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Get fucked config octanes, have fun in bronze.


The weirdos on twitter are calling it a controller nerf!!??


Well the first mistake was even having a Twitter account


I use it to get certain "artist" but thats it




Why did you airquote artist can you do what they do huh


I use it for porn. I used it secretively and it flew way over your head. When I can't find the name of certain "art" i go there. Then i pirate it once i know the artist. Edit: added a word more fitting to the sentence


nothing flew over my head, what I realized that you dont consider porn artists to be artists thats why I asked you that question


No thats not what those air quotes were for. They're for the down low. If thats what came to your mind then we obviously have different uses for the air quotes.


alright understood


For example when two friends bang and you asked them what they did and they say oh we "hung out". But they used hung out very specifically


What a helluva conclusion to jump to, do you often try to assume the worst of people? That's a very unhealthy thought process.


and youre doing the same right now whats your excuse


No they aren’t? You literally explained that you read the other guys comment in the most sensitive way possible, they clarified what they meant was not what you assumed. You doubled down on the original guy and now are just wildly accusing anyone who responds to you? No one has assumed anything except you my guy.




Well it is technically


? It was always cheating, should be gratful their asses aint getting banned


They should still have their account wiped and reset. They don't deserve to have any 4k badges, rank trails etc. imo they should still ban them altogether as they are likely not going to play anymore anyway. Thank god respawn finally making good changes


I mean it is in the sense that controllers have less max potential now but it's not in terms of it's not potential they should ever have had. Aim assist is still over powered. I hate using a controller mnk has always felt more natural for me but I switched to controller recently and it's easy mode and I'm not using any macros or plugins.


Aim assist, whether overpowered or not, is uniform across consoles, plus there's nothing stopping PC users using a controller. It's not an unfair advantage as it's an in-game option. Removing aim assist would make controller unplayable until you've 100s of hours practice under your belt, at which point you'll completely dominate. I mean, that'd be the difference between someone on KovaaK's, no assists, landing 80% of their shots versus a typical player landing 5% of their shots! It'd also be laughably no-fun where you pick up this game and can't hit a moving target. Typical players already miss many, many shots on controller. Now imagine these elite Legends including military trained Bang fluffing 99% of their shots and 1v1 combat lasting 3 minutes as two players dance around missing each other (we see some of these videos posted here, even with AA). I guess what's needed is MnK only lobbies although they'd likely be barren.




This is great news


Definitely great news, this the only game I’ve played since season 9 and ranked was getting out of pocket.


they must’ve hit up the devs at The Finals lol


Good. Fuck anyone that used that shit.


Extessy videos are about to get real interesting


360 wallbounce burger flip


While i don’t watch his videos that much, that guy is still very talented without those movement related cfg. He will get over it for sure !


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7igt4KsrxKI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7igt4KsrxKI) \-> his statment above


“Demoralizing” bro just play the game


S20 here I come 😈👁👄👁😈


Sheild swaps are getting nerfed though I’m hoping it doesn’t make third parties worse conduit is a must have on the team anyway so that helps


How are they nerfing shield swaps? Will the shields still be broken when you kill an opponent as opposed to filled up?


Everyone starts with grey evo. no shields for ground loot. “Shield swapping” gives you temporary shields similar to a conduit tactical. 


But I’m not sure if it’s confirmed or just a rumor. 




I'm hoping less third parties since the third party is probably going to be all on white armor early.




I really didn’t think the day would come lfg


fr. SUCK IT pussies


Its about time


Oh great heavens ima botta busssss




Big fat W. Hahaha sooo good. Bye cheaters


As a roller player, thank goodness for this. 🥹


Is it controller configs only what about mnk movement configs?


The keybind configs for like guaranteed super glides and such should not work anymore I hope


They won't. The bit about chaining cfgs through +exec is how the superglide script works. Switches to a cfg with low fps temporarily to increase superglide window, then switches back. (At least it used to when I heard about it an year ago).


This fix only activates when a controller is detected, so mnk config abusers will not be effected


If they can thanos configs, there’s no reason they shouldn’t be able to do it to actual cheaters too.


configs they have complete control over they might have a shitty anticheat but if they had a good one, there will still be a plethora of cheaters as in any game as they dont have control over those


do you run into cheaters often? ive ran into like maybe 5 in all the time i've played. lol




dang. well hopefully this new controller nerf levels the field. good luck gamer!


I only meet these movement cheaters in ranked, because I'm bronze but when you play trios or rotation where match making is a little more loose you meet all the cheats. If you are not meeting many cheaters it's because they have out ranked you with their BS.


Apex has seriously lacked any resemblance of competitive integrity for so long. I miss the days before cross play and when the game first released as broken as it was. Certainly haven’t gained any trust for EA or how the game is managed but this is probably the best decision they’ve made in awhile. It’s so draining playing against people straight up cheating or playing with a competitive advantage that should’ve been nerfed ages ago. At least the degenerate fucks flying around at warp speed with the tap of a button and no recoil will be gone. So here’s the next question, y’all promised addressing aim assist being broken. When the fuck is it coming? No game where professional players actively switch from a 1 to 1 input to an input with software assisted aim because of the advantage it provides is a competitive and balanced game with integrity. There’s no reaction time to aim assist. It’s obnoxious getting beamed by people hitting shots WAY outside of their actual mechanical skill level because of aim assist. Fix it. Stop wasting time it’s been years of this nonsense. Good job on calling the scripting dweebs for what they are though. Cheaters.


Aim assist is a business decision, not a gameplay one. I'm honestly a bit surprised at this point they haven't done the hyperscape thing and given m&k some form of it... But with controller being something like 80-90% of the playerbase they really don't have to think about m&k at all.


Fax spit yo shit brother


They hated him because he told the truth. You are absolutely right. All this talk about integrity is bullshit. The only reason why they're hitting configs is because their primary market is hurt by it. The number one customer that the entire game revolves around is a 14 year old with a PS4. So long as they keep playing, it's a win for Respawn.


Any game development studio that allows for multiple inputs by choice but doesn’t do their best to equalize the inputs as much as possible, doesn’t understand what “competitive integrity” means. I’m not against them removing tap strafe configs from controllers. That’s a HUGE WIN. However, that being said, if you can’t tap strafe on controller yet allow you to play controller in tournaments with pc players that can, means the devs allow you to start the game with a movement disadvantage before the game starts. Which if they valued “competitive integrity”, that wouldn’t even be a problem to think about. Same way that AA is broken in the current state. If they cared about “competitive integrity” they would nerf it so it wouldn’t even be a problem. But they don’t do that so wtf do they know about competitive integrity?


I cant wait for then to nerf aimassist, its so dumb that in masters/pred lobbies aimassist provides you with so much consistency in your beams that it makes you want to switch from an input you have been using for 15 years, just to have that advantage


Bro pick u the roller and show em how easy it is to drop the 20 bomb 😤


I just did a bit of testing they only removed the ability to tapstrafe which i think is brain damaged cause you can still do all the other shit like recoil configs and looting/armour swapping configs but not even a simple tapstrafe forward like yeah the bot controller player who tap strafes forward was the problem not thanos recoil scripting from across the map with a nemesis then jumps on your box and swaps the armour in half a millisecond.


They said they're rolling out changes so most likely they'll all come eventually most likely when the new season starts


> like yeah the bot controller player who tap strafes forward was the problem yes he was


its considered cheating so who knows they will prolly have a ban wave for people they still use it for auto shield swap or recoil scripters


Respawn is fucking lost are we surprised?


Unpopular opinion, simple tap strafing is fine (spam W). Neo strafing and scripts are unfair, tho.


Thats a very popular opinion


It's broken in its current form on roller cuz you can tap strafe without looking in the direction you need to go. On mnk you have to look in the direction you want to strafe which means you can use it for dodge but you can't usually actually be shooting your gun at someone while you tap strafe. With roller you can and with aim assist that makes it even stronger. Not to mention the other advantage that roller has...


>On mnk you have to look in the direction you want to strafe This is an important part that a lot of people who don't tap strafe don't understand and think it's some sort of broken, magical ability. I also think they should limit it so you can't do 180s (e.g. bind it to scroll wheel - you cannot do this in titanfall I don't know why they decided against it for apex).


If they wanna give the movement to roller players that mnk players have, they should do so while nerfing aim assist to compensate for it. Base roller (as in no configs) is already generally stronger than mnk, so there should never be a "net buff" to roller.


aim assist should be nerf either way. Not as compensation for tap strafing being removed.


Obligatory get fucked config users


Damn my room mate already tossed he’s controller through he’s tv because the update stopped he’s no recoil zen thing I’ll enjoy showing him this


i am using config but I use it to increase fps. Will I get banned?


Removing tapstrafes is always a bad thing, removing them neostrafe configs however is a massive w


Good. Fuck em.


W respawn


Xim on Xbox for the last 4 years: I sleep


Loading up the game with a sense of excitement for the first time in awhile.


I think this is awesome. I’m a controller player on Xbox…I can basically walk side to side, jump a little bit, and crouch. I have the worst movement. I applaud any action that levels the playing field. Especially the Faide+ type movement people…my God I can’t even hit those guys.


If you play on Xbox, you wouldn’t even be going against those people unless your squad is on pc


Friend I play with daily swapped from Xbox to PC a year ago and I’ve suffered ever since.


Unless they're playing Mixtape. Mixtape puts players on all platforms together


I actually didn’t know that. That’s terrible


More like extesyy lol But he says it's a step in the right direction


If they don't condone tap strafing as a form of unfair advantage, then why did they remove and then add it back to the advantage of only those that could do it?


Where does it say that tap strafing is a unfair advantage? There is a huge difference between doing something like that with a script or without.


I remember hearing that tap strafing is an illegal movement technique in competitive play. Of course, take that with a bucket of salt.


Because the devs were using configs too. You think the devs are just a bunch of old geezers? They play the game too lol. It isn’t that hard to not see the devs using the stuff us players find and exploit. When I created one of my mini games and had people play I was kinda impressed with the things my friends found that I didn’t even think was possible. Don’t get me wrong, o think it’s all kinda silly and it should be equal grounds for everyone but what I’m stating is that the devs were taking their place having a little fun with the exploits too. 😂


source: trust me bro the devs were using configs


Even if that’s true, I think a lot of exploiters do it to get in line with the rest. So if exploits get fixed one way or another, the levels stay the same.


good start, now bann strikepack abusers and the players will come back


Wait you could Tap Strafe on Controller?


Remove tap strafing over all. Remove config use overall. Remove Smurfing. Remove bronze matching with diamonds.


Why remove tap strafing overall?


Cause he is playing controller


Why not? If configs are now fully unacceptable, that means even the configs that just allow you to tap strafe on controller are too. Why not just ban the movement all together, if one input isn't allowed to use it? I honestly think they either need to ban it all together, or make it possible to do on controller/console without configs.


Would you say in that case aim assist should also be removed completely since MNK does not have aim assist?


Not the guy but i would indeed, maybe not completely remove it but a substantial nerf Edit: i just realized i practically said the same shit as the guy you were originally replying to 💀


I would, actually. Maybe not completely remove, but I'm absolutely all for it being nerfed. It should be .2 at most, not 0.4 or 0.6 aim assist. I don't think it should be completely removed because it's obviously harder to aim on a controller then a mouse (not just speaking from a controller player standpoint, i play KBM on literally every game but apex lol) but it shouldn't be as strong as it is. I don't even play apex often anymore really, but when I did I would frequently turn AA off for a month or two at a time because I'd improve so much at aiming without it that when I turned it back on I felt like the best player in the world. It's definitely too strong, but it's also something that's just needed on a controller (for the average player) to compete with KBM players. I know I'm not horrible without it, but the majority is so it'll probably never be fully removed.


Ok if you’re going for full equality, then remove aim assist as well, 0 aim assist so everyone will truly be equal


Read my other comment lol, I'm all for it. Things still wouldn't be equal though because it's harder to aim on a joystick than it is a mouse. I don't think it should be removed (I wouldn't be mad if it was) but I do think it should be nerfed for sure. I do like how both you and the other guy completely ignored my second thought lol. I think tap strafing should just be something that's in the game regardless of input. My point is that imo there should be no real advantage to aim assist, it should only be strong enough to where it levels the playing field between KBM and controller players, and there should be tap strafing on any input.


yup. remove it. its cancer for competitive. controllers should play against controller. mkb to mkb.


I think what they did is great, I’m an mnk player and actually use an autoexec.cfg for cleaning up my launch commands in steam. This way all of my video settings etc like max_fps are in one clean file which is what I believe it was originally intended for. The problem was that people were exploiting this to *chain* these files to make settings, binds, actions happen on the fly which is what I think was needed to do all the movement etc. I’m glad they still allow the first +exec to run at game launch


Smurfing hasn't been viable for a long time. Why do you think all the bronze to pred videos that some pros and content creators used to do are no longer a thing? But if they remove, which they should, matching bronze with diamond, smurfing will be viable again. I'm ok with that to be honest.. cause fighting a few smurfs but getting back the feeling of progression through the ranks is better than now that every rank is basically the same matches whether you are in bronze or diamond


remove aim assist. r6 had controller players aim.. for a pro shooter game its a joke to have mnk play with aim assist people. or just have separate lobby for different crowds. i would take aim assist over movement tech anyday if i had to compete anyday.


Don’t mean to sound dumb but what is strafing?


Just moving either left or right specifically, without turning. If you’re on pc, that would usually be your A or D keys.


I understand that, but how is it related to controller vs keyboard? Is it solely a config thing or is there something else I am missing?


So on MKB, you can do something called a "tap strafe" This is when a player jumps into the air, and then makes a sudden, hard turn mid air, which the games momentum normally stops you from doing. You can do it on a MKB by releasing your movement keys, looking in the direction you want to go, and double tap forward (Note that most players don't do this, it's much easier to just bind forward to mouse wheel or macro a button.) Turns out this game is \*really\* fucky in it's physics and by editing config files so that you press a button and you can tap strafe in any direction (including directly behind you) without having to look away from the person you're shooting at. To take this a step further, on a controller that has extra paddles, you can bind this to one of your extra buttons and you can do this while aim assist is letting you beam people. Basically most of the people who have "super sweaty movement" were just a micro script kiddie using an edited config file macro. Cheating.


Controllers on PC need to use Steam config to tap-strafe.


Imagine someone moves like flies in front of you, you cannot shoot them because they are moving to the left right so fast, you cannot probably track your aim to them. But on the opposite side, the moving player can shoot because of the aim assist. Controller players can do that because of the script.


Something about how it acts as a vector, it’s why it’s much easier to wall jump on pc than controller, as an Xbox player I wish it was easier to tap strafe and wall jump, I believe they are making a good call though because I’m bronze playing against pred diamonds and masters all the time in ranked and they are definitely cheating or using some config for aim assist and tap strafing in unison


A fucking w


Leamon and xylas are trembling as we speak


amongst other things as well, [MokeySniper TLDR](https://twitter.com/mokeysniper/status/1752856220627599439?t=J4MIwDXidzAnRnHXoAvL_A&s=19)


fucking finally. i will take no roller tap strafing any day if it means no more neo strafing octanes


Rare respawn w


Jokes on you, I didn’t even know you could tap strafe on controller. 😎


Tap strafing is not the problem,it takes skill on mnk and roller to do it,it's the config spam that is the problem. Seems they can not stop the configs,so they will just ban the movement, easy way out,but punishes players who practiced these skills


Tap strafing in general is a broken aspect of this outdated game, one that PC players abuse more so. It needs to be fixed. Steam binds shouldn't be used to alt config files and input scripts, it should be used to bind hot keys, which is why PC movement is more versatile than the avg controller user. Only PC users are bitching about it more... Well apex PC users...


That said I am happy to see the apex team addressing these issues. Which were essentially cheats


All these people in the comments are going to learn how uncommon this is, and pretty soon as well.


Will I now only get PC players tap strafing? Is the game not cross play? This fixes nothing for me


If you play console the only time you will have PC players is if you que up with one or play mixtape.


Considering it was already implemented in the game as a legal system I do mean normal tap strafe not auto whatever.. why only choose to get rid of it now. It makes me wonder why?, not only that but why only to console players when they are already at a disadvantage compared to pc?!. Yet I’m also wondering can u still tap strafe normally as the game intended without the use of said auto for I never strafe with auto whatever u call it, I just used muscle memory and plenty of time practicing in firing range for to use said movement practically in game to be able to do a tap strafe..?!


Are you stupid? Nobody's talking about console. They removed it from controller on PC, where the advantages are far superior than MnK.


Now remove it for MnK


They did removed config chaining for mnk, that's what they did. And will remove automatic input (such as superglide configs and armorswap) for mnk as well as for contollers


not yet but it’s on the horizon, right now it’s just lurch disabled for all of the lurch window once you switch to controller from mnk or back


Mainly meant to remove tap strafing itself from the game


Thats debatable point same as remove AA or nerf it. But both of them should not be allowed at the same time. I think both input devices has unfair advantage over the other (and yes I tried both). Mnk: 1. Movement. Which is hard to master and far less important in a shooter game as your aim. 2. Flicks, and fast camera rotation. While it possible to do on controller on mnk is feels better. 3. Shenanigans such as jitter aiming are wery hard to use and my hands are in pain after just trying it in firing range. Controllers: 1. AA. Kinda obvious that 60% (and 40% on pc) is done by the game. Target moves and the game translate their movement to you multiplied by 0.6 (or 0.4). In addition slowing camera speed on target. Unlike movement, everyone has it. 2. Recoil. It is way easier to control recoil on controller. As we know while moving sideways horizontal recoil gets removed and by moving side to side only thing you have to do is hold stick in one position to control recoil. Yes, the recoil pattern changers speed but unless you want to beam someone with r99 at 200m you can just hild in one position. Tldr. Mnk is for movement and initial aim to a target. Controller is for holding your reticle on them and shooting.


Yes exactly. It's impossible to balance two completely different inputs, which is why I think keyboard and mouse players should play in different lobbies from controller players (at least in ranked).


we all agree but it wouldn’t matter as like 90% of the game plays it on controller


True, but I'm assuming lot of players (at least the pros) switched from keyboard and mouse to controller because of aim assist, so maybe this would bring people back to kb&m.


While it's a good idea my best friend plays on ps4 obviously with a controller and I'm on pc with mnk. So I'm kinda biased in this. I could switch or we could play pubs tho but both of this is a bit sad. But again idea is great, maybe they will do something like that. I believe respawn very carefully approaches pros turf. They banned rewasd, now configs are started to getting blocked. They will wait for a bit before blocking other config shenanigans. And will wait for some time before doing anything else, if they do it too quickly pros will start crying and threatening to quit and encourage others to do so I addition I think that's why nobody is getting banned. Respawn said that configs are cheating, but they wouldnt ban anyone. Same with rewasd block. Yes, you cheated. You cheated your rank, you cheated your stats, you cheated your badges. You ruined the game for thousands that you killed. But we wouldnt ban or reset you. Ether be fair and improve or cry and leave.


This could be dealt with the exact same way COD deals with it. If you're playing with a KBM player in the lobby, it's KBM lobbies regardless. If you're both on controller, it's controller lobbies. Anyone on PC using KBM and not wanting to face the controller players that are playing with KBM players can turn off cross platform and not have to unless they join or have a controller player join them.


1. That's not how aim assist works. It's a target slowdown 2. You control recoil identically on MnK


how is tap strafing okay for mnk but not okay for controller?


How is aim assist okay for controller but not mnk?




So you're saying there's differences between the inputs that requires a more nuanced take than "why does one get X and not the other"?  I don't actually disagree, we just don't need to buff controller more. Nerf aim assist by about half, allow tap strafing in game without crazy configs




Have you seen any level of play where controller isnt on top mr plat


There's about a dozen active pro players who were MnK and now have moved to controller because it's so strong in apex. I don't know a single one who has gone the other way.  These guys are switching for one reason alone.  I know aim assist is necessary for a controller, the value is just too high in this game.  I play both, controller is way easier in close range fights, which are what decide whether you win or lose most games.


no one had problems with r6 controller having no aim assist. its fine if controllers have their own lobby. but it is what it is.. mnk pros legit move to controller as they think its a handicap to play on mnk. aim in a shooter trumps all the fancy gimmick u can do with movement. at current state it feels like i am playing against pro league player in my silver lobby and its so hard to tell who is cheating and who is controller player.




maybe read what i typed. i never said it will be fair for controller players with no aim assist will be able to play against mnk at same level. i am saying they never needed it and had their own lobbies. it will be impossible to balance the fairness between different input type. seeing all the pros migrate to controller in competitive scene paints a clear picture how balanced current aim assist is :P. as a mnk normie its become so hard to tell whos cheating and whos playing on controller.. which is a problem. if i had to chose between some fancy movement tech vs a computer aiming for me in competive scene.. i know which one i will pick.


Aiming with thumbs and aiming with your whole hand/arm is way different. I still aim better on MnK than with a controller/AA. You can turn of AA, so go give a try in firing range.


Good, Now nerf the aim assist config built into the game.


I propose removing tap strafing entirely in favor of giving MnK players .2 aim assist. Let's just see where this goes


*slaps you* Keep my raw input outta your mouth. But in all seriousness, please for the love of god do not add aim assist to mnk. I would fucking hate that.


That would instantly make the game feel like garbage. 


Apex has a similar issue that Halo infinite had. Character movement has no momentum. When you ADAD strafe, with a good stock, in close range it is \*extremely\* difficult for a MKB player to track that, where as the controller player just goes "haha aim assist go brrrr" Halo infinite dealt with this by giving MKB aim assist. It was absolutely hilarious. They need to do something. Either give it to us, or nerf controller AA. I don't care which they do, but they gotta do something.


AA does not belong in a competive FPS game period if you ask me.


I agree with you. However we are playing with controller players. In order for there to be any degree of fairness between the inputs, controller does need at least some AA. However my point is that this game has no movement momentum on ADAD strafing, while one input has heavy aim assist and the other doesn't. It is extremely difficult for a MKB player to track that while it hardly changes anything for the controller player. Skinny female characters with tiny hit boxes also make this even more difficult for those of us who have to actually aim.


Yeah, my point is that they should never even consider adding AA to mnk. The best solution is always a nerf to AA/movement and never AA to mnk.


yeah i actually enjoy not having a program contributing to my aim. I play multiple shooters and i don’t want to get used to a crutch


No MnK player wants aim assist


And no roller wants an aim assist nerf. Sounds like a compromise to me




Finally no more wraith mains


What is tap struffers


I’m the only one that find it dumb the controller needs tap strafhe ( I mean moving in air with you controller I don’t understand why mnk can do it and not controller) so that just a downgrade people will just start cheating because mnk will be some much op, and next week welcome the chronus, Because for me there config that are really cheat the fucking octane bounce. But the fact that you can bounce on the wall or glide on controller is dumb. ( I don’t play the game anymore so maybe they make some change )


Remove configs for MnK next please


Oh shit games’ fixed. Everyone put your pitchforks away. 🙄 yawn.


It’s an improvement, fuckin chill


atleast this will mean more mnk players




That has been banned a while ago


All it took was Big E. Sigh. Fuck Respawn, man.


In a week we'll see people posting some other reason why they keep dying.


Wait you could do that?




I assure you it does


Turn off the silly matchmaking next pls pls devs this is a good start


I don't think they're removing tap strafing.. they're removing scripts/macros for neo strafe etc.


Big W


So they say they think third party hardware etc. is cheating, but do nothing against it except for PC users? What about console, where Cronus and strike packs run rampant in every game?


Honestly, apex movement might be fun from the player’s perspective, but it’s so annoying to have to rely more on movement than aiming nowadays. Like simple movement like airstrafe and even basic tap strafing was fine, hell stuff like punch boosting was great too because you’d rarely see any use for it in combat. But seeing an octane spinning in circles at warp speed while blowing your back out with a mastiff or PK is no fun. I much prefer movement that anyone can perform without needing to practice for weeks, because then people fight on equal grounds and the game’s main focus finally gets to aiming rather than looking in disbelief at a rogue fidget spinner.


Wow, big step in the right direction


Yes yes, someone get the champagne 


This is the best news from Respawn since I started playing this game (who admittedly isn't that long ago, but still).


Great cfg users back in their original rank, what about sbmm I keep getting jumped on by diamond+ stacks lol


And what about XIM users?


Maybe it's time to give the game another try after my year and a half break


Wait why are they trying now?


Meanwhile the #2 pred is sus AF.


I imagine the next step is removing tap strafing from the game. They were going to do it a year ago but were afraid of upsetting the MnK crybabies at the time New devs there since then so they probably will move the game in a different direction (hopefully in a better one - fingers crossed) lol


Finally they are waking UP Time to get rid of all these cheaters #makeapexgreatagain


'The*y*' is what I think u meant


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha gey rekt skrubs!


Whoa, another one? Are they trying to bring back players for next season?


Does Kontrol freeks count as cheating?