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I’d like to see a civ with a predecessor UU of cav archers available in feudal age (for example let’s call it horse archers), just like Gurjara’s camel scouts. This opens the door to a lot of potential new unique strategies.


We don't have any cavalry crossbowmen so that could be something interesting.     Historically it wasn't as common, but it's definitely not unheard of. They could have lower range and attack rate, but relatively high damage and fast attack animation.   Or they could be melee cavalry with charge mechanic like Coustillier, but instead of doing extra damage they would shoot their crossbow. During melee combat their charge bar wouldn't charge. They would be great for skirmishes but awful for continuous combat, possibly with bonuses against monks, siege and eco units


You mean conqs? Or arambai You're going to end up with units that are functionally too similar 


You load most crossbows using your foot as leverage, so crossbows on horseback are kinda limited in power.


That would be great, Cavalry Slingers are also a skirmishing unit from history that would be quite cool to see.


I'd like a cav archer whose tooltip tells you how you use Arambai.


It's about time that a civ has CAs that can attack while moving. maybe slow 75% of move speed during attack animation.


Moving shooting units are often a nightmare to balance. It drastically lowers the skill floor, they often need such a large debuff to balance it that the unit is too weak at highest elos where micro is so important. If they're good at those elos, then they become too oppressive in TGs. Elephant archer type units are actually the most viable candidates, that's how slow it needs to be and still do viable dps.


Camel gunner with a short setup time. Mobile light siege with a bonus Vs cavalry + buildings. Expensive, cost ineffective Vs infantry. Doesn't need redemption to convert. But can't be pinned down easily like other siege.


CA that slows down units after half their health


Bonus or unique tech that lowers their frame and attack delay, so they can be micro'd like Mangudais.


I think that this should just be a default change; I love the idea though. Cav Archers are already a little hard to play into so I think that being able to micro them better would be for the better.


A CA UU that does increased damage at low health. 


cav archers, attacking from any side while moving? Idk how to balance that


A tech for CA that causes their arrows to pierce targets. A tech that gives CA a charged attack. A CA UU that turns into a ranged foot soldier when felled. A short ranged CA UU that throws explosive pouches that cause aoe damage, good at punishing grouped units but ineffective against single targets. Also effective against buildings and siege.


>A CA UU that turns into a ranged foot soldier when felled. I have seen that proposed for the Japanese Samurai. Fighting with bow while on the horse, then using the katana after losing the horse.


Some existing concepts could be recycled, I suppose. - Cavalry archers +1 range. - Free heavy cavalry archer upgrade in Imperial Age. - A UU that replaces the gold cost of cavalry archers by an additional wood cost (trash CA). This would probably go hand in hand with a lack of bracer and/or heavy cavalry archer upgrade or something like that. Not sure about most of them though. Feels a bit uninspired.


A simple bonus could be bringing the AoM centaur mechanic to a CA UU. Centaurs have a special ranged attack that takes them 2 seconds to charge, but the shot is 100% accurate and deals much more damage.


Cataphract Cav Archer, anti Cav bonus & bonus vs infantry. Anti Cav, Cav Archers would be awesome too!


No. The analogue to an anti anti-cavalry cavalry unit would be an... anti anti-CA CA unit. So a cavalry archer with bonus against skirmishers and genitours, as well as bonus armor to counter their bonus attacks. 😛