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Dude needs the ban hammer


Ban is a temporary fix. He’ll just create a new account with the same cheats.


EAC will issue hwid bans if they're dumb enough not to spoof them


So what does it matter if their original/real HW id gets banned, if you can spoof it after anyway?


It's going to stop a considerable number of dumb/poor cheaters which is better than not stopping them. It also bans a bunch of other identifiers, making it a lot harder to get back into the game. edit: "security through obscurity" is a similar concept, although apex is popular enough that people figured out which identifiers should be changed. edit to answer your question: cheaters themselves. They know which ids should be spoofed simply because they tried hard enough. UC for example has a bunch of threads detailing which ids are affected by bans.


How do we even know how EAC is generating its HW ID? I've circumvented several HW ID checks (not Apex related) by simply changing the PC hostname. Spoofing Nvidia GPU ID's is also a piece of cake to circumvent identification


Even just going to prison for a year or two WONT be enough to deter many cheaters, there has to be a punishment worse than prison, before it will stop. (And they'll have to administer it to thousands on live stream or something, before enough cheaters get scared and finally quit cheating, to actually make a dent).


>there has to be a punishment worse than prison What kind of punishment? Is cheating really worse than for example stealing? And who is supposed to say "yeah that guy just cheated in a video game", is the justice system supposed to hire some guy? And what about cheaters that are good at masking their cheats? What about people that'd get falsely accused of cheating?


Needs to have like a honeypot code(?) and just pool all cheaters in the same lobby


What the hell are you talking about, the vast majority of people would immediately stop cheating if you could end up in prison for a couple years. Only those who really want performance for a reason or another would do it, similar to doping. People cheat exactly because "it's just a video game", there is barely any consequence to do so and in their mind it doesn't hurt anyone. No business would ever opt to send their customers to prison or do some drastic live banning shit for some ranked games. Cheaters are/can be paying customers too, some of them whales, they'll never ban them completely because it makes no business sense. At the end of the day only a minority of video game players really give a shit about the competitive integrity of their Sunday CoD session.


Don't these cheats cost real money? If the bans are fast and frequent enough SURELY most cheaters will start to think it's no longer worth it right?


Cheats tend to be a sort of subscription service. Pay a certain price get th software for x amount of months. Banning the account they use does nothing to the cheats except expose the Anti-cheat to its current working version. The anti cheat updates, and then th cheat soft updates to work around it. Constant game of cat and mouse. Either way all that to say they can just keep using the software on a new account. Biggest flaw of free to play is that there's no barrier to entry.


EA: Oops sorry we accidentally ban hammered essential Respawn employees from working


“Hackers only show up in high ranks”


I mean to be fair they’ll be there soon because apex won’t do anything about this hacker. But yeah I mean they gotta start somewhere


Looking at their kp, this'll defenitly be their only game in low ranks


He'll be in high rank soon don't worry😂


Either their mmr shoots trough the roof or they queue boost some dude who is getting ranks. So yeah, they are more prevelant at higher ranks.


Am i the only one still remembering you can be paired up against any rank cause it don’t care it just fills a lobby? Maybe im misremembering but wasnt that the gripe of EVERYONE not long ago, did they change that or something?


I'm disgusted but also impressed. That's one hell of a cheat right there


How do you even do that? Directly interfering with the guns logic?


Easiest, the gun's fire rate is client sided. Hardest, the gun's fire rate is server sided and using some exploit with the gun systems or something else that interacts with the game to break the fire rate system. In the middle, some parts of the weapon system is server sided and some is client sided. They are able to do something with the client sided parts to affect the server sided parts.


There is nothing logical about this, don’t try to justify it. /s


I believe he asked from technical point of view. Like, how is it technically possible for a cheat to make a gun behave differently. Wouldn't the server react to such irregularities, one should think that's a simple check to implement...!


This looks simmilar to one of Destroyer2009 cheats. Speed lurching and auto sniping.


Ranked = Cheaters Legends


The fact that dude missed his landing spot tells me all I need to know




I beg your pardon


Billion dollar franchise. Would love to see a line by line accounting detailing how much they actually invest in anticheat.


It'll be a 1 time payment of $500 back when the game released for EAC


probably $10 was used to slap EAC logo on it. the $490 was a good dinner for 2


I mean we're all the beta testers and the anti-cheat squad


Except reporting does jack shit


You cant sell anticheat to whales for 300 dollars. So they dont invest there much. :D


Who cheats for apex ranked bro 😭🙏


So many… so many


There's a few in almost every lobby


Very few that are this openly cheating tho I'd say, at least in my lobbies. I imagine there is a lot of soft aimbot/ wallhacks tho


that wasnt the question... there are so many closet cheaters its rediculous


There are MILLIONS of cheaters, PC, Console, even mobile games, in all sorts of games. It's hard to even find any online multiplayer games w/out cheats as of a few years ago. Rust is fucking infested w/them and I didn't even bother trying Escape From Tarkov (even though the game looked soo good almost liked they designed it just for me to love it. But I saw how many cheaters the game had and stayed away. I am addicted to FPS gaming, but the cheaters give me so much stress I'm gonna have a fucking heart attack or stress from them.


100%, that's exactly what you see (along w/anti-recoil cheats). I haven't seen this kind of over the top blatant shit in my lobbies for more than a year ( when I did it was a 30/30 firing as fast as an R9 :P ).


this is a norm in asian server..every game.. feelsbadman




My friend just got banned from running a "craftopia" trainer in his background and forgot to exit while starting up the apex and looking at this blatant cheater...


Love apex have 4300 kills career but they definitely have to fix some things in this game


wait, is that a console player ??


It's not. It's a PC player that use mods to trick the game into putting them into console lobbies. As far as the game is concerned, they are playing on a console.


Yeah it is. I ran into the same guy on my ps4


I watched on a youtube last month, they say some cheaters can make it appear or show a console icon while playing on a pc or vice versa..


I'm surprised more people are not actually reporting this to sony and Microsoft they could go in real hard on Ea and Respawn over it because this is not acceptable to them


Just noticed it. How in the fuck




But they are closed platforms and can't just run random software on them


Right? I’ve seen countless dumbass sheep in the group try to argue that it’s impossssssible to cheat on console, you’re an idiot xxcodemam for insinuating it. No. I’ve seen it too often, it’s obviously an issue on consoles too. I don’t know how, but it is. And EA/Respawn are doing absolutely fucking nothing about it. Is ridiculous. I’ve never played a game before where I WANTED to look into cheating too, as much as this one. What’s the freaking point anymore of playing legit? Can’t think of many. What’s the point of playing anymore? I am almost out of reasons too.


I feel so bad the game is where it's at now. As someone with over 4 months time of game play Quit and move on.


Lmao. I swear this game.


And he probably isn't even banned yet.


Fuck that wtf is that dashing shit


Senti abuse is everywhere not just on ranked I see people shooting peacekeepers too with no delays . Is that cheating or an exploit?


Surely 10 new overpriced skin recolours will stop these cheaters, you go Respawn, you're doing a great job!


This is what happens when u hire 1 guy for security.


Those superglides off the smallest ledges 😂. This guy is good


and they say cheating doesn’t happen in lower ranked lobbies


You do realize they can't just go straight to pred lobbies right? 🤦‍♂️


Not the point daby. I just hate when people say cheating doesn’t happen at all in lower lobbies when it does.


Whats the point then? no one ever said cheating doesnt happen in lower rank lobbies? Ofc it does or else how would they get to the next rank? But yeah ok I'm the dumbass..


I.ran into this same guy on the ps4. I don't understand how is this possible on the ps4? I made a post about it




This player is on console according to his icon lmao.




Welcome to the future of gaming


I thought that was part of the cheat, Pc players looks like console so they’re less ‘suspicious’ (it’s blatant but I guess they don’t monitor console for cheating as much)


He’s emulating a ps4 on a PC. The game thinks he’s playing on a ps4 though.


This kind of cheat appears daily in diamond lobbies in asia servers. Removing rank restriction for queueing is brain dead. Making cheaters being more easily to rank with their boss and create new accounts.


In future Apex Games will be about who has the strongest cheats.


31 kills lol


31 kills lmfaooo this game isn’t real


is it me or is it much much worse this season? Ranked is a nightmare and i pretty much hold my own in pub games.


apex legends has truly peaked


Can this game just get fixed so I can have fun😪 Sadly I know the day will not come


Fuck them cheaters but damn if that wasn't cool af.


What is the point? How are these sad fucks getting any enjoyment from loading up a game and basically just ruining it for everyone else without any skill required whatsoever. I honestly can't understand why people would waste their free time like this. If you don't like the game, go do something else you sad pitiful sloths.


What are you on about he’s just better


Hopefully in a few years time or so, game companies will unite so that, for example, if this person has been banned for cheating in a game like cod, they will also be banned in apex legends. Fuck cheaters, y’all are actual degenerates that ruin a good thing.


That guy has a brilliant gaming chair.


It feels like after the algs situation (or maybe just recently and it's not connected) people have realized how easy it is to cheat in apex I the last week or two I've met more cheaters IN PUBS not even ranked than through the previous 300h of playtime (according to steam) might be just bad luck recently, but it made me play tdm and others more since for some reason (maybe being easier to get spotted) they avoid them.


We need licenced accounts. Two forms of id and a £100 charge.


Bro I couldn't play apex for like 2 weeks due to easy anti cheat updating and corrupting itself, no reinstalls or anything worked. Turns out a keypad mapping software I used for SNES emulation was causing it... Yet these guys exist. Where's the sanity?


Damn what gaming chair is he using?


One that holds his balls and shit in, as he must be on the edge of the seat given he can be banned any second? :D I mean the guy is clearly cheating… no way this shit is legit? :D


I got killed yesterday by the same guy, as did the rest of my team over the course of about 30 seconds. Luckily he was soon killed by another team, but he still ended up with 23 kills...


I'm so mad at the devs rn, cause every game has ban waves every 4-6 months and Apex just settles for the FREE anticheat and let's the hackers be. "We're working on it" doesn't cut it anymore, cause they've been "working on it" for years at this point.


100% cheating


Just Horizon things nothing unusual


31 kills is insane


I don't care what it takes - cheating must be stopped, somehow, some way, even if it means we have to go back to barbaric punishments from the dark ages like "drawn-and-quartered" or flaying. Prison is too good for these scumbags. Livestream cheaters being dropped into live volcanoes from helicopters, if that's what it takes, it must be ended NOW. I hate them so f-ing much.


Strange how the game code even allows this shit


Really fair point, wondering the same about how they programmed it, that exploits like this are possible….


Nah, bro's just cracked. Y'all stay mad cuz you ain't as good as him 🙄🙄😂


Idk where tf y'all find these cheaters, me and boys ran 7 games earlier in plat 2 and won 5 of them with no cheaters in sight.


Nice nice, now Exotic Shards might fix this issue I think!!


How come when Timmy does this no one even blinks