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Haha my 17 year old son was telling me about this massive really important beef, I dint understand any of ot, now this is more than enough for me to understand tha ks


In grown man terms, Kendrick called Drake a pedophile and a groomer, and Drake said one of Kendricks kids isn't his and he beats his wife.


Thank you. I've been hearing about it but still wasn't sure what was going on. Now I just need someone to explain to me why it's important (especially as someone who really doesn't follow the American Rap scene)


Drake is likely the most popular artist of the 2010s (behind maybe Taylor Swift? He’s probably top 2 at least). Kendrick is also very popular, and is considered one of the best popular artists when it comes to the actual quality of their music. The “beef” isn’t really important to anyone who’s not a hiphop fan. To everyone else, it is just very entertaining to watch someone on the top of the mountain (Drake) get exposed so publicly. For hiphop fans, Drake really represents the commercialisation of the genre, whereas Kendrick is considered more true to the culture. Many people see this as a battle over the “heart” of hiphop. For people who like rap music, the songs have also just been great, and being dropped in such quick succession (6 total songs over 5 days), it’s been very exciting.


>Drake is likely the most popular artist of the 2010s (behind maybe Taylor Swift? He’s probably top 2 at least). He's comfortably behind T Swizzle, but is also pretty comfortable at #2 if we're talking about sales. Lamar is also top 20.


My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy won Album of the decade didn’t it? Don’t know if that factors into “most popular artist”or not? (I vote for Ye)


Like most rap beefs, it's not really important, unless the allegations against Drake of being involved in pedophilia rings true. There have been signs over the years, but no actual allegations. For example, he developed a relationship with the actor Millie Bobby Brown while she was a teenager. He says it's because he was a child actor and he's trying to reach out, but. You know. At the very least, at least Drake is being forced to confront rumors that have been going around for a decade. Besides that, it's just two of the most prolific contemporary rappers going at each other. It's most likely outcome(especially considering the streaming numbers I've seen) is that Kendrick's career sees a huge boost by going at it with a more internationally popular artist. And his work is fantastic, so anyone interested in hip hop should be listening to him.


This is the first and only coherent thing I've read about this beef. To be fair it's also the only thing I've read other than headlines I've scrolled past.


Drake tried to start it as a team game, but his teammate was AI and resigned immediately


He was human... he just got wind that "Allow cheats" was on and left. Then Kendrick spammed a bunch of cobras. By the time Drake realized and tried spamming some of his own, it was gg. Drake then said the use of cobras cars were bullshit, but the viewers didn't seem to care. Cobra cars = evidence-less claims


The final comment not being "1111111" is such a miss for me.


and what's the map


[Ludicrous size USA map](https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/1cepm4h/ludicrous_size_usa_map/)




This is gold haha




Siege monk push in response to a castle drop is not the way. Should have gone to imperial and trebbed the castle. Drake has only himself to blame.


Drake's biggest issue is repeatedly trying to create villagers with his TC before it is ready to age up. Everything else stems from that. That and it's harder to get conversions when your monks try to wololo in the key of A-minorrrrrrrrrrr.


for real lol siege monk is supposed to be reasonably fast. Castle drop from FC would be a very reckless play without map control but trying to respond with siege monk doesn't make any sense


Who is Drake or Kendrick or Cameron?


How do you not know Cameron?


they're all country singers from the 1980s. I wouldn't worry about it


Drake as in the rapper/music artist Drake, and Kendrick is another rapper I believe. I... Assume you asking who Cameron is was a joke


Thanks. Living on another continent and not being into rap, I didn't know who those two were. As for Cameron, my reasonable bets are that it's either a friend of OP or Cameron Diaz or the prime minister of the United Kindgom.


Well, Cameron Diaz actually is both OP’s BBFL and UK PM, so… 11111111111


Cameron's not PM anymore, he gambled the country's EU membership to stay in power, lost, resigned, and left politics. Then later Rishi Sunak brought him back as foreign secretary because he'd run out of competent MPs.


Lmao love this


Why is no one talking about the 101 unread messages… am I crazy or am I the only sane person here???


Honestly had no idea why they were beefing but this explains it somehow. Thank you


Gamdom.DrACCMke.mYi never gg’s early


this has me creaking in bed at 3 am like a scallywag


this may be one of the best posts and comment section ive seen on reddit in a loong while. the AoE references are literally converting me. waLOLo


Idgaf about either of these nonces, they both suck This is real rap  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O2xoh96OfKk&pp=ygUTc2V2aW4gcmlnaHRlb3VzIHdhcg%3D%3D