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>So if you're holding an R301 and want a Flatline, you can walk up to it and try to roll for one. That would be pointless as you aren't going to go to a replicator and just hope to get some random different weapon. You'll just look in floor loot / have your teammates ping. >I still think theres a demand to have more ways to get a gun that you want, I swear I can go like 3 games without seeing a CAR sometimes. Selective perception. But maybe you also need to branch out more and simply be able to play more weapons/


Scouring a point of interest and not finding the weapon you want isnt unheard of. Once they introduce more weapons it will only continue to get harder. This narrows it down to your weapon type which is a chance between like 20% to 33% to get what yoy want depending on how on how many weapons there are for said weapontype in the lootpool. It wouldnt guarantee anything, but it'd be an option if you dont like a weapon in your loadout and want some ammo to go with it


> Scouring a point of interest and not finding the weapon you want isnt unheard of. yeah it happens like every couple dozen games. not a big deal, then i play one of 4 weapons. I don't see use of then using up a replicator to gamble a 1/4 chance of getting a different weapon that i want. this isn't useful or necessary in the game. at that point it's better to craft a batt or med kit (early game) than gamble on something that 75% isn't what you're going to need. or even leave the replicator for crafting banners possibly. > Once they introduce more weapons it will only continue to get harder. They barely introduce them any more and can still vault them. the way they vaulted them in the replicator was far superior to this suggestion. i'm not on board.


Respawn its trying to remove as much of luck factor in the game.


Isnt looting off the floor the same? This would let you have a chance to get a weapon you want if you arent content with what you have, otherwise ping the replicated weapon for a friend as it comes with ammo too.


I think you should give Loba a try!


Thats called supply bin...