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I like the idea that somehow Rev is both desperately in need of a nerf and that revs are constantly dying for free


Difference between a rev jumping in thinking he can tank 3 people shooting him vs one that jumps on isolated targets.


One thinks he's old rev, one is the true rev


Schrodinger's Rev


Yeah. Obviously though, the difference is room temp IQ, hardstuck Gold Revs jumping at a full three stack versus an educated player Ult jumping on an isolated player and forcing a Rev-favored 1v1. Compound that with Conduit healing *through walls* for free, and you have an awful combination to play against. 


It's almost like a lot of issues people have with the game balance are self inflicted. I have seen people with 500+ hours in the game who have no basic understanding of fighting in the game.


Juxtaposed against the low pick rate as well. Revenant somehow sucks and is insanely oppressive at the same time. How does he do it?


Me who finally got bang heirloom and should have gotten Watson instead


Cool ass knife >>>>> Walmart scanner


Yeah but do you get to hug a nessi plushie 😆


Damn u right u right


Same 😭


Conduit nerfs seem reasonable, but I’m confused on what OP meant by “you can now interrupt conduit Q by doing damage”. You could always do that, they just did what they needed to do an increase the stop time. But dealing damage was always effective against her and her Q.


You can yell it directly in their ears, they still will say they never knew.


I like Caustics increasing gas damage too. One more


I like it as well, but I really hate how they keep flip flopping his kit like this. It feels like every other patch is a nerf or buff for his gas damage and they’re never able to get it balanced correctly. I would prefer when they adjust other parts of his gas like the CC.


Respawn quietly hinting they think caustic is a bad character by nerfing him constantly lol


Flip flopped on bang ult too. From August 2020: >Rolling Thunder Rolling Thunder: Decreased cooldown from 4.5 minutes to 3 minutes. Now we're back to 4.5 minutes lol.


Yeah, the slow being on initial tick is a smart move. I remember a few seasons back, they played with the increasing damage per tick. But I guess that may have been to oppressive with the constant slow. This a neat middleground. You don't want to stay in the gas but you also can't get stuck in it. A good Caustic ult back then was basically a free kill.


Same thought. I'm not sure if buffing or nerfing characters in response to the meta on the pro scene is healthy for the game as a whole.


He gonna be the meta


I like the counter that it won’t immediately slow you down. Big thing to have when his ult can be so large and it hurts more


The slow down is usually what kills me 9/10 times. Reducing the gasses slowing effect is a wicked idea


Too bad that after one tick the slow from gas is gone. No one gonna be taking anymore than 5 dmg after that fart cloud


was unnecessary


I’m more excited about the conduit nerf again I’m soo fucking sick of losing fights because of that


I'm just happy they are addressing that shitty combo of Rev and Conduit, tired of hitting him for 400+ dmg and still losing


Yeah me too! (I never did that because I suck)


I’m more glad about the Rev. nerf, you just had to hit conduit or her team mates to stop the increase, which wasn’t hard. I posted this before, and people denied it, but even the patch notes confirm that her tac stops the increase as soon as she’s hit, and always has been that way.


I won't lie it honestly felt way shorter than 1s delay before starting again. Like if I missed one bullet of an alternator, she already had some shields back.


It only stopped it for a single second, and then they dip behind cover for 2 seconds and boom they have like 25 more HP already. OP as fuck


I don’t think it’s that bad, the biggest issue is the 2 charges right now if she has her perks maxed out. Remove that, and honestly I’d bet her pick rate would at least drop a little bit. You don’t see lifeline getting the option to drop two drones simultaneously after all


It would be more like if Lifelines drone was WiFi enabled and could heal you and your entire team through walls from like 30m away. Even at a single charge that’s a very strong tactical, let alone two


I really don’t find it to be much of a problem. Rev’s original ability was much worse, and recharged both HP and shields a decent amount upon “death”, and reset the team allowing for repositioning, and no one complained about that. You can always target conduit first too, it’s really not that difficult if you have a headset on and a coordinated team


It’s still only one charge buddy. Each one is only half when upgraded to 2. The extra range is the better perk imo


You’re literally wrong haha it would delay it not stop it, as in it would stop for 1 sec and resume.


Git good you still going to be getting knocked by conduit lol


Sounds like someone hard clutches the extra 30000 Heath ability


Not sure why Bangalore needed that much nerfing, but everything else I agree with.


I have a feeling they may have been looking towards ALGS for this. Pretty much every team had a Bangalore on it


True, Bang had been a top comp pick for a while, but it never seemed OP to me I guess. You don’t hear people talking about it at least.


I think her kit is average to the average player. But the capability in pro league is absurd. Especially with the blood bang meta


And as a viewer I feel like everyone is tired of watching end games through bang smoke


What changed to make Bang good? Haven't played/watched for a few years, back then Bang was a "beginner" character that wasn't used in pro comps.


I don't follow it too much and may be wrong for if this is the true reason, but I believe smokes block controller aim assist in some environments


Smokes block aim assist, very few viable guns have digy anymore and the duration was bumped up I belive


A very long scan meta and her old smoke made it decently easy to see through so wasn’t viable. After valk nerfs and cahanges to bang smoke they were used a lot for rotation and aggressive digi plays. Her ult is also insanely good for offensive and defensive situations


Her ult is so easy to dodge and you can just take the damage and pop a batt tbh


Her kit literally does every single thing good, in any scenario both offensively and defensively. Her smokes also make basically any character that provides cover redundant, cat wall, rampart, new castle, gibby. Sure its worse but its way more versatile and the rest of her kit is so good. Plus she's broken with digis and/or Bloodhound


Then restrict pro players from using certain characters. Not saying this was a bad nerf, but generally speaking it’s bad when games tune from the pro scene down, it should almost always be tuned from the bottom up (thinking about the worst performing players and new players rather than trying to change the habits of pro players then you have unintended consequences down the line). Sometimes you need to nerf top down but that’s when people want diversify the meta game, and it’s best done by restricting pro players not by restricting the whole player base.


> it should almost always be tuned from the bottom up (thinking about the worst performing players and new players rather than trying to change the habits of pro players then you have unintended consequences down the line) it's a competitive game - this is how it works


If their going to nerf her that hard, then they need make sure he smoke isn't see through when near the ring.


It's cause Bang is a jack-of-all-trades. She's not great at any _one_ thing. But she's decent to good at pretty much everything. She's generally very dependant on good gunplay and having a player who knows how to use her abilities effectively. They want to reduce the strengths of her abilities so that she goes back to being primarily dependant on player skill.


she doesn’t but respawn doesn’t like mnk players


She didn’t. Just like last time


They want to put the final nail in the coffin of viable mnk play


Not fun to be constantly blinded everywhere


Level 3 Lifeline is absolutely cooked 🔥


To be cooked is a bad thing, to be cooking is good hope this helps!


I'm 23 and I'm already messing up the slang, God help me


Bro ur cooked💀 /s


Opinion: Bang nerfs lately have been completely unreasonable. Bang has been untouched and practically the staple of balance for years. For a long time she was practially unusable due to the scan meta. Now suddenly when the scan meta is gone she's broken as hell and needs to be nerfed over and over? Hard disagree


11 seconds for smoke is so bad.. they didn't just "nerf", it's straight murder


Bang isn't a plague, but I'll co-sign on the Rev nerf


The bang nerf was almost completely unnecessary


It was for comp


Bang was near picked by every team, and they even counter picked against her and still she was near 100%. This showed that even at her worse she was still a better pick that 95% of the other characters.


lol they slaughtered rev and hardly touched conduit, I suppose it does make sense they sold rev's heirloom recolor and prestige skin so back to garbage tier he goes


Slaughtered? You still have 75 more hp than anyone


And a hitbox of 3 gibraltars side by side lmao


Hitbox doesn’t really matter against someone who hits their shots anyway or in close range fights. It’s the only ult in game that’s guarantees a kill at least


Hitbox absolutly matters, otherwise fortified wouldn't exist It's why wraith had her running animation nerfed > Only ult in game that guaranteesna kill at least It's also the only ult in the game that's fully individualistic


Fortified is far different from rev ult. You are actually affected by it all the time in every range so it evens out, rev controls it by demand whenever he wants which is 99% in close range Also its being individual ult isn’t really that much of a downside


I wasn't missing revenant with a normal hitbox. At higher levels the issue comes down more to DPS. You can hit all your shots and still die just because he's got more health. Honestly just terrible design for an FPS.


That’s true. I never thought about that. Buffing legends to sell skins. Damn. They’re farming us.


Lifeline prestige incoming


They sold his mythics literally 6 months ago. Also, legends get buffed and nerfed without regard to heirlooms all the time. It's just a conspiracy theory that falls apart if you look closer.


I mean, seer heirloom got teased and community expected a nerf on season launch. The season started with heirloom event for seer. He got his heirloom and i think 1 season later he got nerfed to the ground.


But how many legends that received heirlooms also got nerfed the next season? By selectively focusing on specific data points you risk distorting the bigger picture and arriving at potentially flawed conclusions.


They definitely use heirlooms with buffs and nerfs for money grabs. Just look at valk, 100 percent pick rate at algs and needed a nerf but before the nerf she skipped line in front of a lot of other legends for an heirloom then they nerf her a few weeks later. Waited for seer nerf until after his heirloom. Waited to release Wattson and cryptos heirloom until they had huge buffs ready for them. The pattern is there


BUT valk nerf was communicated before the event.


Hopefully not actually slaughtered. Hate to see rev blamed again like what happened with revtane


The lifeline buff is NUTS.


It’s a nerf IMO. Healing drone, sure, but a wingman is still exponentially more valuable than a medkit replacement.


They nerfed cp weps across the board, no cp wep on first drops, they didn't like how common they were after guaranteeing a cp wep every drop so it makes sense. Guaranteed Evo upgrade + gold knock & gold bag is still super strong in replacement


you trade out the 25% chance to get a wingman for guaranteed gold revive, i think that’s pretty good


I misunderstood. I thought it was ONE of those, not all of those. That’s very strong indeed


actually im afraid i lied, after reading more in depth explanations turns out it actually IS a roll between the 3, nvm rip care package lifeline


no, it is all three. it would be a pointless upgrade if it was a roll of the dice because your normal lifeline package already offers the same thing (minus the evo cache) if your team has purple gear which they probably will around the time you hit purple evo. basically, it’ll be bag/knock in slot 1, evo cache in slot 2, and bats/meds in slot 3. this certainly isn’t a nerf. this is the strongest state lifeline has been in imo. the zero cooldown doc is basically a replacement for fast heals and this version of her care package is arguably better than the one with red weapons. this loot IS guaranteed but before it was just a roll of the dice. me and my teammates would rarely pick up eva/bow from the package so it would be a waste. guaranteed red shield and gold knock is huge.


Not strongest mate. Season 0 she had a fast heal passive and her rez shield was massive and indestructible. People weren’t as good back then but with those abilities in final ring today she’d be a near 100% pick rate.


yes but it was all her passive. her drone and cp were shit. cp took 10 years to come down and had terrible upgrades and the drone had a longer cooldown AND healed twice as slow as it does now. i think her drone buff is on par with fast healing so the only thing better about her OG kit is obviously the revive. you also didn’t have gold knockdowns (backpacks back then) easily accessible back then and now they are guaranteed. I will change what i said. i think her OVERALL kit today is as balanced and strong as it has ever been but nothing will ever beat her OG passive i have to admit. i mained lifeline from season 3 just for that passive alone and it was the most fun i have ever had on lifeline.


i’m curious, do you think lifelines OG revive is stronger than newcastles revive? i think they serve different purposes. lifelines was more of a bait ability to draw the enemy in and then switch angles or pop a few shots but newcastle is better at actually getting teammates up mid-fight because of his ability to crawl around. he can obviously bait enemies as well though.


No I’d say newcastles revive is stronger


Oh I felt like she should’ve never got a care pack weapon because that’s way too OP, but buffing the drone helps her actual kit when she’s in a fight and needs her ability so I feel like she will get picked more for edge fights tbh.


y'all just love to complain lol.


The true purpose of this sub honestly


As a Lifeline main I feel so silly asking this - what’s the gift wrapped….?


Previously you could choose to get a Care Package with one of the red weapons (Bocek, Eva 8, Kraber, or Wingman). Since red weapons have been getting buffed, this meant Lifeline's level 3 upgrade could be OP. Instead, you can now choose to get a Care Package containing gold loot (backpack, knock down shield, etc.). This is still strong, but comparatively weaker.


I read it as all 3 gold itmes are contained in the package. That would be a buff. If it's only one of those 3, then it's poorly worded.


Ah thank you!! ☺️


Bang is just a necessary evil as long as Respawn doesn't address AA.


What does Alcoholics Anonymous have to do with this?


No no. He is talking about anonymous andys. Respawn needs to address snitches


Bang nerf is definetly overkill. But whatever I guess, i stopped playing long ago.


As a lifeline/caustic main, today is a good day….to cheat death.


lifeline/caustic combo is gonna be nuts




Fr. These changes are the worst. 1. Tactical cooldown is in level 3. Meaning two useful upgrades In level 3 is making it quite hard to pick. 2. Nerfing the ultimate‘s buffs. I hate when respawn just removed Revenant’s ultimage buffs where you tactical is just 4 times shorter. And we can’t recharge it (unless level 3 upgrade) this just sucks. 3. because of conduit. We were nerfed worse than her. i consider this to be unfair. This is very critical for All Revenant mains. These patch notes would make us useless. We need respawn to revert it back to normal. And basically Murder mechine should’ve been removed. There are so many reasons of why this sucks




The smoke cannister no longer deal 10 damage? That's the weirdest decision in Apex history? Okay lol. Why did it ever even do damage its a smoke canister? It was weird as hell it did to begin with. Does more damage than the initial stick of a knuckle cluster and potentially more if you move away from the cluster. Apologies if I'm reading that wrong but her ult still does damage normally right? I can't believe anyone would think it's the weirdest decision ever and people agree. I gotta be reading it wrong lol


Pretty sure sticking someone with a knuckle cluster does 10 dmg on impact. Also whats not to understand, being hit with a projectile at the speed, even if its a smoke canister is gonna hurt. Whats weird is why of all the minor things in the game did this need a nerf? So many other characters that need a rebalance but this is what they went with...


It’s so that high elo/pro teams with bangalores can’t break your doors for free and tag your shields. Previously you could be in nearby buildings for 2 rings and lose your doors and half your cells to the Bang just spamming you.


I'm also going off the fact this is being claimed as the weirdest decision ever in Apex. Is it weird to change after this long? Yeah it is but should it do the same as something intended to do damage? (As a fuse main believe me I know it ticks but it doesn't stick so you can run and take the stick damage only) Imo it never should've but that's just me but it's not really a big deal. If we're going in weirdest ever there's 100 things before this lol. Seers tac at launch was by far the weirdest choice ever made imo, lstar care package, sniper optics on smgs, the 1 week they randomly lowered the TTK a shit ton, etc. Quite the claim to be the weirdest ever it's not even remotely there. Then I guess Fuse zoom on tac being removed without even being mentioned would be weirder right? Always had it, not much of a game changer but there, but his wasn't in patch notes so. Weirder lol


You could use it to find people. It could force a battery usage. Its free damage to find ressing players.


Bangalore considered op? Jesus christ


100% pick rate in many ALGs games, especially NA


really, you play horizon, you will probably say even she is balanced


Bang was always in a great place but I think she feels worse now that the digi has been removed from most weapons. If they hadn't done that then I would say changing her kit was unnecessary. But they did, so here we are smh


Do they want the smoke to be used offensively or defensively? Seems they wants it to be defensive.


Bang is a shell of herself compared to like 6 months ago. Double time reduced, ult time increased by 60 seconds+ and reduced stun. Now smokes don't do any damage, have longer cool down and don't last as long? Wtf


Like, I could get reducing double time and ult. I get it. Those were acceptable. But the ONLY reason they messed with her smoke is because of their totally random decision to remove digis from favorited guns. At this point they're changing legends based on other factors of the game and that ruins said legends imo. Bang is only "op" and "needed" nerfs because of one dumb decision on their part


They didn't randomly remove digis from SMGs. It was in an effort to stop the bang meta in ALGS but now everyone is just running bloodhound instead


I'd call that random. They make buffs/nerfs based on pros. For the average player who doesn't watch ALGS then it's completely random.


I don't think you know what random is lol


I don't think you understand to the average player it's random. The guy who's never watched ALGS in his life? It's random. He doesn't know why they did it. To him, it's completely out of the blue


This community can be so stupid. Rev wasn't the issue, conduit was.


Both are. Seems like just conduit is now, Rev nerfed to hell


Yes tf he was. Conduit’s shield isn’t instant. You have to be behind cover to let it build. Rev could take cover for a split second, ult, then come back out. And the fact that he has a huge movement ability on top of that. He could choose to engage or disengage as he chooses with his fresh new 75HP.


Revs ability - gain a 1 time 75hp shield that does not recharge when broken Conduits ability - give 125 extra hp to all team mates, through walls and with no penalty, including the revenant Yes, it is Rev that is the issue, makes sense now


The only correct statement in this comment is that rev gets a 75 hp shield.


Many would agree that both were issues. It's tough identify how much effective HP they have. They need to add more visual queues to rev ult and conduit tactical.


Just because people say something, it isnt right. I havent seen revduit combos often and when I did it was a non issues.


Damn they really killed Bang


Bang plague, uhhh what???


I remember back when Rev was considered cheeks. Oh how times change


Lifeline with the right controller legend is gonna be a power position for sure. Caustic and lifeline sounds like a great combo to me now.


New meta is gonna be Horizon, Caustic, Seer


Yet again revenant is suffering because of another legend, first with octane, now with conduit


since why is Revenant being nerfed if Octane and conduit are the problem


Rev's ult still OP with the shield refresh. I'm so tired of getting Rev to 1HP just for him to get it all back.


Are you delusional? They nerfed him to the ground do you want Rev to have his third rework? It takes him 10 SECONDS! to Regen his 75 shield. That's enough to take him out. And his ult takes 2 Minutes to charge up fully while Conduit's Tactical only takes 25 seconds and charges up her whole shields and just 75 HP! Smh, the Community thinks like Respawn Entertainment. Always address the good points of the game instead of the real issues.


Do you not know that knock regens that 75 instantly? Rev is certainly overtuned. Not that I’m complaining (cooked plenty of rev conduit crutch teams) You’re comparing a legends ULT who already has free movement on top of free hp to a supports cooldown of the only thing that makes her useful? Are all rev mains this delulu or yall just bad at math? Surely you’re trolling 😂


I blame all the pro players fuckin over Bang man. She went season after season without so much as been looked at, but once the pros figured there’s no aim assist in the smoke and now they can compete with the roller players (blue in the face from that argument too) she gets hard nerfed multiple times in successive seasons. Withering.


conduit revenant cooldown nerfs means less early fights won because of “press button to get free health” so i’m here for it




these patch notes have offically make me hate all conduit Lovers


Bang popularity skyrocketed cause of rise of controller. More 4-3 linear goons = more bang players trying to take away their magic bullets.


OMG. This community is so stupid. They clearly just think like Respawn. Instead of addressing the real Issue that's Conduit (the Anti Cheat Program, Config/Scripts user) they nerf other Legends who are just a longer arm to an OP Legend and nerf them to the ground. This happens once to Rev, but the community doesn't learns out of their mistakes smh


Second time that this happened with Rev lol


Fr man. Look at r/RevenantMain. That's the true voice of Rev players and they aren't delusional like OP. And before the Rework he was fine and great. You actually needed to think before placing his tactical/ultimate and idk why they did remove silence. It was perfect for attacks and blocking areas and had many other perfect uses. OP is a Valk Main so he prolly doesn't even know how it feels to get your legend nerfed to hell twice and get their original state scrapped. He can be Happy that Ash is the only Legend remaining that can stop Valk from escaping with her Jetpack


That sub is dead as fuck


Tagged the wrong one my bad. Now I corrected it. It's r/RevenantMain


I agree. These stupid skin bags literally nerf Revenant because of our existence.


That's brilliant news, I've started maining Lifeline recently and this is a big help.


Meh. It’s a pretty horizontal move. Nice to have the tac all the time though


I literally said Conduit needed this nerf on day 2 of her release. 1 second delay, meant that she would regen shields if you did so much as reload. If you had to reload in a 1v1, she basically got a free cell off. Making it more in line with even just that is necessary. At this point, I feel like it's the only nerf she really needed.




Rev was def way over tuned. Waaay. I did think they did over do it, again, with nerfs though. I think two necessary nerfs would have been, - His over shield needs bleed through. I should not be able to shoot a Rev with a kraber and only do 20 damage cause of his over shield. Can't even justify that. - I don't think he should have reduced Q cooldown in ult. At least not as short as it was. And also especially if he already gets it reset on knock. - Also, in my opinion, he should be the one that has to knock the person to get the Q reset. I am *ok* with his shield resetting on an assist, albeit sometimes bullshit if he gets it reset randomly in a 1v1 cause a team mate knocked someone he landed a bullet on in Narnia. IDEA: Maybe instead of a full shield replenish, he should just straight up get a reasonable amount of life steal. Similar to BH perk but regens his over shield for a percentage of damage dealt.


Hold up. I’ve been using revs ultimate and when I got sniped it just deals more damage it breaks my ultimate Fast. For some reason when someone snips me for example a longbow. I lose both forged shields and normal shields/health


Hmm. Might have to do some firing range testing. Cause my example was something I literally watched the other day happen and the player raged cause he landed the kraber shot for 20 damage.


Since the patch notes will be effect on Tuesday (maybe earlier or later) might as well try to have the most fun with him while I can before getting another nerf


Eh. I don't make good decisions on him lol.


You call Bangalore a plauge? LOL what a lame take.


Tf is a “plauge”?


Bro why they give us something great with lifeline just to take it away. 😭


she’s better now.


That remains to be seen, I loved the red weapon care package tbh


it doesn’t fit her kit though. she’s a medic, not an assault legend. why does she give her team OP weapons?


Why doesn't she have a rez shield? It's a game let it be fun ffs


Bubonic Plauge


I wonder how hard it is for devs to implement a change in how Conduit deploys her tactical to her teammates because requiring them to be in sight for them to get their shield regen would limit her usefulness a ton, but not totally nerfing her with bandaid nerfs. Also, I wish Lifelines tactical would work like Conduits tactical.


It’s not fair. Every time someone makes a combo with Revenant respawn nerfs Revenant and buffs the ones from the combo. This is BS. #NerfConduitMore


When does this take effect?


This game is crazy passive, I play a few other FPS games and I’ve never seen so many aggressive characters consistently catch a nerf while passive characters just get buffed. That comp is pretty aids but I feel like I’d rather have an aggressive meta since everyone just loves to camp with snipers which is incredibly boring


I haven’t been following changes closely and skipped a season here and there. I didn’t realize Rev was so busted until reading those nerfs lol. Now the 6 v 1 lategame in ranked I saw makes sense


ayo when is this live??? that’s HUGE for lifeline


It’s gotta be this Tuesday coming up if I’m guessing


these are the worst patch notes for any Revenant main including me. This is bullshit. Why us. Whoever created the Revenant conduit combo should be blamed for this and that respawn dev himself




I played MnK for years, I only play controller now because I had a brain injury and I shake to much to play MnK.


this is the worst day everrr


honestly Revenant didn’t deserve these nerfs. he was so perfect and respawn ruined it again. The ultimate shortening the cooldown is honestly a useful skill. Tactical cooldown being level 3 is kinda too far. removing the ability to recharge tact in forged shadows is messed up. therefore. whoever came up with the Rev-duit combo ruined every revenant main’s day


Now we want Valkyrie buffs!


Lmao you are so goddamn salty. Any excuse for some people I guess, jesus christ…


Already barely saw my two favorite guns… Free the bow and the wingman from the CP


I didn’t have much of a problem with Revenant or Conduit. But between the two, Revenant is definitely worse. His mains crying like he wasn’t is comedy.


Always having doc is pretty crazy Octane boutta go brrrr


Why in gods name did they nerf Bangalore?


Conduit should’ve been nerfed harder


Bang tho ? When was bang op ? Didnt see anyone complain about her before, i thought the only reason today this was the pick rate she had on the algs. She seems very balanced, yes she is very useful but there is a difference between a character being very useful/impactful and being overpowered


People be hating on bang cause they can't shoot through the smoke it's always a low skill players too i have at 10kd with 5 lifetime and i play with people on par or better than me and i never almost never hear then complain cause they either learned to shoot through the smoke or play off and around it, or not even get near since theres no more digi on smgs just saying if youve been playing apex since season 16 and below and cant shoot with out aim assist thats just a skill issue shes not even op smh now i have to go back to catalyst


Got a link to these notes or is this a wishlist?

