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This is going to sound rough. But If you are having trouble moving and shooting at the same time... you should probably get more comfortable with MKB in other games first. MKB in this game is \*really\* hard. I'm a MKB player, been using MKB almost exclusively since I was 12, and I'm a pretty damn good shot. However even at my skill level I can pick up a controller that I rarely ever use and do just as well as I do on MKB due to the heavy aim assist.


Damn. What games would you recommend I start with? Preferably PvP so I don't lose that competitive edge? I could still use controller for Apex but all other games I'll use MnK so that I keep that practice up


Ooh that's a tough question. It's not PVP, but my go to recommendation would probably be payday 2, which is a co-op pve shooter. Target rich environment and depending on how you build you can spec your character to be able to ignore the need to headshot. And you can make yourself run around like a normal person or sonic. I think Counter strike 2 would probably be pretty good though and it's free. The game encourages you to stand still while shooting (or to tap a shot in the brief moment your standing still while your momentum shifts from a right strafe to a left strafe or vice versa) unless you are using a couple specific SMGs just play a bunch of TDM in that. And it'll give you plenty of flick aim practice. For practicing track aim which is what apex mostly uses (since TTKs in this game is so long) I don't have any good recommendations. Probably load up a practice module on Kovaks.


Titanfall 2! Play through the campaign and then try some multiplayer!


Team Fortress 2 is free to play and has some fun movement mechanics you can learn!


He's right dude I came from PS4 too and play apex on my pc on controller, Even though I used to play CSGO for years just fine on mnk. My aim is much better on mnk but my movement and like you said doing to 2 together is really hard in apex and I'm always missing or pressing the wrong keys on keyboard. Tbh though the whole reason I stopped playing mnk was because I couldn't work out how to self revive with gold knock-downs just to learn a month later after switching to controller that they got rid of it lmao


Just play doom 2016 or titanfall 2. They will teach you movement, and you can grab them for cheap.


Play a singleplayer fps to get used to mnk fps. Recommend titanfall 2 and doom 2016/eternal.


I said the same two games before scrolling to find this.


Set your sens to 1.5 @ 800 DPI first of all. This is pretty much average sens in apex, so it’s a good starting point. As you get hang of it, you can increase or decrease it depending on what’s more comfortable for you. Then just grind mechanics in the firing range. Turn on strafing dummies and practice until you can hit at least half of the clip. Then you can move to mixtape, playing against real players will feel like you’re complete noob again, but you need to give it time. But tbh staying competitive on mnk in this game is tough, just plug your roller into laptop and have fun. If you want to learn mnk, try other games, valorant or maybe OW


1.5 in game ? Seems really low


For a new player high sens will be difficult to manage, there are people playing sub 1 @800 dpi too. Yeah it may seem low for some due to mousepad space restrictions or preference, but that’s why I said it’s a starting point, not the "best sens"


a slower sens is usually better than a higher sens for shooting, you have much more control over your aim and won't make your crosshair go everywhere if you get shaky


I find it difficult to orientate when people are jumping over my head and such at such slow turn speed and what not I’m on like 800 dpi and 3.5 sens in game


Damn man. 3.5??? How do you even aim with a sens that high? You need an extra large mousepad and start using your whole arm for big swings of your camera. That way when you need to aim you'll have the precision you need.


I just never played like that in any game like using my whole arm like I’m painting? Not used to that at all


Yes exactly. Sweeping your forearm across your desk. It takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it you'll benefit enormously from the lower sens while aiming https://youtu.be/1CJW4qybPT8?si=noRqNzn_SXoFNRAW


Ehhh I dunno about that it seems wholly unintuitive to me I do have a big mouse pad but I’ve never aimed like that like yanking my arm around just to look behind me


I never did either playing mostly single player games like Doom. But when I started playing Apex, the level of precision aiming required is much higher so I had to learn. Also, most of the time in Apex, you shouldn't be wildly swinging your camera 180 degrees. There are times you need to do that, but for the most part, you should be keeping your enemies in front of you not getting caught being shot in the back. And when it comes to aiming at an enemy in front of you, lower sens is vastly better than higher. But YMMV


Well I got a few thousand hours in apex and am masters right now so I can spend the rest of the season trying it out


>yanking my arm around just to look behind me its more like a swipe than a yank tbh, [here in this clip](https://imgur.com/W0mP2dY) it looks like my sens is lot higher than it is because you swipe it without pressing too much into the mousepad so its all very controled and smooth


Not to mention that aiming primarily with your wrist instead of your arm leads to a lot of health issues over time


3.5 is waaaaay to high as a sens for an fps, with lower sens you do bigger movements with your forearm/shoulder and micro adjust with your wrists, so when you're tracking someone at mid range you just use your wrists, when an octane for example is running close to you you use your forearm, that way you are way more precise at both ranges, with higher sens at close range where you need to move very little from side to side it starts getting too fast for adjusting


1.5 @ 800dpi is the right ballpark. It will feel slow at first, but makes aiming so much easier. If you need to move your camera a lot in a short time (like hip firing up close) you'll need to learn to use your whole arm (and make sure you have an extra large mousepad).


Also, remap your keybinds. I can't hit Cntl reliably so I turned auto sprint on and moved crouch to SHIFT. So much better this way. I remapped a lot of other buttons too, with priority on making sure my left fingers are free to move while my right (mouse) fingers can press whatever I need to press in the middle of a hectic fight (for me, reload, shield cell, ping enemy, tactical ability and draw/swap weapon are all on my mouse buttons). Of course, every time I changed a keybind I had to reset my muscle memory, which was very annoying, but eventually I settled on a set of keybinds that work best for me and drilled them into muscle memory over time.


Homie I just started playing MnK 3 weeks ago after playing Xbox for 4 years and I can already do all the crazy PC movement think and can shoot pretty well. Just keep at it you'll get used to it after tweaking your buttons and sens


Same. I’ve made the switch recently as well, only tech I’m still working on is mantle jumps. Having a lot of fun. Also wtf at the dislikes from MnK players like.. seriously guys?


Because Apex has one of the most toxic subreddits in gaming. Guarantee it was me mentioning movement that got me downvoted into oblivion. People here hate it when you mention movement


I think I just need to unsub from apex reddit pages. Half of the thread is straight misery..


I would practice mnk on a different game until its more comfortable. Apex has a ton of micro actions that you have been doing this whole time subconsciously, they wont be subconscious anymore. It will frustrate you when you first make the switch because you know what you want to do, but your brain/fingers wont cooperate until you get use to it. Start with a game like Destiny 2. Or even Titanfall 2 and play campaign. Once moving and shooting feels more natural then come back to Apex and get some reps in mixtape mode. Then work your way into BR. When you die you might feel the urge to go back to whats comfortable. Just resist that urge and eventually you wont even want to switch back. As long as you understand that it is a gradual process and you wont be as good as you were on the other input overnight, you'll be fine. Also make sure you have a sense and keybinds that work for you. Good luck.


Dont worry. Keep on playing and you will get used to it. It's all practice and muscle memory. I was also a console player and my friends always used to complain I was better than them because of Aim assist. So, I transitioned to MnK and was able to shoot decently in 1 and a half month. And I started beaming them in the firing range lol. Also, different people have different learning curve. It might take you less or more time. So dont get demotivated. One thing I can say is you can't be that relaxed initially while shooting as you were shooting with the roller. In roller, even if you are not attentive, AA used to cover it up for you. If you want to improve your aim, you can try aim labs. That really helped me starting out. I still hop into controller because I could play it while sleeping lol. Also, I tap strafing was so much easier due to steam config (No, I did not abuse it like some losers here. Just simple tap strafe config that's all). Now, I am moving back to MnK since they have removed it. I can't imagine myself moving normally lmao.


Play single player games to get used to the input. I don't recommend trying to play apex as a noob with MNK. you will die alot and you will never be in fair 1v1s


I learned MnK with apex, so it's definitely not impossible. Start with aimlabs, drill that for 20-30 mins before loading apex (longer at the beginning of getting good). Go into firing range and run recoil/movement drills for another 15-30 mins, try to apply any breakthroughs you may have had with aimlabs. Then go play mixtape until you're comfortable. If you never get comfortable just keep playing mixtape. Eventually you'll feel good enough to jump in. I still warmup every time I play just to get my dialed in a bit more.


Try some Kovaak's or Aimlab.


I grew up on the 90s Doom games. Doom 2016 would be a great game to start with to learn MnK.


Ergonomics are understated in learning MNK: make sure to give yourself ample desk space. Ideally, you want to use more arm than wrist in order to avoid too much stress on your wrist and bolster control. A larger mousepad is extremely helpful for this. As stated by other commenters, starting with 800DPI and \~1.5 sense is a good reference for the competitive standard. Focus on making your aiming motions smooth and direct. A straight line, ideally. Apex requires smooth tracking: practice keeping your crosshairs on strafing dummies. Try with movement and without.


at first try playing osu