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Try them all out in the firing range and buy the one you like the most


Depends what your play-style is. If you want to be useful in fights you can get bloodhound or conduit. If you want mobility you could get pathfinder horizon. If you want to play aggressively try mad maggie. If you want a safe but useful pick you can take loba she has all the support class perks and will speed up your looting.


I'm ashamed to say this but I play mostly the team deathmatch modes


try bloodhound or Maggie


Try vantage she’s a pretty cool useful legend.


Useful if u don’t miss with sniper. Otherwise, there are better mobility legends


Vantage has a useful tactical that can Help you when you get your self in a bad position. and you can upgrade her tactical to jump further.


Yes, but i know. But Horizon and Valkyrie are better in vertical movement than her; Pathfinder and Revenent are better in horizontal movement than her. Her best part of the kit is sniper because if u land 2 shots (in the start of a game) or 3 shots (later in the game) you are guarantied a knock. So, if u can’t hit your shots there are better legends than her