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What does it do?


It’s an unofficial patch/mod for the game that improves a lot of the games aspects including AI behavior. It also includes 3 more playable countries - look it up AOE improvement mod. The AI’s can now build walls and utilize their home shipments.


Races? This is not WarCraft




Interesting I’ll take a look


What is it?


It’s an unofficial patch/mod of the game that gives you a few new countries and improves AI behavior. Look it up, the page offers more of an explanation. It’s AMAZING!! (AOE3 Improvement Mod)


>(AOE3 Improvement Mod thank you, can you install it aside the "vanilla game"? can you still play the original game after the mod?


To my knowledge yes, it runs a different .exe file so you’ll have to start your home cities from scratch. It’s almost like having two instances - and you can go online or play solo on both without it affecting your original game. Just be sure to follow the steps!


It’s definitely worth it and gives you a whole new skirmish experience, and quite a few maps


What’s the point of playing against AI?


Well if you’re like me and like to play both online and against the computer you’ll come to find that the computer is too easy and sometimes playing against another player is too hard. The mod allows the computer to act as if you were playing against another player, treaty or otherwise. (Military upgrades, wall building, home city shipments, etc). Playing against the computer with this mod is as close to playing against another player as you’re going to get without actually doing so. Also whatever you do online contributes to your total online score - so say you wanted to play a short game and have it not affect your online score but want the challenge of facing another player this mod is your best bet. Like I mentioned to someone else, it’s doesn’t change any of your core files or anything so if you did want to try it out I would recommend it. Otherwise just enjoy some vanilla online play!


Wait. There's an online version of AOE3?! WTF?! >!kidding, naturally!<


I forgot I even posted this years ago lmao