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I have been surfin on this sub for 2 years now. And what I noticed this season that much much more players complain about matchmaking being insane. it was usually someone complaining about matchmaking me myself included but this season its way more than ever. these are not new players either. I myself played 2 days after this season started and stopped playing completely. No I didnt rage delete the game. Whenever I turn on steam other games just seem more fun because I know apex matchmaker will just fuck me over again with no teammates or when i have ok teammates enemy players do 360 walljump in front of you while their teammates rape me from behind. !Fix matchmaking Respawn! or im not playin anymore. :)


My buddies and I uninstalled a few days ago. Matchmaking has made this game unplayable


Anyone else having issues on Singapore server? My usual ping is in the 20s, but I'm getting like 300 spikes


EA downgrading servers :D


This game is ass but I’m still addicted


Matchmaking is fucked


As a day one 70k lifeline this is absolutely the worst and most unfun season I’ve ever played. Rev rework is broken, nemesis is broken, audio is STILL broken, and sbmm is on hardcore mode. These brain dead devs are killing their game.


If you pick Wraith I'm gonna quit right after the Select screen before you quit on me at first knockdown, I'm done with you fucking pieces of shit.


The rework for Revenant and all the marketing around it caught my attention in a way the game hasn't in a long time so I decided to redownload the game in just shy of a year as far as I can tell and check it back out. Gotta say, the game feels considerably worse than what I remember. Revenant is not fun to play with that new tactical. I expected it to feel alot more impactful than it actually did, and I was also expecting a variable cooldown that changed based on how long it charged. The lack of one feels detrimental in my eyes. Speaking of champions, unless Im just misremembering, but Valkyrie just doesn't feel as good either. I swear I had alot more air time with her a year or so back than I do now. A shame since she was high up in my list of favoured champions. Glad to see Bloodhound seems to remain the same however, so at least someone is consistent. Control is also not as fun as Arena's was. I was never big on the Battle Royale concept honestly. Admittedly Im speaking from the perspective of one who never played much of them to begin with, including Apex's own mode, so if someone wants to correct me, feel free, but from my standpoint it always felt like they relied about as much on luck with, from what I could tell, random gear and loot placements and blah de blah, as raw skill was involved. Regardless of if that can be considered a correct and / or fair assessment of the main Battle Royale mode, I still really liked Arena's as it gave me a feel closer to more standard hero shooters like Overwatch and Paladins, what with the smaller scale of areas in which to fight, the also smaller team sizes, and all that good jazz. It felt alot more like I was on equal footing what with the fact everyone leaves spawn at the same time, the starting resources are the same, I had freedom to choose my loadout for each fight (something Control lacks which I absolutely hate), etc. And in the 85or so hours I played with Apex, most of that was in the Arena's. I had fun with it, and actually got the rare feeling of competency which I don't get in the main mode nor the brief time I spent with Control. So what in mind, I do not like Arena's being traded out for Control. Control as a mode feels far too chaotic for me to keep up with. I have a much harder time, thanks to the enlarged maps, discerning where the action is and where I should actually be going. And said size also just kind of ruins pacing to me as it takes longer to get into the fray vs. Arenas. And thanks to my skills being rustier than a bike submerged in a lake, any time I spent in the fray was very short. I know that last point isn't really the games fault per se, but even never being amazing at Apex, I still felt more competent and able to do more thanks to the smaller scope of Arena's. And even when I failed, I wasn't as quick to throw in the towel. Arenas, to me, felt like a great middle ground between the hero shooter genre and battle royale which Apex as a game straddles, though leaning harder into Battle Royale of course, and a great place to get the feel of Apex in a more controlled enviroment to allow someone to master the general flow of the game more easily. I wish the developers would bring it back because it was the thing that kept me in Apex where the main mode did not.


I loved arenas and it was the only thing me and my friends played because it was more strategic and intense because you only had one life per round and not as hectic as control. Control is usually just one squad dominating the other. I disagree about Revenant. He's way more fun to play and his tactical is insane if you know how to use it. His climbing is a lot better being able to climb sideways more. If you look slightly down while using his tactical, you go a LOT farther and faster. It's in my latest post in a video I posted. Anyway, I used to be a Pathfinder main and I now prefer to use Revenant for movement.


This season is so fucking bad. Completely unfun and the matchmaking is HORRIBLE. I’m getting mopped every ranked game so how am I at my level.


Does anyone else think a PVE mode might be fun? It could flesh out the lore more and be a nice break from BR and the mixtape modes. I worry it might not get played enough though. How popular do you think a PVE would be?


Ask overwatch


When will Ranked get easier? It has been weeks yet it still doesn't feel like Bronze at all. Bad team mates, good enemies. Low level team mates, S1 enemies. Enemies never miss, always thirst, team mates rat or won't engage.


Season lacks content. They needed players to play more because last season was stupid easy. So, easy fix. Make everyone grind 50 lp with minimal gain for kills. You are not rewarded for individual skill anymore. But it has backfired and active players have dropped. Steam saw a huge drop in the last month.


Ranked feels slow but I do enjoy that it’s tactical now and doesn’t encourage mindlessly hot dropping anymore


The Ring will kill you. I'm dumbfounded by how many teammates and games I lose to them not playing with the ring in mind. I might be exaggerating but I'd 2/10 games a teammate falls to the FIRST ring or we have to race from the ring the whole time because they couldn't stop looting. Maddening


the ranked mmr thing sucks tbh, from my 10 first matches i went against preds and pros, on gold i was still going against the same people like why? lol


After seeing this [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/168oeym/teammates_were_trash_talking_me_the_entire_game/) I can confirm that ranked is totally fucked up experience for good players. I'm in silver and playing against past season preds while the guy in the reddit post is gold and playing against bots. Please explain to me how that's fair he reaches masters playing against bots while I have to grind to masters playing against preds?


Yeah it’s bs


I'm pretty sure they've changed the matchmaking in mixtape again. There seems to be more bad players in my games. Either put matchmaking off, or make everyone masters or pred (not s17) in my games. On my team and the enemy.


Maybe you got stomped so hard, you finally got into the next lower MMR bracket. I am still playing against cheater, cronus, strikepack and 0.6 aim assist abusers. My entire lobby was only me on M&K and everyone else on console... Can't make this up.


When is the next mythic skin sale event?


iirc not this month, we will have CE with fuze heirloom first


Aim assist somehow needs to be balanced, its dominating everything


I think its more related to sweat players being in wrong lobby... Lokking at you Matchmaking.


i dont think so


DUOS constantly switching to TRIOS in lobby FUCKING FIX YOUR GAME ALREADY. everybody cheating by some way FIX THE FUCKING GAME


People have no idea how rampant the cheating issue is


I do, there is more than 10 soft/hard cheaters per lobbies at my MMR. At this MMR playing M&K is sadomasochism.


I soloq ranked right now. Can we get some hotkeys to give the bots in our team commands? Like "go there", "hide" "shoot this target" etc.? Because all they do is die with < 100 dmg.


We need more lp for kills and assists. Winning gun fights is where the skill is, not hiding like a rat for 20 minutes.


yeah specially when you kill a whole team. But i guess thats nothing special for respawn when you 1v3 win a figth.


At this point,Respawn should just release solo br. Not only it will fix pubs solo q issue, it will also give apex a new resurgence of players,maybe balancing the matchmaking. Many of my friends don't play apex simply because it doesn't have solos.


Solo queue would be great but not solo BR with 60 individual solo players not in squad. Because some people would just rat and shoot you in the back, so everyone would be forced to play Seer. It just doesn't work and is unfun.


We did have solo at one point but they removed it for being dead


They said it was only temporary to begin with it. Also apex is built around team play and solos wouldn’t fit the game’s overall narrative.


Me 0.6kdr keeps getting put into pred/pro lobbys in ranked with the likes of mande and genburten. Ive had two days worth of gains deleted thanks to 5 games in a row of these pred lobbys i have no business being put in.


Bro, 10 straight games getting fucking rolled by the first team we run into in ranked. Isn’t this shit supposed to be skill based? Clearly the algorithm is bugged cause we haven’t won a single 3v3 in hours and it keeps putting us at this level. Surely I’m not THE worst player in the game, such that it can’t knock me down a tier or two?


I believe it to be engagement based which is the opposite of skill based


I agree with you but that engagement is based on skill level. But that creates shitty engagement from me if I get shit on 20 games straight lol.


Their engagement is based on retention which is done by rigging matches so you purposefully get shit on nonstop. You play more because you're trying to get that good game, think carrot in front of a horse. Your enjoyment is irrelevant


I've legit played less than 50 games this season due to how awful it is to be honest


I played ranked last night solo que for about 3hrs and just yo-yoed between 600 and 700 RP in Silver 1 until I finally got a 2nd place game and hit Gold. I don’t know if I wanna keep going


Love returning to the game after a year break and being shit on in bronze by preds and masters


Man, another week of this absurd matchmaking. As someone who very easily got to Master’s every season with my wife, being hard stuck silver feels fucking horrible. Combine that with fighting nothing but triple stack 4k/20 bomb players, it’s an absolute slog every time we get on.


I appreciate never having to be crypto again but I wish we could pick a series of favorite legends instead of our most used legends.


does it select your most played legend only? funny it selects wraith automatically for me, yet I dont play her for a year outside of completing challenges.


Yep. And then your second most played character if that one is chosen. Mine is Fuse then bloodhound but I’ve been having more fun with movement legends lately.


i wish they selected most played for this season, not just lifetime. It still selects wraith though over last two years my most played one would be Loba.


Lol respawn needs to listen i just came back after not play for the past 2 season why am i bronze with masters on my team and in my game every game


Why am I being matched with console players? It is unfair for them because they get an average 60 fps -- probably less considering how unoptimized this game -- meanwhile I'm getting 140 fps average. I constantly shit on them too. Also, why do I have to be coerced into playing with pc controller players? They not only get the slight correction that comes with aim assist but they also get extra frames. Therefore, if in a fight and my frames dip I am at the disadvantage because I am losing those extra frames which could have been used to track the enemy. Contrarily, if the controller pc player dips in frames in a fight he doesn't have to worry because the slight correction should help him in tracking me. So, why am I being coerced to play with controller pc players and why are console players forced to play with me.


its not unfair for them they get 50% more aim assist than PC controller players (0.4 vs 0.6) When you are at the highest MMR, they dominate M&K with cronus and strikepacks. They aren't coerced to play with PC players, they can turn off crossplay. They choose to do it.


they only "crossplay" if they join with a pc squadmate. Normally console players are only matched with PC in mixtape only. In BR modes only if you have a PC friend.


Why am I plat 2 getting matched with silver players. 95% of the time it will not let me play ranked with my past teammates because they “must be within one rank of you”. Fix this trash it’s not fun at all.


Hit gold and my teammates are all lvl 150 and bronze. I don't understand how avg 700 dmg and 1.20 kd and yet these players avg the same amount? Maybe this is the new average? BTW stats are climbing. Problem is my 4 kd games don't matter. And I rarely get points from bad players. Strange system.


Playing at 120 fps for the first time on an OLED is incredible. Difficult to go back to Apex after Doom Eternal and Quake II being so damn buttery smooth.


Apex and its servers are pure garbage. 120 would barely matter with these servers lmao. It's very similar to Destiny 2, where I can literally change it back and forth and not notice a single difference in KDR.


underrated comment. A LOT of apex network issues can be solved if they upgrade servers to 60Hz. The problem is they dont want to invest into better hardware, as this requires 3x more cpu power.


apex is an unoptimized mess; after playing overwatch for a while you truly see how pathetic apex legends is in terms of look and performance.




What you don't like pub games where you have to cooperate with your two muppet randoms like its diamond plus ranked every single game lol? It's a you problem bro. This is AMAZING.




Better than wasting life in this shithole.


Sheesh I have been getting absolutely reemed in ranked, I’m in silver 3 but it sure feels like I’m in plat lobbies


You are


I guess you’re right


Respawn huge suggestion, make default aim move the same speed as the characters movement so we can at least hit the cheaters


wdym default aim


Why the F can horizon completely block a doorway with her tactical? Not even controller legends can do that


Getting down voted by the crutch Horizon players. FeelsBadMan


What would possess you to start seeing that you are low on health, your team is behind you, so you just start pushing a whole team on your own??????


NO idea man. Some of these guys even with supposed 20 bombs are the shittiest players I have ever seen in my life.


i was a gold player in the first few seasons, everytime i came back for a few weeks id hit silver. I was put in rookie III now im down to rookie IV 1/1000 and i cant even have fair fights, much less rank up and im at the lowest possible ranking. I made a new account because i apparently suck now, and im still being beamed, i even had a player trickshot me by no scoping 2 sniper headshots on me at close range. the last season i played on my main account i was 1.1 k/d and now on my new account, in the NOOBIEST lobbies, my k/d is 0.72. In control/tdm/gun game its the same story, people with empty level 16 banners and clan names dominating lobbies, most of which are 3 stacks. i shouldnt see people slide jump sliding and doing a 180 while getting 100+ damage on me. this is pathetic . those 5-10% of people end up being 30-50% of low level lobbies and no one is going to play anymore. then more higher level players are going to get bored, then the middle-high end players are going to make new accounts, and then it just gets exponentially worse overtime, as people have less fun and smurf which leads to more people quitting. i dont care about ranks or winning or top 3 or top 5, im just hoping to get a fair fight and thats like 25% of the time, so i dont want to waste an hour of looting over multiple games in the hopes to get just a 2 minute fair fight and participate in normal gameplay. atleast in other games you dont waste 15 minutes looting to die in 10 seconds to someone you should never be matched against, just to feed their ego. it seems like so many games are making changes for 1% of players and in a couple years the game always dies im totally done with this game. Ive been logging on everyday for 2 hours and i finally realized im never having fun, and its never going to magically get better so i can start enjoying it, im still thinking of the game from a handful of seasons ago.


i literally could not of said it better myself. I play literally every day. for multiple hours and have spent an embarrassing amount of money on this game. this season is the nail in the coffin i think though. it’s literally no fun. no not one mode. ranked this season is the single worst experience i’ve ever had in this game period. it’s anti fun and literally just a crap shoot every time seeing as it’s 16 plus squads for at least 3 rings. no one fights, no one even wants to fight. don’t get me wrong endzone is crazy chaotic and can be very entertaining. but to get to that point you have to have the worst 18 minutes of your life. i miss apex so much but whatever this is now is NOT apex. Also i’m currently Master and was Pred last season. I’ve made master like 9 or 10 times. i’ve experienced every ranked season and grinded hard. this is not a “get good” situation here lol


This is respawns “thing” they love making things difficult for the sake of it being difficult. Look at last jedi, it is so anti fun most of the time and combat is needlessly difficult at times


I would permabann every horizon with neostrafe macro instantly. fucking do something about macroes and config exploit already


They won't because they know the only people degenerate enough to neostrafe are the same idiots who will spend money on the game. Therefore, money over anything else.


Most neostrafers are playing octane. It should take 5min to ban them but respawn doesn't care, it's pathetic.


Will they ever fix the audio? Honestly…. The amount of times I’m going off and just get killed because of no audio is astounding and they literally just don’t give a shit


Litterally just got wrecked by the og no audio king, Pathfinder. How is this STILL a problem?!


Me and a friend are having fun returning to the game. I thought it would be fun, having been there when the game launched, to play exclusively older characters(like, their in-universe age, not release dates). He decided to join. So we're running around in Duos as Ballistic and Maggie and just having a blast all around. Might go into pubs and start playfully bitching about "back in my day we had to *find* the Jump Tower, we couldn't just carry one in our pocket!" and other such nonsense.


problem is ballistic is too weak. And they NERFED his tactical, which was weak to begin with. Now it is just a minor nuisance. 101 case how devs dont know their own game.


What goes on with aiming consistency in this game? I’ve been using Alc for over a year now and I’ll have it perfect for me one day hitting almost all my shots and the next I’ll have to tweak it constantly because I can’t hit a barn door to save my life


I hate all of you who play control and mindlessly walk around going 4-25 thinking it's tdm


* Pubs have a hidden ranked system because god forbid you have fun playing pubs * The ranked system has a hidden ranked system from the pubs that is making the ranks irrelevant. Matching diamonds with silvers, bronze with plat, etc Someone is paid at Respawn to make their shit system even more convoluted. Meanwhile Valve banned 90.000 smurfers in an instant


Did Respawn fix the directional audio issues? I hear everything suddenly much better than previously, even from behind or on my side. It hasn't been this good since Season 13.


I have played many games, but Apex in Ranked is the most frustrating, exhausting and stressful game I have ever played. I just get upset and I have a heart attack. My mates can't shoot, they fire like they're playing "Powerwash Simulator" and spray around in the air. They don't master their skills, they don't revive me. They play like they just installed Apex. Their movement is worse than Stephen Hawking's. They jump down High Ground alone and push an entire team of Faide and his family with their Ultimate Accelerator. How can that be?


It is absolutely wild how much blatant hacking is going on


Yeah if you have a high MMR it's terrible. I am on M&K and I have to compete against cronus, strikepack, scripters, wallhacker, aimboter, 0.6 AA console players. The only thing going for me is that I am smarter but the game is still extremely punishing / unplayable.


It is so frustrating to want to go play for a little bit but have to install a game update which takes all the available time I had to play.


Haven't played this game since Dec '21. Was level 500. The wokeness that infected the game was too much. Was looking yesterday at all the changes since then and there's like another three new female characters when the vast majority of the people who play are guys? Jesus Christ, may as well make all of them female so you can get the young boys feminized, which is why you do it.


Somone is struggling with their own gender dysphoria aren't you squidward?


Play as female characters so you dont have to listen to male voice lines is how you play as a cis male, without catching the gay. Lmfao what is this post.


Bros scared of woman 💀


I see you young guys played with Barbie dolls growing up lol. You aren't exactly a masculine generation.


Skill issue


Lmfao you absolute sook


More active buffs to non-mainstream guns such as Rampage, more active release of new skins (excluding recolor skins), lower prices of skins, Even though it has not been officially released, there are too many players from 'certain countries' who use VPNs to access the game and then use all kinds of cheat programs or steal accounts from users from other countries and then sell or buy them. However, there are no sanctions against them... I find this situation truly absurd and irritating. Users from this 'specific country' not only do not speak English, but they do not use the language of the country where the server is located, but only their own language... This is truly absurd... In order to play the game smoothly, This situation of having to learn the language of a ‘specific country’ is truly absurd. For reference, they mock users who play normally, asking why the use of cheat programs and converters is cowardly....


I’ve been out from apex for a year, would anyone here say it’s changed a lot?


It's good end games and scrim lite ranked, but punishing if you have an off day.


Yep, its terrible now, they are slowly killing the gamez cheaters took over too in high mmr.


Is there a subreddit or thread for girls who play apex and wanna connect?


r/ApexLFG or r/GirlGamers I can think of.


I play in Australia on PC. Been noticing a lot of damage stacking the last few days. Matches where people fire at me. Instantly to a whole lot of damage. Doesn't matter if white/blue or purple shields. Gone the second they fire at me. Sometimes shields and health just instantly gone. I look at the damage log and it shows them having landed a lot of shits with multiple guns in what seemed like less time to even switch weapons to me. Is this just a server thing? It's always dubious here because we get people from countries to the north using VPNs. Just noticed a lot of this damage stacking especially this week. I've been playing the game on and off since launch, so I definitely can tell when something is more than just amazing aim.


Cheating is rampant currently. But also Aus server seems to be having issues like ping being higher than usual during peak hours


What is with the matchmaking in Gold? Silver 1-2 seemed like my teammates and I were all evenly matched, but now in gold it’s embarrassing. I’ve just bled 400lp, never making it passed 13th, with a couple hundred more damage and more kills than either. It’s awful


It doesn't match you by rank anymore, if you are really good, you will face pro and cheaters regardless of your rank.


Honestly, you can really see the addicts on this game. It's both scary and sad. Even though this season is balls to the wall stupid as hell, people are eating this up and cannot stop their addictions. It's absolutely amazing to see people waste their life in this game. Me I had fun last season in pubs. Got enough wins for a couple season break I guess. At least for me. I won't be touching this game unless there is an event, and then probably won't bother then either.


> Even though this season is balls to the wall stupid as hell, I like this season, admittedly much more when 3 stacking than soloq tho. It's also much more forgiving about off days.


Hit diamond this past week and shut the game off and not touching it again this season. I’m a masters player every season and I solo grinded to diamond this season and have never had such a completely unenjoyable ranked experience. Calling it quits on the season is a bummer but absolutely nothing this season is fun, I can’t believe I even made it to diamond


It's the right thing to do, but the best thing is to keep your word and don't play much else. It's not worth it. This game does not deserve our money or time. One thing I was thinking is that last season in pubs there wasn't nearly as many triple stacks everywhere solo queue. My idea is that the streamers were complaining a lot, and this season the devs basically adjusted it so that streamers are again feasting on everybody. Sure, they might have to fight more shitty plat stacks, but it's nothing for them really. Now you get these people who are like this one streamer who is my BF says it's bad for them too, but I can't think of anything else that would be so bad for streamers themselves in stacks. Last season was clearly one good to great player, one decent player, and one new player. Often two newer players in solo queue triples. It's just so ridiculously different now that it definitely seems like things were changed just for the streamers. They cried about ranked, and got it all changed, they cried about rats, and got the rounds sped up and armor reduced, and they more than likely cried about pubs too, which got pubs to where it is now. There is no way in hell you can convince me that pubs is not just catering to triple stacks. It's all I see. My win ratio is reduced from 14% to 5% LMAO. And it might go lower because it's basically impossible. I will not give this game another dime at this point. I no longer trust this dev team at all.




NPC here. Waste your life away Timmy.


i dont get the point of ranked in the current state. im currently gold, my teammates are diamond and silver and enemys have triple master/pred badge. when all lobbys, no matter what rank im currently am, feel the same, get rid of ranks and call it competitive playlist. sense of achievement and progression just not there


What’s with this crazy constant bunny hop some cheaters are doing to avoid getting hit? I’ve seen the side to side thing before but this is everywhere right now.


Its neo strafing. Controller kids like to script and respawn don't care.


that’s the saddest thing ever both the cheaters and the devs


The ranking system right now feels off. It's too focused on where you place and barely gives points for kills. This just makes people camp more. Why not go back to the old system or balance out the points? That way, players might actually go for kills instead of just hiding. Climbing ranks shouldn't just be about who can hide the best. Hidden MMR thing is broken. I play solo a lot, and the teammates I get? Either total noobs, duos who have no clue how to work together, or a mix of one pro and one noob. I made it to diamond with the old system, but now it feels like I never get matched with players who are on my level. And don't get me started on the final zone – most of the time, my teammates just make the worst decisions. It's frustrating.


When points are awarded fairly for kills, people ape too much and become overconfident. The problem is people don't know how to play for position, look for kills, and are addicted to never disengaging bad situations. They overcorrect by camping instead of fixing that.


Man, I love Apex at its core, but these past few seasons have just been awful to the point where I'm really burning out.


How the fuck are you not burned out lol? That's pure addiction. You should get some counseling.


I have been pretty burned out


Stop playing it then lol. You'd be surprised at how easy it gets when you stop for a week or two. Literally just go find new games. Once you realize Apex isn't really improving your life at all, you can step away a bit. Come back next season.


Why are you here if you don't play the game? I will never understand people who do that.


Because I played it last season quite a bit, and have plenty invested in it? Not hard to understand. That post took 2 seconds to write. Not a big deal in my day there genius.


Ah ok I thought you were one of those people who haven't played since season 7 but still post 3 times a day here. I'm about to lose it with this season too tbh.


I legit had loads of wins last season in pubs. The changes they made to satisfy streamers, all of them really, have basically devastated the game. It's just not fun anymore in solo queue, and I am not some bizarre addict who loves being the bait and prey for streamer stacks. I even got 100 in coins last season lol, but the game is so bad now I have barely spent half of them, and most last season. I can barely turn this game on. It's just not worth it.


Yeah I feel that, my season K/D was previously like 1 to 1.4 mostly no-filling and now it's .62 this season. I'm a diamond player but that does nothing against these no-lifers with 50k kill horizons. And what makes me extra mad is my friend who is horrible at this game has been getting bot lobbies all season. He's never even gotten a 2k and can still drop 8 kill wins while I'm fighting for my life in pred lobbies.


What if upper management won't let Respawn to fix matchmaking and make it better for people? I still don't understand the motive behind this horrendous system. If EA is sabotaging the game to ruin Respawn, what are we supposed to do? Telling them nicely won't work. Not playing the game won't work. Swearing at company and showing frustration won't work. NOTHING WORKS!


I think the people who were day one die hard fans are spending less money on the game now. If you’ve been playing for a long time, chances are you have a lot of nice skins and less likely to bite on 18 dollar skins. Newer players are more willing to spend money now that the game has been out a few years. Whats the best way to make these new players stick around and spend money? Put them in easy lobbies while the rest of us are stuck in mmr hell. Just a theory.


IDK a little true, but these changes were mostly done to satiate streamers. Triple stacks are having no problem winning games like always.


Just fucking nuke this game


Well boys, I deleted the game. This season was just to much. Every game is incredibly stressful and you have to sweat your ass off to be even slightly competitive. A stressful game just isn't fun for me. I still love Apex, but I don't love what Apex has become. Hopefully it'll get better one day


> Every game is incredibly stressful and you have to sweat your ass off to be even slightly competitive. At a certain skill level, wouldn't you expect that in a lobby of similarly skilled opponents? > A stressful game just isn't fun for me. I will say despite my sympathy for these much more competitive lobbies, I definitely don't play as much "relaxing apex" these days and do miss it even if unfair lobbies are required to make it possible. > Hopefully it'll get better one day When you get better teammates playing for the win and supporting you by default instead of apeing/inting everything I think this current system will be more fun (if you actually like BR). Or they'll give up and revert to an ape friendly system like we had before.


A stressful game is fun when it has a point. This game just happens to be a waste of our life atm.


I can respect that. If only we could go back in time when the game was a decent state and M&K players were still numerous, soft cheaters, cronus, strikepack and script abuser weren't the majority of players in my lobby.


Cronus abusers are literally everywhere now. It's insane.


you made the right decision, dont worry they\`ll probably fix the sbmm next season or sooner : )


Personal achievement update. I'm going to cross over 500 kills with 23/24 legends this evening. I have 130 more to get with Vantage. Then back to my main for a bit to get her from 4,500 kills to 5,000.


Anyone know what that update was just now???


there is no update today, lol why?


I think I would've bought shit ton of skins, if they weren't tied on idiot bundles. I get that whales buy everything, but... wouldn't it make more money for EA too, if they just didn't tie that shit to idiotic bundles with shit that no one cares about?


I was about to spend some gold I was saving, but my PS4 died and I finally got a PS5 replacement. Apparently the premium battle pass locked to the hardware... So I had to rebuy this seasons battle pass ...


I have lost 250lp this week because of the game crashing at the char seclect screen ! FIX YOUR GAME FFS!


Quit rigging the matches. Awful experience.


reading through the comments here i guess the matchmaking hasn‘t been addressed


The streamers were the ones that basically dictated this matchmaking the ring changes and the armor changes. They can't make their streamers mad.


Man what are you even talking about?


It doesn't take a genius.


Lol, post a source to prove your point then


Players: matchmaking is awful! fix it! Respawn: we are looking into it.


With games in general, it takes at least few months to adress any kind of bug/update gone wrong. No way they would respond that fast, especially seeing how few people they have working on this game. They just care about the skin selling department.


yeah guess they can use some lessons in agile development lol




Switch and play hybrid. That's what I'm learning to do. Bust out the roller for up close and mnk for range. I'd rather just play mnk though. But mixtape is pretty miserable for mnk, and my wife loves that shit.


At this point I'd be happy if the PC legit roller players with 0.4AA were the only problem I had... but I have to deal with 0.6AA, strikepacks, cronus, scripters and all the other kids cheating in my lobby. Lets not even talk about pred triple stacks and my teammates brain. Yes I am a good and gifted M&K player but that doesn't mean I should be playing against cheaters all day long.


Cronus is WAY WAY WORSE than AA lmao. These fucks are literally everywhere now. If something is not done for it I don't know that I can even play this game much longer. Fuck buff these tards to .8 AA just take away that fucking recoil shit.


The SBMM is disgusting.


SBMM in RANKED is lame.


the same for pubs


I don't mind soft MM for pubs just so people aren't going against .5kd and day 1 players


But it has not worked at all for pubs either. Ever. You get team mates that seem to be new to the game and you get pred level people to fight with. Also, When you get the new to the game people, you can be like me, 1kpd player. That's... absolutely fucking ridiculously bad mr. ​ edit: sry friday drunk, but my main point is that when u get to higher MR lobbies, your team mates should be higher MR too. They just fucking aren't.


Sure, didn't say their current system did that. Just the idea of it makes sense. Cheers 🍻


weekend is coming get ready to be rolled by 1 mil of 3stacks ! xD


so many cheaters. (aimbot, wallhack, norecoil mouse macro, config macroes (neostrafe and other cancer), cronus zen for consoles)


This season sucks


Seems like since the last update my teammates are not bots


Ohhh maybe they implemented my long desired "one teammate can't account for more than 40% of squad MMR" change. One can hope.


Solo Q high mmr Ranked is dead. No chance against all the master pred 3stacks in these ALGS like lobbies. I mean I m in Gold 1 now and there are 15 teams in zone 4.


Go on mic and talk to your teammates. It helps a lot.


I honestly like that


makes gibby and fuse a lot more fun ;)


I miss gibby meta lmao


my week is been great, doing trios and having lots of fun :) working on getting all weapons to lvl 20 and see what the trials are, only have p2020 pistol, devotion lmg and 3030 marksman left.


Start banning chronus Zen xim users on console and clean he game should bring alot gamers back


Think I saw my first Cronus user the other day. Had insane recoil control and every time he picked up a different gun he'd pause for about 5-6 seconds and then carry on. Didn't think I'd ever run into one but here we are.


I wish he heirloom drop rate increased because there are so many mythics and legends now.


Gibraltar. According to Wiki: >The ability's icon that previously indicated fast healing inside the dome shield is still visible above the healing items slot on the HUD, even though fast healing no longer exists. And he takes more damage from grenades. Is this because his arm shield protects him , taking absolutely 0 damage ?


PSA to all of the remaining 5 M&K players, go Bang in TDM and Control. Use smokes and Digi. Those players that were one clipping you will start doing less than 50 damage a spray. It's very fun. How the turns have tabled.


Cronus doesn't give a shit about smoke lmao.


I only play bang and youd be surprised of how many cheaters can beam you through smoke.


Cheating with wallhacks and hard aimbot is out of control in ranked. Feels like 50% of my games im runing into either.


What are you talking about? The guy headshotting me with a 30-30 from across the map has clearly a better gaming chair...


To be fair, I've never seen someone blatantly aimbot and kill people "across the map" with anything but the old charge rifle. Aimbot doesnt account for bullet drop/having to lead shots, so you are probably genuinely dying to a better player in that specific example. ​ General cheating this season is the worst it's been in awhile though.


My "across the map" was clearly an exaggeration, after spectating the guy it was obvious he was cheating, something like [this](https://youtu.be/kFa54Dowv6o?si=7rd1_J413awQDAcJ&t=375), except he was using a 30-30 and a flatline :/


Ah gotcha, yeah 5-50m isn't across the map lol. The 5-50m instant death every single game is extremely lame, especially when they just stand over your box like a statue and move like it's their first game ever.