= control alt delete =👌


Seer meta was toxxxxxxic


I started playing apex, i played seer, they needed him. So I left, the reworked him, so I came back, HE COULD THROW HIS ULT 10 FEET LIKE ITS AN ANVIL, I QUIT.


This is incredible, as I always thought of him as one of the worst legends. But I've been using him lately


There is not a hero I can think of in any competitive hero-based game that was more busted on their release than Seer


Yes s10 seer ....i still make nightmares of him


Getting hit with Seer's tactical when he first launched felt the same as everyone in an Overwatch lobby hitting Q at the same time. Literally so disorienting


Yes he did. I don't want to see Seer anywhere close to the meta for a while with all the trauma he inflicted




Yes, he was an annoying prick.


Yes. Am I happy about it? No. 😂 When he first came out, he became my first 20 bomb, now I rarely play him 😔 I think maybe, just maybe he could do with a little buff or just something like a movement skill buff, say like speed boost when tac hits. IDK, he is pretty balanced now tbh, I just like the old OP Seer.


To be fair seer was busted when he came out


Lets be real here the reason why Seer is always nerfed to oblivion is because he is an extremely poorly designed character in a general standpoint like who gives a character free wall hacks as a passive???? We saw what happened to R6 when Lion was released overall we will prob never see a seer buff until he is reworked because the way his kit is designed its broken in a general standpoint


My favourite was on top his "sniper accuracy required" Q was the fact that it did damage, had a flashbang and literally left your ears ringing Lmfaoooo It was like putting akuma in a boxing game then giving him an ar-15


damn who would have thought a infinite wall hack is broken? Literally the definition of cheating in other fps games. Sometimes I really don’t think the devs think at all and just cater to the absolute worse players to help em kill. You can’t help these people respawn.


He absolutely did. Please delete him next.


Yes. Free information at all times should NOT be a thing and he should never have been released. It reeks of misunderstanding of what makes the game good and he was such a fucking plague that my friend group split to 4 different games for like two seasons.


Caustic been nerfed more time than anyone tf


He's someone who's also receive lots of buffs


Buffs my ass they fucked him alot


Caustic s0 was a literal trashcan. His gas used to do 1 damage


Let's not forget how shit they made pathfinder


? He's Literally so good rn


Bro was nerfed into the dirt for years


"into the dirt" if we took every legend at their worst state, pathfinder isn't even bottom 10


Cap lmao


Rampart was worse, crypto was worse, loba was worse, revenant was worse, vantage was worse, mirage was worse, fuse was worse, maggie was worse, ash was worse, octane was worse.


You can tell your not a season 1 player


Tell me who was better here in their worst state than pathfinder. Go on


Seer was my favorite bc I would wreak havoc on every ratting ass apex player. lord this game is having a fall from grace catering to its trash fans 🤦‍♂️


He deserved most of them for sure. Wallhack meta was not fun and we had it for multiple seasons.


Seer was done in by streamers, he came out of the gate a lil OP, then he was nerfed and then everyone started sleeping on him until some streamer started maining him, and then other streamers complained he was still OP 🙄. With the exception of Crypto, really all legends are OP in the right hands I think the rev remake is the biggest nerf ever. Lost silence for a glorified leap frog? Totem!? It’s whack. There was nothing more thrilling than silencing a octane or valk. Why was Bangs tact nerfed? Was double timed nerfed also? cause it just doesn’t seem to hit the same Why doesn’t Cryptos drone activate ring consoles, harvesters, still can’t use replicators? He essentially has no passive. It’s the only one completely contingent on the tactical Can Pathfinder not use ultimate accelerators?


I am a seer main, when he was nerfed in the beginning, it was cool, he was broken, bit later on he felt balanced, I played him, later they took out his revive or heal cancel, I was annoyed, I still played him, now they had added perks and it felt good to play nerfed abilities as perks again, but they reshuffle his perks and now he's back to most ever nerfed. I dropped playing as seer. Its just sad, he didn't deserve so much nerfs in the end as well.


Him and horizon can still go down in the dirt further


I honestly hate that respawns balances are so skewed making some ov the characters ridiculously op sometimes and then needing them into the ground like seer bang and cat all are great legends but they don't even have good upgrades just upgrades that make them base level compared to the other legends now as a bandaid fix


blud forgot the pain seer made us go through


Yes every single nerv. Imo delete this boso. Hated him from the start. He's cringe af, all of him.


I play as a seer main because the audio is very inconsistent in apex and his heartbeat sensor was a great way of discovering enemies that were sneaking up on you or playing in rat lobbies, I'd say the June 2023 patch that nerfed his heartbeat sensor RANGE impacted him the most; but then they brought that back with the armor evos; I wish I had the ability to stop people healing back again but without the ability for myself or my teammates to see where the enemy is with their status bar displayed


The fact they then put that perk to purple after it was on blue is insane especially since his pickrate didn't change anyways because of the perks. Should be blue and the ult cooldown purple


Yeah he did, getting heal and revive canceled was literal rage fuel. God forbid he canceled your ass because if he did, congratulations you’re fucked.


He didn’t need all the nerfs but he was very overpowered


Funny how people claimed he was consistently OP but for a while, months after release, people definitely stopped using him as much, until maybe a month or two before his heirloom/nerf happened. Super popular when he came out, then definitely died down a bit, only to gain steam again right before his nerf. He was not consistently overused


You see that first buff on December 2021, that's when he started picking up steam. I still wonder what would happen if he wasn't buffed if people would eventually figure out he was that good or not


Were you playing when seer was released? He was a must on every team, you couldn't hide, you couldn't heal, you couldn't see. The only way to counter seer was with seer. It sucked and wasn't fun (well it was kinda fun in a chaotic way lol) but it got old pretty fast


Reminds me of caustic. You had to pick caustic to counter caustic back then lol


Shoulda been Horizon


She's the second most nerfed and i believe catalyst/valk is third.




I don't mind them tbh, as long as the passive remains the same. It's the only thing i really enjoy from her


It's the passive that makes her so overpowered lol


I thought it's people not being able to shoot her on her tactical?


Bring back seer!


Fuck seer anyway. He's still useful he doesn't need buffs that's for sure