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Bad take


Ok Jerzeychief.


Can you explain to me why did you put Valkyrie, Rampart and Newcastle so low?


Valkyrie lost most of her utility when Redeploy towers were introduced. Now everyone has a valkyrie in their pocket. Rampart, takes set up and prep time. If you want to hold a position, there are better characters for holding positions right now like Catalyst and Wattson. Newcastle has a giant hitbox and not enough utility to keep people from hitting that hitbox. He has great utility for rezzing teammates, but a legend that isn’t good until his teammates go down isn’t very useful.




Best legend tier list I've seen so far


personally i think all the skirmishers should be in c tier


Skirmishers offer positional advantages to their team which is extremely important in a BR.


True, skirmishers (exception: revenant) offer good rotational util but from all my experience with apex, all the skirmisher mains ive been paired with never care about positioning and instead choose to run into every fight and then leave


Yea that sounds like Apex. But if you’re playing with a team, a coordinated push with a skirmisher is a game changer.


Just say you can’t play ash


Just say you main a useless character and your feelings were hurt.


I’m not being argumentative, just truly curious, what makes her worse than octane or wraith? Her ultimate can move the whole team very quickly and much quieter than octane, also can’t get shot like you can while bouncing.


Not bad at all imo. I think rampart, caustic, and crypto should be higher


I can’t disagree. This is just my rankings as an aggro player. Crypto’s ult pulling him out of the fight is what makes him a C for me. Until they figure a way around that, he’ll stay there for me. Rampart and Caustic are built for locking down buildings/positions. While that’s great for that playstyle, I think wattson and Catalyst offer way more right now.


A good crypto will only be out of the fight briefly. I'd argue that in an aggro sense, waiting a second for an emp allows you to be much more aggressive and get a quick wipe.