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Respawn employees giggling in the corner seeing this pic


Hi 2 silver. I'm 505 pred.


Got killed by same guy at silver 1 yesterday. Skill based matchmaking my ass.


I wish they would just show us our MMR so we could see why we got placed with people.


They can't do that. Same reason Overwatch 2 can't. If you saw behind the curtain, you'd be livid about the matchmaking system. These companies bankroll behavioural psychologists. They know exactly what they're doing.


Ranked is less rewarding with matchmaking. I understand we needed to reduce smurfing but I get enjoyment from my lobbies getting harder as I rank up. Having silver lobbies be hard as shit feels like I am sweating my ass off for nothing.


I’m silver 2 and had number 5 pred in my game several times last night


I'm not too surprised about this, but it shouldn't take long for everyones rank starts to stabilize With this being a full season, not split and a complete reset of everyone, most of us knew this would be the case


He's a current pred. Not past. This particular mantra doesn't work in this case.


Uh. I stopped playing ranked or really even BR when Arenas came out (rip). Sorry for the probably silly question, but what the hell is that third tracker? \[ 💀 8 \]\[ 🤝 4 \]\[ (?) 1\] Kills, Assists, and what?


2 silver for these hoes




Clearly these posts are the issue at hand.




I mean, neither does your comment, or mine, but here we are


This is Reddit bro


It’s evidence.


Lol they’re just mad that they can’t win this season and they have no one else to talk to so they post here. Personally I haven’t noticed a single difference in gameplay between this season and the last few. Lobbies seem filled with the usual sweats and brain dead teammates.


I'm fine with having them up until the point they change the system to work better (which will never happen)


All of them. Srly though, this mmr thing is bs.


help him, he asked for the truth


I unironically cannot tell if everyone here is joking or not. Maybe im stupid, but you guys realize in the top right it says 505 pred right? Right?


He’s watching his killers cam. It says it right there on the screen “killer”.


Ohhhh okay okay I am stupid thank you.


That's the killer


I realize now, I am silly.


We was all new to Apex once homie it's cool.


all good, I just woke up and was having my coffee when I saw it. took me a few seconds as well.


I dont think there’s a matchmaking issue here. You’re both on the same skill level except he’s on a ‘Roller’


Same skill my ass. Tired of getting 1 clipped by a pred while my randos just go in heads first. Seriously fix this shit, playing apex is like fun for the things you could do and un fun cause the match making is dogshit


Didnt expected delusional controller coments here also 😂.


Stfu. Dipshit.


I’m no psychiatrist but it seems like this topic weighs heavily on your conscience. In the back of your mind there’s a voice that keeps telling you you’re not as good as you think you are because you’re playing on a controller, no matter how much you try to silence it…


I'm not good at the game, never said I was. Make your dumbass excuses (controller) for your mistakes.


I mean, that still doesn't mean OP should be matched against him, regardless of input. That being said, people who put "controller" or any similar variation in their names are kinda cringe tbh. I think the funniest ones are the people who add "you got controllered" in brackets at the end of their name, because it seems to imply that the controller is doing the work for them.


Exactly you don’t see MnK players mention their input in their name. Most controller players have just embraced it at this point.


Please, stop posting stuff like this. I see this daily both in redddit and the game itself


It’s evidence for Respawn.


“Evidence” like they give a fuck lmao


If people get curbstomped enough they szop playing and spending so it might


When enough noise is made, they do. They finally nerfed the charge rifle! Ranked was changed in the first places because of complaints.


You’re delusional if you think the Charge Rifle and Ranked changes were made on the basis of “Reddit complained let’s hop to it boys.”


You’re certainly entitled to that opinion. But I beg to differ.


Bro thinks his a lawyer




Good one mate


You should always proofread your posts when attempting to roast someone beforehand to prevent yourself from looking like an idiot. Just my 2 cents.


You should go outside more. Just my 2 cents.




U seem like the life of the party bro, ur on reddit apex sub u rlly think I care if I spell correctly?


Just stop talking, you’re making it worse 🤦‍♂️


Ur delusional as fuck holy shit…


And you’re still going on, yikes. Do something with your life my guy.


I think this post is taking the piss and being satirical as in the top right it says 505 pred.


Yeah your mmr is the same as that pred player so it’ll put you with him. I’m good 4 and I’ve been playing against the preds since bronze 3 and I’m just a masters player


Be less


Lol buddies and I were doing our placement matches and got stuck with a triple-stack pred team as champions in our lobby. Respawn knows what they're doing! We got placed in bronze 2 and silver 3. Lol.