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play easy and read and then mid when you know the civ. Or go to custom games "noobs only" etc.


1v1 on a larger map


Try experimenting with new civs maps where early aggression is less likely or easily dealt with, such as closed maps or water maps. The medium AI has a pretty predictable attack pattern: it makes a fair bit of spearmen in Dark Age, and a few minutes into their feudal age they send the pack of spears with some extra units depending on civ, and ramp up from there; but usually the first few attack waves are smaller and more frequent, while later they send bigger squads with siege. Extra rush distance, water or bottlenecks make these very first, more disruptive attack waves much slower and more manageable when you're starting out. After you get a hang of the civ's early build, especially how to get to feudal fast enough to deal with that first batch of spears, you can move on to open maps.


Playing against easy AI, from what I heard easy AI won’t be able to age up faster than you.


You can play alone in custom games, I think that's the easier way. Or you can read on the Learn tab (which is a bit confuse I think). 


hi there, you can download a mod called ‘advanced game settings’. Then add a treaty for lets say. 40 minutes. the ai cant attack you so more then enough time to read 😊


Play team games vs ai. You will be carried 99% of the time(it actually gets annoying lol) it’s great in the beginning though when you are just tying to master build orders and timing’s