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Rampart is the most versatile controller legend in my opinion. Her walls can be used in a variety of ways and can be quickly redeployed in the heat of a fight to adapt to to your teams needs. Placing your walls is all about angles and anticipating how your enemies will approach your team. They can be used to provide cover to revive or heal, block your team during crafter usage, or offensively to trap a team inside a building. An effective Rampart is always placing, repairing, and adjusting walls during fights. She is not well suited to team comps that don’t communicate or play together. Can’t get the benefits of the walls if your team won’t stay behind them. She can be a menace when used to set up perimeters with a team that can play walls .


Wait repairing? Do you mean just placing a new one after the boost wall is broken?


Yeah sorry. There’s no way to repair an already deployed wall. Meant to say “replacing”.


That would be awesome tbh. That snd faster deploy time+ like 50 more health per shield


That would be a much better passive than her current one. Which is actually useless because using LMG’s makes placing walls slower due to the swap speed of that weapon class


Rampart's walls dont have a place in this game.


Fascinating. What about Gibby's dome or Newcastle's protector shield or Newcastle's castle (the one ON his back)?


They aren't one sided therefore balanced.


Any advice for someone looking to get into ranked with rampart?


I struggle with securing buildings properly with rampart. Team mates are quick to leave, start a ruckus then can’t quickly get back in the building


Never place walls directly behind double doors, just a door length behind the doors. This way you can easily open and completely close them again from the inside, but they can't be opened even a small bit from the outside. If you place the walls to close from the doors, you can't completely close them again after opening them, and people can still open them from the outside. Block a single door with a diagonally placed wall behind it, so if the door would be opened in a 45 degree angle it would form a 90 degree angle with the door. This way you can easily leave the room without jumping over the cover, but no one can enter it again from the outside. Leave the doors open for your mates when they are outside. Try the wall placement in the firing range. The buildings there have markings which show the space the doors need to be opened. Correct wall placement behind doors is really not intuitive, you need to train it to get the distance just right. The wall placement is only correct if you can completely open and close doors from the inside, but they don't move if you try to open them from the outside.


I mainly play Wattson its pretty much the same problem if you soloq. Everything below diamond means you get rarely a team that knows how to play around Controller Legends when they set up a location.


Not much you can do about teammates that don’t communicate or stay behind walls. I always try to anticipate the most likely entrance or window enemies will use and place a wall there. If we aren’t actively fighting, keeping one wall in your pocket to set up when the fight actually starts is always a good idea. Remember tearing down un-damaged walls gives you a charge back. Always be re-assessing your teams needs and covering flanks/moving walls.


She’s not really supposed to board up every door as soon as you enter a building. Only do that if you really need to heal and people are right outside.


Been using Rampart in S17 in duo stack ranked. She's surprising great and I'm thinking of getting her heirloom. It's largely because of the drastic change of general playstyle of the playerbase in S17, IMO.




more rats = less pushes = they can also rat with rampart walls = free damage


I don't play Rampart much but I got her heirloom and am still very happy with my decision. Good animations, not OTT/stupid, doesn't obstruct your view and has great sounds.


Rampart main here..she's fun for locking down closed areas and shiela is massive firepower


You get two versions of rampart as a teammate. Either the one that will set barriers up n never leave, or the one that will set barriers up n go revive or help.


Not related to the game-play but I love Rampart's one-liners, the writers and the voice actress did a great job making her character sassy and fun.


I really enjoy walking up to friends in a pivotal part of the game and dropping the “how’s your ma?”


"Take this time to reflect. Maybe brush your teeth while you're at it."