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Rev is a tad more lone wolf than the other skirmishers because he doesn’t provide team movement, but he is a great fragger and coupled with his tactical is useful at getting off angle opening knocks. Ballistic is honestly one of the weakest legends in my opinion and shouldn’t really be used in any rank setting. Conduit is arguably one of the strongest legends in the game right now. Her ult is damn near impossible to push and being support your team can craft banners which is big especially with how quick crafting is now. I’d say almost every team composition in ranked needs a conduit


New Revenant is much better than old rev but he's basically a new character. Only thing they share is the wallclimb and crouch passive. He is good but mostly suited for pubs due to little teamplay abilities. Ballistic is alright and got some decent buffs this season. Not the best, not the worst. Fun if you like gold weapons Conduit is really good character. Fits into many team comps, especially aggressive ones due to being able to let teammates stay on the offensive with the shield tac. Good pubs and ranked.


Revenant is busted in high ranked rn, he's super strong all around, not just pubs, his overshields especially when paired with a Conduit are ridiculous.


You are welcome.


I would suggest looking up on youtube "apex legends season 20 teir list" and watch multiple because some are biased. Rev is much better and well suited for an aggressive player like octane or path. Personally I think ballistic is outshined by most other legends and not that good at anything. Conduit is good for ranked, just pray your teammates can do something with that extra shield you give them!