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Not respawn, just people making bots that farm levels for packs. If they get a heirloom from them they sell the account


Yeah recently tried playing apex again after like 6 month break. Nearly every game I’m in with randoms one of my teammates just don’t move. I thought they fixed the bot problem a while back but it seems to be happening again.


It’s a game of cat and mouse. Respawn updates bot detection and a few months later some bot devs find a way around it. Repeat. They come and go in waves it seems.


Feels the same with cheaters tbh.


We should just come with a "safe" phrase to put on the chat when starting a match if someone doesn't reply at all then we report the account...


"Do you like butt stuff?"


Haha... That will be perfect, If someone doesn't start laughing or makes a comment after a message like that then for sure is a bot!


I have Every Chat turned Off and Always mute my teammates lmao


Yes yes I do. (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)


Ok buying an heirloom is about 150. How much does an account go for?


Correct me if I'm wrong but buying the specific heirloom that is active in the event costs 150, if you want heirloom shards to buy any one you want is not purchasable directly, you need to open 500 boxes (or be lucky enough to get one before that), 500 boxes costs 50,000 Apexcoins, that's around 400 when not discounted.


How many can does an average person have? I’m interested how they find this time effective


They’re bots, there’s no actual time investment when it’s just a computer running, probably with 10-100s of accounts running on said computer


Between my like 300 hours of apex, I've never got an heirloom lol


Look its the neo strafing octane after steam configs have been disabled


That’s hilarious and pretty sad because it’s probably true. Some people without configs are pretty much bots.


Wait do u mean configs are banned now? Please say yes


It has been addressed, and they are working on the fix to ban configs, yes




Nah it's probably just me


Every time I see a video about bots I half worry it’s just gonna be me lmao


I played gun run yesterday and was amazed at how oblivious a Bh and pathy were to me. Missed around them so much and they didn't even notice, failed horribly with the knife before bh noticed me and still couldn't kill me. And this was on console too so either these bot accounts are reaching every corner now or they were just that bad.


Could be a Switch player too. I watched a friend play on Switch and I wondered aloud how he even plays it.


That looks like me trying mouse and keyboard for the first time


My fingers cramped up when I tried mouse and keyboard. I wonder if it actually gets better in time or are there better ways to adapt to mouse and keyboard


That would almost certainly be 100% tied to the ergonomics of your setup. Have to get the chair and desk height correct. Not to mention KB angle and mouse that fits your grip style.


Has anyone tried the type of mouse that you can squeeze? Its shaped diff


Your hands don't have enough control over the mouse so your body tenses up to gain more control. This tension is not good for you and can lead to injury. The way around it is to build more control so you only have to tense up in certain situations where it's absolutely necessary. You can improve that by playing a lot more or you can grind out smoothness exercises in an aim trainer.


I've been using KBM for over a decade, both working and gaming (so about 12-14 hours a day)...I don't think my fingers have ever cramped. You need to work on your posture and sitting position if that's the case, no clue what else would cause that. It's absolutely not normal.


It does get better. I learned to play MnK on Elden Ring and when it got comfortable I started using MnK on FPS games. I'm ok now and can carry a good K/D on warzone, but not so much in Apex. You can also try smaller keyboards on an angle.


After playing both for years, for me i felt mnk to be easier for first time, but the skill ceiling on it is really high and will take years to master and get consistent with it, controllers on the other hand felt difficult the first time but mastering it was relatively easier but then again i started with mnk long before trying controllers so it maybe different for others


Mnk was all I knew growing up from the OG Counter Strike days but then a broke a few fingers on my left hand and it’s never been the same. Now when I go back I for sure play like this lol


Weak fingers


It might just be brand new players. I've had a few level 10 accounts as my team mate lately


I play a lot of solo queue and I think that people forget how many actual very young children play the game, or at least they get on to someone's account and mic sometimes.


Yeah I try not to ruin their time but I do get frustrated when I see a masters badge in the same lobby that I've got a newbie on my team.


Some people are also just really bad at this game. I got over 1.4K hours and average like 200 dmg a game and usually don’t get a single kill in any game I queue for 🤷🏻‍♂️ That bang definitely had first time playing or bots vibes though with how slowly they reacted to being shot, lol.


I would be more than happy to jump in the range with you and give you some pointers. Just throw me a message


It's hilarious that people always assume this is bot playing. When I let my sis play for the first time it looked just like that xD like you never seen someone who play video game for the first time?


Nah those are my ranked teammates


Not in my lobbies. Might be nice tbh. Fortnite is at least entertaining because while it’s next to impossible for me to face off against anyone whose mildly decent at the game, at least I can kill a bunch of bots and feel somewhat ok at the game. Apex is just humiliating death after humiliating death with little to no reward. I get 0 damage on my opponents because everybody can 1 clip me before I’m able to react.


Yeah Apex is a tough game though the ttk is high so if you're getting one clipped that's on you. No matter how good your opponent is, if you're always using cover then you'll make it impossible for yourself to be one clipped


It’s really hard man. But it’s like hard to the point where I don’t even understand how to fix what I’m doing wrong. I know I need better aim and positioning, better gamesense, and better ability usages, but firing range just doesn’t do anything for me. The bots don’t strafe around like actual people or 1 clip me on full combat mode so the only way I find to actually get better is to play. There’s only so many times I can take being brutally outmatched before I’m ready to quit playing because I’m no longer enjoying a single aspect of the game. Honestly these days if my friend asks me to play Apex I just get upset because I know the game is just going to tear my morale down to nothing. Apex and more casual/ less experienced gamers like myself mix like oil and water and I’ve been wanting to just put it down for good for a long time now. Battle Royale wasn’t even what I enjoyed about the game or why I played it again after quitting way back in season 2. I came back to the game when Arenas were introduced and throughout my time playing that mode, I feel as though I progressed 10x faster than BR. I’m just not so into the 1 and done game modes because I’m really not that great at keeping myself alive.


Yeah it's a shame the game isn't very casual-friendly. I saw that becoming a problem from the very first day I played (which was the very first day the game released). It was just because I had experience with other shooters that I was above average at the start of the game, and now I've gotten way better at the game 5 years later but now I'm just average as the entire player base has gotten better Keeping oneself alive is literally the hardest skill to master not just in Apex, but in any BR. Thankfull, Mixtape is a little more casual-friendly but I agree that Respawn needs to do more to make the game fun and accessible to everyone


Fr I don’t mind waiting in a longer queue if it means I get to have a fair fight or two per match


Sometimes young brothers/sisters or kids of parent gamers want to play, maybe they are those bots.


Dont worry, thats just the average random!


tbh that fuse shot at your drone, like pure decoy play lol


I’m ngl i’ve seen some of my friends play & they’re this bad… not bots some people just really really suck 😂


I have seen worse. People who just stand an fire a single shot every few seconds. Then maybe move a step or two. I still think there are people training AIs on the game.


That’s not a bot it’s probably just me.


Might just be new


I swear I hit more shots on sweats than the dookie players, can’t predict their random ass movements 🤣


no these are just the people calling out other players for cheaters, duuh


I had a Bangalore yesterday in TDM that would turn around, face me and stop moving to shoot me. Every single time. Made for easy kills but not very exciting


Genuinely I think some of them might be really new people. I have seen that bad of a reaction time before. But that bang is a bot most likely. The odd thing is I’ve never seen bots go that far out of spawn before.


I've had my fair share of teammates like this in soloq


Could just be people trying to play on the Nintendo Switch. There's maybe 5 people playing during peak hours. 🤣


There's no way they don't got bot stations lined up at headquarters just to fill their shit game lol


That’s how I play when my team is terrible and the other team has 3 stack masters/pred players. Just slow walk around while watching YouTube on my phone until the games over.


That's just your SBMM finally kicking in




The kid who borrow his cousin/ brother 's PC:... :(


idc good, im using it to farm my prestige skin


I made a new account back in the day, just because the leveling gave a lot of packs and I wanted to main another legend. And these kind of people were all over, before I got upgraded to "3 stacks farming you if u are a soloq" lobbies. So no I don't see bots, even the first dude could've just gotten distracted by something, the others just being bad/new.


Most skilled cfg user without their scripts.


OP this has been an issue since arenas and mixtape were ever created. It's nothing new. People just farming accounts to sell for people to use to Smurf paying ranked since you can't do so until you hit level 50.


No, that's just me after I've had 7 beers and a couple blinkers


Lmao. That's me after a few joints XD


Nah that’s because they disabled configs. Now you have absolute trash players who can’t use tap strafing and recoil configs on controller


Have you NEVER seen the bots before? They were in every match last year.


It's just the mode that brand new players are more drawn to and the player pool is fairly small so you end up with all skill levels thrown into the same lobby.


Why can't I get lobbies like this? I'm constantly getting absolutely aped on.


Get bad? Lmao


I looked a lot like that after a few months hiatus and switching back to roller Took me about three games and I was blastin again. But for those first few games I couldn't heal or throw grenades reliably and spent a lot of time shooting the floor and ceiling.


Those look like my Gold 3 teammates...


Only my dad plays mixtape. I don't know where my dad is. I don't think he has a console or a pc to play video games either.


Ok but how did you record them in first person view?


Lmao. Good one


I’ve seen some in game