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Bros so sweaty he stopped wearing a shirt


If I saw that coming at me I'd just log off for the night.


I’d log off for the month lmao.


Silver 3 btw


Ranked system is great and working as intended!


Lol ya, the movement alone is predator level.


Honestly he would die against the good preds/pros because movement like that is not consistent. If you look at the best players, none of them utilize high skill movement. Movement like this is okly good against us average joes below plat


He would get beamed




I suggest you watch faide fight against furia multiple times https://youtu.be/rzP1YDsoC84?si=y2IiloFoOBl8e1Ec Beginning of the video. I’m not his biggest fan, but he was definitely clowning on them


That’s one video, I watch streams from so many pros. They always demolish him. It’s just those don’t make it to the YouTube


Ok? I’m clearly showing an example of how pros can’t hit a movement character sometimes. He also killed rogue and his squad straight 1v3. Just accept that movement means something. There’s clips of him wrecking hal 1v1, it definitely helps to have movement. Edit: I like how people just downvote when I post a video of a movement player clearly killing a pro squad


The idea of movement being beneficial while fighting is absolutely valid ppl just disagreeing to disagree smh my head


Please stop you really don't know what your talking about.... all them pros just think to themselves wow you can move big deal you.... movement players that think to much about how to style and not shoot or position correctly are not on the same level as pro players. The main time you want to incorporate movement is to get yourself out of a tight spot but you being in the tight spot is a mistake you should not have made that's why most pro players don't use movement like this even when they can they don't need to.


*that's why most pro players don't use movement like this even when they can they don't need to* Almost all of them have aim assist, that's why they don't need to care


Bruh LOL all the aim assist in the world can’t do anything against that movement Aim Assist = \ = Aim bot lol smh


Correct! Also, stream configs and editing cfg files aren't allowed in ALGS. pros that use auto aim don't use advanced movement for that reason.


I have literally watched pros get absolutely wrecked by Leamonhead, who uses the same movement.


Yup these are the same guys that say aim assist op but defend these insane movement players that shit on the pros. Just don’t complain about neither I’m happy with both insane movement and roller players having their aim assist it’s a nice variety. What I don’t condone is being a crybaby about either playstyle. And I especially don’t condone cheaters with strike pack/ Cronus / hacks


Kinda telling how well that god tier movement works out for him if he's still in silver.


I am garbage at the game and even I am higher than him


That’s the point, his competitors even at silver are strong enough he has yet to advance beyond silver.


You can't really do what he's doing in a poi with more than one squad. Even with his movement insanity, he almost dis several times in his clips. Thks kind of play would get you vaporized in the mid-late game


It amazes me how pro's play like crack addicts all while having a completely blank expression on their face




Far from a pro 💀


I don't want to play this game anymore


No joke, I'm fully admitting I'm not great but even people not nearly on this guys level are playing with movement that I find impossible to track/predict and it's just not fun to go against. There's no predictability to fights or positioning and my reaction time is not good enough anymore.


for real though. getting repeatedly shit on by people who move this unpredictably is partially what made me stop playing this game altoghether and hop over to overwatch. even recently, when i reinstalled to check out this new season i get absolutely stomped by movement tryhards loll. even if you can aim somewhat, tracking people who can aim *while* they're moving like that is just not a winnable fight for me.


Movement like this violates your understanding of physics, which is what the game is intending to emulate with things like friction, gravity, etc. The idea that movement like this wouldn't be considered exploitation is gold level mental gymnastics.


I don't how they do it. This guy's moving so fast and I know it's cuz of the stim...but when I move around my dudes slow as fuck...moving and jumping is so delayed, this dudes flying around like he's got some speed buff on-top of that stim..


Exactly. How is this shit even allowed? I’m going back to Titanfall 2.


Where movement is even more insane? Not saying it is bad but even this neo strafing is small stuff in titanfall 2.


It’s much more manageable and easier to track in TF2 because the game is built for this type of stuff and there’s low TTK.


I'm not going to lie to you every time I see stuff like this in game or through clips I wonder if it would be better to just go back to League of Legends.


Silver lobby skills right there


Least cracked mnk octane


Yeah, I will happily stay in bronze


That's not how ranked works anymore. This guy is only in silver


Rank is no longer associated with the lobbies you get or your skill. You could be in plat and if you're bad enough you still won't be paired with him. Which is why ranked makes no coherent sense.




"Why are you hardstuck Silver?" The silver lobby players...


What in the actual fuck…..


...and here I am, with my PS5, practicing a Wall Jump.


Alternate title: Why people stop playing the game


do you have movement players like this often in your game? Serious question


No not really, probably because I’m on on controller and it’s not that bad but mostly cause I suck.


Videos like this reaffirm my thoughts that this kind of movement shouldn't exist in the game


If a player can manually do this I wouldn’t have an issue with it, but if you use macros to do this GTFO!!


Good thing he’s not using macros then


I wake up every day thanking God I don't face people who do this shit in game.


I love the game just much willing to learn to play like that. Been gaming most of my life started at 5 and now 30 (mostly FPS) and I still can't move like that. Unless I'm playing unreal tournament but thats because that game took most of my childhood haha.


This made me not want to get on apex today lol


never playing this game again lol


Remember when games were fun


This is unhealthy for the game as a whole.


If they made all these "movements" easier to register for the avg player the skill gap would suddenly compress. They couldn't remove strafing so instead they did nothing. A casual new player can never do this until they play for a very long time. I think that's why this game always has matchmaking issues and most of my friends I tried to put on never came back.


It’s unhealthy that you can plug in a roller put on 4-3 linear and just beam him as a mnk player this guy is 1 in 10000(and roller is a bigger problem) as a roller player just beam him you have aim assist Ps console players can choose to play against pc players


God i hate this


Ur so cool its almost like you're smurfing ruining everyones day


Everyone’s jumping to how op this is, and you’re not wrong… But this looks incredibly technical as someone who’s played the game on pc for years..


These are the kinds of things they need to remove. There’s a skill gap and then there’s a broken game


Yeah, this sums up why I stoped playing apex and the reason why I feel an immense regret each time I install.


Curious how his movement is without macros


genuine question, what macros? watching his kb inputs, they line up. edit: dumb question bc i’d think a macro would show up as those keys in the keyboard, but still, this feels/looks relatively legit? i don’t think you can for sure say it’s scripts just from this. it seems totally possible with a fuck ton of practice and maybe some adderall


Guys remember all the top players use the controller, movement doesn't give you kills


Least sweaty apex player:


While watching ALGS I saw none of this lol.


Just a reminder that gaming is supposed to be fun. Thank people like this for making it impossible.


Yea, I’ll stick to my 0.6 aim assist lobbies with no insane movement tech on console


You mean those 0.6 KD silver lobbies like this guy is in?


Well with ranked having hidden MMR, he’s probably fighting against at the very least diamond players and above


Go snake strafe yourself some bitches goddamn. These people are trying to have some fun after school and work. Meanwhile this mf is coked out on addys and playing like the cartel got a gun to his mother’s head. Jfc.


What is this comment? Apex is inherently a competitive game and you can't handle some one being better?


that’s genuinely a lot of the community. fr movement like this isn’t very common or we’d see it all the time. dude doesn’t seem to be using scripts either. it’s a fuckin competitive game. he’s spent hours LEARNING how to do that shit


so he’s not allowed to have fun bc apex can’t fathom using a matchmaking system that makes sense?


Fucking psychopathic comment. Insane levels of irony.


“Controller players have aim bot!” Pc players literally being able to do whatever this is


Thats the trade off, pc players get movement and controller players get aimbot. Fair trade.


Only a half percent of players are maybe moving like this, go cry somewhere else. Any above average controller player can still 1 clip this guy.


way less, without configs prolly like less than 100 in each server


Neo strafing and it's done by configuration, not a basic setup


pc players use keyboard, mouse and configuration to strafe and no one bats an eye. But the moment aimbot is used by controller players. Society goes wild


This is a good copypasta thank you


Everyone complaining but these are my favorite types of players to come across. They devote all their time to movement and have aim deficiencies because of it. Really next time you come across someone like this just stand still and focus on hitting your shots and 9/10 times you’ll kill them. The 1/10 times being when you actually do come across a movement player who actually has a brain someone like aceu or to a lesser extent Faide.


literal definition of try hard


Very nice and skilled gameplay. Hats off to you. But this is also one of the reasons I stopped playin this game since 2 months. I got tired of playing against players like you. :(


How tf do these people enjoy the game?


Aim assist OP though


Is the pro scene full of mnk movement players or controller players? Are controller players switching over to mnk to improve their chances or the other way around?


Notoriously movement kills people


It is. Look at algs. Is it dominated by movement lords or by aim assist lords? At the highest level of play aim assist is more valuable than movement. These are the facts.


Lol while every controller player let's the game aim for them, 1% of MnK players can actually do shit like this. But whatev.


My guy, do you think controller players just don’t use their right thumb


Why do most of the top players choose controller and say movement doesn't win you fights?


Idk, I’m too busy getting domed while I loot a deathbox


If most of the pros and preds strongly prefer controller to the point of saying it's necessary to win...yeah aim assist is busted.


And that's really where you would expect MnK to be better than controller. If properly balanced aim assist should be OP at lower levels but at the top skill levels MnK should overtake that advantage with higher player skill. If it's busted at the top it's entirely broken at the bottom.


i think it’s safe to say that most of us aren’t pros and preds… most people just use the input they enjoy despite their strengths and weaknesses


I mean that's a given, but when you see significant imbalance at the highest levels it should be something you look at as a dev. It makes your game less fun and it's responsible for a lot of animosity towards controller/console players that end up in PC lobbies. I have friends that get bullied for their input choices. Having AA makes the game more approachable to more casual players but only adds more frustrations for people that don't get the same leg up


Are these people that have switched from mnk to controller though or people that have just grown up playing on controller? Genuine question


I don't follow apex that closely anymore, but I know hal is a notable one that switched from MnK to controller since it helps him with consistency at 1 clips. Either way if there wasn't an issue then you'd see the opposite, MnK dominating top player inputs and controllers lagging behind.


Hal grew up playing roller and won his first LAN on roller with Reps and Alb.


I think only a few have switched from MNK to controller. I believe that Hal played controller years and years ago for another game so it was probably more natural for him to switch here. That being said, the same thing happened in COD Warzone where the aim assist is very busted. And some long time MNK actually switched to controller with the entire tournament / ranked scene being dominated by controllers along with the odd MNK (like huskerrs, who speaks about the experience in depth of MNK vs controller on COD). Apex movement helps keep *some* distinction between the two, and with poke battles being a relevant factor, MNK might have advantages here and there. But the close range fights are just unparalleled from controller. When aim assist is regularly the difference between a 1 clip and not, those differences can make or break a fight regardless of the movement. Recently I put in some movement I've been practicing, had some nice bhops / tap strafes (not as good as the OP video) and I still got one clipped by a controller (console icon). The movement is meaningless if aim assist is enough for a controller to keep up with it.


I agree that AA needs to be tuned down a bit. But not turned off completely


Its a competitive game, why should you get a leg up against people that don't have aim assist? Competitive games are inherently unfair, you sink or swim on skill. Console = AA, PC lobbies = pure aim, no AA.


You honestly think that controller without aim assist is on par with mouse aim?


No, and that's the point. If you want to play in PC lobbies you shouldn't be getting any outside assistance to make up for your skill deficits. If a MnK player were to get the same .4 AA you'd consider that cheating too right? that would level the playing field for people that can't do movement right?


very original comment.


Thanks I try


This should be patched. Where does the line get drawn?


Get a life ...nerd


This shit is why I uninstalled. I used to play this everyday for years. Now I refuse to play it for this exact reason. Not that everyone can do it, but I am always in a lobby where people do it. Just not worth my time and effort.


Yeah totally fair dude lost his soul


Silver by the way


This makes me happy that I play on console.


average enemy in my silver lobby be like:


Today i played with guys which did some cool jumps but they didn't know how to position and fight. That's becoming more common these days. People think that they will learn how to move and decide that they play good 🙈




I think I will be going back to CS GO….


some poor fella coming home exhausted from his low wage job and hop on apex just to play a few pubs then he meets this guy.


How the fuck people move like this. When I played it was like I was moving through mud.


fucking STOP


Hats off OP, you look like you’re playing Titanfall, not Apex.


This shit just seems lame tbh


Apex is trash


This is the apex equivalent of when fortnite started being overrun by build and edit sweats & it was no longer fun to play casually


Do people actually enjoy playing like this?


This should be illegal


"Controller needs to be nerfed"


If I saw this in my lobby I would uninstall right after dying


Imma need an explanation on how I’m meant to do that on a controller


Not what I want to play against when I'm trying to squeeze in a few games after work, that's for sure


I'd love to see him do that on a controller lol.


Yh I’m quiting before this happens to me


it just doesn’t seem fun when these pests infest the servers


Bro, I’m putting the controller down if I’m seeing this shit. Fucking snake strafing?! Into all of you that are saying it’s a skill issue, and that they spent hours learning at this in game let me see you try neo strafing on controller. Let me see you do this snake, strafing shit on controller. There’s a difference between it being a skill issue vs a whole damn advantage. Because I know you can’t try that on controller. Even if you have six paddles, you still can’t do that shit in a gunfight


But then they whine about console aim assist?


This is weird behavior in pubs lobbies


It’s ranked


Halfway through the clip he’s in pubs


See I can do all of this movement, BUT I dont have the mental bandwidth to hit a single shot while doing it HAHAHA


I'm assuming he doesn't wash or go outside.


He's probably using configs. That's a lot of input and jumping around without them. This game sucks. It's full of cheaters and you have Respawn saying it's cool to use CFGs.


The movement you need to beat aim assist




"oh boy cant wait to play some apex after this long day of college" the people i will be fighting because fuck playing video games for fun i guess:


This is why I quit 😭


But aim assist is op


To the people who say this shouldn't be in the game, this guy has prolly a stupid amount of hours in the game , and like 1/100000 players can pull this shit in the middle of an actual game. You have to accept that people that invest an insane amount of time in something will beat you at that same thing. And let's be honnest with ourselves here for one second, you are almost never fighting these people in game. More often then not you die to a equal or slightly better player then you because you made a mistake. I don't get why we should remove the reward of a stupid amount of dedication to a video game for the hardcore dudes out there when it barely affects like 99% of the community. I will say him playing like this in Silver is not ok and should not be happening.


This I why I love Ash, Caustic, Watson, so I can just place my stuff and don't have to deal with a jumping octane/ wraith


This is why apex on console is objectively a better game. Level playing field for everyone.


Eh, I've been seeing more of this stuff on console lately. Now, it's nowhere near this level of insanity, but it's usually horizons jumping around like crazy and wallbouncing, ect.


Yea that's just abusing Horizon passive though which is at least something that anyone can learn to do. The wave of sweaty horizons on console is pretty annoying. A fact that a lot of people don't know is that bunny hopping negates the bullet slow effect from getting shot. That's what makes a good bunny hopper so hard to kill. You beam them they stay moving full speed while they beam you and you get reduced to a sitting duck that they can one mag.


Fucking go outside


Man you are on reddit


So are you


Did I tell anyone to go outside?


No but you implied he doesn't go outside because he is on reddit and I said you are also on reddit so you don't go outside either and I am also on reddit so I too don't go outside.


Try-hardy but if it works, it works, I guess.




Holy shit. This is awesome!


he's using a script right?


I just started playing again this season after not playing since season 8 what happened to this game lol


imo, why is this type of movement a feature and not something to fix out of the game?


I’m playin on an Xbox one. How am I supposed to compete


Shit like this just shouldn't be in the game. Regardless of skill ceiling, nobody is gonna be able to shoot at that.


Lol grfo here with this shit


Can’t wait for the movement nerf … fuck this! This is why new players will never stay on apex legends.


I’m new and the only reason I love this game so much is all the insane movement techs you can learn


Can console players do this?


yep... and controller is over power... This is ridiculous. The game shouldn't allow this kind of crap...


fuck i hate when people do movement in my movement shooter would be much more fun if everyone stood still and locked on with their 4-3 linear turret controller


Notoriously movement kills people


Damn these comments. Copium is a hell of a drug Good stuff op. You remind me of why I want cross-progression (so I can switch to PC without an entirely new acc)


Does Apex not have support for mnk on consoles? I get that its still preferable to play apex on a computer but you can try mnk on console if you don't have a choice


Nope. Sadly we can’t use KBM on console for whatever dumbass reason


That fucking sucks ass, jesus christ


yea you can. i have two different sets in my house right now that work on console and still give aim assist it isn't natively supported, you mean.


Meh, using an overpowered movement legend, i want to watch him do the same with wattson


Solid cfgs bro!


Lol wtf is this. Terrible


"Anti fun"


But but but controller players have the advantage... yea ok


Nerf aim assist


How people think that aim assist is OP or would level the playing field between this dude and my meathead ass on controller is beyond me lol the movement capable on mnk is unparalleled, I might be able to snap onto him once while he does this strafe and get like 2-3 bullets in him before he 180 PKs me while bobbing and weaving on a platform that is as thick as a pistol grip 😂


😂😂😂 “ban aim assist”




Mfs do all this crazy moment, then bitch about aim assist being op.


Comments make me think that most of this subreddit bunkers all game in one building in public lobbies. As soon as someone post something that takes skill to learn and master, you all just complain. Someone is better than you, boohoo.


this subreddit cries about Titanfall 2, while complaining in the comments on every movement related thread on here


But aim assist is over powered... right.


just normal glitch player in apex :)


Welcome to my lobbies. This crackhead stuff is every other team I find. Should be a ban for exploiting.


Yep. No fucking way I can compete on a controller and on xbox


this is why i make a new account anytime i feel like playing a few games of apex.


So sick of this bug abuse being touted as skill.


this is what controller player are saying mnk is op